What’s the deal with far left Democrats? Will they use transgender’s, feminine type men as bodyguards and in the front lines of war?

Why do you care enough to think about it. It doesn't affect you.
Black people make up 14% of the country. That’s a lot of people who are impacted.

The trans community is about half of 1%. Out of that population, how many super star trans athletes are competing against females? Much less. Doesn’t impact a lot of people.
No. And the people who do think that way don’t impact me or my life in any way whatsoever.

Then why do you care?

You insist on arguing that those of us who are not directly affected by fucked-up “transgender” freaks shouldn't worry about it, shouldn't be putting any effort into arguing against this madness. Shouldn't the same principle that you want to apply to us, apply equally to you? If it doesn't affect you, then why should you be so bothered that sane people don't buy into this fucked-up madness?
That has never been my experience, as a skilled construction worker.

I haven't taken any exact count, but I know that on every project I have worked, there've been plenty of people of various races. More white, than non-white, but not any more so than the general population.

Buttplug is full of shit, in saying that there are too many white construction workers, and he's full of shit in even presuming that it matters. What matters is whether a worker has what it takes to do the job, not what color his skin is. Nothing in my experience suggests that one has anything to do with the other.

I guess it would depend on where you're living and working Bob. But if you think it doesn't matter what the hiring practices are, and minorities are being excluded or limited in their roles, you're mistaken. I would also want to know whether minorities are overly represented in the unskilled labour jobs, and under-represented in the skilled labour categories as well.

I agree that it doesn't matter what colour or gender a person is, it's their ability to do the job that matters, and as you've seen there are good workers of all descriptions on the job. Buttigieg is questioning the process by which these people are getting the jobs, not their ability to do them.

Back in the early 1980's, I worked for a white collar employment agency briefly. What I discovered to my shock and horror, was that such agencies existing in the 1980's, to keep Bay Street offices white. Toronto is the most multi-cultural city in the world. When you ride transit and see half the people on the subway are not white, and then walk into a business where everyone is white, you can't help but notice.

Our agency made a very good living, ensuring that our clients never interviewed anyone who wasn't white. So our clients could never be sued for discriminating against minority applicants, because they never saw one. And some of HR people would just flat out say "Don't send me any black people". Or "anyone over 30". We used code words on applicant cards. "Friend of" Lashika Jones, or Sarah Wong, would indicate the race of applicants. We used real names of real applicants in our files to indicate race so we couldn't be accused of discrimination either.

Union membership has been used in a similar way. If a contractor calls the union and says "Don't send me any", you can bet the Union has been going along with it.
I see what you did there. You went from "conservatives" which is a LOT of people, to focus exclusively on ME, which is one person. I don't have to have a daughter in school to know I wanted her to compete as a child against other girls, not against physically superior boys. You're just trying to minimize the legitimate concern people have for their daughters, because it's inconvenient for your narrative.

So you're opining on something you know nothing about, based on false information being fed to you by right wing media.

Boys and girls compete together in small town team sports until around age 10 - 12, and there is little in the way of biological differences. Those of us who did move into the more serious "travelling teams" competed in boys only/girls only events. I competed against girls on the swim team who beat the all of the boys their age on the swim team, as well as boys who were two years older than them. Those girls went on to compete for Canada in international competition, but the boys and their parents were really pissed when Christine beat their sons.

The rules under which trans athletes can compete means that they can't beat the girls. No trans athlete in history has won a major title or event, but really, there have only been one or two since the 1960's who even made it to elite levels.

The only trans teenager I know is in no way interested in sports, and is in a full time therapy program to deal with a whole host of psychological problems. Hardly ready to go out and take on the world.
Then why do you care?

You insist on arguing that those of us who are not directly affected by fucked-up “transgender” freaks shouldn't worry about it, shouldn't be putting any effort into arguing against this madness. Shouldn't the same principle that you want to apply to us, apply equally to you? If it doesn't affect you, then why should you be so bothered that sane people don't buy into this fucked-up madness?
Pointing out your stupid obsession doesn’t mean I’m obsessed.
Black people make up 14% of the country. That’s a lot of people who are impacted.

The trans community is about half of 1%. Out of that population, how many super star trans athletes are competing against females? Much less. Doesn’t impact a lot of people.
Does not matter. It doesn't affect you.
Buttplug doesn't know shit about the skilled trades, or who gets hired in them, or how.

He's just spewing bullshit on subjects about which he is deeply ignorant.

