What's Christian About Denying Service To Any Individual?

It's difficult to answer the question framed in sin, as it were. Social mores change and, during Christ's time, homosexuality may very well have been accepted rather than vilified as it is among Social Conservatives today. Sins have included violating dietary laws, shaving, planting different crops in adjoining farrows, failure to treat your slaves fairly, failing to stone sinners in a timely manner. I believe that if Christ encountered a homosexual, he would not have thought of that individual as a sinner for his homosexuality. The same cannot be said of many of today's Conservatives.

Most Christians I know believe that homosexuals sin when they have sex, not because they are gay. Every theologian I have ever heard of teaches that acting on your desires is what makes you a sinner. not having them. Perhaps, if you weren't exactly what you accuse everyone else of, you would know that, and stop demanding that I stop hating people I don't hate.
Well then! It seems homosexuals have thrown off the shackles of the psychiatric community and are no longer considered mentally disturbed. They are in the process of throwing off the shackles of state control and are finally permitted to enter a marriage contract. And now it appears the final hurdle is "Christians" who think they know better than anyone who can be accepted in modern American society and who cannot.

Sums it up.

Now all we need to do is eliminate the asshole Christians who use the government to force people into slavery in order to force their worldview on them.

Have you considered going off the grid?
why do you keep using the misnomer gaycake?

to distinguish it from something it is not....a wedding cake.....
If the couple is homosexual and they are getting married, is the cake not a wedding cake? Or does your little warped view include playing with semantics? If the state recognizes a wedding, why won't you? Are there other weddings you would not recognize, considering both participants are above the age of majority, not siblings, entering into the marriage contract without reservation or under duress?

Just to make a point, the couple in Oregon wasn't getting married. That means that, by your definition, it wasn't a wedding cake.
Most Christians I know believe that homosexuals sin when they have sex, not because they are gay. Every theologian I have ever heard of teaches that acting on your desires is what makes you a sinner. not having them. Perhaps, if you weren't exactly what you accuse everyone else of, you would know that, and stop demanding that I stop hating people I don't hate.
Well then! It seems homosexuals have thrown off the shackles of the psychiatric community and are no longer considered mentally disturbed. They are in the process of throwing off the shackles of state control and are finally permitted to enter a marriage contract. And now it appears the final hurdle is "Christians" who think they know better than anyone who can be accepted in modern American society and who cannot.

Sums it up.

Now all we need to do is eliminate the asshole Christians who use the government to force people into slavery in order to force their worldview on them.

Have you considered going off the grid?
force people into slavery?!?

Is there a middle passage? Are there auction blocks? Or are you feebly trying to gin up fear via hyperbole?

Shout it loudly enough and often enough and the weakest minds in the Social Conservative movement will believe it to be true!

And you radically dilute the meanings of "force" and "slavery" whenever you engage in trite hyperbole.
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why do you keep using the misnomer gaycake?

to distinguish it from something it is not....a wedding cake.....
If the couple is homosexual and they are getting married, is the cake not a wedding cake? Or does your little warped view include playing with semantics? If the state recognizes a wedding, why won't you?

my state doesn't.....

Are there other weddings you would not recognize, considering both participants are above the age of majority, not siblings, entering into the marriage contract without reservation or under duress?

any other union between parties that don't meet the societal definition of "man and woman".......let's see......that would include man and group, man and goat, man and picnic table......
Well then! It seems homosexuals have thrown off the shackles of the psychiatric community and are no longer considered mentally disturbed. They are in the process of throwing off the shackles of state control and are finally permitted to enter a marriage contract. And now it appears the final hurdle is "Christians" who think they know better than anyone who can be accepted in modern American society and who cannot.

Sums it up.

Now all we need to do is eliminate the asshole Christians who use the government to force people into slavery in order to force their worldview on them.

Have you considered going off the grid?
force people into slavery?!?

Is there a middle passage? Are there auction blocks? Or are you feebly trying to gin up fear via hyperbole?

Shout it loudly enough and often enough and the weakest minds in the Social Conservative movement will believe it to be true!

And you radically dilute the meanings of "force" and "slavery" whenever you engage in trite hyperbole.

Slavery, the state of a person who is a chattel of another.

When you tell someone that they have no choice about who they can, and cannot, do business with, you make them a slave. If you have a problem with that, stop.
Sums it up.

Now all we need to do is eliminate the asshole Christians who use the government to force people into slavery in order to force their worldview on them.

Have you considered going off the grid?
force people into slavery?!?

Is there a middle passage? Are there auction blocks? Or are you feebly trying to gin up fear via hyperbole?

Shout it loudly enough and often enough and the weakest minds in the Social Conservative movement will believe it to be true!

And you radically dilute the meanings of "force" and "slavery" whenever you engage in trite hyperbole.

