What's the difference between the White Supremacists, White Nationalists,

For you there's no difference. That's the premise of your thread, right? To you you're either a good little progressive or a racist bastards.
Stop being such a triggered, whiny, little bitch.

Take off those tight panties and put on some pants.

Pause, take a deep breath, and answer the damn question.

Now that you've done that, in your own words...what's the difference?

These words have definitions. There's no need for me to redefine them. And there's plenty of people who consider themselves far right that aren't racist in the slightest you know.

I used to believe that but not any more.

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They all have ignorance, fear, bigotry, racism, and hate in common.

Yeah, Clayton, anyone that isn't on board with the socialist agenda and the "If it feels good, do it" bandwagon are just bigots holding everyone else back from the socialist utopia you crave.
no reply jones's threads show plenty of ignorance,fear,bigotry and not liking those who dont agree with his shit...go ahead ask him about it.....oh wait he never answers....

Harry Dresden

That's another difference. I used to try to discuss and debate. I wanted to hear and understand the other guy's pov.

No matter what is said to the far right, and even conservatives, they stuff their fingers in their ears and whine the lie about "fake news".

I just don't bother any more.

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The Alt-Right and The Far Right?

Anyone? This is especially for those USMBers that are self-proclaimed conservatives and self-proclaimed rightwingers.
Will the OP please explain how being a conservative means you have to know all about White Supremacists and White Nationalists?

This might be one of the stupidest threads on USMB...
For the record, the following is the definition of white nationals., IT IS NOT THE SAME as white supremacy, as liberals would have you believe. Once again, they're dishonest and twist definitions to suit.

Now mother fuckers, and I'm talking to the double standard hypocrites known as liberals. Change this definition to suit Mexican, Black Africa, Indian or whatever fuck you want, and suddenly it has a different meaning to you right? Yeah no shit, that's where your double standard and hatred of whites comes in.

White nationalism is a type of nationalism or pan-nationalism which holds the belief that white people are a race[1] and seeks to develop and maintain a white national identity.[2][3][4] Its proponents identify with and are attached to the concept of a white nation.[5] White nationalists seek to ensure the survival of the white race, and the cultures of historically white states. They hold that white people should maintain their majority in majority-white countries, maintain their political and economic dominance, and that their cultures should be foremost.[4] Many white nationalists believe that miscegenation, multiculturalism, immigration of nonwhites and low birth rates among whites are threatening the white race,[6] and some argue that it amounts to white genocide.[6]

On a side, no doubt the definition was dressed up by a liberal. I've never heard anyone say we want to "maintain economic dominance". They're probably referring to the take-over of US assets by the Chinese, Arabs, etc., and I say yeah, on that respect we need to maintain our economic dominance. All else sells our country out to foreigners.
They all have ignorance, fear, bigotry, racism, and hate in common.

Yeah, Clayton, anyone that isn't on board with the socialist agenda and the "If it feels good, do it" bandwagon are just bigots holding everyone else back from the socialist utopia you crave.
no reply jones's threads show plenty of ignorance,fear,bigotry and not liking those who dont agree with his shit...go ahead ask him about it.....oh wait he never answers....

Harry Dresden

That's another difference. I used to try to discuss and debate. I wanted to hear and understand the other guy's pov.

No matter what is said to the far right, and even conservatives, they stuff their fingers in their ears and whine the lie about "fake news".

I just don't bother any more.

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jones aint no conservative.....he is just someone who posts stuff that he cant back up,so he does drive by postings and high tails it out before he gets questioned...
Goodness, no, lol. I'm an English minor picking nits when words are misused because it tweaks my OCD. I'm just giving definitions and can't help but comment when it's used inappropriately.

Alt Right was initially connected to one of the haters (white supremacists or white nationalists, I forget which) but is currently being used to mean, "anyone further right than me," me being the user of the term, not Tresha. Far Right is the extreme outliers of the Right. It is likewise being used to encompass even moderate conservatives. By its very definition, it does not include middle Right.

Yes, there are racist assholes in the Republican party. There are wife beaters and child molesters and thieves, too. That's a far cry from, "Republicans are racist, wife beating, child molesting thieves!"

So what party do you think that White Nationalists and White Supremacists typically vote?
Will the OP please explain how being a conservative means you have to know all about White Supremacists and White Nationalists?

This might be one of the stupidest threads on USMB...
Are you that obtuse? Yeah, you are.

Listen bub, those people are who support your party, and especially since Trump, outwardly so..

Nobody's making this stuff up, these are the facts.

Deal with it!
Goodness, no, lol. I'm an English minor picking nits when words are misused because it tweaks my OCD. I'm just giving definitions and can't help but comment when it's used inappropriately.

Alt Right was initially connected to one of the haters (white supremacists or white nationalists, I forget which) but is currently being used to mean, "anyone further right than me," me being the user of the term, not Tresha. Far Right is the extreme outliers of the Right. It is likewise being used to encompass even moderate conservatives. By its very definition, it does not include middle Right.

Yes, there are racist assholes in the Republican party. There are wife beaters and child molesters and thieves, too. That's a far cry from, "Republicans are racist, wife beating, child molesting thieves!"

So what party do you think that White Nationalists and White Supremacists typically vote?

I bet most don't vote, just parade around spewing hate and violence. Of the ones that vote, KKK votes mostly Democrat, even today. Skinheads don't vote, as they were (are?) primarily felons. The other ws's and wn's vote mostly Republican.
The Alt-Right and The Far Right?

Anyone? This is especially for those USMBers that are self-proclaimed conservatives and self-proclaimed rightwingers.
Two different questions. There is no difference between white supremacists and white nationalists. Both are racist assholes just like black groups that focus on race instead of human rights are racists assholes.

