What's the difference between the White Supremacists, White Nationalists,

Hildebeast is irrelevant. She made up the term "alt-right", so ask her.
Who fills you tards' head with these lies? And why do you tards keep getting back in line to be lied to again and again and again?
The Alt-Right and The Far Right?

Anyone? This is especially for those USMBers that are self-proclaimed conservatives and self-proclaimed rightwingers.
A white supremacist believes the white race is superior in every way to all other races.

A white nationalist also believes the same thing, with the added belief that all races would be happier living separately. White nations, black nations, brown nations, etc. To support their argument, they point to the Jewish nation (Israel).

A couple decades ago, the KKK and Nazi ranks were so depleted, they decided to join forces and call themselves White Nationalists.

Among white nationalists, there are those who believe all the "mud people" should be invited to leave the United States and be financially compensated for their property. Others believe the mud people should be made to leave at the point of a gun without financial compensation.

Still others can't wait for RaHoWa (Racial Holy War) so they can commit mass genocide of all non-whites.

There are a large number of WNs who believe the white race is doomed to extinction, and they are pretty depressed and angry about it.

The Alt-Right is just a name some White Nationalists gave themselves to distinguish them from other WNs.

The Far Right is a catch-all term. It can include anyone from a non-bigoted ultra-conservative to a WN/Nazi/KKK/Alt-Right asshole.

The WNs, Nazis, and Alt-Right are so far to the right that they call your average non-racist conservative a "cultural marxist".

ROTFLMAO! The number of alleged "Nazis" as compared to the outright blatant communists and socialists is about 10,000 to one if you were being totally honest with yourself...which you are not. There are more members of La Raza than there are "white supremacists" , dumb ass.
Hey dumb shit. Did you see where I said the ranks of the Nazis and KKK had become so depleted they joined forces?

Are you on some kind of hallucinogen which induces willful blindness?
Parroting Tard Number 1:
The term "alt-right" was a term used by the Fabian socialist left

Parroting Tard Number 2:
Hildebeast is irrelevant. She made up the term "alt-right", so ask her.



Equality is bullshit. Hierarchy is essential. The races are different. The sexes are different. Morality matters and degeneracy is real. All cultures are not equal and we are not obligated to think they are. Man is a fallen creature and there is more to life than hollow materialism. Finally, the white race matters, and civilisation is precious. This is the Alt-Right.

Alternative Right
The term "alt-right" was a term used by the Fabian socialist left
Wrong. It is a name the alt-right gave to themselves, retard.

Never heard the term until the Hildebeast brought it up
That's why you invented some bullshit fairy tale to fill the information vacuum in your head.

That's why your head is so full of bullshit conspiracy theories, too. Whichever whackjob gets to your brain first controls you.

Hey, dipshit, I have been posting on message board forums since 2000.........I would know about this piss poor attempt at labeling anyone that isn't on board with the commie utopia of dipshits like you. You will not debate or discuss and why is that? because you are angry about the loss of the House, the Senate, the White House and why is that? Because you can't see the cycle and how it always gets repeated by the ones actually pulling the strings. You swing your little cyber purse at those that bust on you as a way to vent frustration...I "get it".....but nothing will ever change for the better until dipshits like you figure out as to how badly you have been used like a cheap crack whore.....but please, by all means "flail away" like Don Quixote taking on a windmill because you are not changing hearts and minds......lest you believe otherwise.
The Alt-Right and The Far Right?

Anyone? This is especially for those USMBers that are self-proclaimed conservatives and self-proclaimed rightwingers.
A white supremacist believes the white race is superior in every way to all other races.

A white nationalist also believes the same thing, with the added belief that all races would be happier living separately. White nations, black nations, brown nations, etc. To support their argument, they point to the Jewish nation (Israel).

A couple decades ago, the KKK and Nazi ranks were so depleted, they decided to join forces and call themselves White Nationalists.

Among white nationalists, there are those who believe all the "mud people" should be invited to leave the United States and be financially compensated for their property, and then all the colors of nations will live happily ever after.

Well, sort of. Being white supremacists, WNs believe the other color nations will eventually die off from being so darned inferior. With the possible exception of the yellow nations.

Other WNs believe the mud people should be made to leave the white nations at the point of a gun without financial compensation.

