What's the difference between the White Supremacists, White Nationalists,

Two different questions. There is no difference between white supremacists and white nationalists. Both are racist assholes just like black groups that focus on race instead of human rights are racists assholes.

The Alt-Right is racist, but like David Duke shedding his cone hat and putting on a suit, they hide it. Far Right covers a broader territory, but usually encompasses strict Christian religious groups which is why abortion and gays figure so prominently in their agenda.

Now, your turn. What is the difference between any political group labeled "black" (for race) like "Black Panthers"or "Black caucus" and a group of racists like the NBPP?

What is the difference between the LWL and the Alt-Left?
Create a thread for that question and let's discuss it.

I don't want to get derailed from the OP.
A white supremacist believes the white race is superior in every way to all other races.

A white nationalist also believes the same thing, with the added belief that all races would be happier living separately. White nations, black nations, brown nations, etc. To support their argument, they point to the Jewish nation (Israel).

A couple decades ago, the KKK and Nazi ranks were so depleted, they decided to join forces and call themselves White Nationalists.

Among white nationalists, there are those who believe all the "mud people" should be invited to leave the United States and be financially compensated for their property, and then all the colors of nations will live happily ever after.

Well, sort of. Being white supremacists, WNs believe the other color nations will eventually die off from being so darned inferior. With the possible exception of the yellow nations.

Other WNs believe the mud people should be made to leave the white nations at the point of a gun without financial compensation.

Still others can't wait for RaHoWa (Racial Holy War) so they can commit mass genocide of all non-whites.

There are a large number of WNs who believe the white race is doomed to extinction, and they are pretty depressed and angry about it.

The Alt-Right is just a name some White Nationalists gave themselves to distinguish them from other WNs.

The Far Right is a catch-all term. It can include anyone from a non-bigoted ultra-conservative to a WN/Nazi/KKK/Alt-Right asshole.

The WNs, Nazis, and Alt-Right are so far to the right that they call your average non-racist conservative a "cultural marxist".
This sounds about right.
There is none. White nationalist is just the media's way of trying to sugar coat white supremacist.
So it's the MEDIA's fault?

g5000, are you a zionist jew by any chance? Just curious. :p
You know, it's funny. After posting last night, I thought to myself that someone would assume I am a Jew. :lol:

I'm not.

In fact, I am a six foot tall, blonde haired, blue-eyed white male who served 20 years on active duty. I'm an Aryan faggot's wet dream.
You've defined Trumps voter base.

Bullshit. Why weren't you bitching when racist Bill was in office or his horribly racist wife was running?
Speaking of bullshit along comes Tresha

Another example of what's wrong with America.
The political correctness of socialism is what's wrong with America…

We don't have socialism in the US.
Thank god we dont have pure socialism, millions would parish... all forms socialism requires it to be forced on people that want nothing to do with it, will never use it and cannot afford it…

Unfortunately we do have socialism in this country… It's a shitty deal
Let's face it, when you have a question like this topic, you need the EXPERTS, and here they are...

Bullshit. Why weren't you bitching when racist Bill was in office or his horribly racist wife was running?
Speaking of bullshit along comes Tresha

Another example of what's wrong with America.
The political correctness of socialism is what's wrong with America…

We don't have socialism in the US.
Thank god we dont have pure socialism, millions would parish... all forms socialism requires it to be forced on people that want nothing to do with it, will never use it and cannot afford it…

Unfortunately we do have socialism in this country… It's a shitty deal
how would your parents or any older folks get along without medicare or SS?
Speaking of bullshit along comes Tresha

Another example of what's wrong with America.
The political correctness of socialism is what's wrong with America…

We don't have socialism in the US.
Thank god we dont have pure socialism, millions would parish... all forms socialism requires it to be forced on people that want nothing to do with it, will never use it and cannot afford it…

Unfortunately we do have socialism in this country… It's a shitty deal
how would your parents or any older folks get along without medicare or SS?
The same way my ancestors did, and they didn't have any of those socialist entitlement programs.
You progressives keep that shit to yourself, everyone would be better off for it
...I thought to myself that someone would assume I am a Jew.

That might be because you seem to support the Jewish Identity movement known as Zionism and consider anyone with White Identity as a "Nazi." :confused-84:
The Alt-Right and The Far Right?

Anyone? This is especially for those USMBers that are self-proclaimed conservatives and self-proclaimed rightwingers.

"What's the difference between the White Supremacists, White Nationalists?"

How about I ask you what is the difference between a Black Nationalist and White Nationalist?

This is a Black Nationalist speaking to you

And this is a White Nationalist Describing The Subversive Party you Belong to.

This is a Black Nationalist Talking about Popularity

This is a White Nationalist Talking about Popularity

This is a Black Nationalist Talking About Freedom


Full Quote That I like Better:

This is a White Nationalist Talking About Freedom


The Left sees RACE. The RIGHT sees "AMERICANS"

Only a divisive American Hating Leftist would try to pit One American against another for Political and Personal Gain.

Go beat your dog or whatever you do when you are so full of hate and rage that you have to take it out on America.

Last edited:
Lincoln and MLK would not be welcome in either party today.

BLM would toss MLK out, and the Dems celebrate LBJ, who MLK's offspring blame for his death.

