What's The Best Way To Fight and/or Stop Racism?

Can we save everyone?

Me thinks not.

I like how brother Beau of the Fifth Column put it...

What about you, what say you, what's the best way to stop this vile thing called "racism/bigotry/prejudice?"

Dear MarcATL
The best way I know is to reach out and make a conscious effort to reconcile
and collaborate with people or groups you most hold responsible for racist exclusion.

I look at the effective examples set by
* Center for the Healing of Racism Center For The Healing Of Racism | Internalize Oneness
(their guidelines for sharing that work most effectively to bring diverse people and groups together to share solutions:

* Daryl Davis who befriends hundreds of Klansmen and has collected over 200 robes they gave up after deciding to leave the Klan
How One Man Convinced 200 Ku Klux Klan Members To Give Up Their Robes

* Alternatives to Violence Project
that started by outreach to stop racist gang attacks in prisons
and expanded to teach workshops to the greater public as well:

* Rachel's Challenge that has transformed entire communities previously divided by rivals bullying and vandalizing each other's schools

One factor these programs have in common is HUMANIZING the issues and addressing
people as individuals again instead of attacking "whole groups".

This process involves steps to forgive and heal relationships first, in order to correct the problems underneath.
(Most people want to correct the injustice first, then they can forgive AFTERWARDS and work with people "after problems are solved",
but in practice, the FORGIVENESS has to come first, then the healing, TO REMOVE THE NEGATIVE EMOTIONS DIVIDING AND DESTROYING PEOPLE, before people can even work together to address problems, before they can be fixed, corrected and prevented.)

NOTE: If people aren't even ready to work with the above type programs, using approaches of Restorative Justice and healing, then I suggest starting with just the 5 Steps of Grief and Recovery, and working on one's own internal injuries before trying to work with others in a group program.



Only when someone is healed enough to feel safe and confident to address people from other or opposing groups, would I recommend going further and proactively interact for external outreach. But if you still do not feel safe interacting with opposing groups, I would not recommend jumping into that.
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As if your "ill will" is anything except amusing to me.

I gave you some of your own medicine and you don't like it.

You have but two words to any argument that you instigate.

Either you call everyone "asshole" or "racist".
You have the emotional disposition of an infant.


You make accusations and refuse to back them up, or even admit that accusations need to be backed up or that false accusations have to be looked out for.

My accusations towards you, are not only based on your own actions, but, thanks to my correct predictions of your behavior, demonstrated by your actions over and over again.

Your claim that you gave me "my own medicine" is a pathetic self delusion or a pathetic face saving lie.

Either way, you are certainly pathetic.

Then don't address or you will get more of the same.

I've read enough of your silly shit over time to know that you are a waste of board space to take seriously.

I have no doubt that in any situation, you will quickly devolve to nothing but name calling and false accusations of racism.

As I pointed out over and over again, and then predicted you would do again, and you did so, over and over again.

Let's just revisit the fact that you don't even care whether an accusation is true or not.

That is bat shit crazy. Only a terrible person would be happy to smear and/or destroy innocent people with a false accusation

and you are.

Revisit this:

I came to my conclusions long ago about the lack of value in wasting board space by taking your points seriously. Because you seldom, if ever make a point worth acknowledging.

Now. Back to your "mirror".

Everyone who read that, including you, noticed that you did not deny my point about you supporting false accusations.

What kind of bat shit crazy hater, does it take to support falsely accusing and destroying innocent people?

Why are you so full of hate?

I am not concerned about "who read" whatever was stated. Nor do I waste my time hating anyone.

Now you are obvoiusly grasping at straws.
You make accusations and refuse to back them up, or even admit that accusations need to be backed up or that false accusations have to be looked out for.

My accusations towards you, are not only based on your own actions, but, thanks to my correct predictions of your behavior, demonstrated by your actions over and over again.

Your claim that you gave me "my own medicine" is a pathetic self delusion or a pathetic face saving lie.

Either way, you are certainly pathetic.

Then don't address or you will get more of the same.

