What's the reason the GOP gives for needing tax cuts for billionaires and corporations?

Regulations affect all businesses the same.

If you just want to post stupid crap, find something else to do with your free time.

E.g. It doesn't affect me and a big company the same when the government requires millions in testing to bring a generic prescription drug to market.
ANother moronic statement from an absolute moron.

Currently, the middle class pay far, far, far higher tax rates then the rich, who stash profits overseas and pay virtually nothing.

Huge corps and millionaires pay jack shit right now. Further, if you want to grow the economy you give money to the poor and middle class who will spend it. The wealthy dont.

The tax plan is simply a resdistribution of wealth from the middle class to the rich. Eventually, they will cut social programs to pay for the increased debt.

The rich fund campaigns and pay for lobbyists and in return get legislation passed their way. The middle class are divided by getting them to focus on moronic issues like national anthems while the rich rob them blind.

Any other evaluation is idiotic.

You sir, not named "Blake Allyn" and probably named Alejandro Fernandez are an absolute fool.
The "rich" pay your way and the way for all your filthy bottom feeding Peruvian buddies.

45% of Americans pay no federal income tax
45% of Americans pay no federal income tax
On average, those in the bottom 40% of the income spectrum end up getting money from the government. Meanwhile, the richest 20% of Americans, by far, pay the most in income taxes, forking over nearly 87% of all the income tax collected by Uncle Sam.

Read: Compared to most countries, we’re undertaxed — honest

Rich people pay nearly 87% of all federal individual income tax in America

Income level Share of total federal
individual income tax paid
Average income tax bill
per person

Lowest 20% -2.2% -$643
Second lowest 20% -1.7% -$621
Middle income 4.2% $1,743
Second richest 20% 12.9% $6,285
Richest 20% 86.8% $50,176
Source: Tax Policy Center

The top 1% of Americans, who have an average income of more than $2.1 million, pay 43.6% of all the federal individual income tax in the U.S.; the top 0.1% — just 115,000 households, whose average income is more than $9.4 million — pay more than 20% of it.

When it comes to all federal taxes — individual income, payroll, excise, corporate income and estate taxes — the distributions of who pays what is more spread out. This is partially because nearly everyone pays excise taxes, which includes taxes on gasoline, alcohol and cigarettes.

Rich people pay 69% of all federal taxes in America

Income level Share of total federal taxes paid
Lowest 20% 0.8%
Second lowest 20% 3.4%
Middle income 9.2%
Second richest 20% 17.5%
Richest 20% 69%

What is My Tax Bracket?
Updated for Tax Year 2017


The term "tax bracket" refers to the highest tax rate charged on your income. Under the federal income tax system, different rates apply to different portions of your income. So people in, say, the 25 percent tax bracket don't actually pay 25 percent of their income in taxes; rather, the last dollar they earn is taxed at 25 percent.

Progressive system, marginal rates
The federal income tax is progressive, meaning that tax rates increase as your taxable income goes up. As of publication, for example, income was taxed at seven rates: 10 percent, 15 percent, 25 percent, 28 percent, 33 percent, 35 percent and 39.6 percent. These are marginal rates, meaning that each rate applies only to a specific slice of income rather than to your total income. The rate that applies to the top slice of your income is your tax bracket.

A simplified example of brackets
For a simple example of how progressive taxation works, say the government has three marginal rates, set up like this:

  • 10 percent: $0 to $20,000
  • 20 percent: $20,001 to $50,000
  • 30 percent: $50,001 and above
Now say your taxable income is $75,000, which puts you in the 30 percent bracket. The first $20,000 of that would be taxed at 10 percent, or $2,000. The next $30,000 would be taxed at 20 percent, or $6,000. The final $25,000 of your income is taxed at 30 percent, or $7,500. Your total tax: $15,500. Even though you're in the 30 percent bracket, you actually pay only about 20.7 percent of your income in taxes.

Taxable income is what matters
Tax brackets apply only to your taxable income—that is, your total income minus all your adjustments, exemptions and deductions. For example, a married couple with two dependent children could reduce their taxable income by $29,800 in 2017 just by taking the personal exemptions and standard deduction to which all taxpayers are entitled, as of publication. This alone might be enough to drop the family into a lower tax bracket.

