What's Wrong with Public Education: Society

Got your number, Mac.

Public education, back to the OP, is going to be only as good as the families and parents let it be.
which is why we need school choice.....lefties have ruined public education.....
School choice will be no better than the families who choose it. If you think charter schools are the silver bullet, think again.
it won't be a magic cureall but it will be a start to rid the poison from the current indoctrination centers......er, public schools.....

Indoctrination centres? Who decides the curriculum?

Idiots on the right claim that public schools are left wing indoctrination centres because teachers belong to a union. But it's the cirriculum and the textbooks which right wingers claim is biased. The school boards are deciding what is taught, according to the states' input, and most states are controlled by Republicans.

You keep claiming that because schools have union member teachers that the system is biased, but that would only make sense if the teachers set the cirriculum or wrote and purchased the text books.

Public education in America today is almost the opposite of education, according to an education expert who calls the nation’s schooling “indoctrination.”

“This isn’t some kind of huge national accident that all these legions of Ph.D experts and all these legions of committees and the U.S. Department of Education – it’s not that they’re just incompetent fools and don’t know what they’re doing,” said international journalist and educator Alex Newman. “They want the system to be doing what it’s doing, and that is destroying real education.”

Real education, according to Newman, means developing knowledgeable, well-rounded Americans who can think critically, process information, make good decisions, support themselves and serve the needs of society.

In other words, real education produces productive members of a capitalist society.

“That’s what you do in a free market,” Newman said. “If you want to profit, you have to serve your fellow man. If you want to have a business, you have to make sure you’re selling a product that they’re willing to purchase at a price that they’re willing to purchase.

“So that’s what an education is, is to create an individual who can take care of themselves, who understands the Scripture, who understands history, who understands science, who understands, obviously, reading and writing and basic mathematics at the very least,” he said.

Newman made these comments during a recent appearance on “The Jesse Lee Peterson Radio Show.”

Jesse Lee Peterson, host of the show and a wildly popular WND columnist, already knew something was wrong with the American education system.

“One of the reasons I started my private school, BOND Leadership Academy, for boys and girls grades 1 through 12, was because I noticed that these boys and girls are not being educated – especially the boys. They’re coming out dumbed down rather than educated,” said Peterson, author of “Scam: How the Black Leadership Exploits Black America.”

According to Newman, government schools are no longer teaching the components of a real education.

In Newman’s book “Crimes of the Educators,” co-authored with the late Samuel Blumenfeld, Newman condemned the “whole-word method” of teaching children to read. In this method, kids are taught to memorize words as if they were pictures, rather than sounding out the word based on the letters that form it. Newman calls it a “quack method” of teaching reading.

Newman also wrote in his book about how progressives have scrubbed the public schools of God and religion. He writes that they have rewritten American history textbooks to downplay patriotism and prepare children to be global citizens. They have confused children by focusing on mathematics to the exclusion of basic arithmetic, which people need to use in their daily lives, he says.

“Crimes of the Educators” reveals how the architects of America’s public school disaster implemented a plan to socialize the United States by knowingly and willingly dumbing down the population

In the author’s estimation, it all adds up to indoctrination.

Read more at Public schools ruining U.S. kids with ‘indoctrination’
WND Superstore. Really? That is a hit piece, SE, for private schools getting public tuition money, nothing more.
Got your number, Mac.

Public education, back to the OP, is going to be only as good as the families and parents let it be.
which is why we need school choice.....lefties have ruined public education.....
School choice will be no better than the families who choose it. If you think charter schools are the silver bullet, think again.
it won't be a magic cureall but it will be a start to rid the poison from the current indoctrination centers......er, public schools.....
Charter schools is a mechanism for leaving children behind.

We can NOT afford to do that. We need every brain we have if we plan to compete in this world.

Let's remember that we are 5%. We're not going to hold our position by cutting back to a fraction of that 5%.
WND Superstore. Really? That is a hit piece, SE, for private schools getting public tuition money, nothing more.

“How many parents … send their children to school so central planners can mold them into functionally illiterate cogs in a centrally planned machine, having just enough knowledge to do their preassigned task? How will such cogs be able to think critically, much less sustain liberty and the American experiment? The short answer is that they will not – and that is the point.” – The Authors
Got your number, Mac.

