Whats the bigger threat to public safety/health?

Which is a bigger threat to public health/safety, Covid or nightly riots/protests?

  • covid

  • Protests & or riots

  • I can't answer because it would expose my hypocrisy

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If you answer coronavirus then you can't support the ongoing riots and mass protests.


white supremacists

right wing conservatives and evangelicals


trumps family


because you have a gun and agree with trump that "the only good democrat is a dead democrat"

making you a murderous threat to the lives of good and decent people
COVID-19 is projected to have killed 300,000 by the end of 2020.
The antifa/BLM riots are stupid kids who needed better parents, like this Baltimore mom:

trump is a buffoon who is MIShandling the virus

the rioters and looters are criminals who should be prosecuted CONSTITUTIONALLY

PEACEFUL PROTESTORS who do NOT riot or loot are much better people than Q-anon, Boogaloo, white supremacists, trump supporters and neo-nazis
COVID-19 is projected to have killed 300,000 by the end of 2020.
The antifa/BLM riots are stupid kids who needed better parents, like this Baltimore mom:

Yes, just stupid kids lol


And if left unchecked the protests/riots WILL destroy the American dream. That is far more devastating than a virus.
COVID-19 is projected to have killed 300,000 by the end of 2020.
The antifa/BLM riots are stupid kids who needed better parents, like this Baltimore mom:
Yes, just stupid kids lol


And if left unchecked the protests/riots WILL destroy the American dream. That is far more devastating than a virus.
Nah. The American dream is alive and well in the red "law abiding" areas.
Let the stupid MFs burn the cities down, then they can live in the burned out slums.
The colleges will be their first victims.
COVID-19 is projected to have killed 300,000 by the end of 2020.
The antifa/BLM riots are stupid kids who needed better parents, like this Baltimore mom:
Yes, just stupid kids lol


And if left unchecked the protests/riots WILL destroy the American dream. That is far more devastating than a virus.
Nah. The American dream is alive and well in the red "law abiding" areas.
Let the stupid MFs burn the cities down, then they can live in the burned out slums.
The colleges will be their first victims.
You can't have two Americas. Won't work.
If you answer coronavirus then you can't support the ongoing riots and mass protests.


white supremacists

right wing conservatives and evangelicals


trumps family


because you have a gun and agree with trump that "the only good democrat is a dead democrat"

making you a murderous threat to the lives of good and decent people
the only good democrat is a dead democrat
Even dead democrats are bad. They still vote

do you have a list of democrats and liberals you plan to kill when trump gives the signal for Q-anon to start firing?

Since you're gonna wear it on your head you might as well invest in it.
If you answer coronavirus then you can't support the ongoing riots and mass protests.
How may people have already died due to the pandemic versus how many have died due to the riots?

And, this is the only lawful answer:

The defense and protection of the state and of the United States is an obligation of all persons within the state. The legislature shall provide for the discharge of this obligation and for the maintenance and regulation of an organized militia.

We have a Second Amendment and should have no security problems in our free States. Don't grab guns, grab gun lovers and Regulate them Well!

Our legislators should stop being slackers.
The greatest threat to We the People is Donald Trump to remain in office for four more years.

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