What's worse? Pedophilia? Wife beating? Secret Agent? Sexual assault? Incest? Adultery?

what's worse?

watching you reword and repost the same damn crap day, after day, after day, after day.

Think you can start a thread where you aren't calling Trump a poopy pants?
I never mentioned Donald Trump.

What made you think of him?​

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Because the last time you started a thread like this, it was all about Trump.

and you got pissed because it got moved out of Politics

You've got a one track mind, and 2 trains on it

One labeled "bash Trump"


, the other. "bash Republicans"
And that's the ONLY reason?

Come on. Be honest. Tell the truth.

I did.

are you so used to what your masters tell you, you can't tell the difference anymore?
Come on.

Be honest.

Isn't there anything here:

Wife Beating
Being a secret agent for a hostile foreign country
Sexual Assault
Unprotected sex with a porn star
Stiffing workers
Alt Right

That reminds you of Donald Trump?


"Unprotected sex with a porn star
Stiffing workers"

the rest?

Teen Beauty Queens Say Trump Walked In On Them Changing

Don't worry ladies (as young as 15), I've seen it all before.
Trump talked about dating his daughter.
Trump told porn star she reminded him of his daughter.
Both pedophilia and incest.

Secret Agent for a hostile foreign country? That's still unproven. Trump loves Russia for a reason.

Trump said on tape he commits sexual assault.

Trump, referring to Nazi's, said some were "good people".

And you said you already knew about these:

"Unprotected sex with a porn star
Stiffing workers"

At still, the majority of Republicans see him as their cultural leader and a role model for their children.

Both pedophilia and incest.

Trump, referring to Nazi's, said some were "good people".

No, you've only been instructed to believe he was talking about the Nazis.

And you said you already knew about these:

No, I said he was only guilty of those.

Not the others

The more you post, the less bright you seem
So what's worse?

Wife Beating
Being a secret agent for a hostile foreign country
Sexual Assault
Unprotected sex with a porn star
Stiffing workers
Alt Right

So if you had to rank these, how would it go from the worst to the least worst.
We are seeing a Trump Pattern
WOLF BLITZER (HOST): Yeah, the president went out of his way to point out, David, that [Rob] Porter says he's innocent. We absolutely wish him well. The president said he was surprised by all of this. He worked very hard. Only found out about it recently. Obviously a very tough time for Rob Porter. That's what the president said.

DAVID GREGORY: Right. And others who Porter has worked for, like [Sen.] Orrin Hatch [(R-UT)] on the Hill, has talked about how awful these allegations are, what a sad time it is for everybody involved. The president of the United States didn't even talk about everybody being involved. Only Porter, as Dana says. I agree. I mean it's outrageous.
It is part of a pattern about how this White House and how Republicans rallying around this president have come to the aid of anyone accused of sexual misconduct or abuse and not thought about those who were on the other end of it.

Trump campaign co-chair gets 20 years for sexual abuse and trafficking teens
The former judge used drugs and threats of arrest to force women and girls under the age of 18 into sex acts.
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So what's worse?

Wife Beating
Being a secret agent for a hostile foreign country
Sexual Assault
Unprotected sex with a porn star
Stiffing workers
Alt Right

So if you had to rank these, how would it go from the worst to the least worst.

By far the very worst one is a crooked Democrat Senator in Congress using their influence to get rich at the expense of the nation. They should be put before the firing squad.
Wait a second. Republicans told us that if they didn't pass the tax cuts for the rich, their donors would stop giving them money.

And you're complaining about one single unnamed Democratic Senator????

Aren't your priorities a little skewed?
So what's worse?

Wife Beating
Being a secret agent for a hostile foreign country
Sexual Assault
Unprotected sex with a porn star
Stiffing workers
Alt Right

So if you had to rank these, how would it go from the worst to the least worst.

By far the very worst one is a crooked Democrat Senator in Congress using their influence to get rich at the expense of the nation. They should be put before the firing squad.
Wait a second. Republicans told us that if they didn't pass the tax cuts for the rich, their donors would stop giving them money.

And you're complaining about one single unnamed Democratic Senator????

Aren't your priorities a little skewed?

Republicans said that? Where? Link?

I never said a single Democrat. I never said there was only one. What I said is that there is nothing worse than a crooked Democrat Senator. ANY of them. The number is many! If you had read just a few more words you would have seen the plural words THEIR and THEY. Learn to read before inserting foot in mouth.
So what's worse?