Still others can't wait for RaHoWa (Racial Holy War) so they can commit mass genocide of all non-whites.

There are a large number of WNs who believe the white race is doomed to extinction, and they are pretty depressed and angry about it.

The Alt-Right is just a name some White Nationalists gave themselves to distinguish them from other WNs.

The Far Right is a catch-all term. It can include anyone from a non-bigoted ultra-conservative to a WN/Nazi/KKK/Alt-Right asshole.

The WNs, Nazis, and Alt-Right are so far to the right that they call your average non-racist conservative a "cultural marxist".

Don't forget race traitor.
The Alt-Right and The Far Right?

Anyone? This is especially for those USMBers that are self-proclaimed conservatives and self-proclaimed rightwingers.
A white supremacist believes the white race is superior in every way to all other races.

A white nationalist also believes the same thing, with the added belief that all races would be happier living separately. White nations, black nations, brown nations, etc. To support their argument, they point to the Jewish nation (Israel).

A couple decades ago, the KKK and Nazi ranks were so depleted, they decided to join forces and call themselves White Nationalists.

Among white nationalists, there are those who believe all the "mud people" should be invited to leave the United States and be financially compensated for their property, and then all the colors of nations will live happily ever after.

Well, sort of. Being white supremacists, WNs believe the other color nations will eventually die off from being so darned inferior. With the possible exception of the yellow nations.

Other WNs believe the mud people should be made to leave the white nations at the point of a gun without financial compensation.

Still others can't wait for RaHoWa (Racial Holy War) so they can commit mass genocide of all non-whites.

There are a large number of WNs who believe the white race is doomed to extinction, and they are pretty depressed and angry about it.

The Alt-Right is just a name some White Nationalists gave themselves to distinguish them from other WNs.

The Far Right is a catch-all term. It can include anyone from a non-bigoted ultra-conservative to a WN/Nazi/KKK/Alt-Right asshole.

The WNs, Nazis, and Alt-Right are so far to the right that they call your average non-racist conservative a "cultural marxist".

Don't forget race traitor.
The term "alt-right" was a term used by the Fabian socialist left
Wrong. It is a name the alt-right gave to themselves, retard.

Never heard the term until the Hildebeast brought it up
That's why you invented some bullshit fairy tale to fill the information vacuum in your head.

That's why your head is so full of bullshit conspiracy theories, too. Whichever whackjob gets to your brain first controls you.

Hey, dipshit, I have been posting on message board forums since 2000.........I would know about this piss poor attempt at labeling anyone that isn't on board with the commie utopia of dipshits like you. You will not debate or discuss and why is that? because you are angry about the loss of the House, the Senate, the White House and why is that? Because you can't see the cycle and how it always gets repeated by the ones actually pulling the strings. You swing your little cyber purse at those that bust on you as a way to vent frustration...I "get it".....but nothing will ever change for the better until dipshits like you figure out as to how badly you have been used like a cheap crack whore.....but please, by all means "flail away" like Don Quixote taking on a windmill because you are not changing hearts and minds......lest you believe otherwise.
You parroted a lie given to you by your propagandists and got caught. Now you are butt hurt.

But you will get back in line to be lied to again. You tards always do. The propagandists and politicians making money and acquiring power off your stupidity are absolutely depending on you staying willfully stupid.

You parrot what you are told to parrot, and bleev what you are told to bleev.
The Alt-Right and The Far Right?

Anyone? This is especially for those USMBers that are self-proclaimed conservatives and self-proclaimed rightwingers.
A white supremacist believes the white race is superior in every way to all other races.

A white nationalist also believes the same thing, with the added belief that all races would be happier living separately. White nations, black nations, brown nations, etc. To support their argument, they point to the Jewish nation (Israel).

A couple decades ago, the KKK and Nazi ranks were so depleted, they decided to join forces and call themselves White Nationalists.

Among white nationalists, there are those who believe all the "mud people" should be invited to leave the United States and be financially compensated for their property. Others believe the mud people should be made to leave at the point of a gun without financial compensation.

Still others can't wait for RaHoWa (Racial Holy War) so they can commit mass genocide of all non-whites.

There are a large number of WNs who believe the white race is doomed to extinction, and they are pretty depressed and angry about it.

