What's Wrong with Public Education: Society

Trump said nothing racist, you ass.

Right... because to you, nothing is racist...


I operate from the dictionary meaning of the word.

  1. the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.
    • prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior."

You are unable to cite any statement from Trump, or me for that matter, that fits the REAL definition of racism.

You still call us racist, because you like to smear and marginalize people who you can't refute their ideas.

Now, if you want to see real racism? Here you go.

These savages were students at one time or they are students now. How would you like to be a teacher and attempt to teach them in the classroom? Schools are full of these types. They are products of the rap culture that permeates our society.
Chicago torture video: 4 charged with hate crimes, kidnapping - CNN.com
The dept of education, created in 1978, destroyed our education system. Eliminate it and all federal interference/funding for all schools and watch the rats scatter and the quality of education improve.
Any one want to bet the four idiots come from single mother homes? The bane of black America, the destruction of the black family. I can't remember who said it, Thomas Sowell or Larry Elder or Jason Riley come to mind, but it was a black conservative who said that the black family survived slavery, survived Jim Crowe but didn't survive Johnson's great society.

yeah, I'm sure one of those Uncle Toms said it... but doesn't make it true.

The reality is, the two parent home has been unravelling for a number of reasons, and there's plenty of places to blame for it.
I listened to Thomas Sowell talking about how in the 1960s he watched govt personnel go door to door in black communities telling people that if the father left the home they could get more govt money. Of course your "Uncle Tom" comment totally invalidates this mans experiences. Of course we all know that Thomas Sowell is a white supremacist. Any black person that doesn't toe the line of the leftist crap is to be disregarded.

As far as to why the 2 parent home has been unraveling, care to expound on that? I'm sure you can find some "patriarchy, institutional racism, gender inequality" or some other buzzfeed reasons.
The two parent family has been unraveling since the 1960s, when Al Kinsey convinced the world that homosexuality and pedophilia were *normal*, sex crimes were decriminalized, and the schools started teaching children that there was no stigma to having babies out of wedlock.
These savages were students at one time or they are students now. How would you like to be a teacher and attempt to teach them in the classroom? Schools are full of these types. They are products of the rap culture that permeates our society.
Chicago torture video: 4 charged with hate crimes, kidnapping - CNN.com
I would take it out further than rap culture. That's only one subset. It isn't just rap culture that has been screaming (if it is, I don't know) that Trump is a racist, that he is Hitler, that he is a Nazi, that he hates all minorities, on and on and on.

This division has permeated our entire society. It's not just rap. It's social justice warriors. It's teachers and professors. It's the celebrities that these kids look up to. It's TV shows. It's POLITICIANS. It's media figures and pundits. It's everywhere. It's entirely possible that it's all these kids have heard about Trump.

It's not just disagreement with Trump, it's the most vicious possible attacks, the worst possible things people can come up with to say.

And we're supposed to be surprised and shocked when something like this happens? Really?
Yes. What you're hearing is being vastly exaggerated by the media. I don't doubt that Trump dislike is strong in some communities, but I would bet you a dollar that none of these 18 year olds voted. I haven't watched any of the video and don't plan to, so maybe I'm talking out of my ***, but this behavior was not "caused" by political rhetoric, Mac. It was caused by a culture being dragged further and further into savagery. These kids have no empathy and get a kick out of lording power over others. They deserve to go to jail, not as punishment but to keep society safe from them. They aren't going to change. I've heard some commentators say they were "stupid kids," but the only thing "stupid" was putting it on Facebook. The rest of it was meanness gone beyond. Like torturing cats. It wasn't political in its core.
It does not matter if they voted for not. Why post a strawman?
I believe you, Joe.

Had this been four white kids torturing a mentally-challenged black kid, making him say "I love white people" and "I love Trump", the racial component would not have even entered your thought processes. You would instead have only thought that it was a regular crime that should be punished as appropriate, and you would have attacked anyone who made it into a race thing.

You're right, Joe. You really got me on that one. I believe you.

I didn't say it was a "regular Crime". I think the Hate crime statue in this case is completely appropriate...

Again, the bigger problem is when white people kill blacks with impunity, and the justice system slow rolls them.

The thing is no one had to INSIST that the police do their jobs in this case. These four were arrested within hours of this tape being spotted. And the guy didn't even die.

Meanwhile, it took MONTHS of protest to get the State of Florida to actually investigate whether or not George Zimmerman needed to be arrested.
But he didn't need to be arrested.
Trump said nothing racist, you ass.

Right... because to you, nothing is racist...


I operate from the dictionary meaning of the word.

  1. the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.
    • prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior."

