What's the difference between the White Supremacists, White Nationalists,

You literally have an avid black supremacist as your avatar who was killed by his own organization for deciding to not hate white people during the very last years of his life.
Do you also know which organization killed JFK? We all really need to know.
Create a thread for that question and let's discuss it.

You'd ignore and pretend it didn't exist.

Both the left and right have extremes. We on the right reject the extremes while you on the left embrace the far left racists as part of your party.
The Alt-Right and The Far Right?

Anyone? This is especially for those USMBers that are self-proclaimed conservatives and self-proclaimed rightwingers.

"What's the difference between the White Supremacists, White Nationalists?"

How about I ask you what is the difference between a Black Nationalist and White Nationalist?

This is a Black Nationalist speaking to you

And this is a White Nationalist Describing The Subversive Party you Belong to.

This is a Black Nationalist Talking about Popularity

This is a White Nationalist Talking about Popularity

This is a Black Nationalist Talking About Freedom


Full Quote That I like Better:

This is a White Nationalist Talking About Freedom


The Left sees RACE. The RIGHT sees "AMERICANS"

Only a divisive American Hating Leftist would try to pit One American against another for Political and Personal Gain.

Go beat your dog or whatever you do when you are so full of hate and rage that you have to take it out on America.
MLK Jr. was pro-black advocate, not a black nationalist.
Lincoln was a staunch white supremacist(the Union was literally 99.9% white, so Lincoln was pretty much just talking about white people, while the South was much more black), on top of being an avid white nationalist who supported repatriation for black slaves.

Malcolm X was a black nationalist, as well as a black supremacist.
how would your parents or any older folks get along without medicare or SS?

That would be fine with me. All they have to do is return all I paid in since 1961, (my side and the employers) plus a reasonable rate of interest compounded daily and I'm a happy camper.
The Alt-Right and The Far Right?

Anyone? This is especially for those USMBers that are self-proclaimed conservatives and self-proclaimed rightwingers.

"What's the difference between the White Supremacists, White Nationalists?"

How about I ask you what is the difference between a Black Nationalist and White Nationalist?

This is a Black Nationalist speaking to you

And this is a White Nationalist Describing The Subversive Party you Belong to.

This is a Black Nationalist Talking about Popularity

This is a White Nationalist Talking about Popularity

This is a Black Nationalist Talking About Freedom


Full Quote That I like Better:

This is a White Nationalist Talking About Freedom


The Left sees RACE. The RIGHT sees "AMERICANS"

Only a divisive American Hating Leftist would try to pit One American against another for Political and Personal Gain.

Go beat your dog or whatever you do when you are so full of hate and rage that you have to take it out on America.
MLK Jr. was pro-black advocate, not a black nationalist.
Lincoln was a staunch white supremacist(the Union was literally 99.9% white, so Lincoln was pretty much just talking about white people, while the South was much more black), on top of being an avid white nationalist who supported repatriation for black slaves.

Malcolm X was a black nationalist, as well as a black supremacist.
You people don't even understand the Fake Terms you have made up yourselves to incite Racial Divisions in this country for your own personal and political benefit!

There is no such thing as a Black Nationalist, or White Nationalist.

Since this is America, anyone claiming to LOVE this country is by default a Nationalist, and since THEE PRIMARY Creed by which all Americans are supposed to live by is that "ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL" this means that Race + Nationalism cannot = Racist Nationalism.

You cannot "MASH UP" these two opposing ideas like THE LEFT has attempted to do combining two CONTRADICTORY CONCEPTS in to an abhorrent twisted configuration that cannot and does not work in America.


This is why THE LEFT IS FULL OF SHIT, SPEAKS SHIT, AND EATS SHIT. They are liars like their father who was a liar and murderer from the beginning. The Father of Lies is THE SOLE inspiration for The Democrat Playbook, Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals, and Saul Alinsky was not only a HERO to HIllary Clinton, and Barak Obama, but he taught courses on it and she wrote her dissertation on it. The are DEVOTEES of Luciferian Politics...which is....to lie, cheat and steal your way to the top and win at all costs....even if that cost is your immortal soul being damned forever. This....IS THE TRUE NATURE of THE DEMOCRAT PARTY and how far they have fallen, because they were willing to damn their souls to HELL to obtain political power.
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We don't have socialism in the US.
Thank god we dont have pure socialism, millions would parish... all forms socialism requires it to be forced on people that want nothing to do with it, will never use it and cannot afford it…

Unfortunately we do have socialism in this country… It's a shitty deal

First it's socialism, now it's changed to pure socialism, and now you're ranting about socialism again but haven't come up with one example.