Wife Beating
Being a secret agent for a hostile foreign country
Sexual Assault
Unprotected sex with a porn star
Stiffing workers
Alt Right

So if you had to rank these, how would it go from the worst to the least worst.

By far the very worst one is a crooked Democrat Senator in Congress using their influence to get rich at the expense of the nation. They should be put before the firing squad.
Wait a second. Republicans told us that if they didn't pass the tax cuts for the rich, their donors would stop giving them money.

And you're complaining about one single unnamed Democratic Senator????

Aren't your priorities a little skewed?

Republicans said that? Where? Link?

I never said a single Democrat. I never said there was only one. What I said is that there is nothing worse than a crooked Democrat Senator. ANY of them. The number is many! If you had read just a few more words you would have seen the plural words THEIR and THEY. Learn to read before inserting foot in mouth.
Graham: 'Financial contributions will stop' if GOP doesn't pass tax reform

Uh oh, there it is. The last I heard Linda Graham was a high ranking Republican.

Apology accepted.

Besides, I don't understand what the problem is. Isn't that why you vote these guys into office? To fuk over regular Americans to get tax cuts for billionaires?
So what's worse?

Wife Beating
Being a secret agent for a hostile foreign country
Sexual Assault
Unprotected sex with a porn star
Stiffing workers
Alt Right

So if you had to rank these, how would it go from the worst to the least worst.

By far the very worst one is a crooked Democrat Senator in Congress using their influence to get rich at the expense of the nation. They should be put before the firing squad.
Wait a second. Republicans told us that if they didn't pass the tax cuts for the rich, their donors would stop giving them money.

And you're complaining about one single unnamed Democratic Senator????

Aren't your priorities a little skewed?

Republicans said that? Where? Link?

I never said a single Democrat. I never said there was only one. What I said is that there is nothing worse than a crooked Democrat Senator. ANY of them. The number is many! If you had read just a few more words you would have seen the plural words THEIR and THEY. Learn to read before inserting foot in mouth.

Uh oh, there it is. The last I heard Linda Graham was a high ranking Republican.

Maybe in the Democrat's minds, not in mine. Lindsey Graham is a butt-wipe. As to who the hell Linda Graham is, I have no idea and suggest you try to sober up before trying to type.

Apology accepted.

None ever offered.
what's worse?

watching you reword and repost the same damn crap day, after day, after day, after day.

Think you can start a thread where you aren't calling Trump a poopy pants?
I never mentioned Donald Trump.

What made you think of him?​


I've noticed that Liberals live by made up cartoons because they relate well . . . their entire life is one. They sit around all day in their mother's basement doodling them and snickering like Beavis and Butthead. And perhaps that is the worst fate of them all, far worse than any of the above listed.
Because the last time you started a thread like this, it was all about Trump.

and you got pissed because it got moved out of Politics

You've got a one track mind, and 2 trains on it

One labeled "bash Trump"


, the other. "bash Republicans"
And that's the ONLY reason?

Come on. Be honest. Tell the truth.

I did.

are you so used to what your masters tell you, you can't tell the difference anymore?
Come on.

Be honest.

Isn't there anything here:

Wife Beating
Being a secret agent for a hostile foreign country
Sexual Assault
Unprotected sex with a porn star
Stiffing workers
Alt Right

That reminds you of Donald Trump?


"Unprotected sex with a porn star
Stiffing workers"

the rest?

Teen Beauty Queens Say Trump Walked In On Them Changing

Don't worry ladies (as young as 15), I've seen it all before.
Trump talked about dating his daughter.
Trump told porn star she reminded him of his daughter.
Both pedophilia and incest.

Secret Agent for a hostile foreign country? That's still unproven. Trump loves Russia for a reason.

Trump said on tape he commits sexual assault.

Trump, referring to Nazi's, said some were "good people".

And you said you already knew about these:

"Unprotected sex with a porn star
Stiffing workers"

At still, the majority of Republicans see him as their cultural leader and a role model for their children.
I don't need my president to be a role model for
My child. The last person I'm going to have my kid look up to is a politician. But what I do want from my president is action and results and this president has come through in 1 year where countless others before him couldn't in 4 or 8. I know you hate it but Donald J Trump is your president :lol:

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