What's This "Cultural Appropriation" Shit?

Sorry cave gibbon. Wrong again.

Mali Empire - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"The Mali Empire (Manding: Nyeni;[4] English: Niani), also historically referred to as the Manden Kurufaba,[1] was a Malinke/Bambara/Mandinka/Dyula empire in West Africa from c. 1230 to c. 1600. The empire was founded by Sundiata Keita and became renowned for the wealth of its rulers, especially Mansa Musa"

In fairness, the Malian Empire liked to build a lot of things with mud.

Wasn't the Great Mosque of Djenne first built around Mansa Musa's time?
That didnt stop them from being a world economic power (which was the point) and showed an inherent intelligence on the cooling/warming properties of using mud in the hot climate of Africa. So when whites scoff at mud structures it makes me laugh because they wouldnt have been able to think up something like that.

Yes it was and Mansu Musa was also the person that caused a drop in the price of gold due to him handing so much of it out on the way to Mecca.
What makes people think they "own" aspects of their culture? How adolescent.

Why People Say This Disney Costume is Cultural Appropriation
Its called originality. I have long said whites copy everything due to their inability for original thought. What makes it galling is they first mock it then copy it letting you know they were just jealous in the first place.

In this particular case. whites were too stupid to figure out that what they were doing was insulting to some people.
You are not only a racist pig, you are incredibly stupid.
Room temperature IQ test tube baby
another white fallacy based in the white inferiority complex that plaques most whites. Science has longed debunked the white myth that intellect can be measured by a test.
Sorry cave gibbon. Wrong again.

Mali Empire - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"The Mali Empire (Manding: Nyeni;[4] English: Niani), also historically referred to as the Manden Kurufaba,[1] was a Malinke/Bambara/Mandinka/Dyula empire in West Africa from c. 1230 to c. 1600. The empire was founded by Sundiata Keita and became renowned for the wealth of its rulers, especially Mansa Musa"

In fairness, the Malian Empire liked to build a lot of things with mud.

Wasn't the Great Mosque of Djenne first built around Mansa Musa's time?
That didnt stop them from being a world economic power (which was the point) and showed an inherent intelligence on the cooling/warming properties of using mud in the hot climate of Africa. So when whites scoff at mud structures it makes me laugh because they wouldnt have been able to think up something like that.

Yes it was and Mansu Musa was also the person that caused a drop in the price of gold due to him handing so much of it out on the way to Mecca.

If you want to compare mud huts to Rome during the Renaissance, feel free.
Sorry cave gibbon. Wrong again.

Mali Empire - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"The Mali Empire (Manding: Nyeni;[4] English: Niani), also historically referred to as the Manden Kurufaba,[1] was a Malinke/Bambara/Mandinka/Dyula empire in West Africa from c. 1230 to c. 1600. The empire was founded by Sundiata Keita and became renowned for the wealth of its rulers, especially Mansa Musa"

In fairness, the Malian Empire liked to build a lot of things with mud.

Wasn't the Great Mosque of Djenne first built around Mansa Musa's time?
That didnt stop them from being a world economic power (which was the point) and showed an inherent intelligence on the cooling/warming properties of using mud in the hot climate of Africa. So when whites scoff at mud structures it makes me laugh because they wouldnt have been able to think up something like that.

Yes it was and Mansu Musa was also the person that caused a drop in the price of gold due to him handing so much of it out on the way to Mecca.

If you want to compare mud huts to Rome during the Renaissance, feel free.
Rome wasnt in Africa and the Romans benefited from the Egyptians educating the Greeks.
What makes people think they "own" aspects of their culture? How adolescent.

Why People Say This Disney Costume is Cultural Appropriation
Its called originality. I have long said whites copy everything due to their inability for original thought. What makes it galling is they first mock it then copy it letting you know they were just jealous in the first place.

In this particular case. whites were too stupid to figure out that what they were doing was insulting to some people.
You are not only a racist pig, you are incredibly stupid.
Room temperature IQ test tube baby
another white fallacy based in the white inferiority complex that plaques most whites. Science has longed debunked the white myth that intellect can be measured by a test.

No it hasn't, but it gives you a fine excuse to proclaim "I are smart!"
What makes people think they "own" aspects of their culture? How adolescent.

Why People Say This Disney Costume is Cultural Appropriation
Its called originality. I have long said whites copy everything due to their inability for original thought. What makes it galling is they first mock it then copy it letting you know they were just jealous in the first place.

In this particular case. whites were too stupid to figure out that what they were doing was insulting to some people.
You are not only a racist pig, you are incredibly stupid.
Room temperature IQ test tube baby
another white fallacy based in the white inferiority complex that plaques most whites. Science has longed debunked the white myth that intellect can be measured by a test.

No it hasn't, but it gives you a fine excuse to proclaim "I are smart!"
Actually it has but whites are probably working diligently to find another way to measure intelligence in order to soothe their fragile egos. It must suck to not have had any original thought and have to rely on great Black minds long ago and present for any achievements they have today.

IQ tests 'do not reflect intelligence'
What makes people think they "own" aspects of their culture? How adolescent.

Why People Say This Disney Costume is Cultural Appropriation
Its called originality. I have long said whites copy everything due to their inability for original thought. What makes it galling is they first mock it then copy it letting you know they were just jealous in the first place.

In this particular case. whites were too stupid to figure out that what they were doing was insulting to some people.
You are not only a racist pig, you are incredibly stupid.
Room temperature IQ test tube baby
another white fallacy based in the white inferiority complex that plaques most whites. Science has longed debunked the white myth that intellect can be measured by a test.