The Alt-Right is just a name some White Nationalists gave themselves to distinguish them from other WNs.

The Far Right is a catch-all term. It can include anyone from a non-bigoted ultra-conservative to a WN/Nazi/KKK/Alt-Right asshole.

The WNs, Nazis, and Alt-Right are so far to the right that they call your average non-racist conservative a "cultural marxist".

ROTFLMAO! The number of alleged "Nazis" as compared to the outright blatant communists and socialists is about 10,000 to one if you were being totally honest with yourself...which you are not. There are more members of La Raza than there are "white supremacists" , dumb ass.
Hey dumb shit. Did you see where I said the ranks of the Nazis and KKK had become so depleted they joined forces?

Are you on some kind of hallucinogen which induces willful blindness?

LMAO!!!!! You REALLY believe that the KKK and the Nazis had the numbers to make a difference by (snicker) "Joining forces"????? WOW!!!!!! They must have a REALLY shitty PR firm working for them........

Now, the commie leftists? They have all kinds of commie front groups that are actually unashamed of being socialist if not outright communist....try again, as-wipe.
The Alt-Right and The Far Right?

Anyone? This is especially for those USMBers that are self-proclaimed conservatives and self-proclaimed rightwingers.
A white supremacist believes the white race is superior in every way to all other races.

A white nationalist also believes the same thing, with the added belief that all races would be happier living separately. White nations, black nations, brown nations, etc. To support their argument, they point to the Jewish nation (Israel).

A couple decades ago, the KKK and Nazi ranks were so depleted, they decided to join forces and call themselves White Nationalists.

Among white nationalists, there are those who believe all the "mud people" should be invited to leave the United States and be financially compensated for their property. Others believe the mud people should be made to leave at the point of a gun without financial compensation.

Still others can't wait for RaHoWa (Racial Holy War) so they can commit mass genocide of all non-whites.

There are a large number of WNs who believe the white race is doomed to extinction, and they are pretty depressed and angry about it.

The Alt-Right is just a name some White Nationalists gave themselves to distinguish them from other WNs.

The Far Right is a catch-all term. It can include anyone from a non-bigoted ultra-conservative to a WN/Nazi/KKK/Alt-Right asshole.

The WNs, Nazis, and Alt-Right are so far to the right that they call your average non-racist conservative a "cultural marxist".

ROTFLMAO! The number of alleged "Nazis" as compared to the outright blatant communists and socialists is about 10,000 to one if you were being totally honest with yourself...which you are not. There are more members of La Raza than there are "white supremacists" , dumb ass.
Hey dumb shit. Did you see where I said the ranks of the Nazis and KKK had become so depleted they joined forces?

Are you on some kind of hallucinogen which induces willful blindness?

LMAO!!!!! You REALLY believe that the KKK and the Nazis had the numbers to make a difference by (snicker) "Joining forces"????? WOW!!!!!! They must have a REALLY shitty PR firm working for them........

Now, the commie leftists? They have all kinds of commie front groups that are actually unashamed of being socialist if not outright communist....try again, as-wipe.
Where did I talk about their level of influence, retard?

You are hallucinating again.

I merely explained their belief systems, what outcomes they want, and how the WNs came to be.

In other words, I responded to the OP questions.

Pull your pointy head out of your ass.
Last edited:
The term "alt-right" was a term used by the Fabian socialist left
Wrong. It is a name the alt-right gave to themselves, retard.

Never heard the term until the Hildebeast brought it up
That's why you invented some bullshit fairy tale to fill the information vacuum in your head.

That's why your head is so full of bullshit conspiracy theories, too. Whichever whackjob gets to your brain first controls you.

Hey, dipshit, I have been posting on message board forums since 2000.........I would know about this piss poor attempt at labeling anyone that isn't on board with the commie utopia of dipshits like you. You will not debate or discuss and why is that? because you are angry about the loss of the House, the Senate, the White House and why is that? Because you can't see the cycle and how it always gets repeated by the ones actually pulling the strings. You swing your little cyber purse at those that bust on you as a way to vent frustration...I "get it".....but nothing will ever change for the better until dipshits like you figure out as to how badly you have been used like a cheap crack whore.....but please, by all means "flail away" like Don Quixote taking on a windmill because you are not changing hearts and minds......lest you believe otherwise.
You parroted a lie given to you by your propagandists and got caught. Now you are butt hurt.

