What's the reason the GOP gives for needing tax cuts for billionaires and corporations?

“Taxation is theft, purely and simply even though it is theft on a grand and colossal scale which no acknowledged criminals could hope to match. It is a compulsory seizure of the property of the State’s inhabitants, or subjects.”
Murray N. Rothbard

Because theft is immoral.
Because when incorporating the various taxes that we all pay, the poor would be ultimately be paying a much higher percentage of their income. That's a regressive tax system.

Life isn't fair.

If I go to dinner one evening and happen to be dining with a wealthy person in the same restaurant, when we both pay our bill, he is paying a much lesser percentage of his income for his meal than am I.

If I go to fill up my car with gasoline, and a rich guy at the next pump is doing the same, he is paying a much lower percentage of his income for gasoline than am I.

When my lawn care company leaves my property and drives to a rich guys house to cut his lawn, he is paying much less of his income for that work than am I.

I guess we have a country of regressive systems that we have to deal with.
Yes, life isn't fair. So those who have benefited most from capitalism have to come to terms with the fact that, in a capitalist system, some people are simply better equipped to create wealth than others.

The increasing wealth gap is going to be addressed in one way or the other. Addressing it in a smart way, unencumbered by partisan ideology, will ultimately be a lot better than the alternative.

Life isn't fair.

Correct, some people are better than others at creating wealth, but the truth of the matter is most don't even try.

Just like there are some who are more athletic than others, those who are more musically inclined than others, those who are more intelligent than others, those who benefit more from education than others.

Do you know who is responsible for the wealth gap? You are....... Not just you...all of us.

So if you want to address the wealth gap, charity starts at home. Quit giving those rich people all of your money. Take a bus instead of spending your money on gasoline and giving it to billionaires. Get off this internet and read books instead. Do you really need that cell phone? Of course not. All you're doing is sending your money to the top. Years ago we lived just fine without cell phones. And get rid of that cable television too. You can buy a nice antenna and never have to worry about giving your money to those evil rich people that own those satellite dishes again. While you're at it, eat at home. No more stopping at McDonald's or Burger King. Those are just wealthy entities waiting to take more of your money.
Well, I suppose we could do all of that.

Or we could just do what worked when we had a strong middle class.
Trump's tax cuts will be for Middle Class folks. They're not 'Billionaires.' And it's about time the Middle Class gets a break. Today's tax system is a joke. It seems you only get Government entitlement breaks if you're ultra rich or very poor. The Middle Class always gets screwed. They pay for everything. It's time to help them out for once.
Because when incorporating the various taxes that we all pay, the poor would be ultimately be paying a much higher percentage of their income. That's a regressive tax system.

Life isn't fair.

If I go to dinner one evening and happen to be dining with a wealthy person in the same restaurant, when we both pay our bill, he is paying a much lesser percentage of his income for his meal than am I.

If I go to fill up my car with gasoline, and a rich guy at the next pump is doing the same, he is paying a much lower percentage of his income for gasoline than am I.

When my lawn care company leaves my property and drives to a rich guys house to cut his lawn, he is paying much less of his income for that work than am I.

I guess we have a country of regressive systems that we have to deal with.
Yes, life isn't fair. So those who have benefited most from capitalism have to come to terms with the fact that, in a capitalist system, some people are simply better equipped to create wealth than others.

The increasing wealth gap is going to be addressed in one way or the other. Addressing it in a smart way, unencumbered by partisan ideology, will ultimately be a lot better than the alternative.

Life isn't fair.

Correct, some people are better than others at creating wealth, but the truth of the matter is most don't even try.

Just like there are some who are more athletic than others, those who are more musically inclined than others, those who are more intelligent than others, those who benefit more from education than others.

Do you know who is responsible for the wealth gap? You are....... Not just you...all of us.

So if you want to address the wealth gap, charity starts at home. Quit giving those rich people all of your money. Take a bus instead of spending your money on gasoline and giving it to billionaires. Get off this internet and read books instead. Do you really need that cell phone? Of course not. All you're doing is sending your money to the top. Years ago we lived just fine without cell phones. And get rid of that cable television too. You can buy a nice antenna and never have to worry about giving your money to those evil rich people that own those satellite dishes again. While you're at it, eat at home. No more stopping at McDonald's or Burger King. Those are just wealthy entities waiting to take more of your money.
Well, I suppose we could do all of that.

Or we could just do what worked when we had a strong middle class.

