What’s the deal with far left Democrats? Will they use transgender’s, feminine type men as bodyguards and in the front lines of war?

No, actually, it's kind of fun. Not that I really spare any religion. If I'm not making fun of your religion, it's because 1) I haven't taken enough time to learn about it, and 2) You aren't acting dickish enough to merit my ridicule. Obviously, I spend a lot of time mocking Catholics, Evangelicals, Zionists and Mormons because they are kind of dicks.
Some people call the church of my fathers from many generations ago, they call us "the frozen chosen" <you're supposed to laugh, but you don't hafta> :)

The name "Presbyterian" comes from the Greek "presbuteros" which means "elder". The only minister in the early American Congress who also signed the Declaration of Independence was Presbyterian Rev. John Witherspoon. Other than that, when they were picking out methods to govern the new nation, he contributed our governance by elders who had equal votes on church business to decide on issues they faced back then. The other Continental Congressmen really gravitated to the idea of equality of each representative as fairness for all, regardless of how their jobs or professions differed. So they came up with younger representatives of the people based on population and 2 elders for the final say persons as 2 per state in the new Senate that was to pass or not pass what the representatives decided on, or to make sure they were doing right by the Constitution. That was deemed as best for a new country that was free from dynasties that ruled generation after generation of the same family line. The colonies wanted no part of such staid systems as they escaped from in the Old World to something that would provide equality amongst men making up the population's breadwinners. Back then, women were so dedicated to childbirth, cooking what the breadwinner brought home, and raising a family, they hadn't time for state affairs, which was placed on mens' shoulders since home-making took (and still takes) to raise a child to young adulthood, many years, and families had to be big to make more people for the vast land that was widely uninhabited, and tribes of indians were scattered such that they would have large hunting grounds for their food of deer, havolinas, turkey, small mammals. The colonists were very religious, but different countries in europe frequently had different state religions and chiefly Christian denominations that had different backgrounds that freaked each other out a lot. The Congress had their work cut out for each other, but the need for giving everyone equality benefitted from the governing structure of the egalitarian Presbyterians. And there was a lot of intermarrying between members of differing religions which opened the door for great tolerances for persons of different persuasions due to the Church they belonged to, and a vague realization that no church's belief system could be favored or divisions would guarantee chaos. American DNA seems to be broad tolerances for people of different religious backgrounds. Younger representatives filled the House of Congress Representatives, while older statesmen who were always fewer in number but older and more experienced to keep an eye on whether a law passed was Constitutional. If it went overboard, the bill or law was rejected if it didn't cut the mustard with the Constitution, so the Senators usually sent recommended to their younger lawmakers to do their part of supporting the Constitution with laws that would benefit their constituents. I'm certain you know all that, having read your posts for the past 10 to 15 years. Sometimes our ways are too time-consuming in matters of massive needs such as war skirmishes or weather that damages one state more than others, so the age differences frequently take a back seat to national needs as forever equals. Pardon my rambling, but I'm a little tired today after several days of replanting an orchard of fruit trees that didn't survive the drought of 2011, and I just got some friends willing to pitch in. Have a great evening, good luck with learning to live with people of faith that differs per person, and your arguments grow more effective with each passing year as you grow older and mature enough to put a light as to why your argument is superior. Oh, and I just added ahymn that explains our idea of brotherhood here: Zone1 - Be Thou My Vision, O Lord --Songs of love and trusting in God The name of the hymn is "O Brother Man" and emphasizes why people should lovingly respect each other. I really like the words in the hymn as it works! Love, beautress.
We can clearly see what the far left Democrats are doing in this thread. When they’re confronted with clear-cut facts that leading Democrats make racist comments and enact racist policies, when they are shown major universities and companies engage in racism all they do is engage in a distraction method. They go for personal attacks they don’t care that staring them in the face is a government that preaches inequality.

I have something here I have the president of United States saying “I will hire a black woman for vice president”. Hey wait a second what if a white man said “I will only hire a white man to be my secretary of state.”

Here is what the responses from Democrats literally this is what they say

“ oh you’re a racist“

Yes it’s getting old we see this because Americans all over the country are recognizing that what they see on the media from CNN and what they see on social media is not represented by the will of the majority of the American people. Simply put big tech and that includes Google and YouTube search engines are slanted and are bias in favor of the far left …. the Democrats in this thread they don’t care about the future of this country. They just care about soundbites , it’s disturbing stuff.

What is amazing though and glory to God is that the truth always prevails. Goodness prevails over evil the Democrats represent. Goodness in the sense that America is a country were the best person historically gets the job… doesn’t matter what the skin color religion or gender is. And goodness will prevail over the evil Democrats who just ignore reality and live in a fantasy world, and how they attempt to make our lives as Americans a living nightmare. But they won’t win the Democrats well the far left that is will lose in the end because America always prevails.
The far left never has anything. Why don’t they show us in the past 20 years a white vice president or white president saying I will only hire a white man to be secretary of state. Until then they can sit down.

Seeing the fact that the current US government is paying for some kind of an equity office to ensure that there is diversity in the workforce. It’s nonsense it’s anti-American it’s no different than saying we’re going to ensure that there is a majority of white people on the workforce we’re going to ensure that there’s majority of Black people in the workforce we’re going to ensure that there’s a majority of Christians on the workforce through diversity.

