What's next re: Trump's "Mexican" remarks re: Judge Curiel?

The spin cannot be more than a day away. Trump has been resoundingly derided from all corners of the GOP; thus it's dawned on him that his vitriolic racist remark didn't work. It's just a matter of time before we will hear (1) Trump say that the whole world has misinterpreted what he said or (2) that he didn't say what he said, or (3) both those things.

How do we know this? Because that's Trump's pattern:
  1. Say whatever outrageous thing he can come up with to dominate new cycles/coverage
  2. Wait to see how it "plays"
  3. "Double down" on it.
  4. If it doesn't play well after that, spin, spin, spin.
    • Deny saying it.
    • Blame the media.
    • Do a 180 on the remark.
    • Redefine what he said.
    • Present it with reference to something or someone else's remarks or behavior.
    • Some other tactic that does not entail his owning his remarks.
Trump has already said he was misunderstood about the Judge

Why do you have such a hard time understanding Trump?

Trump was misunderstood in his comments about the Judge, in much the same way as Hillary was misunderstood when she said she was going to put a lot of coal workers out of work.

I ASSUME you can point me to a post of yours on that topic expressing the same level of indignity?
Telling the truth? What truth?

Trump was just pissed that the judge released the documents. And why shouldn't he? Trump is a presidential candidate, and as such, should be transparent to the American people so we know what he's doing.

Hillary telling the truth? What truth?

Hitlery was just covering her own ass to blame the video when it was released. And why shouldn't she? Hillary is a criminal establishment puppet candidate, and as such, should be in prison according to the American people, so she knew what she was doing covering for Bill and herself.


There WERE people directing violence at American embassies over the video. That was a fact. She has two sentences in your second quote for a reason. If you don't understand English, go back to Mexico.
Who gives a damn about a Muslim video and your Jihad brotherhood, are you condoning Muslims attacking America because we have a right to free speech? You and your Muslim Trojan horse Hussein Obama can apologize for America, but fuck Mohammad and the horse he rode on. I will not apologize to camel jockeys for killing us.

While I respect that the Moderators want to remain neutral and objective in any political debate, why do you even PRETEND that the person posting above is worth an ounce of respect or "clean" response in this forum? I feel like he should be kicked from the thread, his posts deleted, or me and others with working frontal lobes be given free-rein to call him the racist piece of horse manure he is.
You mean take away his free speech because you feel insulted emotionally like a transgender insulted by toilets? When libs can't control free speech against parties, they beat women with eggs like PUSSIES and report posters. Sensitive ass men can't hold their ground but cry like little girls to mommy
The Judge is La Raza and has a political agenda along with the two law firms who are huge Clinton supporters giving the Clintons close to a million for speeches.

Trump now has the word out that this is a political witch hunt and a rigged trial by an activist asshole Judge.

You're a fucking moron.

Dispute my point or shut the fuck up asshole.
Trump has already won this topic. His supporters know that he is telling the truth and his detractors have no plans of voting for him anyway.

As a bonus the entire media is talking about him.

His party has turned against him on the issue

The racists of the party still support his hate

The people that have turned against him are political weather vanes that have no principles and no backbones. The "party" are the rank and file members, and WE support Trump, overwhelmingly. He has garned MILLIONS more votes than any candidate in the GOP history. . So you're argument is null and void.

Pointing out the truth is not "racist". That is why the word no longer has any meaning. LWNJ's have worn it out. They toss it around like a frisbee at the beach. . It's meaningless.

If racism has lost it's meaning, it's only because cowards like you have used the internet more and more to profligate racism without having to answer to your racism.

I'm ashamed you share the same country as me.

Being against illegal immigration has nothing to do with racism. Get a grip.
Somebody need to tell the FBI!

National Council of LA RAZA is a hate group!!

Is Obama covering for them? They should be hate group 893!!

