What's the Liberal to Conservative Ratio Here?

What's the Liberal to Conservative Ratio on USMB?

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1,451 views and only 30 votes? Come on y'all. Press that button. I know you can do it!
Personally, I wouldn't have answered the pole had I noticed beforehand that you were sneaking in an attack on Libertarians.
1,451 views and only 30 votes? Come on y'all. Press that button. I know you can do it!
Personally, I wouldn't have answered the pole had I noticed beforehand that you were sneaking in an attack on Libertarians.

You sure are a delicate snowflake, aren't you?

It wasn't an "attack." More of a "rib."
Not really. Nobody can hurt my feelings, but I do take note of the actions of every person in a community that I encounter. Considering you have continued to try to enforce your misguided opinion other people pointing out the fallacy, I'd say it's an attack. You also invalidated your own poll by ensuring no actual Libertarians, or at least relatively few, will actually answer. Likely people other than them will do the same, just mostly Libertarians.
Socialist and Progressive are just different levels of completion for the same goal. The fact that you think they're different only goes to show that they've tricked you.

No, it just goes to show I know bullshit when I see it. Nothing more, nothing less.
They both want absolute government power, and citizens that are just government property.

Maybe they do. But there are fuck-all socialists in the US...very few.
1,451 views and only 30 votes? Come on y'all. Press that button. I know you can do it!
Personally, I wouldn't have answered the pole had I noticed beforehand that you were sneaking in an attack on Libertarians.

You sure are a delicate snowflake, aren't you?

It wasn't an "attack." More of a "rib."

Funny, you insist that Libertarians and anarchists are essentially the same. Then you admit to formulating your poll in such a way as to "rib" Libertarians.

Either way, the third choice in the poll is ridiculous.
1,451 views and only 30 votes? Come on y'all. Press that button. I know you can do it!
Personally, I wouldn't have answered the pole had I noticed beforehand that you were sneaking in an attack on Libertarians.

You sure are a delicate snowflake, aren't you?

It wasn't an "attack." More of a "rib."

Funny, you insist that Libertarians and anarchists are essentially the same. Then you admit to formulating your poll in such a way as to "rib" Libertarians.

Either way, the third choice in the poll is ridiculous.

He seems to have decided that people who want to limit the powers of the Federal Government and return as much power to local government as possible, are the same as people who want to eliminate government altogether so that they can seize power. Saying that a Libertarian is the same as an Anarchist would only be a view put forth by someone who believes that Big Government is the answer to all problems and that the Federal Government should be all powerful. It's rather obvious at this point that SYTFE has been indoctrinated to view any challenge to the Federal Government's power as "Anarchy".
And since when do Libertarian and Anarchist get lumped into the same category? Seriously?

Since they are one and the same -- only the honest libertarians are willing to admit it.

Libertarians and Anarchists are the same? So what did you study in school, SYTFE? It obviously wasn't Political Science!

There are 4 stages of truth. The first stage, the issue is unrecognized and ignored. The second stage is ridicule. The third stage is a period of vehement denial. The final stage sees the issue as being self evident.

What does any of THAT have to do with the fact that Libertarians and Anarchists are not one and the same?

You'll see in good time, grasshopper. Patience.

It has nothing to do with the topic. It is an attempt to found philosophical. Anarchy and Livertarianism are far from the same.
Who called you one here? You're the one painting people with a broad brush, my friend. You know nothing about the people you're debating...yet you think you know EVERYTHING!
I promise that I'll never refer to you as a Communist. I can't make the same promise to never refer to you as a naive progressive lemming.
Who called you one here? You're the one painting people with a broad brush, my friend. You know nothing about the people you're debating...yet you think you know EVERYTHING!

lol, hilarious. You're getting all mad and shit.

The conservatives here are super low-level functioning morons. This forum is seriously amusing. 2 conservative pussies already put me on ignore, one of them called me communist.
Who called you one here? You're the one painting people with a broad brush, my friend. You know nothing about the people you're debating...yet you think you know EVERYTHING!

lol, hilarious. You're getting all mad and shit.

