What's This "Cultural Appropriation" Shit?

Guess you are going to stop using electricity then, right?

and for those people who are insulted, nut up.
Why would I stop using electricity when my people used it before whites were sentient?

The only way that would be true is if this guy was right as well


Its true so there must be aliens.

You are either stupid or ignorant, or a combination of both.
In about 600 BC, the Ancient Greeks discovered that rubbing fur on amber (fossilized tree resin) caused an attraction between the two – and so what the Greeks discovered was actually static electricity. Additionally, researchers and archeologists in the 1930’s discovered pots with sheets of copper inside that they believe may have been ancient batteries meant to produce light at ancient Roman sites. Similar devices were found in archeological digs near Baghdad meaning ancient Persians may have also used an early form of batteries.

Who Discovered Electricity? - Universe Today

Interesting from a historical perspective. but to me the credit for discovery goes to the people who not only figure it out, but figure out how to use it in an enduring way, i.e first comes the science to figure out WHAT is happening, and then come the engineering to figure out how to use it effectively.
I can see purchasing the outfit and some fake tattoos, but it seems kind of odd that you can purchase the skin also. I dressed up like Jimi Hendrix one year but I didn't paint myself black. So I would not purchase a skin outfit. But is it wrong? I have no idea.
I can see purchasing the outfit and some fake tattoos, but it seems kind of odd that you can purchase the skin also. I dressed up like Jimi Hendrix one year but I didn't paint myself black. So I would not purchase a skin outfit. But is it wrong? I have no idea.

If you dressed up like Jimi Hendrix but didn't make your skin black, how was anyone suppose to know who you were? If you're going to dress as xxx, then you go the whole nine yards.
The whole cultural appropriation thing is nothing more than distractive bullshit. The generations who are whining have been raised to believe that no one can say/do anything that might possibly be interpreted as 'offensive'. They are the generation of instant gratification, trophies for just showing up, stickers for doing homework. They seem to have done away with 'pizza party at the end of the season for everyone, but only the top three players get a trophy for being the best'. Now, everyone gets a trophy, which renders trophies meaningless. As a result of this moronic route, you can see the lack of self-esteem in these snowflakes. They are in for a jolt when they get out into the real world and realize that no one gives a shit if their feelings get bruised. No one is going to think they are special just because they show up for work and do their job. It's called working and it's what they pay you for. This is what happens when you lower the bar.
The whole cultural appropriation thing is nothing more than distractive bullshit. The generations who are whining have been raised to believe that no one can say/do anything that might possibly be interpreted as 'offensive'. They are the generation of instant gratification, trophies for just showing up, stickers for doing homework. They seem to have done away with 'pizza party at the end of the season for everyone, but only the top three players get a trophy for being the best'. Now, everyone gets a trophy, which renders trophies meaningless. As a result of this moronic route, you can see the lack of self-esteem in these snowflakes. They are in for a jolt when they get out into the real world and realize that no one gives a shit if their feelings get bruised. No one is going to think they are special just because they show up for work and do their job. It's called working and it's what they pay you for. This is what happens when you lower the bar.
went back to college and there was this young man there, he didn't like to go to class on time, even though it as just steps away he wouldn't bother, so after they talked to him about it and his grades, he got upset and demanded to be paid to go to class and claimed the school should pay him just for coming.

no one else of course, cuz he's all that
went back to college and there was this young man there, he didn't like to go to class on time, even though it as just steps away he wouldn't bother, so after they talked to him about it and his grades, he got upset and demanded to be paid to go to class and claimed the school should pay him just for coming.

no one else of course, cuz he's all that

Oh, he's "special" alright! :lol:
I can see purchasing the outfit and some fake tattoos, but it seems kind of odd that you can purchase the skin also. I dressed up like Jimi Hendrix one year but I didn't paint myself black. So I would not purchase a skin outfit. But is it wrong? I have no idea.

If you dressed up like Jimi Hendrix but didn't make your skin black, how was anyone suppose to know who you were? If you're going to dress as xxx, then you go the whole nine yards.

Nice picture.

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