What’s the deal with far left Democrats? Will they use transgender’s, feminine type men as bodyguards and in the front lines of war?

I’m just discussing the topic. I didn’t start it.

After reading 366644699 posts from you guys whining about gay and trans people, it has become perfectly clear that you guys are obsessed with this.

I don’t understand why you guys are so obsessed with something that doesn’t impact you whatsoever.

Your desperate attempt to flip this on me is adorable.
Pedophiles don't impact me either. Or you. So...
I agree it’s unfair. It’s also extremely rare.

Don’t pretend it’s anything more than you guys looking for an excuse to whine about trans people. You guys don’t give a shit about women sports and you know it.

There are people who are actually impacted by this problem, and you aren’t one of them.
Do you feel that blacks are discriminated against?
Okay, just reading the first few paragraphs, I can tell this woman has issues

That should go without saying. She has two children, both of them very obviously boys, and she thought they might be girls. She spent a few years chasing down that rabbit hole before she realized how fucked up it was, and what she was doing to her sons. Thankfully, she came to her senses, before she did any serious, irreversible damage to her boys.

Sane people do not get confused this way, about the difference between boys and girls.
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I see what you did there. You went from "conservatives" which is a LOT of people, to focus exclusively on ME, which is one person. I don't have to have a daughter in school to know I wanted her to compete as a child against other girls, not against physically superior boys. You're just trying to minimize the legitimate concern people have for their daughters, because it's inconvenient for your narrative.
So trans athletes competing in women sports DON’T impact you directly.

I’ve acknowledged that this is an issue that does impact SOME people. But considering how small the trans community is, it’s a very small issue that only impacts a small number of people.

The rest of you are overblowing the issue because you just want an excuse to whine about trans people. Thank you for proving my point for me.
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That has never been my experience, as a skilled construction worker.

I haven't taken any exact count, but I know that on every project I have worked, there've been plenty of people of various races. More white, than non-white, but not any more so than the general population.

Buttplug is full of shit, in saying that there are too many white construction workers, and he's full of shit in even presuming that it matters. What matters is whether a worker has what it takes to do the job, not what color his skin is. Nothing in my experience suggests that one has anything to do with the other.
I am also a construction worker, and my experiences match yours.
Do you have daughters competing in sports against super star trans athletes?
I see what you did there. You went from "conservatives" which is a LOT of people, to focus exclusively on ME, which is one person. I don't have to have a daughter in school to know I wanted her to compete as a child against other girls, not against physically superior boys. You're just trying to minimize the legitimate concern people have for their daughters, because it's inconvenient for your narrative.

One does not need to be directly affected by a particular evil, to recognize that it is evil, to recognize that people are harm by it, and to wish to oppose that evil and prevent that harm.

I see our society on a path that leads to it being seriously fucked up in the not-too-distant future. I'm old enough that I can hope to leave this world, before it gets really bad to where it would directly affect me. My wife and I never had any children, so we don't have to worry about what kind of world we're leaving for them. I just have to endure whatever happens to society until my time comes to an end; and rationally, I could choose not to give a shit who fucks up society how badly, after I am no longer around to experience it.

But I'm not a sociopath. I don't want people to suffer, to be harmed, undeservedly, even if they are people that I do not know, who will never directly affect me. I want my society, my culture to thrive, even after I am no longer around to see it.
That's their trademark PROJECTION you're accurately describing.

It's not liberals who can't stop talking about transgendered and gay people. As rightwinger pointed out, there's about 100,000 trans people in the USA - total.

But talking about non-existent problems invented by the radical right to frighten the base, you're completely ignoring a report that came out this week that says 1 in 10 teenage girls reported being sexually assaulted, in the past 12 months. This is really happening to young women right now, and everyone is ignoring this report and talking about "Chinese Spy Balloons", and Drag Queen Story Hour.

Of course since Republicans never have any solutions to the real problems, they need to continually deflect to imaginary issues, to keep the public from noticing their daughters are being raped at an alarming pace, while they're chasing phantom "groomers" in the public schools.
If a woman can pass the Fireman Entrance Exam then she should be allow to be a Fireman. If a Woman can pass the Seal Team Hell Week then she should be able to be included in a seal team. If a woman can pass the ........... You should get the idea but you don't. There are women in Spec Forces, Fire Departments, Police Departments, and a ton of other jobs that use to be predominately male. If that woman is standing in front of Kamila Harris in a Military Uniform then she earned the right to wear that uniform and deserves that respect. YOU don't.

Now about Gays and LBGTs. A buddy of mine told a story. It went like this. He said he used to go roll fags by putting a roll of quarters in a sock and hitting them with it and then take their money. One night in an Alley, he hit this one large dude who just smiled and the large dude said, "There is only one thing I like more than sucking cock and that's fighting".
Men who work in those positions know who are good and who are not. They also can be their own worst enemies. For every privileged place of employment there are many places that are not. This is the reality. So, standards are changed and/or males who could have families are denied due to modern feminism and equity that is destroying us. And there are many who do not understand this. Equity is different than equality. Joe's administration is proof of that.
One does not need to be directly affected by a particular evil, to recognize that it is evil, to recognize that people are harm by it, and to wish to oppose that evil and prevent that harm.
Translation: you guys don’t give a shit about women sports. You’re not one of the few people impacted by those issues. You’re just overblowing a small issue because you want an excuse to whine about trans people.
Translation: you guys don’t give a shit about women sports. You’re not one of the few people impacted by those issues. You’re just overblowing a small issue because you want an excuse to whine about trans people.

Translation: you guys don’t give a shit about women sports. You’re not one of the few people impacted by those issues. You’re just overblowing a small issue because you want an excuse to whine about trans people.

Why do you care s much, then?

Are you a fucked-up freak that thinks you're the opposite of your actual, biological sex?

Are you, in any way, directly affected by the fact that all sane people recognize “transgenderism” as a fucked-up mental disease? If not, then why do you care? If not, then why is it OK for you to care so much, and not for sane people to care?

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