You are unable to cite any statement from Trump, or me for that matter, that fits the REAL definition of racism.

You still call us racist, because you like to smear and marginalize people who you can't refute their ideas.

Now, if you want to see real racism? Here you go.

The PC zealots don't need actual proof of racism to claim it.

And the more crazed PC zealots can cram it into conversations that have absolutely nothing to do with it.

As a result, they've turned an important word, an important issue, into a joke.

They're not trying to improve anything.
Then obviously something went wrong prior to the incident happening that the kid got "high one day". Which let the evil into their house, the parent or the school?

Guy, when you talk about "evil" like that's a real thing, you aren't exactly being rational. "evil" is highly subjective. I think my cable company is evil, but it really isn't.

So what happened here is some young kids did something really stupid. For that, they are going to probably get a more serious prison sentence than a lot of murderers end up getting.

I listened to Thomas Sowell talking about how in the 1960s he watched govt personnel go door to door in black communities telling people that if the father left the home they could get more govt money. Of course your "Uncle Tom" comment totally invalidates this mans experiences. Of course we all know that Thomas Sowell is a white supremacist. Any black person that doesn't toe the line of the leftist crap is to be disregarded.

Thomas Sowell is a guy who made a shit load of money validating the racism of white people. In short, an "Uncle Tom". So I'll take his claims that the government encouraged fathers to leave with a grain of salt.

The reality is, besides the fact most people on welfare are white, is that most blacks have jobs and most people who are on assistance are only on it for 3 years or less. But Uncle Tom Sowell made a career telling you them welfare people were the problem.

As far as to why the 2 parent home has been unraveling, care to expound on that? I'm sure you can find some "patriarchy, institutional racism, gender inequality" or some other buzzfeed reasons.

I think there are a bunch of reasons.

First, there's no real good reason for people to stay in relationships that don't work when both partners are equal. that's why 50% of marriages end in divorce.

On a more serious note, what does the marriage get you,exactly? The right to pay higher taxes, greater legal liability (the bitch can take half your stuff if it doesn't work out.)

You see, the delusion you have is that a lack of marriage is the problem. It isn't. Lots of people never get married and still have families.
I operate from the dictionary meaning of the word.

Yes, I am sure you are a dictionary racist... just like you hero Trumpenfuhrer.

The PC zealots don't need actual proof of racism to claim it.

And the more crazed PC zealots can cram it into conversations that have absolutely nothing to do with it.

As a result, they've turned an important word, an important issue, into a joke.

They're not trying to improve anything.

Hey, Mac, tell us about how you voted for Hillary again. that one never gets old.
I operate from the dictionary meaning of the word.

Yes, I am sure you are a dictionary racist... just like you hero Trumpenfuhrer.

The PC zealots don't need actual proof of racism to claim it.

And the more crazed PC zealots can cram it into conversations that have absolutely nothing to do with it.

As a result, they've turned an important word, an important issue, into a joke.

They're not trying to improve anything.

Hey, Mac, tell us about how you voted for Hillary again. that one never gets old.
Sure did!

You big racist you!

This is what happens when you take discipline out of the schools.

Uh, these four were legal adults...

You don't think kids do evil shit like this all the time, even in private schools?


The only difference here was they were stupid enough to live-stream it on facebook.
No reason for me to attempt normal conversation with crazed, hateful, bigoted zealots!

You big racist you!

Naw, you've been spanked enough times on every thread you go on... so I can k ind of get why you get upset.

Maybe if you could back up your claims with something other than unfunny has-been comedians...
Joe spanked me!

Then obviously something went wrong prior to the incident happening that the kid got "high one day". Which let the evil into their house, the parent or the school?

Guy, when you talk about "evil" like that's a real thing, you aren't exactly being rational. "evil" is highly subjective. I think my cable company is evil, but it really isn't.

So what happened here is some young kids did something really stupid. For that, they are going to probably get a more serious prison sentence than a lot of murderers end up getting.
Your ignorance concerning 'evil' and how it works is a personal problem you have. We are not all blinded like you in that department.
Your ignorance concerning 'evil' and how it works is a personal problem you have. We are not all blinded like you in that department.

Yeah, I'm sure you think "the Devil" is a real thing, so having a conversation about evil with you is kind of pointless.

The thing is, you see evil. I see a bunch of kids who did something really stupid, as kids are wont to do. I did stupid things when I was a teen, so did most of us.

I just didn't have facebook to live-stream the dumbest things I ever did...

But here's the thing. When black teens do something stupid, like these four knuckleheads, a dumb-ass like you talks about evil.

When a white kid like Dylan Roof does something even more evil, you guys talk about "mental illness".

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