I've read enough of your silly shit over time to know that you are a waste of board space to take seriously.

I have no doubt that in any situation, you will quickly devolve to nothing but name calling and false accusations of racism.

As I pointed out over and over again, and then predicted you would do again, and you did so, over and over again.

Let's just revisit the fact that you don't even care whether an accusation is true or not.

That is bat shit crazy. Only a terrible person would be happy to smear and/or destroy innocent people with a false accusation

and you are.

Revisit this:

I came to my conclusions long ago about the lack of value in wasting board space by taking your points seriously. Because you seldom, if ever make a point worth acknowledging.

Now. Back to your "mirror".

Everyone who read that, including you, noticed that you did not deny my point about you supporting false accusations.

What kind of bat shit crazy hater, does it take to support falsely accusing and destroying innocent people?

Why are you so full of hate?

I am not concerned about "who read" whatever was stated. Nor do I waste my time hating anyone.

Now you are obvoiusly grasping at straws.

You've demonstrated clearly that you don't care if accusations of racism are true or not.

THat means that you are wiling to see innocent people destroyed.

If that is not hate,then what is it?
I did not use "exact" in that quote. I don't play stupid semantic games like you lefties do. You show me, or even tell me of what I said that justified that, and I will address it.

Instead all you have done, as I predicted you would, based on my understanding of what race baiting assholes do, would be to just spew more false accusations of racism.

With EVERY post you make, you are validating my definition of race baiter, AND my solution to your question, ie how to fight racism in this country.

Fuck you.

If you race baiters, make NO ALLOWANCE for checking if an accused "racist" is actually a racist, then you accept that false accusations will be accepted as "real", and treated as such.

Thus, you accept and support that innocent people will falsely be accused of "racism" having their lives destroyed and/or other serious and real harms done to them, AND that the many people that believe it, will be "divided" from them.

Your actions are divisive and are tearing this nation apart.

THe truth has power. Especially in a crazy world where most people believe lies. People hear the truth and can hear that those who are lying,fail refute it at all.

Like you are doing. Constantly, in every post you make.

ROFLMAO. If "truth has power", then you are powerless.

You are on your self righteous soapbox because I told the truth.....by agreeing with your friend and then adding that "long ago, white people were the beneficiaries of laws that oppressed non whites in favor of whites". Which perfected the practice of racism, asshole.

That is the truth, and none of your pissy, shrill histrionics change that fact.

It is also a fact that understanding the history of racism is the beginning of preventing it from repeating itself.

Or are you just too stupid to understand that?

As I've said for the fifth time now, I've read enough garbage from you over time to know what you really stand for, and it is certainly not equality for all as you have lied and stated before.

So no, I have ZERO interest in reading anymore shit from the likes of you. And I'm not going waste time searching through the rubbish that you post, just to satisfy a silly request from a known racist.

Here is some advice......Get off your moralizing high horse and make an informed recommendation on how to stop racism, and while doing so, take a look in the mirror as opposed to arguing with history, and taking it personally.

You ignorant, racist ass.
None of you racist pieces of shit want to stop racism.

You just want to justify racism against white people in this country and throughout the west, EXACTLY like you do currently in South Africa.

Shut the fuck up you disgusting parasite.

ROFLMAO. Look what just oozed out from underneath the message board sewer.

I was for stopping racism long before you were even thought of being spit out, you worthless piece of
victimized, minimum wage trailer trash.

I've been to South Africa several times. Once before you were even born.

You should try to save a few nickles to rub together, so that maybe one day you can leave bumfuck Kentucky and go see the world, as opposed to sitting in your caretakers basement and reading fake news on the internet, then vomiting nonsense on public message boards.
I have no doubt you left your shithole in 3rd world California to travel for quite a while.

You wish that you lived in this state, a state with actual history and culture that goes back to the founding of this country. Your dump of a state will never have any connection with the country thanks to the Democrats destroying single city there.

No stupid, i would not live in Kentucky or most other southern states if they were the very last option available.

I would leave America first.