We can't do that any more than we can get rid of cars and go back to horse and buggy. The days of overpaying labor to do monkey jobs are gone forever. They are being replaced by the global market and automation. There is no putting that toothpaste back in the tube. Now we have to make adjustments for the future, not hope the past will come back.
I don't speak for the GOP...or anyone except myself, but regarding Taxes and Tax Cuts....

Democrats believe that ALL money is the Government's / THEIR money, and the money we have is only ours because they ALLOW us to have it....
-- Case in point, Obama used Tax Dollars to interfere in the Israeli election by trying to oust allied President Netanyahu...Obama 'secretly' (before it was exposed 5 days later) gave the UN Billions in tax doillars Obama had declared he was 'securing' for Zika Virus in the US...The day Obama left office he gave (or tried to) $221 million tax dollars to the terrorist PLO / Hamas...when none of the above was his to give.

Taxes do NOT need to be raised, and there is no reason NOT to cut taxes due to the indefensible fraud, waste, abuse, and criminal fiscal irresponsibility of our politicians / government.
-- There are dozens of US government agencies that do the EXACT SAME THING, government agencies are encouraged to use every dime in their budget each year - not save money - or they will not get as much money (that obviously was not needed) the next year...when the Democrats passed the God-awful Obama Stimulus Bill they rammed HUNDREDS (over 700) frivolous, vote-buying, tax-dollar-wasting pieces of pork into the bill, a bill that cost nearly $1 trillion and ended up, according to the GAO, cost tax payers approx. $774,000 PER JOB the bill created.

I don't want to hear another politician, on either side, say one damn word about how we need to RAISE taxes without 1st telling me how he plans to cut massive fraud, waste, abuse, and pork that is pissing away far too much of our money.
I don't speak for the GOP...or anyone except myself, but regarding Taxes and Tax Cuts....

Democrats believe that ALL money is the Government's / THEIR money, and the money we have is only ours because they ALLOW us to have it....
-- Case in point, Obama used Tax Dollars to interfere in the Israeli election by trying to oust allied President Netanyahu...Obama 'secretly' (before it was exposed 5 days later) gave the UN Billions in tax doillars Obama had declared he was 'securing' for Zika Virus in the US...The day Obama left office he gave (or tried to) $221 million tax dollars to the terrorist PLO / Hamas...when none of the above was his to give.

Taxes do NOT need to be raised, and there is no reason NOT to cut taxes due to the indefensible fraud, waste, abuse, and criminal fiscal irresponsibility of our politicians / government.
-- There are dozens of US government agencies that do the EXACT SAME THING, government agencies are encouraged to use every dime in their budget each year - not save money - or they will not get as much money (that obviously was not needed) the next year...when the Democrats passed the God-awful Obama Stimulus Bill they rammed HUNDREDS (over 700) frivolous, vote-buying, tax-dollar-wasting pieces of pork into the bill, a bill that cost nearly $1 trillion and ended up, according to the GAO, cost tax payers approx. $774,000 PER JOB the bill created.

I don't want to hear another politician, on either side, say one damn word about how we need to RAISE taxes without 1st telling me how he plans to cut massive fraud, waste, abuse, and pork that is pissing away far too much of our money.

Get rid of all bureaucracies. They are unconstitutional and there is no reason our representatives can't do what they do which is make laws and penalties against the American people.
Reason? These idiots say that somehow these corporation move back to America if we lower the corporate tax to 25%. The problem with this is most of the really big corporations pay half that and use outsourced third world labor. Trumps original thinking of Tariffs and reformed trade deals would have made so much more sense but he has been sucked into the GOP rich man dick sucking idiocy.

Rewarding these fuckers won't work! They'll keep fucking us and buying out all of our small businesses as they hold this nation hostage.

We're gonna reward those fuckers, bigly.

We'll leave the dick sucking idiocy to you.
If the tax bill is so great, why keep lying about it?

Besides, we know that Corporate taxes are permanent but middle class taxes aren't. Why?

I know. Do you?

Besides, we know that Corporate taxes are permanent but middle class taxes aren't. Why?

Maybe they know that Dems will, in the future, vote to make those middle class tax cuts permanent.
Because there is nothing Dems love more than letting middle class people keep more of their own money.

No maybe about it.

Republicans protect corporations and billionaires but leap at the chance to fuk over the middle class. It's no secret. It can't be denied. It has nothing to do with Democrats. It's all about donors.

Donors to GOP: No cash until action on health care, taxes

No maybe about it.

