What's Up with Obama's Official Portrait?

My new wallpaper.


OK, Obama wanted a black homosexual to paint it. He found one. I guess he is supposed to be back in Kenya or something. Or maybe that's all the pot he smoked while in the White House. What's up with that chair? There appears to be no arm on Obama's left side, so it looks like he's precariously perched with his left cheek hanging dangerously near the edge of the chair. Did the guy just run out of brown paint? Did he simply forget to add it? Was he smoking those garish leaves in the studio while painting Obama?

But let's forget all that for now and focus on the freakishly large hands. Those paws nearly span the distance from his wrist to his elbow. Stop reading this for just a second and hold your hand up to your forearm. Is yours anywhere close to the length of your forearm? No? Mine either. And what's with the extra finger birth defect?

The "artist" also did cut and paste on the foliage. There are repeating patterns of leaves in six or seven areas of the painting. What a piece of shit to hang in our National Gallery -- the painting too.

OK, Obama wanted a black homosexual to paint it. He found one. I guess he is supposed to be back in Kenya or something. Or maybe that's all the pot he smoked while in the White House. What's up with that chair? There appears to be no arm on Obama's left side, so it looks like he's precariously perched with his left cheek hanging dangerously near the edge of the chair. Did the guy just run out of brown paint? Did he simply forget to add it? Was he smoking those garish leaves in the studio while painting Obama?

But let's forget all that for now and focus on the freakishly large hands. Those paws nearly span the distance from his wrist to his elbow. Stop reading this for just a second and hold your hand up to your forearm. Is yours anywhere close to the length of your forearm? No? Mine either. And what's with the extra finger birth defect?

Oh please. His hand is resting on his forearm. It's just skin wrinkled. Mine does the same thing.

Wow, you guys are desperate.

He was talking about it today. He just wanted something different.

Imagine how Trump's will look:

It would be a real hoot taking you guys to an art museum. Jeebus.
The star of the painting is the leaves. The point of the portrait is to emphasize the person. Admitted failure. You can't be happy that it is so easy to make fun of this piece of shit painting.
I agree, the leaves are the painting. The creature in it is distracting.

OK, Obama wanted a black homosexual to paint it. He found one. I guess he is supposed to be back in Kenya or something. Or maybe that's all the pot he smoked while in the White House. What's up with that chair? There appears to be no arm on Obama's left side, so it looks like he's precariously perched with his left cheek hanging dangerously near the edge of the chair. Did the guy just run out of brown paint? Did he simply forget to add it? Was he smoking those garish leaves in the studio while painting Obama?

But let's forget all that for now and focus on the freakishly large hands. Those paws nearly span the distance from his wrist to his elbow. Stop reading this for just a second and hold your hand up to your forearm. Is yours anywhere close to the length of your forearm? No? Mine either. And what's with the extra finger birth defect?

Oh please. His hand is resting on his forearm. It's just skin wrinkled. Mine does the same thing.

Wow, you guys are desperate.

He was talking about it today. He just wanted something different.

Imagine how Trump's will look:

Nice pic of Trump in front of the DNC HQ.

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