But I have been there....twice. To a Kentucky Derby, stayed at the Brown hotel, had a Hot Brown sandwich, went to Muhsmmad Ali's memorial in 2016.

And as far as the "culture" that's where I draw the line. Even though Ali put Lousisville on the map by eventually becoming the most famous athlete ever born there, when he returned from the Rome Olympics in 1960, he still was unapologetically refused service in a shithole greasy spoon.

He was treated better in Rome than he was in his own so called "hometown"

At one point, nearly 25% of white males owned slaves in Kentucky.

Kentucky is a good place "to be from".

And as for you, you could not even afford a studio apartment in the worst neighborhood in California.
You couldn't pay me a billion dollars to live in fucking California.

The vast majority of your state outside of a few rural wastelands is a fucking ghetto or will be a ghetto in 20 years.

Not only is every other person in California a certified retard in a state that glamourizes being a retard and feels threatened by intelligence, if you are white you basically have no one who will give a damn what happens to you because everyone in charge is a Democrat who literally believes oppressing white people is the way to "progress".

and BTW the reason why Ali is credited with "putting Louisville on the map" is because Americans are largely historically illiterate and consider fucking useless cities in the western US more important than a city that has existed since fucking 1778 and named after the fucking king that allowed this country to be formed because we wouldn't have won the Revolutionary war without his cooperation. What the fuck does the dump you live in have to compare to that? Nothing. California is the shitstain of this country.
Can we save everyone?

Me thinks not.

I like how brother Beau of the Fifth Column put it...

What about you, what say you, what's the best way to stop this vile thing called "racism/bigotry/prejudice?"


I think devotion to Jesus Christ personally. As He was forever pursuing the individual, and the Word says we are all first and foremost made in the Image of God.

It's our best hope against racism.
ROFLMAO. If "truth has power", then you are powerless.

You are on your self righteous soapbox because I told the truth.....by agreeing with your friend and then adding that "long ago, white people were the beneficiaries of laws that oppressed non whites in favor of whites". Which perfected the practice of racism, asshole.

That is the truth, and none of your pissy, shrill histrionics change that fact.

It is also a fact that understanding the history of racism is the beginning of preventing it from repeating itself.

Or are you just too stupid to understand that?

As I've said for the fifth time now, I've read enough garbage from you over time to know what you really stand for, and it is certainly not equality for all as you have lied and stated before.

So no, I have ZERO interest in reading anymore shit from the likes of you. And I'm not going waste time searching through the rubbish that you post, just to satisfy a silly request from a known racist.

Here is some advice......Get off your moralizing high horse and make an informed recommendation on how to stop racism, and while doing so, take a look in the mirror as opposed to arguing with history, and taking it personally.

You ignorant, racist ass.
None of you racist pieces of shit want to stop racism.

You just want to justify racism against white people in this country and throughout the west, EXACTLY like you do currently in South Africa.

Shut the fuck up you disgusting parasite.

ROFLMAO. Look what just oozed out from underneath the message board sewer.

I was for stopping racism long before you were even thought of being spit out, you worthless piece of
victimized, minimum wage trailer trash.

I've been to South Africa several times. Once before you were even born.

You should try to save a few nickles to rub together, so that maybe one day you can leave bumfuck Kentucky and go see the world, as opposed to sitting in your caretakers basement and reading fake news on the internet, then vomiting nonsense on public message boards.
I have no doubt you left your shithole in 3rd world California to travel for quite a while.

You wish that you lived in this state, a state with actual history and culture that goes back to the founding of this country. Your dump of a state will never have any connection with the country thanks to the Democrats destroying single city there.

No stupid, i would not live in Kentucky or most other southern states if they were the very last option available.

I would leave America first.

But I have been there....twice. To a Kentucky Derby, stayed at the Brown hotel, had a Hot Brown sandwich, went to Muhsmmad Ali's memorial in 2016.

And as far as the "culture" that's where I draw the line. Even though Ali put Lousisville on the map by eventually becoming the most famous athlete ever born there, when he returned from the Rome Olympics in 1960, he still was unapologetically refused service in a shithole greasy spoon.