Adjusting tax bracket parameters
Congress decides how many tax brackets there are and what the rates will be for each bracket. It's the Internal Revenue Service's job to adjust income thresholds to keep pace with inflation. For example, in the 2017 tax year, for a married couple filing a joint return, the 10 percent bracket applied to the first $18,650 in taxable income. The 15 percent bracket went up to $75,900. The 25 percent bracket went up to $153,100, and so on. The top rate, 39.6 percent, applied when taxable income topped $470,7000. For single taxpayers, the thresholds were lower. The IRS announces the tax brackets for each year before that year begins.

Hey member of the country of corporate ville....not sure what you are trying to prove here?

I know you only support the ultra wealthy and confederacy, but what are you trying to say boy?

Which part about what I posted has you all twisted and confused Eduardo?
Lets recap...you spoke from your anus and said:
"Currently, the middle class pay far, far, far higher tax rates then the rich, who stash profits overseas and pay virtually nothing."

I showed you you have your head deep in your ass. What else can I teach you beaner?

Listen Corporal, they pay more of a share out of their salaries was my point, obviously the rich pay more in absolute terms because they make a shit ton more money.

When 1% of the country owns all of it of course they will pay more in absolute terms.

The point is a middle class worker making 75k a year is pay a third of their salary to uncle Sam. Mark Zuckleberg had 350 million dollar tax return a few years back,

Here are some facts for you:

Now I know you are merely a patriot for the ultra wealthy. So you like this stuff!!

The richest 1% pay an effective federal income tax rate of 24.7% in 2014; someone making an average of $75,000 is paying a 19.7% rate.

Darn those rich people, paying a higher rate than the middle class. Rich bastards!!!
To some on the left, it is more the usual, right wing cognitive dissonance of alleging real times of war and lowering taxes, at the same time.
Notice, no right winger really wants to talk about these "tax cuts".

Over 6 million unfilled jobs? What is the GOP's plan to fill those jobs?

Education? Nope.

Job Training? Nope.

Veterans retraining? Nope.

Their answer is to cut taxes on corporations who have so much money, they can't figure out how to invest or spend it. So they give it away to investors, using it for buy backs so fewer own the company.
If there was less ANCHOR BABIES in the United States, then there would be more funding for children of US citizens who actually deserve the education. Why is it liberals don't want more US citizens to keep their money they earned? Oh yeah, many liberals sit in their parents basement getting EBT cars, so don't actually work.
Reason? These idiots say that somehow these corporation move back to America if we lower the corporate tax to 25%. The problem with this is most of the really big corporations pay half that and use outsourced third world labor. Trumps original thinking of Tariffs and reformed trade deals would have made so much more sense but he has been sucked into the GOP rich man dick sucking idiocy.

Rewarding these fuckers won't work! They'll keep fucking us and buying out all of our small businesses as they hold this nation hostage.
Reason? These idiots say that somehow these corporation move back to America if we lower the corporate tax to 25%. The problem with this is most of the really big corporations pay half that and use outsourced third world labor. Trumps original thinking of Tariffs and reformed trade deals would have made so much more sense but he has been sucked into the GOP rich man dick sucking idiocy.

Rewarding these fuckers won't work! They'll keep fucking us and buying out all of our small businesses as they hold this nation hostage.
House Republicans pass tax plan that would cut corporate rate, add to deficit
House Republicans successfully passed their wide-ranging tax plan Thursday, moving the party one step closer to reshaping the tax code by year’s end.

The proposal, called the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, would add $1.4 trillion to the federal deficit over the next 10 years, while decreasing the number of tax brackets and deductions, and slashing the corporate tax rate to 20 percent, if it eventually becomes law.
Also their is going to be a tax forgiveness on money's overseas, so the large companies wont be punished when they bring it back. Right now we cant tax any of that money because it is overseas, but once it does come back, then it can be taxed after that. Zero percent tax on money overseas isn't as good as future taxes on money that comes back to America. Liberals are such dumbasses who don't understand economics...
There are perfectly legitimate reasons for cutting tax burdens on corporations, and anyone whose mind isn't sealed shut can probably figure them out.