Public education, back to the OP, is going to be only as good as the families and parents let it be.
which is why we need school choice.....lefties have ruined public education.....
School choice will be no better than the families who choose it. If you think charter schools are the silver bullet, think again.
it won't be a magic cureall but it will be a start to rid the poison from the current indoctrination centers......er, public schools.....

Indoctrination centres? Who decides the curriculum?

Idiots on the right claim that public schools are left wing indoctrination centres because teachers belong to a union. But it's the cirriculum and the textbooks which right wingers claim is biased. The school boards are deciding what is taught, according to the states' input, and most states are controlled by Republicans.

You keep claiming that because schools have union member teachers that the system is biased, but that would only make sense if the teachers set the cirriculum or wrote and purchased the text books.

Public education in America today is almost the opposite of education, according to an education expert who calls the nation’s schooling “indoctrination.”

“This isn’t some kind of huge national accident that all these legions of Ph.D experts and all these legions of committees and the U.S. Department of Education – it’s not that they’re just incompetent fools and don’t know what they’re doing,” said international journalist and educator Alex Newman. “They want the system to be doing what it’s doing, and that is destroying real education.”

Real education, according to Newman, means developing knowledgeable, well-rounded Americans who can think critically, process information, make good decisions, support themselves and serve the needs of society.

In other words, real education produces productive members of a capitalist society.

“That’s what you do in a free market,” Newman said. “If you want to profit, you have to serve your fellow man. If you want to have a business, you have to make sure you’re selling a product that they’re willing to purchase at a price that they’re willing to purchase.

“So that’s what an education is, is to create an individual who can take care of themselves, who understands the Scripture, who understands history, who understands science, who understands, obviously, reading and writing and basic mathematics at the very least,” he said.

Newman made these comments during a recent appearance on “The Jesse Lee Peterson Radio Show.”

Jesse Lee Peterson, host of the show and a wildly popular WND columnist, already knew something was wrong with the American education system.

“One of the reasons I started my private school, BOND Leadership Academy, for boys and girls grades 1 through 12, was because I noticed that these boys and girls are not being educated – especially the boys. They’re coming out dumbed down rather than educated,” said Peterson, author of “Scam: How the Black Leadership Exploits Black America.”

According to Newman, government schools are no longer teaching the components of a real education.

In Newman’s book “Crimes of the Educators,” co-authored with the late Samuel Blumenfeld, Newman condemned the “whole-word method” of teaching children to read. In this method, kids are taught to memorize words as if they were pictures, rather than sounding out the word based on the letters that form it. Newman calls it a “quack method” of teaching reading.

Newman also wrote in his book about how progressives have scrubbed the public schools of God and religion. He writes that they have rewritten American history textbooks to downplay patriotism and prepare children to be global citizens. They have confused children by focusing on mathematics to the exclusion of basic arithmetic, which people need to use in their daily lives, he says.

“Crimes of the Educators” reveals how the architects of America’s public school disaster implemented a plan to socialize the United States by knowingly and willingly dumbing down the population

In the author’s estimation, it all adds up to indoctrination.

Read more at Public schools ruining U.S. kids with ‘indoctrination’
The "whole word" approach is not the only method taught.

This is a totally stale argument against education today. In order to read with the speed required for reasonable progress it is necessary to take a whole word approach as well as teaching other methods that take over with new words.

Nobody can make reasonable progress in educating themselves if they have to spend time sounding out words. The very idea of that is just plain stupid.

But, this is a general issue. We tend to let people who have NO IDEA about education be the front line in determining how to educate.

I know of NO other profession where the experts that every school in America hires are so ignored. We require post graduate degrees and then we tell these people with post graduate degrees that they are the PROBLEM!!! We bandy about words like "indoctrination". Some even attempt to stop teaching science - even in SCIENCE class!!

WND Superstore. Really? That is a hit piece, SE, for private schools getting public tuition money, nothing more.

“How many parents … send their children to school so central planners can mold them into functionally illiterate cogs in a centrally planned machine, having just enough knowledge to do their preassigned task? How will such cogs be able to think critically, much less sustain liberty and the American experiment? The short answer is that they will not – and that is the point.” – The Authors
Thank you for proving my point.
WND Superstore. Really? That is a hit piece, SE, for private schools getting public tuition money, nothing more.