He was treated better in Rome than he was in his own so called "hometown"

At one point, nearly 25% of white males owned slaves in Kentucky.

Kentucky is a good place "to be from".

And as for you, you could not even afford a studio apartment in the worst neighborhood in California.
You couldn't pay me a billion dollars to live in fucking California.

The vast majority of your state outside of a few rural wastelands is a fucking ghetto or will be a ghetto in 20 years.

Not only is every other person in California a certified retard in a state that glamourizes being a retard and feels threatened by intelligence, if you are white you basically have no one who will give a damn what happens to you because everyone in charge is a Democrat who literally believes oppressing white people is the way to "progress".

and BTW the reason why Ali is credited with "putting Louisville on the map" is because Americans are largely historically illiterate and consider fucking useless cities in the western US more important than a city that has existed since fucking 1778 and named after the fucking king that allowed this country to be formed because we wouldn't have won the Revolutionary war without his cooperation. What the fuck does the dump you live in have to compare to that? Nothing. California is the shitstain of this country.

Newsflash Moron:

Existing since 1778 and being a state filled with poverty ridden trash in 2019, is no badge of honor.

*California as a state is ranked in the top 10 states in America as far as median household wealth.

*Kentucky ranks in 32nd place out of 50 states.

*The average annual income in Kentucky is less than 30k annually. In California you would be homeless earning that kind of money.

California is a great place to live for college educated, upwardly mobile people, and is also home to some of the brightest minds in America.

The policies that that have been in place AFTER dumbass Reagan granted amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants have made the state even better.

As far as "white people being oppresed" here, how the fuck could affluent cities like San Francisco, San Diego, and much of Los Angeles even exist if white people were as "oppressed" as you claim?

We don't need or want anymore uneducated, minimum wage leeches like you coming here sponging off of the people who actually contribute to one of the best states in America.

I agree that you should stay in Kentucky. You probably have to, because you can't afford to go anywhere else.

You will likely live your final years in a rundown trailer park somewhere in Appalachia.....not too far from where you already are.
Then don't address or you will get more of the same.

I've read enough of your silly shit over time to know that you are a waste of board space to take seriously.

I have no doubt that in any situation, you will quickly devolve to nothing but name calling and false accusations of racism.

As I pointed out over and over again, and then predicted you would do again, and you did so, over and over again.

Let's just revisit the fact that you don't even care whether an accusation is true or not.

That is bat shit crazy. Only a terrible person would be happy to smear and/or destroy innocent people with a false accusation

and you are.

Revisit this:

I came to my conclusions long ago about the lack of value in wasting board space by taking your points seriously. Because you seldom, if ever make a point worth acknowledging.

Now. Back to your "mirror".

Everyone who read that, including you, noticed that you did not deny my point about you supporting false accusations.

What kind of bat shit crazy hater, does it take to support falsely accusing and destroying innocent people?

Why are you so full of hate?

I am not concerned about "who read" whatever was stated. Nor do I waste my time hating anyone.

Now you are obvoiusly grasping at straws.

You've demonstrated clearly that you don't care if accusations of racism are true or not.

THat means that you are wiling to see innocent people destroyed.

If that is not hate,then what is it?

I have a little time to spare, so I will humor your penchant for extreme drama.....for a moment or two.

What makes you think that I want to see innocent people "destroyed"?

Maimed? Tortured? Lynched?

Are you serious?

Do you consider yourself to be innocent?

I've taken the time in the past to actually read some of what you have posted over time.

And "innocence" is not one of your attributes. You are typically in attack mode. But when you receive it in return, you portray yourself as a victim.

And no. I do not hate anybody. I would not grant anyone the power to compel me to do so.
I have no doubt that in any situation, you will quickly devolve to nothing but name calling and false accusations of racism.

As I pointed out over and over again, and then predicted you would do again, and you did so, over and over again.

Let's just revisit the fact that you don't even care whether an accusation is true or not.

That is bat shit crazy. Only a terrible person would be happy to smear and/or destroy innocent people with a false accusation

and you are.