Obama is trying to pass off LA RAZA as a civil liberties group!! See how progressives hate America!!
The spin cannot be more than a day away. Trump has been resoundingly derided from all corners of the GOP; thus it's dawned on him that his vitriolic racist remark didn't work. It's just a matter of time before we will hear (1) Trump say that the whole world has misinterpreted what he said or (2) that he didn't say what he said, or (3) both those things.

How do we know this? Because that's Trump's pattern:
  1. Say whatever outrageous thing he can come up with to dominate new cycles/coverage
  2. Wait to see how it "plays"
  3. "Double down" on it.
  4. If it doesn't play well after that, spin, spin, spin.
    • Deny saying it.
    • Blame the media.
    • Do a 180 on the remark.
    • Redefine what he said.
    • Present it with reference to something or someone else's remarks or behavior.
    • Some other tactic that does not entail his owning his remarks.
None other than Obama's own USSC Justice Sotomayor has already legally justified Trump's suggestion that the Judge recuse himself - again on legal grounds - by saying ALL Judges have a racial and gender-based bias.

"In 2001, Sonia Sotomayor, an appeals court judge, gave a speech declaring that the ethnicity and sex of a judge “may and will make a difference in our judging.”

So either those criticizing Trump do not agree with Obama's USSC Justice's legal opinion, believe she is ignorant of / wrong on such legal matters, or believe she is personally racially and gender-biased, which according to her own comments she agrees with.

Trump haters are so eager to brand Trump a racist based on this issue that they are wlling to either completely ignore Sotomayor's comment or throw her under the proverbial bus as a racist, too - which is hard to do to a female Latino Obama pick.
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The spin cannot be more than a day away. Trump has been resoundingly derided from all corners of the GOP; thus it's dawned on him that his vitriolic racist remark didn't work. It's just a matter of time before we will hear (1) Trump say that the whole world has misinterpreted what he said or (2) that he didn't say what he said, or (3) both those things.

How do we know this? Because that's Trump's pattern:
  1. Say whatever outrageous thing he can come up with to dominate new cycles/coverage
  2. Wait to see how it "plays"
  3. "Double down" on it.
  4. If it doesn't play well after that, spin, spin, spin.
    • Deny saying it.
    • Blame the media.
    • Do a 180 on the remark.
    • Redefine what he said.
    • Present it with reference to something or someone else's remarks or behavior.
    • Some other tactic that does not entail his owning his remarks.

Hannity is now spending about 3 quarters of his show reframing Trumps racism as being "Inarticulate".

Hannity: Was it...INARTICULATE? Yes, but...*goes back to racism and/or conspiracies*

Well, Hannity had better redefine "inarticulate" too because those of us who are literate and articulate and who saw Trump make the remarks about the jurist know that of the many things Trump is, inarticulate isn't among them.

Perhaps Hannity thinks enough of his viewers, and presumably Trump's supporters, don't know what "inarticulate" means; therefore he conceives he can get away with "recasting" (spinning) the whole thing as a matter of a Trump being inarticulate. The thing that comes to my mind is that among the last deficiencies I want in a President is inarticulateness. Hannity is, IMO, doing Trump no favor by limning his remarks as inarticulate.
Justice Sotomayor has already legally justified Trump's suggestion that the Judge recuse himself - again on legal grounds - by saying ALL Judges have a racial and gender-based bias.

Having a bias and being able to separate oneself from it in applying jurisprudence are two different things. I realize that's a subtle distinction, but it's one jurists are required to make daily, and it's a distinction they must show themselves as being capable of making before becoming appointed as federal judges.

The implication in Trump's remarks is that Judge Curiel is incapable of doing his job as a consequence of his racial makeup and nothing else. This even as the man has shown that not to be so time and time again; moreover, several of the man's rulings in Trump's case have favored Trump and not the plaintiffs.
Justice Sotomayor has already legally justified Trump's suggestion that the Judge recuse himself - again on legal grounds - by saying ALL Judges have a racial and gender-based bias.

Having a bias and being able to separate oneself from it in applying jurisprudence are two different things. I realize that's a subtle distinction, but it's one jurists are required to make daily, and it's a distinction they must show themselves as being capable of making before becoming appointed as federal judges.