Slavery, the state of a person who is a chattel of another.

When you tell someone that they have no choice about who they can, and cannot, do business with, you make them a slave. If you have a problem with that, stop.
So, in your mind, Greyhound Bus Line, Woolworth's, Lowes Theaters and every Mom and Pop store, shop and business was"enslaved" when the Jim Crow discrimination laws were overturned? Small towns and big cities alike were "forced" into "slavery" when they were told they could no longer offer 'White's Only" and "Colored" public water fountains? You approve of a society claiming to be the Land of the Free while sanctioning discrimination among its citizens? You approve of state sanctioned 'second class' citizenry?

Do you love America? What is it you love about it? It certainly isn't Americans!
force people into slavery?!?

Is there a middle passage? Are there auction blocks? Or are you feebly trying to gin up fear via hyperbole?

Shout it loudly enough and often enough and the weakest minds in the Social Conservative movement will believe it to be true!

And you radically dilute the meanings of "force" and "slavery" whenever you engage in trite hyperbole.

Slavery, the state of a person who is a chattel of another.

When you tell someone that they have no choice about who they can, and cannot, do business with, you make them a slave. If you have a problem with that, stop.
So, in your mind, Greyhound Bus Line, Woolworth's, Lowes Theaters and every Mom and Pop store, shop and business was"enslaved" when the Jim Crow discrimination laws were overturned? Small towns and big cities alike were "forced" into "slavery" when they were told they could no longer offer 'White's Only" and "Colored" public water fountains? You approve of a society claiming to be the Land of the Free while sanctioning discrimination among its citizens? You approve of state sanctioned 'second class' citizenry?

Do you love America? What is it you love about it? It certainly isn't Americans!


Read more about Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. Ministered To Boy With Gay Feelings in Ebony Mag’s 1958 Advice Column | AT2W on:

Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. Ministered To Boy With Gay Feelings in Ebony Mag?s 1958 Advice Column | AT2W

What did MLK think about gay people? ? CNN Belief Blog - CNN.com Blogs
You guys are still trying to claim we should force people to do business with one another. What's wrong with just letting people be?
force people into slavery?!?

Is there a middle passage? Are there auction blocks? Or are you feebly trying to gin up fear via hyperbole?

Shout it loudly enough and often enough and the weakest minds in the Social Conservative movement will believe it to be true!

And you radically dilute the meanings of "force" and "slavery" whenever you engage in trite hyperbole.

Slavery, the state of a person who is a chattel of another.

When you tell someone that they have no choice about who they can, and cannot, do business with, you make them a slave. If you have a problem with that, stop.
So, in your mind, Greyhound Bus Line, Woolworth's, Lowes Theaters and every Mom and Pop store, shop and business was"enslaved" when the Jim Crow discrimination laws were overturned? Small towns and big cities alike were "forced" into "slavery" when they were told they could no longer offer 'White's Only" and "Colored" public water fountains? You approve of a society claiming to be the Land of the Free while sanctioning discrimination among its citizens? You approve of state sanctioned 'second class' citizenry?

Do you love America? What is it you love about it? It certainly isn't Americans!

In my mind you are an ignorant asshole.

Public accommodation laws only applied to hotels, motels, restaurants, theaters, and transportation lines that were publicly owned. The owners, and employees, of private businesses were still free to discriminate, but they stopped without the government holding a gun to their heads. The businesses defined as a public accomodation were restricted under the theory that, if that one business denied a service that was vital to life and limb, the person discriminated against might actually die because there wouldn't be another hotel, motel, or restaurant close enough for them to find shelter and food.

Frankly, I find it hard to believe that even you would think that is a real risk today. Feel free to prove me wrong though, it would be enjoyable finding another reason to laugh at you.

Did you know Elaine Photography, the New Mexico business that refused to attend the gay wedding ceremony, also refused to photograph a nudist wedding? Why didn't the nudists sue them? Do you think they actually found another photographer that didn't have a problem taking pictures at a nudist wedding? Only insane people would demand a photographer that hates them which is the only possible reason not to photograph a gay wedding, shoe up and take pictures, yout you think that they should be foxed to simply because you refuse to admit that I am actually right, and that you are wrong.

You want to know why you won't admit I am right? Because you are afraid. You are afraid of someone thinking nasty and bad thoughts about you nless you can dismiss them as a hateful bigot. You keep sticking me into that category even though I have never once said anything that is negative about homosexuals, or homosexuality.

1Corinthians 8 tells Christians that, even if they know something is not a sin, it is still wrong to encourage other Christians that have doubts about it to do it. Paul actually told us that the worst possible thing we could do was to cause another Christian to sin by flaunting our freedom.