Revisit this:

I came to my conclusions long ago about the lack of value in wasting board space by taking your points seriously. Because you seldom, if ever make a point worth acknowledging.

Now. Back to your "mirror".

Everyone who read that, including you, noticed that you did not deny my point about you supporting false accusations.

What kind of bat shit crazy hater, does it take to support falsely accusing and destroying innocent people?

Why are you so full of hate?

I am not concerned about "who read" whatever was stated. Nor do I waste my time hating anyone.

Now you are obvoiusly grasping at straws.

You've demonstrated clearly that you don't care if accusations of racism are true or not.

THat means that you are wiling to see innocent people destroyed.

If that is not hate,then what is it?

I have a little time to spare, so I will humor your penchant for extreme drama.....for a moment or two.

What makes you think that I want to see innocent people "destroyed"?

Your refusal to even consider the possibility of false accusations of racism, while employing accusations of racism.

That is embracing the idea that false accusations made against innocent people will be treated as real, with often harsh consequences for the falsely accused.

That is extremely vile of you, and is a great way to FOSTER racism, and hatred and division.
solving for a poverty of capital under any form of capitalism.

equal protection of the law can make that happen.

Revisit this:

I came to my conclusions long ago about the lack of value in wasting board space by taking your points seriously. Because you seldom, if ever make a point worth acknowledging.

Now. Back to your "mirror".

Everyone who read that, including you, noticed that you did not deny my point about you supporting false accusations.

What kind of bat shit crazy hater, does it take to support falsely accusing and destroying innocent people?

Why are you so full of hate?

I am not concerned about "who read" whatever was stated. Nor do I waste my time hating anyone.

Now you are obvoiusly grasping at straws.

You've demonstrated clearly that you don't care if accusations of racism are true or not.

THat means that you are wiling to see innocent people destroyed.

If that is not hate,then what is it?

I have a little time to spare, so I will humor your penchant for extreme drama.....for a moment or two.

What makes you think that I want to see innocent people "destroyed"?

Your refusal to even consider the possibility of false accusations of racism, while employing accusations of racism.

That is embracing the idea that false accusations made against innocent people will be treated as real, with often harsh consequences for the falsely accused.

That is extremely vile of you, and is a great way to FOSTER racism, and hatred and division.

I will further humor you. Please continue to talk.
Everyone who read that, including you, noticed that you did not deny my point about you supporting false accusations.

What kind of bat shit crazy hater, does it take to support falsely accusing and destroying innocent people?

Why are you so full of hate?

I am not concerned about "who read" whatever was stated. Nor do I waste my time hating anyone.

Now you are obvoiusly grasping at straws.

You've demonstrated clearly that you don't care if accusations of racism are true or not.

THat means that you are wiling to see innocent people destroyed.

If that is not hate,then what is it?

I have a little time to spare, so I will humor your penchant for extreme drama.....for a moment or two.

What makes you think that I want to see innocent people "destroyed"?

Your refusal to even consider the possibility of false accusations of racism, while employing accusations of racism.

That is embracing the idea that false accusations made against innocent people will be treated as real, with often harsh consequences for the falsely accused.

That is extremely vile of you, and is a great way to FOSTER racism, and hatred and division.

I will further humor you. Please continue to talk.

Said the race baiter that could not challenge my argument at all.
I am not concerned about "who read" whatever was stated. Nor do I waste my time hating anyone.

Now you are obvoiusly grasping at straws.

You've demonstrated clearly that you don't care if accusations of racism are true or not.

THat means that you are wiling to see innocent people destroyed.

If that is not hate,then what is it?

I have a little time to spare, so I will humor your penchant for extreme drama.....for a moment or two.

What makes you think that I want to see innocent people "destroyed"?

Your refusal to even consider the possibility of false accusations of racism, while employing accusations of racism.

That is embracing the idea that false accusations made against innocent people will be treated as real, with often harsh consequences for the falsely accused.

That is extremely vile of you, and is a great way to FOSTER racism, and hatred and division.

