What's the Liberal to Conservative Ratio Here?

What's the Liberal to Conservative Ratio on USMB?

  • Total voters
we've had these polls before, it's a near even split, each time.

but the pussified left claim this is a con board, which certifies the even playing field.
I don't doubt that they claim that, even with 90% of the staff Liberals.

I know it's awful.. But none of the extreme wingers (left or right) want to claim any of us.. :biggrin:
There's a poll everyday in my inbox. Even number of complaints.. We're doing OK !!!!
Oh, don't misunderstand, I wasn't making a complaint. I think they, and you, run the forum fine.
Just curious, seems fairly unbalanced based on my activity at other forums. I'd guess it's about 70% conservative, 30% liberal. And a few libertarians here scattering about trying to make sense of the world. Can't forget about them! They're special too.

It might also be that the conservatives are simply more vocal in general. They seem to have this need to post every passing thought that they hear from someone else, pretending it's their own thought.

Please vote your political stance: Liberal, Conservative or Libertarian/Anarchist.
Conservatives are free-thinkers, the ones that just repeat what they hear on "The News" are the Liberals, since News Stations are Liberal-controlled.

That's one one of the funniest things I've ever read. You've got a great sense of humor!

You really could use a few pointers from Dale Carnegie, sytfe

Hilarious that you think I'm here to make friends. I'm here to kill time, debate and amuse myself. Making "e-friends" is not my thing.
Just curious, seems fairly unbalanced based on my activity at other forums. I'd guess it's about 70% conservative, 30% liberal. And a few libertarians here scattering about trying to make sense of the world. Can't forget about them! They're special too.

It might also be that the conservatives are simply more vocal in general. They seem to have this need to post every passing thought that they hear from someone else, pretending it's their own thought.

Please vote your political stance: Liberal, Conservative or Libertarian/Anarchist.
The better question is how many honest liberals or conservatives are here who admit when they are wrong, or more importantly, do not avoid the difficult questions or challenges posed their way. Off the top of my head I would say there are about 5 conservatives like that and 0 liberals.

I wouldn't exactly say that's a better question. The answer seems pretty obvious to me -- liberals are rarely wrong. Hope this helps!
I've never seen a Liberal that was correct, actually. Good examples being their economic policies, in nearly every case. Like Obama's, for example, where he seems to think taxing businesses per employee actually encourages them to hire more employees.

You sound mildly retarded.
Just curious, seems fairly unbalanced based on my activity at other forums. I'd guess it's about 70% conservative, 30% liberal. And a few libertarians here scattering about trying to make sense of the world. Can't forget about them! They're special too.

It might also be that the conservatives are simply more vocal in general. They seem to have this need to post every passing thought that they hear from someone else, pretending it's their own thought.

Please vote your political stance: Liberal, Conservative or Libertarian/Anarchist.
Conservatives are free-thinkers, the ones that just repeat what they hear on "The News" are the Liberals, since News Stations are Liberal-controlled.

That's one one of the funniest things I've ever read. You've got a great sense of humor!
if you're a dem, plz state the issue you disagree with that's part of your party platform.

and please, none of this 'they need to do _____________ harder!' crap.

I am not a "dem," I am an independent. Lots of things are wrong with the democrat party, the super-delegate bullshit for one, and two what they did to Bernie Sanders for starters. I could go on and on. The democrat party is basically a slightly right leaning centrist party and hardly "liberal" and certainly not "progressive."
Just curious, seems fairly unbalanced based on my activity at other forums. I'd guess it's about 70% conservative, 30% liberal. And a few libertarians here scattering about trying to make sense of the world. Can't forget about them! They're special too.

It might also be that the conservatives are simply more vocal in general. They seem to have this need to post every passing thought that they hear from someone else, pretending it's their own thought.

Please vote your political stance: Liberal, Conservative or Libertarian/Anarchist.
The better question is how many honest liberals or conservatives are here who admit when they are wrong, or more importantly, do not avoid the difficult questions or challenges posed their way. Off the top of my head I would say there are about 5 conservatives like that and 0 liberals.

I wouldn't exactly say that's a better question. The answer seems pretty obvious to me -- liberals are rarely wrong. Hope this helps!
I've never seen a Liberal that was correct, actually. Good examples being their economic policies, in nearly every case. Like Obama's, for example, where he seems to think taxing businesses per employee actually encourages them to hire more employees.