Excellent! It'll be nice to see Dems cut taxes, instead of always raising them.
I answered your question. Tax rates should go back to what they were in the 50s and 60s, and most successful time. I pasted the information above.

Through, as I mentioned, what constitutes wealthy should be somewhat dependent on cost of living of the area.

This is a theory many of us on the right are aware of, and many on the left are not, or if they are, hate it. It's called action/ reaction

If we all decided to meet at a bar one night, and I reached out to shake your hand, it's likely you would return the gesture. This is positive action--positive reaction.

However if we met and I pushed you into the wall, it's likely you would push me into the wall right back. Negative action--negative reaction.

At most any time, an action is met with a similar reaction. If you try to take most all of the money from the wealthy, are you really expecting a positive reaction????

If the tax rate were 0%, the government would collect 0 dollars. If the tax rate were 100%, the government would still collect 0 dollars because who would be stupid enough to produce wealth?
The tax rate will never be 0% or never be 100%. so there not usable in this conversation.
With very high tax rates or very low tax rates History shows people who value making money will always work towards that goal.
I answered your question. Tax rates should go back to what they were in the 50s and 60s, and most successful time. I pasted the information above.

Through, as I mentioned, what constitutes wealthy should be somewhat dependent on cost of living of the area.

This is a theory many of us on the right are aware of, and many on the left are not, or if they are, hate it. It's called action/ reaction

If we all decided to meet at a bar one night, and I reached out to shake your hand, it's likely you would return the gesture. This is positive action--positive reaction.

However if we met and I pushed you into the wall, it's likely you would push me into the wall right back. Negative action--negative reaction.

At most any time, an action is met with a similar reaction. If you try to take most all of the money from the wealthy, are you really expecting a positive reaction????

If the tax rate were 0%, the government would collect 0 dollars. If the tax rate were 100%, the government would still collect 0 dollars because who would be stupid enough to produce wealth?
The tax rate will never be 0% or never be 100%. so there not usable in this conversation.
With very high tax rates or very low tax rates History shows people who value making money will always work towards that goal.

My only point is that taxation does have an effect. This notion that we can tax anybody for any amount and see no reaction is ridiculous. I mean if your property tax went up $1,000 a year, would that encourage you to spend more money? Would you buy more things or less?
They say it's to kick start the economy and create jobs.

Looking at the current economy and the number of available jobs, how exactly does that work?

How about...they earned the money, not the politicians.....so he who earns the money should be the ones who keep the money...
The best tax rate? One clue. In 1774 the average American in the 13 colonies paid between one and two percent of their income in taxes. 1-2%. Seems reasonable. One rate. One time. No double taxation. Good target.
They say it's to kick start the economy and create jobs.

Looking at the current economy and the number of available jobs, how exactly does that work?

Hey, just explain to us how someone who pays no taxes can get a tax break. Seriously! If you pay NOTHING, how can anyone give you less than nothing!
We just tried your way the last 8 years. The same wealthy and corporations you people like to demonize kept their money on the sideline or overseas to avoid your egregious taxes. The result: sluggish / anemic GDP growth.

Name 10 large corporations that paid the FULL amount of the tax......

Go on.......we'll wait.......................LOL
I seem to remember Liberal hero Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway owing a billion or so in back taxes.
Before cutting taxes how about feds reduce spending to 2% of GDP?

The U.S. intelligence community is made up of 16 different organizations, ranging from the CIA and the Defense Intelligence Agency to the highly secretive National Security Agency and the National Reconnaissance Office. Altogether the agencies have about 100,000 workers.

(That month, Congress also approved an additional $10 billion in spending, which reduced the need for furloughs and may help account for the blip on the first graph.) How Much Money Do We Pay the NSA to Spy on Us?

They say it's to kick start the economy and create jobs.

Looking at the current economy and the number of available jobs, how exactly does that work?

Hey, just explain to us how someone who pays no taxes can get a tax break. Seriously! If you pay NOTHING, how can anyone give you less than nothing!
When you say pay no taxes are you counting, property taxes, ssn, Medicare, sales tax, gas tax, usage fees, invisible taxes, etc. or are you just counting the one and only income tax?
They say it's to kick start the economy and create jobs.

Looking at the current economy and the number of available jobs, how exactly does that work?

bear in mind that congressional whores MUST pay back their corporate pimps

That's true, just ask Obama or the Clintons.
The thread is about tax cuts for billionaires and corporations and your comment is "Obama and the Clinton's"?


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