*Whats Killing Detroit?*: Its Islam Folks*


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

1. There is a cancer in America.
2. And it goes by the name, *Islam*.
3. Every day we invite more cancer into our borders.
4. They come here from all sorts of hell holes, and kill off areas of our nation.
5. Our government allows it.
6. The powers that be are undermining themselves and our way of life.
7. For future generations.
8. This is a crime.
9. LINK:News Headlines


Detroit has been hard-hit over the past four decades by a steep drop in population, a steadily eroding tax base and crippling budget deficits, resulting in countless barren streets punctuated by vacant lots and burned-out buildings.

The state plan, likely to be announced early next month, is part of a financial stability agreement reached in April that headed off the appointment of an emergency city manager, which Detroit had opposed.

Detroit Mayor Dave Bing's administration already has demolished 4,500 "dangerous and abandoned buildings," according to press secretary Naomi Patton, and plans to tear down another 1,500 vacant structures by the end of September — part of Bing's pledge three years ago to demolish 10,000 derelict buildings by the end of his term in late 2013.


When chesswars says, "Islam Folks" the babelfish in my ear says, "Blacks".
[quote="chesswarsnow sig]4. *If you find yourself dead or in jail, just remember what sort of crap you were listening too, if it was rap, thats why.* - *CWN*[/quote]


I'll have to remember to do that after I die. :thup:
Decades of Dimocrats running the show in Detroit is far far more to blame than anything Muslims have done.

Honestly, it had nothing to do with them being Democrat; it had much more to do with them being black, and that is not so much a racist statement as it is fact. The point behind it is that as whites fled, the blacks running the show felt they didn't need whites or their money, so they pretty much supported driving whites out of Detroit. Well the fact is that Whities have a lot more money, and that kind of money is needed to make a city work. A city cannot support it's businesses on a bunch of people who collect welfare while the only decent paying jobs are government jobs, because their isn't even a tax base to pay for the government jobs.

The key to bringing Detroit back is the complete demolition of entire neighborhoods so the land can be sold off to developers willing to build new homes that will attract people with money.
Sorry bout that,

1. There is a cancer in America.
2. And it goes by the name, *Islam*.

3. Every day we invite more cancer into our borders.
4. They come here from all sorts of hell holes, and kill off areas of our nation.
5. Our government allows it.
6. The powers that be are undermining themselves and our way of life.
7. For future generations.
8. This is a crime.
9. LINK:News Headlines

I don't know about 9, i think it has more to do with Blacks and their way of life there but i agree with the bolded completely.
I'm gonna have to repsectfully disagree on this one. It's Socialist/Progressive Democrats who have killed Detroit. Just like Chicago and many other once great American Cities. Can't blame Muslims on this one. They didn't destroy Detroit.
Detroit is 82% black and that is the problem. You can't have a modern city when everyone is illiterate and on drugs and has an IQ of 65. There is no one in detroit with the technical skills to maintain the infrastructure.
My babelfish is never wrong. And just look at all the left wing nazis crawling out of the woodwork in this topic!
Sorry bout that,

1. But I didn't make the truth, I just reported on it!
2. Don't shoot the messenger.
3. *CWN* me.......
4. Islam has a huge foot hold there, search it, you will see.
5. Lots of cities have huge negro populations and are doing fine, well sort of, depends on whats your view of *fine*.
6. When you hook negros with Islam as well, thats when you have *death to a city*.
7. Just tell them the bulldozers are coming and plow it under.
8. Best thing for everyone really.

I nominate this thread for Most Retarded Thread of the Year.

Screw that, just give him the title of Most Retarded USMB Poster, Ever...

Sorry bout that,

1. But I didn't make the truth, I just reported on it!
2. Don't shoot the messenger.
3. *CWN* me.......
4. Islam has a huge foot hold there, search it, you will see.
5. Lots of cities have huge negro populations and are doing fine, well sort of, depends on whats your view of *fine*.
6. When you hook negros with Islam as well, thats when you have *death to a city*.
7. Just tell them the bulldozers are coming and plow it under.
8. Best thing for everyone really.


You don't know jack shit and all about truth you fucking moron.

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