Wealthier Americans? While I'd rather not see it in principle, they can withstand higher rates. I'd add four new margins, 44.9%, 49.9%, 54.9%, and 59.9%. I'd also dump the AMT and institute a METR, my term, Minimum Effective Tax Rate, across all margins, including corporate rates.

Whether we like it or not, if we don't do something fairly soon about wealth disparities, we'll end up knee-jerking too far in a panic. Doing something sensible now would be much smarter.
There are perfectly legitimate reasons for cutting tax burdens on corporations, and anyone whose mind isn't sealed shut can probably figure them out.

Wealthier Americans? While I'd rather not see it in principle, they can withstand higher rates. I'd add four new margins, 44.9%, 49.9%, 54.9%, and 59.9%. I'd also dump the AMT and institute a METR, my term, Minimum Effective Tax Rate, across all margins, including corporate rates.

Whether we like it or not, if we don't do something fairly soon about wealth disparities, we'll end up knee-jerking too far in a panic. Doing something sensible now would be much smarter.
Why not a flat sales tax where what you buy is then taxed? The rich would pay more since they buy more, and the poor would pay less, because they buy less? Everyone would have skin in the game instead of 47% not paying shit, so vote for the same people who keep them poor?
There are perfectly legitimate reasons for cutting tax burdens on corporations, and anyone whose mind isn't sealed shut can probably figure them out.

Wealthier Americans? While I'd rather not see it in principle, they can withstand higher rates. I'd add four new margins, 44.9%, 49.9%, 54.9%, and 59.9%. I'd also dump the AMT and institute a METR, my term, Minimum Effective Tax Rate, across all margins, including corporate rates.

Whether we like it or not, if we don't do something fairly soon about wealth disparities, we'll end up knee-jerking too far in a panic. Doing something sensible now would be much smarter.
Why not a flat sales tax where what you buy is then taxed? The rich would pay more since they buy more, and the poor would pay less, because they buy less? Everyone would have skin in the game instead of 47% not paying shit, so vote for the same people who keep them poor?
Because when incorporating the various taxes that we all pay, the poor would be ultimately be paying a much higher percentage of their income. That's a regressive tax system.
There are perfectly legitimate reasons for cutting tax burdens on corporations, and anyone whose mind isn't sealed shut can probably figure them out.

Wealthier Americans? While I'd rather not see it in principle, they can withstand higher rates. I'd add four new margins, 44.9%, 49.9%, 54.9%, and 59.9%. I'd also dump the AMT and institute a METR, my term, Minimum Effective Tax Rate, across all margins, including corporate rates.

Whether we like it or not, if we don't do something fairly soon about wealth disparities, we'll end up knee-jerking too far in a panic. Doing something sensible now would be much smarter.
Why not a flat sales tax where what you buy is then taxed? The rich would pay more since they buy more, and the poor would pay less, because they buy less? Everyone would have skin in the game instead of 47% not paying shit, so vote for the same people who keep them poor?
Because when incorporating the various taxes that we all pay, the poor would be ultimately be paying a much higher percentage of their income. That's a regressive tax system.
Such bullshit. Why is the poor still poor? Because, if there wasn't poor, then the Democrap Party wouldn't have so many dumb and worthless fucks voting for them...

War on poverty cost
The War on Poverty has cost $22 trillion -- three times more than what the government has spent on all wars in American history. Federal and state governments spend $1 trillion in taxpayer dollars on America's 80 means-tested welfare programs annually.
The War on Poverty Has Cost $22 Trillion - NCPA
There are perfectly legitimate reasons for cutting tax burdens on corporations, and anyone whose mind isn't sealed shut can probably figure them out.

Wealthier Americans? While I'd rather not see it in principle, they can withstand higher rates. I'd add four new margins, 44.9%, 49.9%, 54.9%, and 59.9%. I'd also dump the AMT and institute a METR, my term, Minimum Effective Tax Rate, across all margins, including corporate rates.