“How many parents … send their children to school so central planners can mold them into functionally illiterate cogs in a centrally planned machine, having just enough knowledge to do their preassigned task? How will such cogs be able to think critically, much less sustain liberty and the American experiment? The short answer is that they will not – and that is the point.” – The Authors
Thank you for proving my point.
what? that there is another viewpoint than yours?
which is why we need school choice.....lefties have ruined public education.....
School choice will be no better than the families who choose it. If you think charter schools are the silver bullet, think again.
it won't be a magic cureall but it will be a start to rid the poison from the current indoctrination centers......er, public schools.....

Indoctrination centres? Who decides the curriculum?

Idiots on the right claim that public schools are left wing indoctrination centres because teachers belong to a union. But it's the cirriculum and the textbooks which right wingers claim is biased. The school boards are deciding what is taught, according to the states' input, and most states are controlled by Republicans.

You keep claiming that because schools have union member teachers that the system is biased, but that would only make sense if the teachers set the cirriculum or wrote and purchased the text books.

Public education in America today is almost the opposite of education, according to an education expert who calls the nation’s schooling “indoctrination.”

“This isn’t some kind of huge national accident that all these legions of Ph.D experts and all these legions of committees and the U.S. Department of Education – it’s not that they’re just incompetent fools and don’t know what they’re doing,” said international journalist and educator Alex Newman. “They want the system to be doing what it’s doing, and that is destroying real education.”

Real education, according to Newman, means developing knowledgeable, well-rounded Americans who can think critically, process information, make good decisions, support themselves and serve the needs of society.

In other words, real education produces productive members of a capitalist society.

“That’s what you do in a free market,” Newman said. “If you want to profit, you have to serve your fellow man. If you want to have a business, you have to make sure you’re selling a product that they’re willing to purchase at a price that they’re willing to purchase.

“So that’s what an education is, is to create an individual who can take care of themselves, who understands the Scripture, who understands history, who understands science, who understands, obviously, reading and writing and basic mathematics at the very least,” he said.

Newman made these comments during a recent appearance on “The Jesse Lee Peterson Radio Show.”

Jesse Lee Peterson, host of the show and a wildly popular WND columnist, already knew something was wrong with the American education system.

“One of the reasons I started my private school, BOND Leadership Academy, for boys and girls grades 1 through 12, was because I noticed that these boys and girls are not being educated – especially the boys. They’re coming out dumbed down rather than educated,” said Peterson, author of “Scam: How the Black Leadership Exploits Black America.”

According to Newman, government schools are no longer teaching the components of a real education.

In Newman’s book “Crimes of the Educators,” co-authored with the late Samuel Blumenfeld, Newman condemned the “whole-word method” of teaching children to read. In this method, kids are taught to memorize words as if they were pictures, rather than sounding out the word based on the letters that form it. Newman calls it a “quack method” of teaching reading.

Newman also wrote in his book about how progressives have scrubbed the public schools of God and religion. He writes that they have rewritten American history textbooks to downplay patriotism and prepare children to be global citizens. They have confused children by focusing on mathematics to the exclusion of basic arithmetic, which people need to use in their daily lives, he says.

“Crimes of the Educators” reveals how the architects of America’s public school disaster implemented a plan to socialize the United States by knowingly and willingly dumbing down the population

In the author’s estimation, it all adds up to indoctrination.

Read more at Public schools ruining U.S. kids with ‘indoctrination’
The "whole word" approach is not the only method taught.

This is a totally stale argument against education today. In order to read with the speed required for reasonable progress it is necessary to take a whole word approach as well as teaching other methods that take over with new words.

Nobody can make reasonable progress in educating themselves if they have to spend time sounding out words. The very idea of that is just plain stupid.

But, this is a general issue. We tend to let people who have NO IDEA about education be the front line in determining how to educate.

I know of NO other profession where the experts that every school in America hires are so ignored. We require post graduate degrees and then we tell these people with post graduate degrees that they are the PROBLEM!!! We bandy about words like "indoctrination". Some even attempt to stop teaching science - even in SCIENCE class!!


phonics teaching is much better because it gives the child the wherewithall to sound out words, not to just memorize them...
Got your number, Mac.

Public education, back to the OP, is going to be only as good as the families and parents let it be.
which is why we need school choice.....lefties have ruined public education.....