Socialism requires people to be forced into something they want nothing to do with, will never use and cannot afford. It can never be a good thing that those things are necessary for a program to exist. I say fuck socialism, fuck your collective, fuck globalism.
Again, I say keep your socialism to yourselves if it's so great, it obviously does not suit millions of people so why force it on them? socialism is a cancer that infects the morally repugnant

Is all you have,,,,spin? I think you use socialist ideals everyday.
I grew up on a 100% government controlled socialist society it's called Indian reservation... i've had enough of socialism To know that it is a repugnant cancer used for control.

I thought the tribal Chief was in charge, and you're continuing to spin.
History won’t forget that when the streets of Charlottesville echoed with evil, Donald Trump responded with silence.
Thank god we dont have pure socialism, millions would parish... all forms socialism requires it to be forced on people that want nothing to do with it, will never use it and cannot afford it…

Unfortunately we do have socialism in this country… It's a shitty deal

First it's socialism, now it's changed to pure socialism, and now you're ranting about socialism again but haven't come up with one example.

Socialism requires people to be forced into something they want nothing to do with, will never use and cannot afford. It can never be a good thing that those things are necessary for a program to exist. I say fuck socialism, fuck your collective, fuck globalism.
Again, I say keep your socialism to yourselves if it's so great, it obviously does not suit millions of people so why force it on them? socialism is a cancer that infects the morally repugnant

Is all you have,,,,spin? I think you use socialist ideals everyday.
I grew up on a 100% government controlled socialist society it's called Indian reservation... i've had enough of socialism To know that it is a repugnant cancer used for control.

I thought the tribal Chief was in charge, and you're continuing to spin.
Only a fool would think anybody other than the progressive federal government is in charge of Indian reservations, they need the voting block. Lol
It's all about control
The Alt-Right and The Far Right?

Anyone? This is especially for those USMBers that are self-proclaimed conservatives and self-proclaimed rightwingers.

"What's the difference between the White Supremacists, White Nationalists?"

How about I ask you what is the difference between a Black Nationalist and White Nationalist?

This is a Black Nationalist speaking to you

And this is a White Nationalist Describing The Subversive Party you Belong to.

This is a Black Nationalist Talking about Popularity

This is a White Nationalist Talking about Popularity

This is a Black Nationalist Talking About Freedom


Full Quote That I like Better:

This is a White Nationalist Talking About Freedom


The Left sees RACE. The RIGHT sees "AMERICANS"

Only a divisive American Hating Leftist would try to pit One American against another for Political and Personal Gain.

Go beat your dog or whatever you do when you are so full of hate and rage that you have to take it out on America.
MLK Jr. was pro-black advocate, not a black nationalist.
Lincoln was a staunch white supremacist(the Union was literally 99.9% white, so Lincoln was pretty much just talking about white people, while the South was much more black), on top of being an avid white nationalist who supported repatriation for black slaves.

Malcolm X was a black nationalist, as well as a black supremacist.
You people don't even understand the Fake Terms you have made up yourselves to incite Racial Divisions in this country for your own personal and political benefit!

There is no such thing as a Black Nationalist, or White Nationalist.

Since this is America, anyone claiming to LOVE this country is by default a Nationalist, and since THEE PRIMARY Creed by which all Americans are supposed to live by is that "ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL" this means that Race + Nationalism cannot = Racist Nationalism.

You cannot "MASH UP" these two opposing ideas like THE LEFT has attempted to do combining two CONTRADICTORY CONCEPTS in to an abhorrent twisted configuration that cannot and does not work in America.


This is why THE LEFT IS FULL OF SHIT, SPEAKS SHIT, AND EATS SHIT. They are liars like their father who was a liar and murderer from the beginning. The Father of Lies is THE SOLE inspiration for The Democrat Playbook, Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals, and Saul Alinsky was not only a HERO to HIllary Clinton, and Barak Obama, but he taught courses on it and she wrote her dissertation on it. The are DEVOTEES of Luciferian Politics...which is....to lie, cheat and steal your way to the top and win at all costs....even if that cost is your immortal soul being damned forever. This....IS THE TRUE NATURE of THE DEMOCRAT PARTY and how far they have fallen, because they were willing to damn their souls to HELL to obtain political power.
The only thing worse than nationalism is globalism
The Alt-Right and The Far Right?