You sound mildly retarded.
And you seem to be avoiding debates, instead you're just insulting. Are you even here to debate?
Just curious, seems fairly unbalanced based on my activity at other forums. I'd guess it's about 70% conservative, 30% liberal. And a few libertarians here scattering about trying to make sense of the world. Can't forget about them! They're special too.

It might also be that the conservatives are simply more vocal in general. They seem to have this need to post every passing thought that they hear from someone else, pretending it's their own thought.

Please vote your political stance: Liberal, Conservative or Libertarian/Anarchist.
The better question is how many honest liberals or conservatives are here who admit when they are wrong, or more importantly, do not avoid the difficult questions or challenges posed their way. Off the top of my head I would say there are about 5 conservatives like that and 0 liberals.

I wouldn't exactly say that's a better question. The answer seems pretty obvious to me -- liberals are rarely wrong. Hope this helps!
I've never seen a Liberal that was correct, actually. Good examples being their economic policies, in nearly every case. Like Obama's, for example, where he seems to think taxing businesses per employee actually encourages them to hire more employees.

You sound mildly retarded.
And you seem to be avoiding debates, instead you're just insulting. Are you even here to debate?

This thread isn't for "debate," certainly not to "debate" whatever lame non-points you think you're bringing up. It's a POLL. Want to debate a topic on some lame right wing talking point that's already been debunked a million times? How about starting a new thread?
Just curious, seems fairly unbalanced based on my activity at other forums. I'd guess it's about 70% conservative, 30% liberal. And a few libertarians here scattering about trying to make sense of the world. Can't forget about them! They're special too.

It might also be that the conservatives are simply more vocal in general. They seem to have this need to post every passing thought that they hear from someone else, pretending it's their own thought.

Please vote your political stance: Liberal, Conservative or Libertarian/Anarchist.
Conservatives are free-thinkers, the ones that just repeat what they hear on "The News" are the Liberals, since News Stations are Liberal-controlled.

That's one one of the funniest things I've ever read. You've got a great sense of humor!
if you're a dem, plz state the issue you disagree with that's part of your party platform.

and please, none of this 'they need to do _____________ harder!' crap.

I am not a "dem," I am an independent. Lots of things are wrong with the democrat party, the super-delegate bullshit for one, and two what they did to Bernie Sanders for starters. I could go on and on. The democrat party is basically a slightly right leaning centrist party and hardly "liberal" and certainly not "progressive."
They lean painfully far left, they aren't "Center" or "Right" at all. They're just a club of Socialists, the current president, Gore, Kerry, Hillary are all examples of that. There is nothing "Right leaning" about them. Obama is easily a socialist, and Hillary agreed with everything Bernie said. You being a Socialist doesn't make them "Right leaning", it just makes you even further left than them.
The better question is how many honest liberals or conservatives are here who admit when they are wrong, or more importantly, do not avoid the difficult questions or challenges posed their way. Off the top of my head I would say there are about 5 conservatives like that and 0 liberals.

I wouldn't exactly say that's a better question. The answer seems pretty obvious to me -- liberals are rarely wrong. Hope this helps!
I've never seen a Liberal that was correct, actually. Good examples being their economic policies, in nearly every case. Like Obama's, for example, where he seems to think taxing businesses per employee actually encourages them to hire more employees.

You sound mildly retarded.
And you seem to be avoiding debates, instead you're just insulting. Are you even here to debate?

This thread isn't for "debate," certainly not to "debate" whatever lame non-points you think you're bringing up. It's a POLL. Want to debate a topic on some lame right wing talking point that's already been debunked a million times? How about starting a new thread?
We don't need to start a new thread, just tell me how taxing a business per employee encourages them to hire more. you should only need one post for it. Go for it.
To establish a ratio we need to know whether to count each liberal sock puppet separately.
I wouldn't exactly say that's a better question. The answer seems pretty obvious to me -- liberals are rarely wrong. Hope this helps!
I've never seen a Liberal that was correct, actually. Good examples being their economic policies, in nearly every case. Like Obama's, for example, where he seems to think taxing businesses per employee actually encourages them to hire more employees.

You sound mildly retarded.
And you seem to be avoiding debates, instead you're just insulting. Are you even here to debate?