You have school choice. If you don't like your public school, you can enroll them in private schools. You just are not entitled for the taxpayers to pay for your kid's education.
These savages were students at one time or they are students now. How would you like to be a teacher and attempt to teach them in the classroom? Schools are full of these types. They are products of the rap culture that permeates our society.

Most kids that age don't do stuff like this. so, um, no.

I'm sure this isolated incident of juvenile deliquency will add to the whole sense of white persecution, though.

Like most of you gave a shit about this mentally disabled man before this incident happened when you slashed the shit out of special needs programs to give tax cuts to millionaires.
It's a hate crime.....

It's a hate crime against DISABLED PEOPLE. You know, like the guy Trump mocked and made fun of.

You mean the LIE about the man Trump mocked?
"What's Wrong with Public Education?"

Mostly that it's public because when education isn't public, similar calamities happen far less often.
School choice will be no better than the families who choose it. If you think charter schools are the silver bullet, think again.
it won't be a magic cureall but it will be a start to rid the poison from the current indoctrination centers......er, public schools.....

Indoctrination centres? Who decides the curriculum?

Idiots on the right claim that public schools are left wing indoctrination centres because teachers belong to a union. But it's the cirriculum and the textbooks which right wingers claim is biased. The school boards are deciding what is taught, according to the states' input, and most states are controlled by Republicans.

You keep claiming that because schools have union member teachers that the system is biased, but that would only make sense if the teachers set the cirriculum or wrote and purchased the text books.

Public education in America today is almost the opposite of education, according to an education expert who calls the nation’s schooling “indoctrination.”

“This isn’t some kind of huge national accident that all these legions of Ph.D experts and all these legions of committees and the U.S. Department of Education – it’s not that they’re just incompetent fools and don’t know what they’re doing,” said international journalist and educator Alex Newman. “They want the system to be doing what it’s doing, and that is destroying real education.”

Real education, according to Newman, means developing knowledgeable, well-rounded Americans who can think critically, process information, make good decisions, support themselves and serve the needs of society.

In other words, real education produces productive members of a capitalist society.

“That’s what you do in a free market,” Newman said. “If you want to profit, you have to serve your fellow man. If you want to have a business, you have to make sure you’re selling a product that they’re willing to purchase at a price that they’re willing to purchase.

“So that’s what an education is, is to create an individual who can take care of themselves, who understands the Scripture, who understands history, who understands science, who understands, obviously, reading and writing and basic mathematics at the very least,” he said.

Newman made these comments during a recent appearance on “The Jesse Lee Peterson Radio Show.”

Jesse Lee Peterson, host of the show and a wildly popular WND columnist, already knew something was wrong with the American education system.

“One of the reasons I started my private school, BOND Leadership Academy, for boys and girls grades 1 through 12, was because I noticed that these boys and girls are not being educated – especially the boys. They’re coming out dumbed down rather than educated,” said Peterson, author of “Scam: How the Black Leadership Exploits Black America.”

According to Newman, government schools are no longer teaching the components of a real education.

In Newman’s book “Crimes of the Educators,” co-authored with the late Samuel Blumenfeld, Newman condemned the “whole-word method” of teaching children to read. In this method, kids are taught to memorize words as if they were pictures, rather than sounding out the word based on the letters that form it. Newman calls it a “quack method” of teaching reading.

Newman also wrote in his book about how progressives have scrubbed the public schools of God and religion. He writes that they have rewritten American history textbooks to downplay patriotism and prepare children to be global citizens. They have confused children by focusing on mathematics to the exclusion of basic arithmetic, which people need to use in their daily lives, he says.

“Crimes of the Educators” reveals how the architects of America’s public school disaster implemented a plan to socialize the United States by knowingly and willingly dumbing down the population

In the author’s estimation, it all adds up to indoctrination.

Read more at Public schools ruining U.S. kids with ‘indoctrination’
The "whole word" approach is not the only method taught.

This is a totally stale argument against education today. In order to read with the speed required for reasonable progress it is necessary to take a whole word approach as well as teaching other methods that take over with new words.

Nobody can make reasonable progress in educating themselves if they have to spend time sounding out words. The very idea of that is just plain stupid.

But, this is a general issue. We tend to let people who have NO IDEA about education be the front line in determining how to educate.