Given his background in municipal politics, I would say that Mayor Pete knows a lot about skilled trades. He had a "vacant and abandoned properties initiative" in South Bend which had the goal of rehabilitating 1000 properties in 1000 days, required him to make major assessments of the skilled trades and developers available to work on this project with him. South Bend is a small enough city that the Mayor isn't isolated from the roll up your sleeves work in the community.

I doubt Buttigieg knew very much about moving cargo through ports of entry either, but he managed to learn really fast and clean up the bottle necks. Now he's working at rolling out the infrastructure renewal program.

His cabinet portfolio at a time of infrastructure renewal will give him great experience at getting things done at a federal level. Smart, well spoken, committed to public service, and willing to do the tough stuff. If I were an American, I'd vote for him, but he does need a bit more federal level experience.
That should go without saying. She has two children, both of them very obviously boys, and she thought they might be girls. She spent a few years chasing down that rabbit hole before she realized how fucked up it was, and what she was doing to her sons. Thankfully, she came to her senses, before she did any serious, irreversible damage to her boys.

Again, it sounds to me that she had some fairly crazy ideas about parenting to start with.

So by your dubious logic, if a kid decides they are transgender, despite being raised by cis-gendered, heterosexual parents... that would be proof that they really are transgender, right?

Sane people do not get confused this way, about the difference between boys and girls.

Uh, Bob, you think you are wearing magic underwear and will rule a planet in the afterlife... you don't get to talk about "Sane".

One does not need to be directly affected by a particular evil, to recognize that it is evil, to recognize that people are harm by it, and to wish to oppose that evil and prevent that harm.

Again, not seeing how this is "evil". I mean, it offends your sensibilities, to be sure. But that sounds kind of like your hangup.

I see our society on a path that leads to it being seriously fucked up in the not-too-distant future. I'm old enough that I can hope to leave this world, before it gets really bad to where it would directly affect me. My wife and I never had any children, so we don't have to worry about what kind of world we're leaving for them. I just have to endure whatever happens to society until my time comes to an end; and rationally, I could choose not to give a shit who fucks up society how badly, after I am no longer around to experience it.

Well, we can all agree, the world will be better once you've gone off to the Celestial Heaven, or where you think you are going.

All that said, you are upset that as a white, cisgendered, heterosexual, male, that people who don't fit into those boxes are actually getting the same privileges you are. The horror of it all.

But I'm not a sociopath.
That's up for debate.
I don't want people to suffer, to be harmed, undeservedly, even if they are people that I do not know, who will never directly affect me. I want my society, my culture to thrive, even after I am no longer around to see it.

Here's the thing. Society is always changing.

70 years ago, women having careers and blacks riding on the front of the bus was considered the end of the culture.
Why do you care s much, then?

Are you a fucked-up freak that thinks you're the opposite of your actual, biological sex?

Are you, in any way, directly affected by the fact that all sane people recognize “transgenderism” as a fucked-up mental disease? If not, then why do you care? If not, then why is it OK for you to care so much, and not for sane people to care?

Well, I support transgender rights simply for the pure fucking enjoyment I get watching religious assholes pop a gasket.

But to the point, let's agree that gender dysphoria is a mental illness. So is Depression, but you wouldn't tell a depressed person to "Just cheer up". You wouldn't tell someone with an anxiety disorder to "Grow a spine". You wouldn't tell a person with anorexia to "have a sandwich!" You'd recognize that these people need treatments to feel better. Perhaps even a lifetime of therapy.

The general consensus of the psychiatric community is that the best treatment for the transgender is hormone therapy and gender confirmation surgery. Until you side comes up with something better than 'Pray To Jesus", I'll go with what the experts say.

Final point, Bob. Your side has already lost this fight. Big corporations are coming down on the side of Transgender rights and even allowing employees to pick their own pronouns.
Uh, Bob, you think you are wearing magic underwear and will rule a planet in the afterlife... you don't get to talk about "Sane".

Says someone who believes that space aliens are controlling us by way of every oak tree.

See how that works? If you get to make up crazy shit, attribute it to me, and on that basis cast aspersions on my sanity, then I get to do the same to you.
Says someone who believes that space aliens are controlling us by way of every oak tree.

See how that works? If you get to make up crazy shit, attribute it to me, and on that basis cast aspersions on my sanity, then I get to do the same to you.

Uh, does your religion not have sacred undergarments?
Does your religion not believe in the Celestial Heaven?

Now, yeah, I describe in a way to make it sound fucking silly, because it is.

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