The conservatives here are super low-level functioning morons. This forum is seriously amusing. 2 conservative pussies already put me on ignore, one of them called me communist.

When you claim Livertarians are the same as Anarchists, you might be careful who you call "moron".
1,451 views and only 30 votes? Come on y'all. Press that button. I know you can do it!
Personally, I wouldn't have answered the pole had I noticed beforehand that you were sneaking in an attack on Libertarians.

You sure are a delicate snowflake, aren't you?

It wasn't an "attack." More of a "rib."

Funny, you insist that Libertarians and anarchists are essentially the same. Then you admit to formulating your poll in such a way as to "rib" Libertarians.

Either way, the third choice in the poll is ridiculous.

It isn't ridiculous. You're only saying that because you know it's true.

Libertarians hate government. They want to shrink it down to the smallest possible level possible. The government shouldn't occupy more than one tiny office with perhaps a single employee, in the Libertoonian ideal. Anarchists hate government. They want to shrink it down to zero. Wow, what a HUGE difference there!

Libertoonians think taxation is theft. Of course, they're nuts. Anarchists think taxation is theft too! Wow!

Libertarians claim to believe in "liberty." Anarchists believe in liberty too. They just have a different method of getting there.

2 sides of the same coin.
I promise that I'll never refer to you as a Communist. I can't make the same promise to never refer to you as a naive progressive lemming.

I have to be honest with you, I don't give a shit what you "promise." Your words are hollow and meaningless.
I promise that I'll never refer to you as a Communist. I can't make the same promise to never refer to you as a naive progressive lemming.

I have to be honest with you, I don't give a shit what you "promise." Your words are hollow and meaningless.

Honesty? Quite frankly, SYTFE...I haven't seen you demonstrate much in the way of honesty. You're a propagandist. You came here with some misguided notions that you learned god only knows where...and you're determined that you're "correct" even when it's obvious that you don't know what it is that you're talking about! In that case...who's words are really hollow and meaningless?
1,451 views and only 30 votes? Come on y'all. Press that button. I know you can do it!
Personally, I wouldn't have answered the pole had I noticed beforehand that you were sneaking in an attack on Libertarians.

You sure are a delicate snowflake, aren't you?

It wasn't an "attack." More of a "rib."

Funny, you insist that Libertarians and anarchists are essentially the same. Then you admit to formulating your poll in such a way as to "rib" Libertarians.

Either way, the third choice in the poll is ridiculous.

It isn't ridiculous. You're only saying that because you know it's true.

Libertarians hate government. They want to shrink it down to the smallest possible level possible. The government shouldn't occupy more than one tiny office with perhaps a single employee, in the Libertoonian ideal. Anarchists hate government. They want to shrink it down to zero. Wow, what a HUGE difference there!

Libertoonians think taxation is theft. Of course, they're nuts. Anarchists think taxation is theft too! Wow!

Libertarians claim to believe in "liberty." Anarchists believe in liberty too. They just have a different method of getting there.

2 sides of the same coin.

If you cannot see the difference between smaller gov't and no gov't, I can't help you.

But perhaps an analogy? If I suggest you drive with less speed, am I telling you to stop!

If I say I like my new house, because it has less yard to tend, am I say o have no yard?

Libertarianism is not the same as Anarchy. Perhaps you should go s little reading on it, instead of simply discussing it with people who are clueless.
It would be as stupid as saying that Communists and Progressives are the same.
They really are different degrees of the same ideology. Regressives really love government control, and hate businesses.
Great, more stupidity.

Progressives are progressive.
Conservatives are regressive.
It would be as stupid as saying that Communists and Progressives are the same.
They really are different degrees of the same ideology. Regressives really love government control, and hate businesses.
Great, more stupidity.

Progressives are progressive.
Conservatives are regressive.

Actually "Progressives" are liberals. They had to change their branding because liberal policies got such a bad reputation they couldn't get elected under the liberal label.
Conservatives are still conservatives.

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