I know of NO other profession where the experts that every school in America hires are so ignored. We require post graduate degrees and then we tell these people with post graduate degrees that they are the PROBLEM!!! We bandy about words like "indoctrination". Some even attempt to stop teaching science - even in SCIENCE class!!


phonics teaching is much better because it gives the child the wherewithall to sound out words, not to just memorize them...

Why do you think that is not being taught in schools? I had three kids and three grandkids in school and that is how they learned in about 7 different states total. That is a local decision. I suggest if you don't like the way it is done, get it changed!

BTW, it is hard to read when someone criticizes education in a post when they display absolutely no ability to punctuate a sentence or spell correctly.
School choice will be no better than the families who choose it. If you think charter schools are the silver bullet, think again.
it won't be a magic cureall but it will be a start to rid the poison from the current indoctrination centers......er, public schools.....

Indoctrination centres? Who decides the curriculum?

Idiots on the right claim that public schools are left wing indoctrination centres because teachers belong to a union. But it's the cirriculum and the textbooks which right wingers claim is biased. The school boards are deciding what is taught, according to the states' input, and most states are controlled by Republicans.

You keep claiming that because schools have union member teachers that the system is biased, but that would only make sense if the teachers set the cirriculum or wrote and purchased the text books.

Public education in America today is almost the opposite of education, according to an education expert who calls the nation’s schooling “indoctrination.”

“This isn’t some kind of huge national accident that all these legions of Ph.D experts and all these legions of committees and the U.S. Department of Education – it’s not that they’re just incompetent fools and don’t know what they’re doing,” said international journalist and educator Alex Newman. “They want the system to be doing what it’s doing, and that is destroying real education.”

Real education, according to Newman, means developing knowledgeable, well-rounded Americans who can think critically, process information, make good decisions, support themselves and serve the needs of society.

In other words, real education produces productive members of a capitalist society.

“That’s what you do in a free market,” Newman said. “If you want to profit, you have to serve your fellow man. If you want to have a business, you have to make sure you’re selling a product that they’re willing to purchase at a price that they’re willing to purchase.

“So that’s what an education is, is to create an individual who can take care of themselves, who understands the Scripture, who understands history, who understands science, who understands, obviously, reading and writing and basic mathematics at the very least,” he said.

Newman made these comments during a recent appearance on “The Jesse Lee Peterson Radio Show.”

Jesse Lee Peterson, host of the show and a wildly popular WND columnist, already knew something was wrong with the American education system.

“One of the reasons I started my private school, BOND Leadership Academy, for boys and girls grades 1 through 12, was because I noticed that these boys and girls are not being educated – especially the boys. They’re coming out dumbed down rather than educated,” said Peterson, author of “Scam: How the Black Leadership Exploits Black America.”

According to Newman, government schools are no longer teaching the components of a real education.

In Newman’s book “Crimes of the Educators,” co-authored with the late Samuel Blumenfeld, Newman condemned the “whole-word method” of teaching children to read. In this method, kids are taught to memorize words as if they were pictures, rather than sounding out the word based on the letters that form it. Newman calls it a “quack method” of teaching reading.

Newman also wrote in his book about how progressives have scrubbed the public schools of God and religion. He writes that they have rewritten American history textbooks to downplay patriotism and prepare children to be global citizens. They have confused children by focusing on mathematics to the exclusion of basic arithmetic, which people need to use in their daily lives, he says.

“Crimes of the Educators” reveals how the architects of America’s public school disaster implemented a plan to socialize the United States by knowingly and willingly dumbing down the population

In the author’s estimation, it all adds up to indoctrination.

Read more at Public schools ruining U.S. kids with ‘indoctrination’
The "whole word" approach is not the only method taught.

This is a totally stale argument against education today. In order to read with the speed required for reasonable progress it is necessary to take a whole word approach as well as teaching other methods that take over with new words.

Nobody can make reasonable progress in educating themselves if they have to spend time sounding out words. The very idea of that is just plain stupid.

But, this is a general issue. We tend to let people who have NO IDEA about education be the front line in determining how to educate.