I will further humor you. Please continue to talk.

Said the race baiter that could not challenge my argument at all.

Said the racist who claims not to be one.

The worst kind.

And, you had no argument. I clearly defined the difference to you between past and present from the beginning.

Go back and read what I posted.

Proceed to repeat yourself.....yet again.
  • Thanks
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Then don't address or you will get more of the same.

I've read enough of your silly shit over time to know that you are a waste of board space to take seriously.

I have no doubt that in any situation, you will quickly devolve to nothing but name calling and false accusations of racism.

As I pointed out over and over again, and then predicted you would do again, and you did so, over and over again.

Let's just revisit the fact that you don't even care whether an accusation is true or not.

That is bat shit crazy. Only a terrible person would be happy to smear and/or destroy innocent people with a false accusation

and you are.

Revisit this:

I came to my conclusions long ago about the lack of value in wasting board space by taking your points seriously. Because you seldom, if ever make a point worth acknowledging.

Now. Back to your "mirror".

Everyone who read that, including you, noticed that you did not deny my point about you supporting false accusations.

What kind of bat shit crazy hater, does it take to support falsely accusing and destroying innocent people?

Why are you so full of hate?

I am not concerned about "who read" whatever was stated. Nor do I waste my time hating anyone.

Now you are obvoiusly grasping at straws.

You've demonstrated clearly that you don't care if accusations of racism are true or not.

THat means that you are wiling to see innocent people destroyed.

If that is not hate,then what is it?

Correll I'd say it's FEAR.

Fear is lack of faith that truth can be established to ensure justice.
If people fear that ignorance and falsehood can obstruct truth,
that causes fear of conflict, confrontation, and control of the narrative.

When we have faith that we all agree to seek truth, not just our
versions of it that are convenient for us, when we no longer fear
we will be "forced to compromise" because of selfish politics,
then we can rise above this fear, we can forgive and receive truth
and achieve greater understanding. Which sets us free and brings real
peace and justice for all. Not by fighting for control, but giving up the
bullying games, and agreeing to receive truth that nobody controls.

Thus love of truth casts out fear of ignorance and falsehood.
Love of justice conquers fear of injustice.
Love of peace defeats fear of war.

Martin Luther King, Jr. Quote
Men often hate each other because they fear each other;
they fear each other because they don't know each other;
they don't know each other because they can not communicate;
they can not communicate because they are separated.
-- Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear:
because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love.
-- 1 John 4:18
You've demonstrated clearly that you don't care if accusations of racism are true or not.

THat means that you are wiling to see innocent people destroyed.

If that is not hate,then what is it?

I have a little time to spare, so I will humor your penchant for extreme drama.....for a moment or two.

What makes you think that I want to see innocent people "destroyed"?

Your refusal to even consider the possibility of false accusations of racism, while employing accusations of racism.

That is embracing the idea that false accusations made against innocent people will be treated as real, with often harsh consequences for the falsely accused.

That is extremely vile of you, and is a great way to FOSTER racism, and hatred and division.

I will further humor you. Please continue to talk.

Said the race baiter that could not challenge my argument at all.

Said the racist who claims not to be one.

The worst kind.

And, you had no argument. I clearly defined the difference to you between past and present from the beginning.

Go back and read what I posted.

Proceed to repeat yourself.....yet again.

I read what you posted. If I misundestood anything you said, clarify it now.

Especially as to how you don't feel any need to support your accusations, or even the very concept of supporting accusations of racism, in general.
Can we save everyone?

Me thinks not.

I like how brother Beau of the Fifth Column put it...

What about you, what say you, what's the best way to stop this vile thing called "racism/bigotry/prejudice?"

Turn off your TV.
Normal people aren't racist.
Revisit this:

I came to my conclusions long ago about the lack of value in wasting board space by taking your points seriously. Because you seldom, if ever make a point worth acknowledging.

Now. Back to your "mirror".

Everyone who read that, including you, noticed that you did not deny my point about you supporting false accusations.

What kind of bat shit crazy hater, does it take to support falsely accusing and destroying innocent people?