But you will get back in line to be lied to again. You tards always do. The propagandists and politicians making money and acquiring power off your stupidity are absolutely depending on you staying willfully stupid.

You parrot what you are told to parrot, and bleev what you are told to bleev.

LMAO!, your stupidity has no boundaries. I haven't participated in an election of this corporate entity that is USA.INC since 2000 when I voted for the sorriest sack of shit on the ballot....not that Gore would have been any better....but I have learned a great deal since then because I have spent the time and made the effort to know the things I do. I have had leftards like yourself that have attempted to persuade me to tout the pro-leftard line because I could be so brutal in exposing the neocons...."You would be such a tremendous voice for the people!!!" they would say....until I told them to go "fuck themselves" and that I would never tout the virtues of the Fabian socialist leftists that are as every bit as bad as the neocons. I know more than you, fuck-wad....I prove it daily. I have more support not only here but in other forums that you could only DREAM of having. I do radio interviews and more doors are opening all the time to reach even more people. You? Have you ever been invited to be a guest to speak out on a huge stage where you have reached a few million at one time? I have............
The Alt-Right and The Far Right?

Anyone? This is especially for those USMBers that are self-proclaimed conservatives and self-proclaimed rightwingers.
A white supremacist believes the white race is superior in every way to all other races.

A white nationalist also believes the same thing, with the added belief that all races would be happier living separately. White nations, black nations, brown nations, etc. To support their argument, they point to the Jewish nation (Israel).

A couple decades ago, the KKK and Nazi ranks were so depleted, they decided to join forces and call themselves White Nationalists.

Among white nationalists, there are those who believe all the "mud people" should be invited to leave the United States and be financially compensated for their property. Others believe the mud people should be made to leave at the point of a gun without financial compensation.

Still others can't wait for RaHoWa (Racial Holy War) so they can commit mass genocide of all non-whites.

There are a large number of WNs who believe the white race is doomed to extinction, and they are pretty depressed and angry about it.

The Alt-Right is just a name some White Nationalists gave themselves to distinguish them from other WNs.

The Far Right is a catch-all term. It can include anyone from a non-bigoted ultra-conservative to a WN/Nazi/KKK/Alt-Right asshole.

The WNs, Nazis, and Alt-Right are so far to the right that they call your average non-racist conservative a "cultural marxist".

ROTFLMAO! The number of alleged "Nazis" as compared to the outright blatant communists and socialists is about 10,000 to one if you were being totally honest with yourself...which you are not. There are more members of La Raza than there are "white supremacists" , dumb ass.
Hey dumb shit. Did you see where I said the ranks of the Nazis and KKK had become so depleted they joined forces?

Are you on some kind of hallucinogen which induces willful blindness?

LMAO!!!!! You REALLY believe that the KKK and the Nazis had the numbers to make a difference by (snicker) "Joining forces"????? WOW!!!!!! They must have a REALLY shitty PR firm working for them........

Now, the commie leftists? They have all kinds of commie front groups that are actually unashamed of being socialist if not outright communist....try again, as-wipe.
Where did I talk about their level of influence, retard?

You are hallucinating again.

I merely explained their belief systems, what outcomes they want, and how the WNs came to be.

In other words, I responded to the OP questions.

Pull your pointy head out of your ass.

But somehow, as few of these idiots that are? The Hildebeast tried to paint every anti- Hildebeast and anti-establishment type and Pro-Trump supporter that touted "America First" as being an "Alt-Right" and a "Deplorable".

I love people of all nationalities and I have a burden for people that are just trying to get by....it eats away at me all the time. I give as much as I can to make as much of a difference that I can with what God has blessed me with. I would do more if I could but the leftard commie way plays right into the hands of those like you and your ilk that claim to be against and that is a fucking fact and not even disputable. I have just as much disdain for the blinded neocons that believe in this fiat currency/debt slavery system that had the good fortune not to be one of the bottom rung 59 percent that are just barely hanging on.

I KNOW what the problem is and I KNOW what the cure is...and if some "Johnny Lunchpail" like me has figured it out? You can bet the bank that those keeping this system in place know it as well...capiche'???
White supremacists believe the white race is superior to all others and other races are incapable of doing anything to elevate themselves.