This thread isn't for "debate," certainly not to "debate" whatever lame non-points you think you're bringing up. It's a POLL. Want to debate a topic on some lame right wing talking point that's already been debunked a million times? How about starting a new thread?
We don't need to start a new thread, just tell me how taxing a business per employee encourages them to hire more. you should only need one post for it. Go for it.
If you tax per employee while ignoring whether they are FT or PT it would encourage more FT hires. Companies would be picky who they hired.
I've never seen a Liberal that was correct, actually. Good examples being their economic policies, in nearly every case. Like Obama's, for example, where he seems to think taxing businesses per employee actually encourages them to hire more employees.

You sound mildly retarded.
And you seem to be avoiding debates, instead you're just insulting. Are you even here to debate?

This thread isn't for "debate," certainly not to "debate" whatever lame non-points you think you're bringing up. It's a POLL. Want to debate a topic on some lame right wing talking point that's already been debunked a million times? How about starting a new thread?
We don't need to start a new thread, just tell me how taxing a business per employee encourages them to hire more. you should only need one post for it. Go for it.
If you tax per employee while ignoring whether they are FT or PT it would encourage more FT hires. Companies would be picky who they hired.
That just means they'd have fewer employees in general. They'd cut down on employees, and then swap some to full time, or switch some they already have to full time. There's also the fact that they're forced to provide benefits for employees at 40 hours. Businesses just getting dumped on all over. Definitely not helping the economy. Then there's the fact that there's an extra tax at 50 employees. Overall, they're being encouraged to have as few people as possible, at 39 hours(About), but not full time.
Just curious, seems fairly unbalanced based on my activity at other forums. I'd guess it's about 70% conservative, 30% liberal. And a few libertarians here scattering about trying to make sense of the world. Can't forget about them! They're special too.

It might also be that the conservatives are simply more vocal in general. They seem to have this need to post every passing thought that they hear from someone else, pretending it's their own thought.

Please vote your political stance: Liberal, Conservative or Libertarian/Anarchist.
Conservatives are free-thinkers, the ones that just repeat what they hear on "The News" are the Liberals, since News Stations are Liberal-controlled.

You idiots keep repeating this "liberal controlled media" myth over and over as if you're dumb enough to really believe it. U.S. media are controlled by Mega Corporations, some of who's revenue is greater than the GNP of whole countries.
In 1983 50 companies controlled most media, today 6, get that? 6 Mega Corporations feed you all the news and entertainment to the point whatever propaganda the Establishment wants you to be sucked in by is much more effective than it was just 30 years ago. That's why you sheep keep repeating establishment lies like "News Stations are Liberal-controlled".

Take one small example, that old conservative bug-a-boo The Washington Post.
Jeff Bezos has owned WaPo since 2013. His personal wealth is over 63 billion dollars. Are you really gullible enough to believe this prime example of the .01% is going to let his paper be a mouthpiece for liberal thought? If you do, well never mind, you're way to fucking dumb to try to have an intelligent conversation with.

And don't be fooled by the individual story here and there. Or the occasional seemingly liberal slanted editorial. When push comes to shove you're going to get the crony Capitalist agenda shoved down your throat every time.
Just curious, seems fairly unbalanced based on my activity at other forums. I'd guess it's about 70% conservative, 30% liberal. And a few libertarians here scattering about trying to make sense of the world. Can't forget about them! They're special too.

It might also be that the conservatives are simply more vocal in general. They seem to have this need to post every passing thought that they hear from someone else, pretending it's their own thought.

Please vote your political stance: Liberal, Conservative or Libertarian/Anarchist.
Conservatives are free-thinkers, the ones that just repeat what they hear on "The News" are the Liberals, since News Stations are Liberal-controlled.

You idiots keep repeating this "liberal controlled media" myth over and over as if you're dumb enough to really believe it. U.S. media are controlled by Mega Corporations, some of who's revenue is greater than the GNP of whole countries.
In 1983 50 companies controlled most media, today 6, get that? 6 Mega Corporations feed you all the news and entertainment to the point whatever propaganda the Establishment wants you to be sucked in by is much more effective than it was just 30 years ago. That's why you sheep keep repeating establishment lies like "News Stations are Liberal-controlled".