Anyone? This is especially for those USMBers that are self-proclaimed conservatives and self-proclaimed rightwingers.

What's the difference between the White Supremacists, White Nationalists

There is a HUGE difference. A "white nationalist" is someone who is white and expresses support for putting their nation first. Trump is a white nationalist, many of his supporters are white nationalists. Diamond and Silk are obviously not white, therefore, they are black nationalists. There is nothing inherently wrong with being white or being a nationalist.

White supremacy is a completely different thing. A white supremacist is someone who is white and believes the white race is supreme. This is a racist and bigoted viewpoint. Trump is not a white supremacist. His supporters are largely not white supremacists. Is it possible to be both a white nationalist AND white supremacist? Yes, of course it is. Is it possible that some white supremacists support Trump? Certainly. This does not mean that ALL white nationalists are white supremacists or that ALL Trump supporters are racists.

The media and the Left are attempting to connect these two disparate groups and tie them to President Trump and the GOP. It is a sorry and deplorable chapter in journalistic history.

It's alo important to note that a nationalist is not necessarily a conservative. Could they be? Yes, that's possible. Conservatism is a philosophy and not an ideology. Therefore, someone can be an ideological nationalist yet practice conservative philosophy. It doesn't mean they are both the same.

Here is where it gets a little tricky. I am a "constitutional" conservative. Is THAT a "nationalist" conservative? Some may argue that it is. I disagree. There is a distinct difference. A nationalist puts nation first, a constitutionalist puts the constitution first. I believe our constitution empowers the individual over nation.
The Alt-Right and The Far Right?

Anyone? This is especially for those USMBers that are self-proclaimed conservatives and self-proclaimed rightwingers.

"What's the difference between the White Supremacists, White Nationalists?"

How about I ask you what is the difference between a Black Nationalist and White Nationalist?

This is a Black Nationalist speaking to you

And this is a White Nationalist Describing The Subversive Party you Belong to.

This is a Black Nationalist Talking about Popularity

This is a White Nationalist Talking about Popularity

This is a Black Nationalist Talking About Freedom


Full Quote That I like Better:

This is a White Nationalist Talking About Freedom


The Left sees RACE. The RIGHT sees "AMERICANS"

Only a divisive American Hating Leftist would try to pit One American against another for Political and Personal Gain.

Go beat your dog or whatever you do when you are so full of hate and rage that you have to take it out on America.
MLK Jr. was pro-black advocate, not a black nationalist.
Lincoln was a staunch white supremacist(the Union was literally 99.9% white, so Lincoln was pretty much just talking about white people, while the South was much more black), on top of being an avid white nationalist who supported repatriation for black slaves.

Malcolm X was a black nationalist, as well as a black supremacist.
You people don't even understand the Fake Terms you have made up yourselves to incite Racial Divisions in this country for your own personal and political benefit!

There is no such thing as a Black Nationalist, or White Nationalist.

Since this is America, anyone claiming to LOVE this country is by default a Nationalist, and since THEE PRIMARY Creed by which all Americans are supposed to live by is that "ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL" this means that Race + Nationalism cannot = Racist Nationalism.

You cannot "MASH UP" these two opposing ideas like THE LEFT has attempted to do combining two CONTRADICTORY CONCEPTS in to an abhorrent twisted configuration that cannot and does not work in America.


This is why THE LEFT IS FULL OF SHIT, SPEAKS SHIT, AND EATS SHIT. They are liars like their father who was a liar and murderer from the beginning. The Father of Lies is THE SOLE inspiration for The Democrat Playbook, Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals, and Saul Alinsky was not only a HERO to HIllary Clinton, and Barak Obama, but he taught courses on it and she wrote her dissertation on it. The are DEVOTEES of Luciferian Politics...which is....to lie, cheat and steal your way to the top and win at all costs....even if that cost is your immortal soul being damned forever. This....IS THE TRUE NATURE of THE DEMOCRAT PARTY and how far they have fallen, because they were willing to damn their souls to HELL to obtain political power.
The only thing worse than nationalism is globalism

The only thing worse than Globalism is some poor soul believing that the only thing worse than Nationalism is Globalism! They are not even in the same ball park.

NATIONALISM is why we broke away from England, formed our own Free Society, and guaranteed ALL Natural Rights to OUR CITIZENS Warrantied NOT BY GOVERNMENT, but by a Power Higher than men, than Governments. UNIVERSAL NATURAL LAW handed down by THE CREATOR is why THIS NATION exists, and this message board exists.

