What’s the most just okay movie you’ve ever watched?

Red Dawn.

There are now two versions. One was in the 1980's...with Russia. The second was with North Korea.
Yeah, I know. I was ignoring the one that they changed the script to satisfy the Chinese market.

No one seriously would believe that North Korea could invade, it isn't a plausible movie plot.
. . . in fact, just about any movie with Patrick Swayze, is not bad, but it ain't exactly stellar either.
Dirty Dancing? Seriously? Lol

I'll watch Roadhouse any day over Dirty Dancing!
Yeah, I don't know what it is about Sam Elliot.

For some reason, he can't seem to carry a movie, but he is like that secret spice. . . you add him to a movie, and it really makes things pop.

I do think Swaze's best film is probably Road House, but only because of Elliot. Same for Jeff Bridges. His remake of True Gritt is probably only marginally better than the Duke's, but it will never compare to his best work, the Big Lebowski, again, largely because of Elliot's appearance, as that certain wise old sage spice. . . .

Go figure.
I’ll go with Jaws. I know a lot of people thought it was amazing and it probably was for its time, but by the time I finally watched it it just seemed decent.

For me it has been the entire Star Wars franchise. I like Star Trek better, not that I am in love with their older stuff either.

Yeah I not big on whole Star Wars stuff. I’ve never even watched the original in it’s entirety

I don't think you can watch the original in its entirety. Seems to me I read somewhere that it has been re-edited a few times since so the original theater version is no longer available to the public.

The original occasionally shows up on Ebay.
Minority Report was another meh one. He’s not much of an actor.
I could be wrong, and apologies in advance...but didn't Tom Cruise do some movie based on Scientology?

Nope, Travolta. Battlefield Earth, based on Hubbard's novel. The movie sucked. Never have read the book.

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