Lincoln would not be dishonest and treasonous enough to cover for Israel being behind 911, so out of the post 1998 GOP he would go....
Bullshit. Why weren't you bitching when racist Bill was in office or his horribly racist wife was running?
Speaking of bullshit along comes Tresha

Another example of what's wrong with America.
The political correctness of socialism is what's wrong with America…

We don't have socialism in the US.
Thank god we dont have pure socialism, millions would parish... all forms socialism requires it to be forced on people that want nothing to do with it, will never use it and cannot afford it…

Unfortunately we do have socialism in this country… It's a shitty deal

First it's socialism, now it's changed to pure socialism, and now you're ranting about socialism again but haven't come up with one example.
Will the OP please explain how being a conservative means you have to know all about White Supremacists and White Nationalists?

This might be one of the stupidest threads on USMB...
Are you that obtuse? Yeah, you are.

Listen bub, those people are who support your party, and especially since Trump, outwardly so..

Nobody's making this stuff up, these are the facts.

Deal with it!

Deal with it!


Last edited:
Speaking of bullshit along comes Tresha

Another example of what's wrong with America.
The political correctness of socialism is what's wrong with America…

We don't have socialism in the US.
Thank god we dont have pure socialism, millions would parish... all forms socialism requires it to be forced on people that want nothing to do with it, will never use it and cannot afford it…

Unfortunately we do have socialism in this country… It's a shitty deal

First it's socialism, now it's changed to pure socialism, and now you're ranting about socialism again but haven't come up with one example.

Socialism requires people to be forced into something they want nothing to do with, will never use and cannot afford. It can never be a good thing that those things are necessary for a program to exist. I say fuck socialism, fuck your collective, fuck globalism.
Again, I say keep your socialism to yourselves if it's so great, it obviously does not suit millions of people so why force it on them? socialism is a cancer that infects the morally repugnant
The Alt-Right and The Far Right?

Anyone? This is especially for those USMBers that are self-proclaimed conservatives and self-proclaimed rightwingers.

"What's the difference between the White Supremacists, White Nationalists?"

How about I ask you what is the difference between a Black Nationalist and White Nationalist?

This is a Black Nationalist speaking to you

And this is a White Nationalist Describing The Subversive Party you Belong to.

This is a Black Nationalist Talking about Popularity

This is a White Nationalist Talking about Popularity

This is a Black Nationalist Talking About Freedom


Full Quote That I like Better:

This is a White Nationalist Talking About Freedom


The Left sees RACE. The RIGHT sees "AMERICANS"

Only a divisive American Hating Leftist would try to pit One American against another for Political and Personal Gain.

Go beat your dog or whatever you do when you are so full of hate and rage that you have to take it out on America.
How can someone who is against segregation be a Black Nationalist? And how is Lincoln a White Nationalist and not a white Nationalist?
Another example of what's wrong with America.
The political correctness of socialism is what's wrong with America…

We don't have socialism in the US.
Thank god we dont have pure socialism, millions would parish... all forms socialism requires it to be forced on people that want nothing to do with it, will never use it and cannot afford it…

Unfortunately we do have socialism in this country… It's a shitty deal

First it's socialism, now it's changed to pure socialism, and now you're ranting about socialism again but haven't come up with one example.

Socialism requires people to be forced into something they want nothing to do with, will never use and cannot afford. It can never be a good thing that those things are necessary for a program to exist. I say fuck socialism, fuck your collective, fuck globalism.
Again, I say keep your socialism to yourselves if it's so great, it obviously does not suit millions of people so why force it on them? socialism is a cancer that infects the morally repugnant

Is all you have,,,,spin? I think you use socialist ideals everyday.
The political correctness of socialism is what's wrong with America…

We don't have socialism in the US.
Thank god we dont have pure socialism, millions would parish... all forms socialism requires it to be forced on people that want nothing to do with it, will never use it and cannot afford it…

Unfortunately we do have socialism in this country… It's a shitty deal

First it's socialism, now it's changed to pure socialism, and now you're ranting about socialism again but haven't come up with one example.

Socialism requires people to be forced into something they want nothing to do with, will never use and cannot afford. It can never be a good thing that those things are necessary for a program to exist. I say fuck socialism, fuck your collective, fuck globalism.
Again, I say keep your socialism to yourselves if it's so great, it obviously does not suit millions of people so why force it on them? socialism is a cancer that infects the morally repugnant

Is all you have,,,,spin? I think you use socialist ideals everyday.
I grew up on a 100% government controlled socialist society it's called Indian reservation... i've had enough of socialism To know that it is a repugnant cancer used for control.
Will the OP please explain how being a conservative means you have to know all about White Supremacists and White Nationalists?

This might be one of the stupidest threads on USMB...
Are you that obtuse? Yeah, you are.

Listen bub, those people are who support your party, and especially since Trump, outwardly so..

Nobody's making this stuff up, these are the facts.

Deal with it!

The rich irony of a retard with a picture of fucking Malcolm X as his avatar lecturing white people about racism....

You literally have an avid black supremacist as your avatar who was killed by his own organization for deciding to not hate white people during the very last years of his life.
The Alt-Right and The Far Right?

Anyone? This is especially for those USMBers that are self-proclaimed conservatives and self-proclaimed rightwingers.
What is the difference between Alt right or black lives matter but melanin levels?
Most of the alt-right aren't racial supremacists, while most of black lives matter literally wants to dominate the rest of the world.

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