The implication in Trump's remarks is that Judge Curiel is incapable of doing his job as a consequence of his racial makeup and nothing else. This even as the man has shown that not to be so time and time again; moreover, several of the man's rulings in Trump's case have favored Trump and not the plaintiffs.

Lol ... talk about spin and nonsense.

For the Peanut Gallery, here's the motto of the gang this 'Judge' is a member of:

For the race everything, outside the race nothing.(“Por La Raza todo. Fuera de La Raza nada”).

They're real big on ethnic cleansing. Apparently the ridiculous Burb Brats making apologia for the vermin have some sort of weird fantasy these racists will make exceptions for them and only 'cleanse' white proles or something. lol ...

Here's one example of a La Raza annual 'Chicano Hero Award' winner and is one of it's co-founders; they like to give themselves 'awards'...:

“we have got to kill the gringos, and what I mean by that is if the worst comes to the worst, we have got to kill him.”- Jose Angel Gutierrez. This guy is a professor at an American univiersity ...

Then there is their sister gang, MecHa, and Miguel Perez. La Raza tuns legal interference for MecHa, who are the main scum behind the riots and violent mob assaults on Trump rallies. They are the same people, some just wear nicer suits.

Miguel Perez of Cal State-Northridge’s MEChA chapter: “The ultimate ideology is the liberation of Aztlan. Communism would be closest [to it]. Once Aztlan is established, ethnic cleansing would commence: Non-Chicanos would have to be expelled — opposition groups would be quashed because you have to keep power.”

these vermin are also virulently anti-semitic.

MEChA, the movimiento and anti-Semitism: Fact from fiction | Arizona Daily Independent

Dr. Garcia a long time educator in Texas and Arizona, a Latina herself who worked in predominately Latino districts, was concerned about the un-American leanings of MEChA, the well documented anti-Semitism exercised and expressed by its associates, and the overall sense that most Americans have that identifying kids solely by their ethnicity goes against the very foundation of our public education system’s goals since the 1960’s.

The two reoccurring issues which seem to emerge in every serious discussion, by serious people like Dr. Lupita Garcia about MEChA are Aztlan, and Israel. Questions arise about La Reconquista of Aztlán due to the group’s own choice of words, and the charges of anti-Semitism arise due to the members’ or their associates’ own statements. The statements seem clear, and the explanations are almost always ambiguous.

Yeah right ... a member of this gang is going to be 'objective' ...

He is not an American, no matter how much hand wringing his apologists lay on the issue. He defines himself as part of a 'race', not as an American; he's a Mexican nationalist and fascist, and that is a documented fact.
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So, the judge is an affiliate of a nationalist radical activist group. I am guessing the outrage is because trump called him a "Mexican" instead of "an affiliate to a nationalist radical activist group"?

The outrage is that he said he's Mexican (he isn't) and that because he's "Mexican" he can't hear a particular case for which he has no actual conflict of interest.

Trump is endorsing racial discrimination, pure and through. And he's running for president.

Do you still not understand? Probably.
So you don't think him being an affiliate of a nationalist radical activist group that rallies against what he stands for isn't a conflict of interest?
And why in the fuck are you being such an asswipe? I don't even know you.
I don't need to know you to know that you're a fucking mouth-breather who isn't deserving of my time.
So, the judge is an affiliate of a nationalist radical activist group. I am guessing the outrage is because trump called him a "Mexican" instead of "an affiliate to a nationalist radical activist group"?

The outrage is that he said he's Mexican (he isn't) and that because he's "Mexican" he can't hear a particular case for which he has no actual conflict of interest.

Trump is endorsing racial discrimination, pure and through. And he's running for president.

Do you still not understand? Probably.
So you don't think him being an affiliate of a nationalist radical activist group that rallies against what he stands for isn't a conflict of interest?
And why in the fuck are you being such an asswipe? I don't even know you.
I don't need to know you to know that you're a fucking mouth-breather who isn't deserving of my time.
I have sinuses :dunno:

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