What's the Liberal to Conservative Ratio Here?

What's the Liberal to Conservative Ratio on USMB?

  • Total voters
But getting back to the OP. This board was started by, sold to, and currently run by, conservatives. The ones who started it were of the looney neocon type. Then Gunny ran it, and he was more or less normal when sober (there was somebody in between but they didn't last long - they were cons too). Then the latest lot are cons, but pretty normal...well, as normal as any con can be...
Most Business owners are cons. Go figure.
Most teachers are Liberals.
Those who can do, do, those who can't teach, those who can't teach administrate.

The majority of the wealthiest people in the world are Democrats. Go figure.
Yeah, you taught yourself to read, write and run your business. Asshole.

Too funny.

My parents taught me to read starting at about age three, without federal assistance. I could already read when I entered Catholic school. The nuns there took care of the handwriting, again without a dime of federal assistance.

I worked for corporations at their pleasure. Retired quite early. My current business is self-run. The only federal involvement is the change they steal from my pocket to pay for the less inclined.
I wasn't referring to who paid for your education. I was referring to "Those who can do, do, those who can't teach, those who can't teach administrate."
But getting back to the OP. This board was started by, sold to, and currently run by, conservatives. The ones who started it were of the looney neocon type. Then Gunny ran it, and he was more or less normal when sober (there was somebody in between but they didn't last long - they were cons too). Then the latest lot are cons, but pretty normal...well, as normal as any con can be...
Most Business owners are cons. Go figure.
Most teachers are Liberals.
Those who can do, do, those who can't teach, those who can't teach administrate.

The majority of the wealthiest people in the world are Democrats. Go figure.

Crime pays too.
But getting back to the OP. This board was started by, sold to, and currently run by, conservatives. The ones who started it were of the looney neocon type. Then Gunny ran it, and he was more or less normal when sober (there was somebody in between but they didn't last long - they were cons too). Then the latest lot are cons, but pretty normal...well, as normal as any con can be...
Most Business owners are cons. Go figure.
Most teachers are Liberals.
Those who can do, do, those who can't teach, those who can't teach administrate.

The majority of the wealthiest people in the world are Democrats. Go figure.
Only if you count Stars and people who inherited their wealth. Of those who earned their wealth they are Conservatives.
Just curious, seems fairly unbalanced based on my activity at other forums. I'd guess it's about 70% conservative, 30% liberal. And a few libertarians here scattering about trying to make sense of the world. Can't forget about them! They're special too.

It might also be that the conservatives are simply more vocal in general. They seem to have this need to post every passing thought that they hear from someone else, pretending it's their own thought.

Please vote your political stance: Liberal, Conservative or Libertarian/Anarchist.

Did you posters or actual people posting and running multiple sock accounts (cough cough Bodecca and the Starkeys cough)?
But getting back to the OP. This board was started by, sold to, and currently run by, conservatives. The ones who started it were of the looney neocon type. Then Gunny ran it, and he was more or less normal when sober (there was somebody in between but they didn't last long - they were cons too). Then the latest lot are cons, but pretty normal...well, as normal as any con can be...
Most Business owners are cons. Go figure.
Most teachers are Liberals.
Those who can do, do, those who can't teach, those who can't teach administrate.

The majority of the wealthiest people in the world are Democrats. Go figure.
Only if you count Stars and people who inherited their wealth. Of those who earned their wealth they are Conservatives.
Like Donald Trump, right? The GOP candidate who's more Liberal than McCain and Romney.
There are far more conservatives than liberals. There are precious few liberals on this board at all.

If you are talking illiberal leftist regressives, though, they seem to be everywhere, and more importantly, they have much more influence here.
How stupid.

The GOP is 90% white.

The Democrats are everyone else.

That means on one side you have white Republicans.

On the other side, you have white liberal radio, black radio, Hispanic radio, Asian radio, and on and on.

It's not conservative to liberal.

It's white Republican to everyone else. Just like in voting.
They lean painfully far left, they aren't "Center" or "Right" at all. They're just a club of Socialists, the current president, Gore, Kerry, Hillary are all examples of that. There is nothing "Right leaning" about them. Obama is easily a socialist, and Hillary agreed with everything Bernie said. You being a Socialist doesn't make them "Right leaning", it just makes you even further left than them.

You have no idea what a socialist is. None of them are even close to being socialist.

"Socialist" and "Progressive" are just the latest neocon buzzwords to try and belittle and marginalise a certain group of people.
Socialist and Progressive are just different levels of completion for the same goal. The fact that you think they're different only goes to show that they've tricked you.
we've had these polls before, it's a near even split, each time.

but the pussified left claim this is a con board, which certifies the even playing field.
I don't doubt that they claim that, even with 90% of the staff Liberals.

if you're going to use multiple nics to spam the board, you should probably change your ink color and tone.

must be hard work to sound this ignorant under two names.
This is my only account, you seem confused.
The better question is how many honest liberals or conservatives are here who admit when they are wrong, or more importantly, do not avoid the difficult questions or challenges posed their way. Off the top of my head I would say there are about 5 conservatives like that and 0 liberals.

I wouldn't exactly say that's a better question. The answer seems pretty obvious to me -- liberals are rarely wrong. Hope this helps!
I've never seen a Liberal that was correct, actually. Good examples being their economic policies, in nearly every case. Like Obama's, for example, where he seems to think taxing businesses per employee actually encourages them to hire more employees.
And then there's reality...


Anyone can pull very select statistics to make a point, albeit false one.

I do not think a president can do much to bolster an economy, but I do think they can cause a lot of damage to make things worse.

They give Bill Clinton way too much credit for having done anything. He was just in the right place at the right time. I do know after those "growth years" (phony as they may have been) the first year the stock market posted an annual loss was the last year of Clinton's presidency. Kind of set up for a great fall that is all attributed to Bush.

Also, during the Obama years how much did the national debt grow?... 8 trillion? 10 trillion? I guess if anyone goes into debt one can do a lot with 8 trillion dollars to spur some job growth.

Again, your chart is meaningless to me and I just do not think any president has that much ability to spur on a national economy.
Yeah, what was I thinking showing job growth in response to a delusional con talking about job growth??

And sorry, not interested in playing your three con monty game... like where you try to divert the conversation away from job growth and make it about debt.
An interesting thing about job growth is that it counts government jobs, which doesn't expand the economy at all. They are paid for by taxpayers, and don't expand and create more jobs for more people. A private sector job expands across the US and creates more jobs to fulfill more demands. Here is a Funny thing, the vast majority of the jobs that have been created under President Obama have been government jobs. These include jobs there's no actual demand for, like the Solar and Wind industries, which are artificially propped up by the government, since they can't actually compete.

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