The Alt-Right is racist, but like David Duke shedding his cone hat and putting on a suit, they hide it. Far Right covers a broader territory, but usually encompasses strict Christian religious groups which is why abortion and gays figure so prominently in their agenda.

Now, your turn. What is the difference between any political group labeled "black" (for race) like "Black Panthers"or "Black caucus" and a group of racists like the NBPP?

What is the difference between the LWL and the Alt-Left?
They all have ignorance, fear, bigotry, racism, and hate in common.

Yeah, Clayton, anyone that isn't on board with the socialist agenda and the "If it feels good, do it" bandwagon are just bigots holding everyone else back from the socialist utopia you crave.
no reply jones's threads show plenty of ignorance,fear,bigotry and not liking those who dont agree with his shit...go ahead ask him about it.....oh wait he never answers....

Harry Dresden

That's another difference. I used to try to discuss and debate. I wanted to hear and understand the other guy's pov.

No matter what is said to the far right, and even conservatives, they stuff their fingers in their ears and whine the lie about "fake news".

I just don't bother any more.

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So? Did you listen to another point of view or did you simply attempt to preach from the leftard pulpit? I am all about debate and discussion and I am armed with a lot of facts and data. I reach a lot of people not just here but also in other forums and radio interviews I do. Perhaps it's not your audience you are trying to reach but rather the message and the way it is presented???
The Alt-Right and The Far Right?

Anyone? This is especially for those USMBers that are self-proclaimed conservatives and self-proclaimed rightwingers.

The Alt-Right and The Far Right?

Anyone? This is especially for those USMBers that are self-proclaimed conservatives and self-proclaimed rightwingers.
A white supremacist believes the white race is superior in every way to all other races.

A white nationalist also believes the same thing, with the added belief that all races would be happier living separately. White nations, black nations, brown nations, etc. To support their argument, they point to the Jewish nation (Israel).

A couple decades ago, the KKK and Nazi ranks were so depleted, they decided to join forces and call themselves White Nationalists.

Among white nationalists, there are those who believe all the "mud people" should be invited to leave the United States and be financially compensated for their property, and then all the colors of nations will live happily ever after.

Well, sort of. Being white supremacists, WNs believe the other color nations will eventually die off from being so darned inferior. With the possible exception of the yellow nations.

Other WNs believe the mud people should be made to leave the white nations at the point of a gun without financial compensation.

Still others can't wait for RaHoWa (Racial Holy War) so they can commit mass genocide of all non-whites.

There are a large number of WNs who believe the white race is doomed to extinction, and they are pretty depressed and angry about it.

The Alt-Right is just a name some White Nationalists gave themselves to distinguish them from other WNs.

The Far Right is a catch-all term. It can include anyone from a non-bigoted ultra-conservative to a WN/Nazi/KKK/Alt-Right asshole.

The WNs, Nazis, and Alt-Right are so far to the right that they call your average non-racist conservative a "cultural marxist".
The term "alt-right" was a term used by the Fabian socialist left
Wrong. It is a name the alt-right gave to themselves, retard.

Never heard the term until the Hildebeast brought it up and tried to paint every anti-establishment type as an "alt-right". Richard Spencer is a whack job and I have good reason to believe based on his education background to be nothing but an agent provocateur being used to be the foil to the George Soros and his alt-leftists. Richard Spencer's white supremacist views do not in any way represent those disgusted with the D.C establishment. The Leftists painted every anti-Hildebeast and pro-Trump supporter as an "Alt-Rightist" which is total bullshit. Stupid fucks like you ran with it so you can take ownership of it, "bitch".
The term "alt-right" was a term used by the Fabian socialist left
Wrong. It is a name the alt-right gave to themselves, retard.

Never heard the term until the Hildebeast brought it up
That's why you invented some bullshit fairy tale to fill the information vacuum in your head.

That's why your head is so full of bullshit conspiracy theories, too. Whichever whackjob gets to your brain first controls you.
The Alt-Right and The Far Right?

Anyone? This is especially for those USMBers that are self-proclaimed conservatives and self-proclaimed rightwingers.
What is the difference between Alt right or black lives matter but melanin levels?
Hildebeast is irrelevant. She made up the term "alt-right", so ask her.
The Alt-Right and The Far Right?

Anyone? This is especially for those USMBers that are self-proclaimed conservatives and self-proclaimed rightwingers.
A white supremacist believes the white race is superior in every way to all other races.

A white nationalist also believes the same thing, with the added belief that all races would be happier living separately. White nations, black nations, brown nations, etc. To support their argument, they point to the Jewish nation (Israel).

A couple decades ago, the KKK and Nazi ranks were so depleted, they decided to join forces and call themselves White Nationalists.

Among white nationalists, there are those who believe all the "mud people" should be invited to leave the United States and be financially compensated for their property. Others believe the mud people should be made to leave at the point of a gun without financial compensation.

Still others can't wait for RaHoWa (Racial Holy War) so they can commit mass genocide of all non-whites.

There are a large number of WNs who believe the white race is doomed to extinction, and they are pretty depressed and angry about it.

The Alt-Right is just a name some White Nationalists gave themselves to distinguish them from other WNs.

The Far Right is a catch-all term. It can include anyone from a non-bigoted ultra-conservative to a WN/Nazi/KKK/Alt-Right asshole.

The WNs, Nazis, and Alt-Right are so far to the right that they call your average non-racist conservative a "cultural marxist".

ROTFLMAO! The number of alleged "Nazis" as compared to the outright blatant communists and socialists is about 10,000 to one if you were being totally honest with yourself...which you are not. There are more members of La Raza than there are "white supremacists" , dumb ass.

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