No it hasn't, but it gives you a fine excuse to proclaim "I are smart!"
Actually it has

Its called originality. I have long said whites copy everything due to their inability for original thought. What makes it galling is they first mock it then copy it letting you know they were just jealous in the first place.

In this particular case. whites were too stupid to figure out that what they were doing was insulting to some people.
You are not only a racist pig, you are incredibly stupid.
Room temperature IQ test tube baby
another white fallacy based in the white inferiority complex that plaques most whites. Science has longed debunked the white myth that intellect can be measured by a test.

No it hasn't, but it gives you a fine excuse to proclaim "I are smart!"
Actually it has

I still have some hot links from last week. No thanks.
That didnt stop them from being a world economic power (which was the point)

Don't push it. The scope of Mali's trade was Sub-Saharan Africa and the Middle East, and while the greater trade networks would reach as far as Europe and Asia, it isn't exactly the same deal as the Dutch and Portuguese.

A better example of an trade power would be the kingdom of Askum, which remained economically relevant and isolated at the same time, although the Ethiopians always had more in common with Western feudal societies than the rest of Africa.
That didnt stop them from being a world economic power (which was the point)

Don't push it. The scope of Mali's trade was Sub-Saharan Africa and the Middle East, and while the greater trade networks would reach as far as Europe and Asia, it isn't exactly the same deal as the Dutch and Portuguese.

A better example of an trade power would be the kingdom of Askum, which remained economically relevant and isolated at the same time, although the Ethiopians always had more in common with Western feudal societies than the rest of Africa.
How is that relevant to the claim that Africans were never an economic power?
Thanks. I always ask people why they would expect me to be a Eurocentrist when I am African.

You should be Truthcentric, but the point is that I do not fault you for arguing a non-mainstream position with intellectual arguments.
Thanks. I always ask people why they would expect me to be a Eurocentrist when I am African.

You should be Truthcentric, but the point is that I do not fault you for arguing a non-mainstream position with intellectual arguments.
How can you be a Truthcentric when whites have destroyed the truth and its lost forever? All we can do now is trash the white version of history and take clues from what is still there. I appreciate the compliment though.
How is that relevant to the claim that Africans were never an economic power?

Well I did not know that was the claim. Usually I jump into a discussion without having read the previous ten pages.

The best example of African trade power was the Trans-Saharan trade, which the Malian Empire was influential in as you have pointed out. Besides that there is the Askumite Kingdom, but that is about the extent of major African trade powers.
How can you be a Truthcentric when whites have destroyed the truth and its lost forever? All we can do now is trash the white version of history and take clues from what is still there.

There is no such thing as white, black, or asian history.

You are so intent on tearing down "white" history, that you end up creating lies of your own.

History is written by the victors, and you are writing history for the losers. What you are not doing is searching for objectivity, because if you were, there is no way you would label yourself an Afrocentrist.

Just my thoughts.
How can you be a Truthcentric when whites have destroyed the truth and its lost forever? All we can do now is trash the white version of history and take clues from what is still there.

There is no such thing as white, black, or asian history.

You are so intent on tearing down "white" history, that you end up creating lies of your own.

History is written by the victors, and you are writing history for the losers. What you are not doing is searching for objectivity, because if you were, there is no way you would label yourself an Afrocentrist.

Just my thoughts.
Thats only true if there is no Black Asian or white race.

I dont create lies. I present researched truth from people of all colors. There are some willd claims out there the other way but nothing I say isnt backed by research.

That reminds me of an African proverb.

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I dont create lies. I present researched truth from people of all colors. There are some will claims out there the other way but nothing I say isnt backed by research.

That reminds me of an African proverb.


Well I can't disagree with that. Reminds me of this....

Your last historical position on the skin color of Phoenicians I thought to be completely outrageous, but I have not seen enough of your historical positions to really be judging you.
I dont create lies. I present researched truth from people of all colors. There are some will claims out there the other way but nothing I say isnt backed by research.

That reminds me of an African proverb.


Well I can't disagree with that. Reminds me of this....

Your last historical position on the skin color of Phoenicians I thought to be completely outrageous, but I have not seen enough of your historical positions to really be judging you.

Have you asked yourself why you felt it was outrageous? Most people feel that way because they dont want to let go of what they were taught. When you look at it with the knowledge that the people from that region were originally Black then its the concept that they were white that has to be logically explained. That area was hot just like the rest of Africa and what we call the middle east.
Most people feel that way because they dont want to let go of what they were taught

I taught myself. Favorite pastime in my childhood was reading history.

I got suspended several times back in my school days for contesting my history teachers.

The reason it was outrageous was because the argument sucked. It was based on the name translation of a fiction biblical figure. I have had my fair share of run ins with history revisionists, and I was not lying when I said that was by far the worst justification for false history I had ever heard.
Most people feel that way because they dont want to let go of what they were taught

I taught myself. Favorite pastime in my childhood was reading history.

I got suspended several times back in my school days for contesting my history teachers.

The reason it was outrageous was because the argument sucked. It was based on the name translation of a fiction biblical figure. I have had my fair share of run ins with history revisionists, and I was not lying when I said that was by far the worst justification for false history I had ever heard.

I got suspended as well over correcting teachers.

Who told you the figure was fictional? I would love to see someone prove it since it actually lines up with known scientific facts. That area of the world is where homo sapiens began and the facts are that the first homo sapiens was a Black person. Thats also close to the area where the gene mutation for lighter skin first arose.

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