What’s the deal with far left Democrats? Will they use transgender’s, feminine type men as bodyguards and in the front lines of war?

Uh, does your religion not have sacred undergarments?
Does your religion not believe in the Celestial Heaven?

The absurd distortions that you insist on attributing to me and others of my faith, are far enough removed from what we really believe, to qualify as lies.

And if you use these lies to denigrate my sanity, then it is equally valid for me to make up absurd shit, attribute it to you, and on that basis, to disparage your sanity.

The hard truth is that I don't really even need to do that. What you often openly express is far more batshit crazy, than your most extravagant distortions and mockeries of my beliefs.
Conservatives are obsessed with transgender people.
Not necessarily. I don't think of people as transgender, but as humans. But back to the subject of Democrats, my puppies were born on oct. 17, and are definitely Democrats. They all huddle together to get through a cold night, but at dinner time they transform themselves in to grabbing the best and the most food for themself, no matter who they procured warmth from the night before. And they don't know they're girls or boys yet. I know, because the girls are slightly smaller, they have pretty jawlines, whereas the boys have squarish jaws and are fatter. The girls are quicker to grab a bite and swallow it before the boys know what hit them. <giggle> The food gone, they wait for the next bite, only to be outfoxed by the other girl doggie. and they NEVER CATCH ON!!!! (lmao) They are, however, content to HOPE they get the next scrap of turkey or whatever you're serving, but they have this knack of wanting to eat off a rival's plate with all 4 little boy puppies gobbling up whatever they can from the other little boy pups. Lecturing them does not mean a thing to any of them girl or boy. They do as they please long before your steamy red face has paled down, and if you do not pass out the goods quickly, they will "accidentally" bite your hand or scratch the devil out of your knit socks, sheer hosiery, skirt, or jeans. Vicious? uh-huh. But in a cute way most of the time. They're not cute when they bite Deaf Smith, aka "Spotty," because he has zero hearing, but he can't join in their understood whining since he can't hear or know what their complaint du jour is all about, so they think he deserves a good toothing. The last time they did that he was bloody, and earned themselves a swat with the flyswatter to remind them they shouldn't be bullies. They now treat Mr. Deaf Smith with a lot more respect, and I haven't seen another tooth mark on himself since that time, and my sore throat has healed as well from the lecture they received upon my discovery of their gang bang tooth fiasco. When I looked yesterday, soft little new hairs had replaced the rough sores on the edge of his flopsy ears. They were so soft this morning, it's as if the ordeal never happened to him. I never dreamed I'd be a puppy sociologist, but I want them to be neither bullies nor cowards. That accomplished, I love every one of those little rascals as if they were human children. Last week's bully is his week's A+ student and gentle puppy too. Doggie children can be persuaded to be polite, but 5 minutes later, you never know what they're gonna pull at breakfast or supper time. I love them. Anybody want a good guard doggie who's cute as a button? I'm keeping Spotty Deaf Smith because his solution to isolation is sleeping all day and all night, and he needs constant TLC when he is awake. He's made some strides socially lately. The doggies are accepting him a lot better after the one-apiece fly swat day for chewing on him like hens pecking on a weak sister.
Why are you so obsessed about the “obsession” that sane people have about not being compelled to play along with the insane delusions of mentally-fucked-up freaks?
“Play along”?

That stuff is going to happen regardless of if you “play along“ or not.

