What's the difference between the White Supremacists, White Nationalists,

Hey OP, what's the difference between white nationalists and gay pride partakers?
Your Honor, you will observe the subject has chosen to engage in deflection, rather than to address the question of the OP.

I don't belong to any bought and paid for political party or grass roots movement. I am a constitutionalist as in the organic Constitution passed in 1783....not the corporate charter constitution that was passed with the Act of 1871 making the government a corporate that with the passing of the 14th amendment made all "citizens" part of it's jurisdiction therefor usurping the powers of the states WHICH, BTW, eventually became incorporated themselves along with all the counties, cities and towns which all became subsidiaries of USA.INC. Are you familiar with HJR 192 passed in June of 1933? It's pretty interesting to say the least.
  1. How did you become a member of that charter?
  2. How many others are a part of that charter?
  3. Where can one sign up for membership?
Alt Right is a catchall phrase for anyone further right than me. White supremacists believe Caucasian is genetically superior overall to the other races. White nationalists are the ones worried about the percentage of minorities because they believe we should remain a majority white nation by design (that our "white country" status should be maintained). The Far Right is another catchall phrase for extreme righties.

According to most msm, they are all the same. They aren't. Skinheads and self proclaimed Nazis are generally NOT conservative at all. They don't mind big government, Nanny state or a ton of entitlements ... as long as it's run by white protestant Christians (not Catholics, Mormons, JW's, etc).

Racists hate people of a different hue. It has nothing to do with politics.
So are you suggesting that once people reach further right than you are, they're on bad territory?
The answer was provide din my first post here. Shall I repost it?
Please do.

White Supremacy is based on the truth that the white race has vastly dominated the progress in engineering, invention, scientific discovery and ruling over the past 500 years of modern human history.

White nationalism seeks to create an independent white nation, regardless of whether or not we are or are not superior, and thus does not acknowledge the question of superiority.
For the record, the OP question is this...

What's the difference between the White Supremacists, White Nationalists, The Alt-Right and The Far Right?

That's 4 groups, not 2.

Also, which USMBers are man or woman enough to post if you are a member of and/or subscribe to any of the above mentioned groups?
White Supremacy is based on the truth that the white race has vastly dominated the progress in engineering, invention, scientific discovery and ruling over the past 500 years of modern human history.

White nationalism seeks to create an independent white nation, regardless of whether or not we are or are not superior, and thus does not acknowledge the question of superiority.
And are you a member of any of these groups?
The real question at hand is whether or not whites appear to be superior because they got lucky in the middle ages and had a massive headstart, or is it because they are actually superior? With many parts of the non-white world now up to first world standard, only another 500 years will give us the result.

Not that any result could be reached if whites really do interbreed until the pure-bred white race is extinct within the next 200 years.
While their ideology is similar, white supremacists came primarily from prison gangs and skinhead groups and are somewhat anarchistic while white nationalists encompass groups like KKK who try to hide behind a thin veneer of respectability and tradition and push for a kind of law and order that keeps the rabble in their place. There is some overlap to be sure but this is how I understand the distinction.
The Alt-Right and The Far Right?

Anyone? This is especially for those USMBers that are self-proclaimed conservatives and self-proclaimed rightwingers.

I am a mixed brown skin man; part white, part Mediterranean, part Negro. I am also a self-proclaimed Conservative and Capitalist. I believe that a White Supremecist is a white person who believes that any person who is not exactly like them is beneath them. A White Nationalist? Well, my response would be what is the difference between a white nationalist and a Black nationalist? I would argue that aside from the color of their skin, the objective of the white nationalist and the black nationalist is to celebrate and promote their own race while ignoring others. La Raza would be a hybrid of a supremacist and nationalist.
I don't belong to any bought and paid for political party or grass roots movement. I am a constitutionalist as in the organic Constitution passed in 1783....not the corporate charter constitution that was passed with the Act of 1871 making the government a corporate that with the passing of the 14th amendment made all "citizens" part of it's jurisdiction therefor usurping the powers of the states WHICH, BTW, eventually became incorporated themselves along with all the counties, cities and towns which all became subsidiaries of USA.INC. Are you familiar with HJR 192 passed in June of 1933? It's pretty interesting to say the least.
  1. How did you become a member of that charter?
  2. How many others are a part of that charter?
  3. Where can one sign up for membership?

Unless you understand what a "charter" is as it pertains to corporations, nothing I post will make sense to you.
The Alt-Right and The Far Right?

Anyone? This is especially for those USMBers that are self-proclaimed conservatives and self-proclaimed rightwingers.

Nothing. And add in antifa, black lives matter, and the new black panther party, to that sordid group as well.
Alt Right is a catchall phrase for anyone further right than me. White supremacists believe Caucasian is genetically superior overall to the other races. White nationalists are the ones worried about the percentage of minorities because they believe we should remain a majority white nation by design (that our "white country" status should be maintained). The Far Right is another catchall phrase for extreme righties.

According to most msm, they are all the same. They aren't. Skinheads and self proclaimed Nazis are generally NOT conservative at all. They don't mind big government, Nanny state or a ton of entitlements ... as long as it's run by white protestant Christians (not Catholics, Mormons, JW's, etc).

Racists hate people of a different hue. It has nothing to do with politics.
So are you suggesting that once people reach further right than you are, they're on bad territory?

Goodness, no, lol. I'm an English minor picking nits when words are misused because it tweaks my OCD. I'm just giving definitions and can't help but comment when it's used inappropriately.

Alt Right was initially connected to one of the haters (white supremacists or white nationalists, I forget which) but is currently being used to mean, "anyone further right than me," me being the user of the term, not Tresha. Far Right is the extreme outliers of the Right. It is likewise being used to encompass even moderate conservatives. By its very definition, it does not include middle Right.

Yes, there are racist assholes in the Republican party. There are wife beaters and child molesters and thieves, too. That's a far cry from, "Republicans are racist, wife beating, child molesting thieves!"
Now that we've cleared that up,

What's the difference between the NEW BLACK PANTHERS, BLACK LIVES MATTER, AND NAACP?

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