A white nationalist is a person that wants to defend and preserve their culture and national identity, and happens to be white. They are not ashamed of their race or religion, and reject globalism and multiculturalism which seeks to destroy the white race and Christian religion.

And which one of the two are you a part of and/or support?

"Nationalist" I suppose. Every culture has a right to preserve itself. It doesn't mean they can't co-exist or that one is superior to all others.
The Alt-Right and The Far Right?

Anyone? This is especially for those USMBers that are self-proclaimed conservatives and self-proclaimed rightwingers.
You have the gall to make a thread title criticizing white nationalists and you have an avatar of a black nationalist?

That's rich, that's really rich.
Malcolm X was a racist bastard no doubt, but was honest. In contrast to Micheal Luther King who just played what his handlers told him as long as he could get male and female prostitutes for the evening.
The Alt-Right and The Far Right?

Anyone? This is especially for those USMBers that are self-proclaimed conservatives and self-proclaimed rightwingers.

The term "alt-right" was a term used by the Fabian socialist left to categorize those that were tired of the neocon establishment that they viewed as "mainstream conservatism" and since the neocons are just DNC lite? People that are awake do not want them to represent them (as if they ever "represented" their constituents anyway)

Nationalism as it pertains to protecting the border and shunning globalism with a return to the traditions of the family unit has no color. There are plenty of "nationalists of all backgrounds that do not want the globalist style system of totalitarian serfdom where globalist bankers control every faucet of their economic existence.
You're ignorant of the facts
Alt-right - Wikipedia
Richard Spencer coined the term in 2010 in reference to a movement centered on white nationalism, and has been accused by some media publications of doing so to excuse overt racism, white supremacism, and neo-Nazism.[1][7] The term drew considerable media attention and controversy during and after the 2016 US presidential election.[8]

Alt-right beliefs have been described as isolationist, protectionist, antisemitic, and white supremacist,[9][10][11] frequently overlapping with Neo-Nazism,[12][13][14] nativism and Islamophobia,[15][16][17][18][19] antifeminism and homophobia,[12][20][21][22] right-wing populism,[23][24]and the neoreactionary movement.[9][25] The concept has further been associated with multiple groups from American nationalists, neo-monarchists, men's rights advocates, and the 2016 presidential campaign of Donald Trump.[15][24][25][26][27]
What's the difference between BLM and BlackPanthers? Al Sharpton and Rev Jackson?
Will the OP please explain how being a conservative means you have to know all about White Supremacists and White Nationalists?

This might be one of the stupidest threads on USMB...
Are you that obtuse? Yeah, you are.

Listen bub, those people are who support your party, and especially since Trump, outwardly so..

Nobody's making this stuff up, these are the facts.

Deal with it!

Yeah, and the people who support the Democratic Party, as shown during and since the last election, are:

Those who use violence to silence Freedom of speech, destroy property, beat and bloody political opposition supporters...

Those who call for military coups and assassinations and those who try to carry out assassinations...

Those who illegally share classified, illrgally leak classified, illegally unmask citizens, and commit Felony Espionage for political reasons....

Those who lie and falsely claim Russian hacking to blame a criminal candidate losing an election, to distract from Democrat crimes, and to seditiously try to take down a newly elected President...
There is none. White nationalist is just the media's way of trying to sugar coat white supremacist.
Alt Right is a catchall phrase for anyone further right than me. White supremacists believe Caucasian is genetically superior overall to the other races. White nationalists are the ones worried about the percentage of minorities because they believe we should remain a majority white nation by design (that our "white country" status should be maintained). The Far Right is another catchall phrase for extreme righties.

According to most msm, they are all the same. They aren't. Skinheads and self proclaimed Nazis are generally NOT conservative at all. They don't mind big government, Nanny state or a ton of entitlements ... as long as it's run by white protestant Christians (not Catholics, Mormons, JW's, etc).

Racists hate people of a different hue. It has nothing to do with politics.

You've defined Trumps voter base.

Bullshit. Why weren't you bitching when racist Bill was in office or his horribly racist wife was running?
Speaking of bullshit along comes Tresha

Another example of what's wrong with America.
The political correctness of socialism is what's wrong with America…

We don't have socialism in the US.

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