Nationalism is the Polar Opposite of Globalism. Globalism is Humanist Tyranny where Man Makes Himself God, and does not Grant his fellow man rights, but the illusion of rights in the form of "PRIVILEGES" which Godless Men can take away upon a whim.

American Nationalism is based in Freedoms. GOD GIVEN FREEDOMS.
Freedom of thought, Freedom of Association. Freedom of Speech, Freedom to Worship, Freedom to Financially pursue your goals. Without Nationalism, we could not guarantee Rights endowed by our Creator to mortal men. We could not proclaim that "all men are Created Equal"....for without a Supreme Creator....there is NO EQUALITY AMONG MEN.



With The Left's Various Flavor of Godless Humanism such as The Religion of Natural Selection, Evolution, Survival of The Fittest, The Law of The Jungle, and the Worship of Science and Pseudo Science PEOPLE ARE NOT CREATED....THEY ARE SELECTED and THEREFORE There is NO EQUALITY. Selection vs. Extinction equates to Superiority vs. Inferiority.

Racism and Bigotry is BORN from the loins of Natural Selection. Eugenics is the BASTARD CHILD of Evolution. Entitlement Plantations are The Gene Pool in which The Left dumps their undesirable mules in to, to see who drowns and who can swim. Leftist Philosophy which DICTATES we are Animals subject to only THE WHIMS OF NATURE is the foundation for which Population Control and Global Warming are built upon.

The Left wants to proclaim a Moral Freedom for you, by shackling you to an Animal Nature, and treating you like Cattle on a Farm, to be penned, fed and Domesticated.....and OBEDIENT.

The Only True Freedom comes from Within and from the Recognition that there is a Higher Power, and that we voluntarily choose to do GOOD, because we want to be like our FATHER who is GOOD, and IS GOD.

The Carnal Nature....The Sin Nature....THE ANIMAL NATURE....is not our Noble Birth Right.... That is THE LIE of THE DECEIVER who wants to steal your NOBLE INHERITANCE and shake his fist IN REBELLION at GOD, by destroying God's Creation.....MAN...who before THE FALL.....held a place Higher than The Angels in the Hierarchy of Heaven.

Do not give heed to the Doctrine of Hatred....and the Apostasy of Angst. We are Noble but Fallen Beings, who are Children of God, and who if we be faithful to that notion, and do good to others as we would have done to ourselves, will be restored back to him, and back to our rightful place.
Last edited:
The Alt-Right and The Far Right?

Anyone? This is especially for those USMBers that are self-proclaimed conservatives and self-proclaimed rightwingers.

What's the difference between the White Supremacists, White Nationalists

There is a HUGE difference. A "white nationalist" is someone who is white and expresses support for putting their nation first. Trump is a white nationalist, many of his supporters are white nationalists. Diamond and Silk are obviously not white, therefore, they are black nationalists. There is nothing inherently wrong with being white or being a nationalist.

White supremacy is a completely different thing. A white supremacist is someone who is white and believes the white race is supreme. This is a racist and bigoted viewpoint. Trump is not a white supremacist. His supporters are largely not white supremacists. Is it possible to be both a white nationalist AND white supremacist? Yes, of course it is. Is it possible that some white supremacists support Trump? Certainly. This does not mean that ALL white nationalists are white supremacists or that ALL Trump supporters are racists.

The media and the Left are attempting to connect these two disparate groups and tie them to President Trump and the GOP. It is a sorry and deplorable chapter in journalistic history.

It's alo important to note that a nationalist is not necessarily a conservative. Could they be? Yes, that's possible. Conservatism is a philosophy and not an ideology. Therefore, someone can be an ideological nationalist yet practice conservative philosophy. It doesn't mean they are both the same.

Here is where it gets a little tricky. I am a "constitutional" conservative. Is THAT a "nationalist" conservative? Some may argue that it is. I disagree. There is a distinct difference. A nationalist puts nation first, a constitutionalist puts the constitution first. I believe our constitution empowers the individual over nation.

" A "white nationalist" is someone who is white and expresses support for putting their nation first". To what end?
" A "white nationalist" is someone who is white and expresses support for putting their nation first". To what end?

I don't understand your question.

Again, I am not a nationalist, so I can't tell you about the motives and rationale for being one. I can explain conservatism and why I am a constitutionalist. I can give a full-throated articulation of how that's the antithesis of white supremacy and racism.

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