What’s the most just okay movie you’ve ever watched?

The Irishman.
I was expecting so much more.
Forty Shades of Grey.
I had to watch both part 1 and part 2 in the cinema to keep the wife happy. I almost fell asleep several times. Overhyped, soft porn "for her".
Ocean's 11 and 12.
Sometimes too many stars can spoil the broth.
The Irishman.
I was expecting so much more.
Forty Shades of Grey.
I had to watch both part 1 and part 2 in the cinema to keep the wife happy. I almost fell asleep several times. Overhyped, soft porn "for her".
Ocean's 11 and 12.
Sometimes too many stars can spoil the broth.

I hated the Irishman. Thought it was really boring. Ocean’s 11 I thought was good, but should have been better.

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