Whether we like it or not, if we don't do something fairly soon about wealth disparities, we'll end up knee-jerking too far in a panic. Doing something sensible now would be much smarter.
Why not a flat sales tax where what you buy is then taxed? The rich would pay more since they buy more, and the poor would pay less, because they buy less? Everyone would have skin in the game instead of 47% not paying shit, so vote for the same people who keep them poor?
Because when incorporating the various taxes that we all pay, the poor would be ultimately be paying a much higher percentage of their income. That's a regressive tax system.
Such bullshit. Why is the poor still poor? Because, if there wasn't poor, then the Democrap Party wouldn't have so many dumb and worthless fucks voting for them...

War on poverty cost
The War on Poverty has cost $22 trillion -- three times more than what the government has spent on all wars in American history. Federal and state governments spend $1 trillion in taxpayer dollars on America's 80 means-tested welfare programs annually.
The War on Poverty Has Cost $22 Trillion - NCPA
You asked a question, I answered it factually.
There are perfectly legitimate reasons for cutting tax burdens on corporations, and anyone whose mind isn't sealed shut can probably figure them out.

Wealthier Americans? While I'd rather not see it in principle, they can withstand higher rates. I'd add four new margins, 44.9%, 49.9%, 54.9%, and 59.9%. I'd also dump the AMT and institute a METR, my term, Minimum Effective Tax Rate, across all margins, including corporate rates.

Whether we like it or not, if we don't do something fairly soon about wealth disparities, we'll end up knee-jerking too far in a panic. Doing something sensible now would be much smarter.
Why not a flat sales tax where what you buy is then taxed? The rich would pay more since they buy more, and the poor would pay less, because they buy less? Everyone would have skin in the game instead of 47% not paying shit, so vote for the same people who keep them poor?
Because when incorporating the various taxes that we all pay, the poor would be ultimately be paying a much higher percentage of their income. That's a regressive tax system.
Such bullshit. Why is the poor still poor? Because, if there wasn't poor, then the Democrap Party wouldn't have so many dumb and worthless fucks voting for them...

War on poverty cost
The War on Poverty has cost $22 trillion -- three times more than what the government has spent on all wars in American history. Federal and state governments spend $1 trillion in taxpayer dollars on America's 80 means-tested welfare programs annually.
The War on Poverty Has Cost $22 Trillion - NCPA
You asked a question, I answered it factually.
The only people who have made it hard on the poor is the liberals. They keep raising taxes, raise minimum wage, which in turn raises costs of merchandise or services, so the poor continue to be poor. Yet the poor of the US is not even close to the poor of other countries. I was poor at one time, but worked my ass off to get skills and knowledge that made me a valuable asset to companies. Today I am self employed, so I don't feel shit for those that continue to be VICTIMS of liberalism....
Because when incorporating the various taxes that we all pay, the poor would be ultimately be paying a much higher percentage of their income. That's a regressive tax system.

Life isn't fair.

If I go to dinner one evening and happen to be dining with a wealthy person in the same restaurant, when we both pay our bill, he is paying a much lesser percentage of his income for his meal than am I.

If I go to fill up my car with gasoline, and a rich guy at the next pump is doing the same, he is paying a much lower percentage of his income for gasoline than am I.

When my lawn care company leaves my property and drives to a rich guys house to cut his lawn, he is paying much less of his income for that work than am I.

I guess we have a country of regressive systems that we have to deal with.
Reason? These idiots say that somehow these corporation move back to America if we lower the corporate tax to 25%. The problem with this is most of the really big corporations pay half that and use outsourced third world labor. Trumps original thinking of Tariffs and reformed trade deals would have made so much more sense but he has been sucked into the GOP rich man dick sucking idiocy.

Rewarding these fuckers won't work! They'll keep fucking us and buying out all of our small businesses as they hold this nation hostage.

Here's what happened the last time the US was reckless enough to try a steel tariff
f there was less ANCHOR BABIES in the United States, then there would be more funding for children of US citizens who actually deserve the education. Why is it liberals don't want more US citizens to keep their money they earned? Oh yeah, many liberals sit in their parents basement getting EBT cars, so don't actually work.

