What’s the most just okay movie you’ve ever watched?

Not sure if anyone mentioned it, and not sure if it is even a movie. I saw it online nonetheless. The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy.

I thought it was a pretty good flick.
A few Good Men was a good movie I felt

Yeah it's good, but it's pretty cheesy. Tom Cruise plays a lawyer who's never argued in court, and Demi Moore telling him that he's the best to argue in court was pretty cringeworthy. Many movies in the 80s were kind of like that.

Cruise is an ok actor but nowhere in the same category as Jack Nicholson, who was by far the best actor in that flick.
Before we were married, my wife and I used to watch all sorts of esoteric movies, like the Golden Leaf winners at Cannes in subtitles. I loved good movies.

But that all changed when we had our son. Then it went from watching art house movies to Finding Nemo and the Iron Giant. Since then, I've lost touch of the movie scene. I don't really know what's good and what's not. I've watched movies on planes, and a few at home, but nothing like when we were younger.

I think part of that is the demise of movie rental places. We used to go and browse movies, and that's how we discovered titles. We don't do that anymore. I probably should go to Amazon or Rotten Tomatoes or a place like that.
Yeah it's good, but it's pretty cheesy. Tom Cruise plays a lawyer who's never argued in court, and Demi Moore telling him that he's the best to argue in court was pretty cringeworthy. Many movies in the 80s were kind of like that.

Cruise is an ok actor but nowhere in the same category as Jack Nicholson, who was by far the best actor in that flick.
Yes, that was a really good movie! I love when Jack Nicolson said: "You want the truth? You can't handle the truth!" That was probably one of the best quotes of all time! At least movie-wise.
The Da Vinci Code

Never saw it, but I love Dan Brown. Read all of his books.

If you like the books, skip the movies.

I started both with books...before the movies ever came out.

Tom Hanks is Robert Langdon like Tom Cruise is Jack Reacher. Which is to say, he's not.

Not to mention the fact that they butchered the books...
Exactly how I felt about 'Patriot Games' and 'Clear and Present Danger"...but "The Hunt for Red October was actually pretty good IMO.
To be honest I don’t know who that is,
Peter Weller played the Bad Admiral in 'Star Trek Into Darkness'...he was the Original Robocop...which was far superior to the remake IMO.

Try "Screamers". One of the best underrated sci-fi films I've seen.
Kevin Bacon!

Saw Stir of Echoes ...that was pretty good!

I liked it as well. I also liked Mystic River

Kevin Bacon!

Saw Stir of Echoes ...that was pretty good!

I liked it as well. I also liked Mystic River

Where did you perk your car today? How much did it cost? One dollha maybe? You guys talk like idiots. Worse than people from Chicago
"The Hunt for Red October was actually pretty good IMO.
Yes, the late Sean Connery! He was brilliant!

Even in bad movies he was still worth watching.

The only Connery movie I didn't like that I can remember was 'The Great Train Robbery'...

... Connery made not-so-good movies like 'League of Extraordinary Gentleman' palatable.

If you want to see an obscure Connery sci-fi flick...Try 'Outland'...

"Just OK?"

Lots of them.

But bad or over-hyped?

The original Jurassic Park was pretty dumb.
Not only that it was advertised towards kids. I took my kids to see the damn thing and it scared the shit out of them. Cost me sleep and nookie for weeks. At that time my wife was as hot as she ever was I really missed that nookie. Fucking stupid movie.
. . . in fact, just about any movie with Patrick Swayze, is not bad, but it ain't exactly stellar either.
Dirty Dancing? Seriously? Lol

I'll watch Roadhouse any day over Dirty Dancing!
Yeah, I don't know what it is about Sam Elliot.

For some reason, he can't seem to carry a movie, but he is like that secret spice. . . you add him to a movie, and it really makes things pop.

I do think Swaze's best film is probably Road House, but only because of Elliot. Same for Jeff Bridges. His remake of True Gritt is probably only marginally better than the Duke's, but it will never compare to his best work, the Big Lebowski, again, largely because of Elliot's appearance, as that certain wise old sage spice. . . .

Go figure.

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