What's REALLY wrong in the Catholic Church

I left a church I had been attending for well over a decade after a new pastor came along. This is an evangelical church. They believe in speaking in tongues all that "gift" stuff. Me, not so much.

But when the congregation began openly praising Trump, I was stunned. I'm certainly no Hillary fan. I can't stand her or her husband. I've never voted for a Democrat in my entire life except one time at the behest of Bill Buckley.

This same pastor told two of the people who were doing volunteer service for the church that they would no longer be allowed to do so since they were living together and were not married. So they not only quit their service work, they quit the church.

Yeah. Hail Trump!

I mean...right?

This and some other hypocritical bullshit caused me to leave.

The congregation shrank to about a third of its original size, and the pastor was sent away.

There is another pastor now who I have liked for a very long time, so I am easing my way back to attending.

So here's Tocqueville once again:

The unbelievers of Europe attack the Christians as their political opponents rather than as their religious adversaries; they hate the Christian religion as the opinion of a party much more than as an error of belief; and they reject the clergy less because they are the representatives of the Deity than because they are the allies of government.

In Europe, Christianity has been intimately united to the powers of the earth. Those powers are now in decay, and it is, as it were, buried under their ruins. The living body of religion has been bound down to the dead corpse of superannuated polity; cut but the bonds that restrain it, and it will rise once more. I do not know what could restore the Christian church of Europe to the energy of its earlier days; that power belongs to God alone; but it may be for human policy to leave to faith the full exercise of the strength which it still retains.
who cares what you doubt?

you're not God

you don't even know half of everything much less everything, as you seem to think\
I see dipshits on this forum justifying their hate by claiming to be supported by the Bible. They make claims about the Bible that are flatly untrue. Thus, it is not just a guess, it is a sure thing they have never read it.

For instance, these haters claim Jesus spoke out against gays.

Nope. Not a word.

But he DID speak out against ADULTERERS. Like Trump.

And before you give the bullshit old response about forgiveness, I have never ONCE seen these same people talk about forgiveness for Democrats or the Clintons. And Trump has never expressed sorrow or penitence for his countless sins. In fact, he admitted he has never asked God for forgiveness.

It's hypocritical horseshit.
"...they hate the Christian religion as the opinion of a party much more than as an error of belief;"

The Catholic Church is the most pro-life organization on the planet, by the way.
I left a church I had been attending for well over a decade after a new pastor came along. This is an evangelical church. They believe in speaking in tongues all that "gift" stuff. Me, not so much.

But when the congregation began openly praising Trump, I was stunned. I'm certainly no Hillary fan. I can't stand her or her husband. I've never voted for a Democrat in my entire life except one time at the behest of Bill Buckley.

This same pastor told two of the people who were doing volunteer service for the church that they would no longer be allowed to do so since they were living together and were not married. So they not only quit their service work, they quit the church.
i respect that pastor for standing up for what is right

I don't believe in kicking people out of church (or what purports to be such) but I respect him for calling a spade a spade...

The Catholic Church doesn't tell anyone: Don't come to our Church

that is not the Catholic way. The Church Christ founded knows that we need to hear the Word frequently, even if we cannot receive Holy Communion (which no one in mortal sin can. Fornication is a mortal sin)
I see dipshits on this forum justifying their hate by claiming to be supported by the Bible. They make claims about the Bible that are flatly untrue. Thus, it is not just a guess, it is a sure thing they have never read it.

For instance, these haters claim Jesus spoke out against gays.

Nope. Not a word.

But he DID speak out against ADULTERERS. Like Trump.

And before you give the bullshit old response about forgiveness, I have never ONCE seen these same people talk about forgiveness for Democrats or the Clintons. And Trump has never expressed sorrow or penitence for his countless sins. In fact, he admitted he has never asked God for forgiveness.

It's hypocritical horseshit.
no, it is not

Trump did all that stuff BEFORE running for president. Clinton did disgusting things while in the freaking White HOUSE!

I don't see how u can compare those 2... Trump's actions show that he does not intend to do that kind of thing anymore.. If he wanted to, now that he isn't president, he would do it... it seems

anyway, Trump did a lot of good for the pro life cause. If it weren't for him, we likely would NOT be seeing Roe v Wade dismantled...

I am w/ the pastor on this
There are worse things wrong in the Church than mentioned in my OP

the last valid pope appears to be Pius XI. Some say it was Pius X and there is a whole organization /movement RE the latter.

But WHY would this be so (and I do agree we have not had a Catholic pope for decades)

The canonizations of Pope F are invalid.. not sure if all of them are, but the canonizations of Pope Jn XIII and JP II are not valid... LONG story how I know this... but you know, someone just saying that someone is a saint doesn't make it so... esp when such someone is an obvious heretic like Pope F... Oh sure, F says all kinds of Catholic sounding stuff.. Biblically backed up stuff... but that's the way it has been in the Vatican for ... I'd say since the late 50s: DOUBLE TALK. They know they have to keep the Flock either placated and/or confused.. They want people to scratch their heads and walk away... esp that latter thing... keeping the Church for the demonic, anti-Catholic, anti-Christ elites...

HEY, just like in the US "political" scene...

anyway... LeFebvre (spelling?) was right.
the biggest thing wrong in the so called Catholic Church (the SSPX are the TRUE Church founded by Christ)

is .. 2 words

liberal popes (or if you want more words: liberal bishops, priests and cardinals also)

a problem since the 60s

I'm conflicted about Pius XII who seemed to be a good Christian in some ways but some people accuse him of being a modernist. On the other hand, he was said to have demoted (I think) Montini bc of his modernism. It looks like I need to read 100 more books... not a problem if I can find the right ones..

But in any case, it is good to focus on Pope Pius X who is a canonized saint and spoke against liberalism

I believe it was Pope Pius XI, however, who wrote Syllabus of Errors against same...

I see dipshits on this forum justifying their hate by claiming to be supported by the Bible. They make claims about the Bible that are flatly untrue. Thus, it is not just a guess, it is a sure thing they have never read it.

For instance, these haters claim Jesus spoke out against gays.

Nope. Not a word.

But he DID speak out against ADULTERERS. Like Trump.

And before you give the bullshit old response about forgiveness, I have never ONCE seen these same people talk about forgiveness for Democrats or the Clintons. And Trump has never expressed sorrow or penitence for his countless sins. In fact, he admitted he has never asked God for forgiveness.

It's hypocritical horseshit.
sorry, but ignorance seems to exude from your post here... just being honest, assuming that's what u want but I don't assume that

Jesus respected the Jewish tradition, which forbade "men lying with men, women w/ women"

Then St Paul in Romans 1 and/or 2 speaks against this. St Paul met Jesus after the latter had risen from the dead and converted to Christ and followed him literally to the ends of the earth.

so yeh, I will believe Jesus and St Paul over you... kind of makes sense to do that.... Sorry, you are not my pope

be your own if you choose... like all protestants... who want to be God and decide what is the truth and what is not... (hey, kind of reminiscent of the Garden and the devil...)
I think it is telling that Protestants avoid this thread!

To me it shows they don't care about the TRUTH about the Catholic Church... don't want to hear from a practicing Catholic who has studied and continues to study the RCC and related issues..

All they want to do is argue and put down Catholics

I could be wrong b ut I seriously doubt it...

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