You’re just whining about it because you’re obsessed with it.
Not necessarily. I don't think of people as transgender, but as humans. But back to the subject of Democrats, my puppies were born on oct. 17, and are definitely Democrats. They all huddle together to get through a cold night, but at dinner time they transform themselves in to grabbing the best and the most food for themself, no matter who they procured warmth from the night before. And they don't know they're girls or boys yet. I know, because the girls are slightly smaller, they have pretty jawlines, whereas the boys have squarish jaws and are fatter. The girls are quicker to grab a bite and swallow it before the boys know what hit them. <giggle> The food gone, they wait for the next bite, only to be outfoxed by the other girl doggie. and they NEVER CATCH ON!!!! (lmao) They are, however, content to HOPE they get the next scrap of turkey or whatever you're serving, but they have this knack of wanting to eat off a rival's plate with all 4 little boy puppies gobbling up whatever they can from the other little boy pups. Lecturing them does not mean a thing to any of them girl or boy. They do as they please long before your steamy red face has paled down, and if you do not pass out the goods quickly, they will "accidentally" bite your hand or scratch the devil out of your knit socks, sheer hosiery, skirt, or jeans. Vicious? uh-huh. But in a cute way most of the time. They're not cute when they bite Deaf Smith, aka "Spotty," because he has zero hearing, but he can't join in their understood whining since he can't hear or know what their complaint du jour is all about, so they think he deserves a good toothing. The last time they did that he was bloody, and earned themselves a swat with the flyswatter to remind them they shouldn't be bullies. They now treat Mr. Deaf Smith with a lot more respect, and I haven't seen another tooth mark on himself since that time, and my sore throat has healed as well from the lecture they received upon my discovery of their gang bang tooth fiasco. When I looked yesterday, soft little new hairs had replaced the rough sores on the edge of his flopsy ears. They were so soft this morning, it's as if the ordeal never happened to him. I never dreamed I'd be a puppy sociologist, but I want them to be neither bullies nor cowards. That accomplished, I love every one of those little rascals as if they were human children. Last week's bully is his week's A+ student and gentle puppy too. Doggie children can be persuaded to be polite, but 5 minutes later, you never know what they're gonna pull at breakfast or supper time. I love them. Anybody want a good guard doggie who's cute as a button? I'm keeping Spotty Deaf Smith because his solution to isolation is sleeping all day and all night, and he needs constant TLC when he is awake. He's made some strides socially lately. The doggies are accepting him a lot better after the one-apiece fly swat day for chewing on him like hens pecking on a weak sister.
The absurd distortions that you insist on attributing to me and others of my faith, are far enough removed from what we really believe, to qualify as lies.

And if you use these lies to denigrate my sanity, then it is equally valid for me to make up absurd shit, attribute it to you, and on that basis, to disparage your sanity.

Uh, then you should be easily able to tell me what I've gotten wrong.

I mean, other Mormons at least make the effort. Maybe you just aren't that versed in your religion, you just go along with whatever you are told. You don't strike me as a deep thinker.
That was the discussion here.

They Want Big, Strapping Men!” - Women Don’t Call Betas When Trouble Strikes​

Completely serious thing. We see all the Democrats here keep talking about things like transgender‘s, LGBT rights. OK it is right to talk about equal rights for all in our country to strive for a better country.

But We see them(The far left, anarchists antifa) get mad when Americans have questions about how our society has changed and how we will deal with this.

The question that can be asked of these folks is what kind of country do you want? OK democrats say what you’ll say. Are you democrats seeing women being used as bodyguards for the vice president? Are you seeing feminine type men being used as bodyguards for the vice president or for the president? . Are you seeing feminine type men being use in the front lines of our military?

Notice how often from the far left, there’s never an answer for this. They simply look at the headline and just lose it. They’ll say things like “why do you care about peoples private lives” or something similar . we’re not talking about private lives here. We’re talking about our country. So to all the Democrats answer the questions. Respond to the points being made in the video above.

This simply comes down to one thing it is as follows , when it comes to applying to be a secret Service agent or a bodyguard for the president or Vice President . And when it comes to fighting on the front lines in our military,

Should males and females have to pass the same test or should a different test be given to a female or a transgender man or transgender woman?

The military is just a back door to providing free sexual mutilations to sickos, is all. The don't want a miliary at all; it might harm some thugs or something or be used on the border, or even defend allies against Russians and Red Chinese and Iranians. WE can't have any of that.
Explain to me how trans people are personally impacting your life.

You guys constantly bring it up because you’re obsessed.

I get that you think they’re icky. I‘m not into that either. But what they do doesn’t impact me or bother me. They just have a different lifestyle. Why do they bother you so much that you constantly bring them up?

lol he doesn't bring them up much; you deviants do, like in this thread. Then you snivel and cry cuz sane people reject your idiot nonsense. Keep your sick asses out of schools and away from kids, stay in your bathhouses and kill each other with every passing disease epidemic, then go die in your closets where you belong and stop promoting your illness as 'normal'.
Not at all. I totally support his first Amendment right to believe whatever batshit crazy stuff Joseph Smith lied about.
ANd my first amendment right to ridicule it at every opportunity.
I was right. Beating up by way of righteous judgment on other people's religion is boring!
Uh, then you should be easily able to tell me what I've gotten wrong.

I mean, other Mormons at least make the effort. Maybe you just aren't that versed in your religion, you just go along with whatever you are told. You don't strike me as a deep thinker.