What’s really fascinating is we live in a diverse country and have since the beginning …America has always been a melting part of cultures but we live in a country where the government preaches racism and and inequality .

When you have the secretary of transportation say “we have too many construction white workers”

Here is what the response is from the far left ,

“Stop watching Fox News”

We can see that the Democratic Party has fallen from the great party that it used to be. The question is can it make a comeback?
We can clearly see what the far left Democrats are doing in this thread. When they’re confronted with clear-cut facts that leading Democrats make racist comments and enact racist policies, when they are shown major universities and companies engage in racism all they do is engage in a distraction method. They go for personal attacks they don’t care that staring them in the face is a government that preaches inequality.

I have something here I have the president of United States saying “I will hire a black woman for vice president”. Hey wait a second what if a white man said “I will only hire a white man to be my secretary of state.”

Here's the thing. The previous 48 Vice Presidents have all been white men. Except for that one guy who was part native American. But they were all white men. And before you whine 'But they were the most qualified", that list included people like Spiro Agnew and Dan Quayle. So Biden says, "I'm going to pick a woman of color" and all you white privilege types absolutely freak.

Yes it’s getting old we see this because Americans all over the country are recognizing that what they see on the media from CNN and what they see on social media is not represented by the will of the majority of the American people. Simply put big tech and that includes Google and YouTube search engines are slanted and are bias in favor of the far left …. the Democrats in this thread they don’t care about the future of this country. They just care about soundbites , it’s disturbing stuff.

Actually, the Republicans haven't won the popular vote since 2004, and then they had to scare the hell out of the country to do it. The idea that you old racist wingnuts aren't living in the America you want is really your problem.

What is amazing though and glory to God is that the truth always prevails. Goodness prevails over evil the Democrats represent. Goodness in the sense that America is a country were the best person historically gets the job… doesn’t matter what the skin color religion or gender is. And goodness will prevail over the evil Democrats who just ignore reality and live in a fantasy world, and how they attempt to make our lives as Americans a living nightmare. But they won’t win the Democrats well the far left that is will lose in the end because America always prevails.

Again, your side put Dan Quayle and Spiro Agnew in that job. You tried to put Sarah Palin in that job. You all don't get to claim the best and the brightest.

The far left never has anything. Why don’t they show us in the past 20 years a white vice president or white president saying I will only hire a white man to be secretary of state. Until then they can sit down.

Seeing the fact that the current US government is paying for some kind of an equity office to ensure that there is diversity in the workforce. It’s nonsense it’s anti-American it’s no different than saying we’re going to ensure that there is a majority of white people on the workforce we’re going to ensure that there’s majority of Black people in the workforce we’re going to ensure that there’s a majority of Christians on the workforce through diversity.

What’s really fascinating is we live in a diverse country and have since the beginning …America has always been a melting part of cultures but we live in a country where the government preaches racism and and inequality .
Check your privilege, Son!
So trans athletes competing in women sports DON’T impact you directly.

I’ve acknowledged that this is an issue that does impact SOME people. But considering how small the trans community is, it’s a very small issue that only impacts a small number of people.

The rest of you are overblowing the issue because you just want an excuse to whine about trans people. Thank you for proving my point for me.
I did nothing to prove your point because an issue doesn't have to impact me directly for me to have a legitimate opinion about it. I don't smoke, for example, and no one in my house smokes. That doesn't stop me from having opinions about tobacco and from expressing those opinions. You pretend you can read minds so you can discard the opinions of those who disagree with you as not legitimate.
If people get divorced, that’s up to them. Not my problem.

Same with trans people. If they want to be trans, that’s up to them. Not my problem.
And yet you care enough about it to not only express your own opinion but attempt to discount the opinions of others with which you don't agree. Funny how that works.
I did nothing to prove your point because an issue doesn't have to impact me directly for me to have a legitimate opinion about it. I don't smoke, for example, and no one in my house smokes. That doesn't stop me from having opinions about tobacco and from expressing those opinions. You pretend you can read minds so you can discard the opinions of those who disagree with you as not legitimate.
Of course you can have opinions about smoking. But you guys talk a whole lot more about trans people than you do smoking. At some point, it turns into more than an opinion. At some point it turns into an obsession.

You guys are well past that point.
Of course you can have opinions about smoking. But you guys talk a whole lot more about trans people than you do smoking. At some point, it turns into more than an opinion. At some point it turns into an obsession.

You guys are well past that point.
Trans people are in the news right now while smoking isn't. Did you forget that? Let's see if I can play your game. Obviously, you desperately want people to stop objecting to boys who want to be girls being naked in locker rooms and bathrooms with girls and dominating them in sports because you know your argument is weak and falls apart on any examination. You simply declaring someone else to be obsessed is ludicrous.
Already addressed. Refer to post #154.
And yet you insist you don't care about the whole subject. Do you know how people express their lack of concern about a subject? They don't write posts about it or what other people say about it.
They have a butt load of sexual fantasies they keep dragging to the board.
I keep telling you those foil helmets you buy from the back page of your comic books don't give you mind reading powers.
And yet you insist you don't care about the whole subject. Do you know how people express their lack of concern about a subject? They don't write posts about it or what other people say about it.
It’s a message board. I’m going to chime in.

My opinion is that you guys whine about trans people all the time because you’re obsessed with them.

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