He was wrong, but that was because, even though he lived in a culture where silvery was actually legal, and where a state religion actually made it a crime not to offer a sacrifice to Caesar, it was simply inconceivable for him to that one Christian would ever force another Christian to do something that might be sinful. Congratulations on charting territory that is completely outside the experience of guy who lived in a period when slavery was legal and babies were left outside to die of exposure.
??...and how did the baker force his views on them?......did refusing to make them gaycake keep them from getting married?......

WoW! You seriously can't figure this one out by yourself?

Ok, I'll help. If I'm a baker and 2 black people come in and I tell them "no, I don't bake no ****** wedding cakes", it shows that I don't think that 2 blacks should marry, and it forces them to get some race hating thrown right in their faces.

Go for it, I dare you.
I can't, I'm not a hater like you.
to distinguish it from something it is not....a wedding cake.....
If the couple is homosexual and they are getting married, is the cake not a wedding cake? Or does your little warped view include playing with semantics? If the state recognizes a wedding, why won't you?

my state doesn't.....

Are there other weddings you would not recognize, considering both participants are above the age of majority, not siblings, entering into the marriage contract without reservation or under duress?

any other union between parties that don't meet the societal definition of "man and woman".......let's see......that would include man and group, man and goat, man and picnic table......
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Strawman alert!

Why are you so afraid of gay marriage? Jesus might have been gay, and god tossed Adam out of Eden for banging a chick, now how gay is that?
How is providing THE SAME SERVICES to heterosexuals as homosexuals committing a sin?

The bakery makes gay wedding cakes for heterosexuals? I wonder how many of THOSE they sell...

Baking a wedding cake for a heterosexual wedding or a homosexual wedding involves the exact same things, namely BAKING, DECORATING, AND DELIVERING A CAKE. The baker doesn't make judgments on the heterosexual couple, why should he make judgments on the homosexual couple? He's a baker, not a social arbiter. Denying his services to Gays is no different than denying Blacks service at a lunch counter.
The bakery makes gay wedding cakes for heterosexuals? I wonder how many of THOSE they sell...

Baking a wedding cake for a heterosexual wedding or a homosexual wedding involves the exact same things, namely BAKING, DECORATING, AND DELIVERING A CAKE. The baker doesn't make judgments on the heterosexual couple, why should he make judgments on the homosexual couple? He's a baker, not a social arbiter. Denying his services to Gays is no different than denying Blacks service at a lunch counter.

1. The decorations are different for the cake.

2. Black people are a race. Gay is a behavior.
Baking a wedding cake for a heterosexual wedding or a homosexual wedding involves the exact same things, namely BAKING, DECORATING, AND DELIVERING A CAKE. The baker doesn't make judgments on the heterosexual couple, why should he make judgments on the homosexual couple? He's a baker, not a social arbiter. Denying his services to Gays is no different than denying Blacks service at a lunch counter.

1. The decorations are different for the cake.

2. Black people are a race. Gay is a behavior.
Every wedding cake is decorated differently. No two wedding cakes are the same, otherwise bakers would not offer different cake designs.

And being Gay and being Black are immutable characteristics. As you are born Black, you are born Gay.
Every wedding cake is decorated differently. No two wedding cakes are the same, otherwise bakers would not offer different cake designs.

And being Gay and being Black are immutable characteristics. As you are born Black, you are born Gay.

That's your opinion.
Opinion? I share this factual knowledge with the American Psychiatric Association and people who are born homosexual. Do you think homosexuality is a choice? What evidence can you bring to support that?
That's your opinion.
Opinion? I share this factual knowledge with the American Psychiatric Association and people who are born homosexual. Do you think homosexuality is a choice? What evidence can you bring to support that?

The APA is a bunch of politically correct nuts.

And I know people who have "chosen" to be homosexual. But you go ahead and take the blue pill and believe whatever you want to believe.
Opinion? I share this factual knowledge with the American Psychiatric Association and people who are born homosexual. Do you think homosexuality is a choice? What evidence can you bring to support that?

The APA is a bunch of politically correct nuts.

And I know people who have "chosen" to be homosexual. But you go ahead and take the blue pill and believe whatever you want to believe.

Whenever science shows Conservatives that their way of thinking is obsolete, the Conservative never listens, considers and adapts. They simply dismiss the science. It always works that way. Science shows that mankind was not put on earth fully formed like a potted geranium, Conservatives call the science bunk. Science shows that burning carbon damages the atmosphere, Conservatives call the science bunk because the overlord of the Conservative (corporations) don't want to change their business practices. Science shows how building materials like asbestos and lead kill people, Conservatives claim the government is interfering with their rights. Rights to do what? Continue to be negligent because doing the right thing would cost too much?

I'm never surprised when science shows the truth and Conservatives ignore it and refuse to believe it.

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