The verse about casting one's pearls before swine fully applies to any attempts to enlighten you.
The massive difference is right now it is Democrats who by far and wide are causing violence and all sorts of criminality, and all sorts of division.
That's a stellar example of the "If you want to know what a conservative is thinking, planning and doing, simply watch what they accuse liberals of. All of their accusations are actually confessions."

That rule is infallible. It plainly holds here.
LoL You and your people are CONSTANTLY whining about trans people.

They’re not going anywhere just because you don’t like them. Sucks got you huh?

lol no, faggots are constantly whining about subsidizing and pandering to their mental illnesses. We're not going to shut i=up just because you deviants don't like that. It literally sucks to be faggots, huh?
Because transgenderism is idiotic.

A man no more feels like a woman than they feel like a rhinoceros.

Because they have no point of reference to have insight into what it actually feels like to be either one.

But that idiocy has infected society.

I was watching a clip of Jordan Peterson the other day... He says...

"A Disney executive said on camera that she had two children, 5 and 7...one was trans and the other was pansexual.

So I did some math.

The probability of having a trans child is one in 3000. Pansexuality is a newer phenomenon...but it is much more rare...(he gave the probability, I can't remember it).

Calculating the odds of having two children, one trans and one pansexual is one in nine million.

So the probability that this is a narcissistic mother (paraphrased) basically abusing her children to be seen as woke and inclusive is...

...8,999,999 to 1."

That my friend...is a real world effect.
More odd stuff that showed up in my timeline today:

Guy's daughter comes out as trans then his wife comes out as non-binary.

Social contagion whipping through the west.
I was right. Beating up by way of righteous judgment on other people's religion is boring!

No, actually, it's kind of fun. Not that I really spare any religion. If I'm not making fun of your religion, it's because 1) I haven't taken enough time to learn about it, and 2) You aren't acting dickish enough to merit my ridicule. Obviously, I spend a lot of time mocking Catholics, Evangelicals, Zionists and Mormons because they are kind of dicks.

The verse about casting one's pearls before swine fully applies to any attempts to enlighten you.
The problem is, you won't get enlightenment from a religion that sugarcoats its past more than Disney movie, Bob.

As I said, I was brought up Catholic, and got 12 years of religious indoctrination from crazy frustrated lesbians and priests I didn't want to be left alone in a room with.

And when I got out of that environment, and started questioning it after the shitty way clergy members acted after my parents died, I found out about the really messed up shit in Catholic History.

I found out that the Pope was deep in bed with the Axis powers during World War II, or that they sanctioned inquisitions and crusades and other nastiness. I got to read the parts of the Bible they skipped over in Church like Jephthah sacrificing his virgin daughter because he made a foolish oath to God. I found out that pedophile priests weren't a bug, they were a design feature. There were even the fun parts like the Pornocracy of the 10th century. (No, it's not as fun as it sounds, it describes a time when women were pulling all the strings of the Church) or the Cadaver Synod (where Pope Steven VI dug up the body of Pope Formosus and put it on trial!)

Now, I live in a state with few Mormons, so I really didn't give your cult a lot of thought. I encountered some Mormons during my time in the service, and they were the most smile in your face, stab you in the back mother fuckers I ever met in my life. (And that's saying a lot, since way too many people I've encountered fall in that category.)

But it wasn't until Mitt Romney decided to hijack the GOP that I really started studying the crazy stuff you people believe. Magic Underwear, ruling your own planets in the afterlife, baptizing dead people, and of course, the entire hilarious life of Joseph Smith, a con artist who started believing his own bullshit. Not to mention the hilarious stories of Hebrews in the Americas who were turned dark because God was mad at them.

Now, final point for you and Butthead... I really don't have a big problem with Christianity. Most of what Jesus said (or was attributed to him) was pretty good advice.

You should treat other people the way you'd want to be treated.
You should care about the poor.
You should try to forgive those who wrong you. (I'm really working on that one, because I tend to hold grudges for decades!)

But once you organize it into churches and you have a Pope or a Prophet who benefits from all the goodies of being in charge of an organization of people who will give up their money, you get corruption. It's everything bad you believe about government, but worse because they don't answer to the people, they answer to an imaginary being in the sky they claim to be speaking for.

Since you aren't a very deep thinker, I don't expect any of this to get through to you.

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