Yep......its ALWAYS those brown-skinned folks who are the problem for birthers.......LOL
If there was less ANCHOR BABIES in the United States, then there would be more funding for children of US citizens who actually deserve the education. Why is it liberals don't want more US citizens to keep their money they earned? Oh yeah, many liberals sit in their parents basement getting EBT cars, so don't actually work.

There's no such thing as anchor babies. Deport mom, sent her minor kids with her. Politicians make up crap like anchor babies to pretend their hands are tied.
f there was less ANCHOR BABIES in the United States, then there would be more funding for children of US citizens who actually deserve the education. Why is it liberals don't want more US citizens to keep their money they earned? Oh yeah, many liberals sit in their parents basement getting EBT cars, so don't actually work.

Yep......its ALWAYS those brown-skinned folks who are the problem for birthers.......LOL

You mean you know about that??? :afro:
If the tax bill is so great, why keep lying about it?

Besides, we know that Corporate taxes are permanent but middle class taxes aren't. Why?

I know. Do you?

Besides, we know that Corporate taxes are permanent but middle class taxes aren't. Why?

Maybe they know that Dems will, in the future, vote to make those middle class tax cuts permanent.
Because there is nothing Dems love more than letting middle class people keep more of their own money.

No maybe about it.

Republicans protect corporations and billionaires but leap at the chance to fuk over the middle class. It's no secret. It can't be denied. It has nothing to do with Democrats. It's all about donors.

Donors to GOP: No cash until action on health care, taxes
Because when incorporating the various taxes that we all pay, the poor would be ultimately be paying a much higher percentage of their income. That's a regressive tax system.

Life isn't fair.

If I go to dinner one evening and happen to be dining with a wealthy person in the same restaurant, when we both pay our bill, he is paying a much lesser percentage of his income for his meal than am I.

If I go to fill up my car with gasoline, and a rich guy at the next pump is doing the same, he is paying a much lower percentage of his income for gasoline than am I.

When my lawn care company leaves my property and drives to a rich guys house to cut his lawn, he is paying much less of his income for that work than am I.

I guess we have a country of regressive systems that we have to deal with.
Yes, life isn't fair. So those who have benefited most from capitalism have to come to terms with the fact that, in a capitalist system, some people are simply better equipped to create wealth than others.

The increasing wealth gap is going to be addressed in one way or the other. Addressing it in a smart way, unencumbered by partisan ideology, will ultimately be a lot better than the alternative.

Life isn't fair.
Because when incorporating the various taxes that we all pay, the poor would be ultimately be paying a much higher percentage of their income. That's a regressive tax system.

Life isn't fair.

If I go to dinner one evening and happen to be dining with a wealthy person in the same restaurant, when we both pay our bill, he is paying a much lesser percentage of his income for his meal than am I.

If I go to fill up my car with gasoline, and a rich guy at the next pump is doing the same, he is paying a much lower percentage of his income for gasoline than am I.

When my lawn care company leaves my property and drives to a rich guys house to cut his lawn, he is paying much less of his income for that work than am I.

I guess we have a country of regressive systems that we have to deal with.
Yes, life isn't fair. So those who have benefited most from capitalism have to come to terms with the fact that, in a capitalist system, some people are simply better equipped to create wealth than others.

The increasing wealth gap is going to be addressed in one way or the other. Addressing it in a smart way, unencumbered by partisan ideology, will ultimately be a lot better than the alternative.

Life isn't fair.

Correct, some people are better than others at creating wealth, but the truth of the matter is most don't even try.

Just like there are some who are more athletic than others, those who are more musically inclined than others, those who are more intelligent than others, those who benefit more from education than others.

Do you know who is responsible for the wealth gap? You are....... Not just you...all of us.

So if you want to address the wealth gap, charity starts at home. Quit giving those rich people all of your money. Take a bus instead of spending your money on gasoline and giving it to billionaires. Get off this internet and read books instead. Do you really need that cell phone? Of course not. All you're doing is sending your money to the top. Years ago we lived just fine without cell phones. And get rid of that cable television too. You can buy a nice antenna and never have to worry about giving your money to those evil rich people that own those satellite dishes again. While you're at it, eat at home. No more stopping at McDonald's or Burger King. Those are just wealthy entities waiting to take more of your money.

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