Take one small example, that old conservative bug-a-boo The Washington Post.
Jeff Bezos has owned WaPo since 2013. His personal wealth is over 63 billion dollars. Are you really gullible enough to believe this prime example of the .01% is going to let his paper be a mouthpiece for liberal thought? If you do, well never mind, you're way to fucking dumb to try to have an intelligent conversation with.

And don't be fooled by the individual story here and there. Or the occasional seemingly liberal slanted editorial. When push comes to shove you're going to get the crony Capitalist agenda shoved down your throat every time.
Something that's important to note is that the owner of various media doesn't always have anything to do with what said media reports. After some searching, I found that Jeff Bezos isn't politically active, in the sense that he's not currently registered to vote, and is actually thought to be a Democrat(He does contribute to Democrats). I think it's another case similar to FOX News, in the sense that it only acts 'Conservative' to target a different audience from what most media already targets. WGST actually is owned by a Liberal, but hires Conservative talk show hosts. Though, I specified News Stations, as in TV News stations, so I wasn't referring to web sites and news papers, anyway.
Just curious, seems fairly unbalanced based on my activity at other forums. I'd guess it's about 70% conservative, 30% liberal. And a few libertarians here scattering about trying to make sense of the world. Can't forget about them! They're special too.

It might also be that the conservatives are simply more vocal in general. They seem to have this need to post every passing thought that they hear from someone else, pretending it's their own thought.

Please vote your political stance: Liberal, Conservative or Libertarian/Anarchist.
Conservatives are free-thinkers, the ones that just repeat what they hear on "The News" are the Liberals, since News Stations are Liberal-controlled.

That's one one of the funniest things I've ever read. You've got a great sense of humor!
if you're a dem, plz state the issue you disagree with that's part of your party platform.

and please, none of this 'they need to do _____________ harder!' crap.

I am not a "dem," I am an independent. Lots of things are wrong with the democrat party, the super-delegate bullshit for one, and two what they did to Bernie Sanders for starters. I could go on and on. The democrat party is basically a slightly right leaning centrist party and hardly "liberal" and certainly not "progressive."
slightly right leaning centrist party and hardly 'liberal and certainly not 'progressive.'

did a mod edit your post or did someone hack your account?

b/c the only way to think that is to be left of socialism.
They lean painfully far left, they aren't "Center" or "Right" at all. They're just a club of Socialists, the current president, Gore, Kerry, Hillary are all examples of that. There is nothing "Right leaning" about them. Obama is easily a socialist, and Hillary agreed with everything Bernie said. You being a Socialist doesn't make them "Right leaning", it just makes you even further left than them.

You have no idea what a socialist is. None of them are even close to being socialist.

"Socialist" and "Progressive" are just the latest neocon buzzwords to try and belittle and marginalise a certain group of people.
Just curious, seems fairly unbalanced based on my activity at other forums. I'd guess it's about 70% conservative, 30% liberal. And a few libertarians here scattering about trying to make sense of the world. Can't forget about them! They're special too.

It might also be that the conservatives are simply more vocal in general. They seem to have this need to post every passing thought that they hear from someone else, pretending it's their own thought.

Please vote your political stance: Liberal, Conservative or Libertarian/Anarchist.
We had a very bad liberal infestation here about a year ago. That has been pretty well knocked down. The atheist infestation still needs to be dealt with.
Why isn't there a choice for independent?

The crazies on the ends and the anarchists represent a minority of the country. They're just louder.

Most Americans are more open-minded than the zealots.
They lean painfully far left, they aren't "Center" or "Right" at all. They're just a club of Socialists, the current president, Gore, Kerry, Hillary are all examples of that. There is nothing "Right leaning" about them. Obama is easily a socialist, and Hillary agreed with everything Bernie said. You being a Socialist doesn't make them "Right leaning", it just makes you even further left than them.

You have no idea what a socialist is. None of them are even close to being socialist.

"Socialist" and "Progressive" are just the latest neocon buzzwords to try and belittle and marginalise a certain group of people.

WTF? How old are you..

The damn liberals came up with that New word progressive to describe themself and started to become main stream around 2007 ...

WTF? How old are you..

The damn liberals came up with that New word progressive to describe themself and started to become main stream around 2007 ...

Idiot. The word has been around a lot longer than that.

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