Why are you so full of hate?

I am not concerned about "who read" whatever was stated. Nor do I waste my time hating anyone.

Now you are obvoiusly grasping at straws.

You've demonstrated clearly that you don't care if accusations of racism are true or not.

THat means that you are wiling to see innocent people destroyed.

If that is not hate,then what is it?

I have a little time to spare, so I will humor your penchant for extreme drama.....for a moment or two.

What makes you think that I want to see innocent people "destroyed"?

Your refusal to even consider the possibility of false accusations of racism, while employing accusations of racism.

That is embracing the idea that false accusations made against innocent people will be treated as real, with often harsh consequences for the falsely accused.

That is extremely vile of you, and is a great way to FOSTER racism, and hatred and division.

What do "innocent" people have to do with you?

I'm not wasting a second here hating anyone. I say what I believe based on what I see. Nothing personal.

But if you wish to believe that what is said in this tiny forum causes hate and division, you're wrong. Most individuals just come here to say what they actually feel without any repercussions, and others come here to see just how demented others are......from a distance.

Whatever hate or division that existed, already did.
Everyone who read that, including you, noticed that you did not deny my point about you supporting false accusations.

What kind of bat shit crazy hater, does it take to support falsely accusing and destroying innocent people?

Why are you so full of hate?

I am not concerned about "who read" whatever was stated. Nor do I waste my time hating anyone.

Now you are obvoiusly grasping at straws.

You've demonstrated clearly that you don't care if accusations of racism are true or not.

THat means that you are wiling to see innocent people destroyed.

If that is not hate,then what is it?

I have a little time to spare, so I will humor your penchant for extreme drama.....for a moment or two.

What makes you think that I want to see innocent people "destroyed"?

Your refusal to even consider the possibility of false accusations of racism, while employing accusations of racism.

That is embracing the idea that false accusations made against innocent people will be treated as real, with often harsh consequences for the falsely accused.

That is extremely vile of you, and is a great way to FOSTER racism, and hatred and division.

What do "innocent" people have to do with you?

I'm not wasting a second here hating anyone. I say what I believe based on what I see. Nothing personal.

But if you wish to believe that what is said in this tiny forum causes hate and division, you're wrong. Most individuals just come here to say what they actually feel without any repercussions, and others come here to see just how demented others are......from a distance.

Whatever hate or division that existed, already did.

The actions I refer to, your actions in support of false accusations of racism, are not limited to you, but used daily by millions of lefties like yourself.

Seriously, it is not credible that you thought I was putting this all on your actions in this "tiny forum".

That was just you playing dumb, to try to dodge my point.
I am not concerned about "who read" whatever was stated. Nor do I waste my time hating anyone.

Now you are obvoiusly grasping at straws.

You've demonstrated clearly that you don't care if accusations of racism are true or not.

THat means that you are wiling to see innocent people destroyed.

If that is not hate,then what is it?

I have a little time to spare, so I will humor your penchant for extreme drama.....for a moment or two.

What makes you think that I want to see innocent people "destroyed"?

Your refusal to even consider the possibility of false accusations of racism, while employing accusations of racism.

That is embracing the idea that false accusations made against innocent people will be treated as real, with often harsh consequences for the falsely accused.

That is extremely vile of you, and is a great way to FOSTER racism, and hatred and division.

What do "innocent" people have to do with you?

I'm not wasting a second here hating anyone. I say what I believe based on what I see. Nothing personal.

But if you wish to believe that what is said in this tiny forum causes hate and division, you're wrong. Most individuals just come here to say what they actually feel without any repercussions, and others come here to see just how demented others are......from a distance.

Whatever hate or division that existed, already did.

The actions I refer to, your actions in support of false accusations of racism, are not limited to you, but used daily by millions of lefties like yourself.

Seriously, it is not credible that you thought I was putting this all on your actions in this "tiny forum".

That was just you playing dumb, to try to dodge my point.

As with this entire thread, you do not "have a point".

Keep looking in the mirror. At some point in time it will be eye opening.

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