I know of NO other profession where the experts that every school in America hires are so ignored. We require post graduate degrees and then we tell these people with post graduate degrees that they are the PROBLEM!!! We bandy about words like "indoctrination". Some even attempt to stop teaching science - even in SCIENCE class!!


phonics teaching is much better because it gives the child the wherewithall to sound out words, not to just memorize them...
I did NOT say I was opposed to phonics. Everyone needs the skills to figure out new words. That needs to include understanding Greek and Latin roots, understanding grammar, etc. It would be better if it included learning a foreign language. Being able to turn a printed word into a sound pattern is only a piece of the problem.

So, what I DID say is that phonics alone is NOT GOOD ENOUGH.

Like with many things in life, we need more than one approach to problems.

And, in teaching this stuff it could well be that there are times when teaching one skill is important even if there are other related skills.
Crimes of the educators...yup blame the teachers. Put no blame or responsibility on the kids, nor the parents. Its too easy to blame the teachers. All 4 of my kids attended our rural Wisconsin schools and have gone onto highly successful jobs. Explain how this happened screaming turkey. They had great educations k thru 12. Not all public schools are bad. Painting with a broad brush is left for inferior thinkers. Most teachers are not out to indoctrinate kids. There are some bad ones like every other profession. Perhaps the pledge of allegiance is a form of indoctrination. What says you?
and you haven't given me a good reason why these pieces of shit aren't a product of their public schools

and what you forget is that I don't need to give you a reason for anything I do.

I never said that our underfunded public schools weren't a factor in failing these kids.

So is growing up in a racist society that has kept them down for 400 years.

None of that excuses what they did, though.
Trump said nothing racist, you ass.

Right... because to you, nothing is racist...

Giving the credit to the public education system either way just continues the systemic problems that the society as a whole faces. Granted many teachers shouldn't be in those positions but many parents married or single do not handle parenting worth a damn either.

Maybe the schools and the parents did everything they could and these kids still turned out bad. Maybe they aren't even normally bad kids, but got high one day and something really evil suddenly seemed like a good idea.
Maybe the schools and the parents did everything they could and these kids still turned out bad. Maybe they aren't even normally bad kids, but got high one day and something really evil suddenly seemed like a good idea.
Then obviously something went wrong prior to the incident happening that the kid got "high one day". Which let the evil into their house, the parent or the school?
These savages were students at one time or they are students now. How would you like to be a teacher and attempt to teach them in the classroom? Schools are full of these types. They are products of the rap culture that permeates our society.

Most kids that age don't do stuff like this. so, um, no.

I'm sure this isolated incident of juvenile deliquency will add to the whole sense of white persecution, though.

Like most of you gave a shit about this mentally disabled man before this incident happened when you slashed the shit out of special needs programs to give tax cuts to millionaires.
It's a hate crime.....

It's a hate crime against DISABLED PEOPLE. You know, like the guy Trump mocked and made fun of.

You mean the LIE about the man Trump mocked?

What lie? It's right there on video. You people would deny say black is white if Trump said it was so.
These savages were students at one time or they are students now. How would you like to be a teacher and attempt to teach them in the classroom? Schools are full of these types. They are products of the rap culture that permeates our society.

Most kids that age don't do stuff like this. so, um, no.

I'm sure this isolated incident of juvenile deliquency will add to the whole sense of white persecution, though.

Like most of you gave a shit about this mentally disabled man before this incident happened when you slashed the shit out of special needs programs to give tax cuts to millionaires.
It's a hate crime.....

It's a hate crime against DISABLED PEOPLE. You know, like the guy Trump mocked and made fun of.

You mean the LIE about the man Trump mocked?

What lie? It's right there on video. You people would deny say black is white if Trump said it was so.

Google is your friend. It was a lie, AKA "fake news".
Any one want to bet the four idiots come from single mother homes? The bane of black America, the destruction of the black family. I can't remember who said it, Thomas Sowell or Larry Elder or Jason Riley come to mind, but it was a black conservative who said that the black family survived slavery, survived Jim Crowe but didn't survive Johnson's great society.

yeah, I'm sure one of those Uncle Toms said it... but doesn't make it true.

The reality is, the two parent home has been unravelling for a number of reasons, and there's plenty of places to blame for it.
I listened to Thomas Sowell talking about how in the 1960s he watched govt personnel go door to door in black communities telling people that if the father left the home they could get more govt money. Of course your "Uncle Tom" comment totally invalidates this mans experiences. Of course we all know that Thomas Sowell is a white supremacist. Any black person that doesn't toe the line of the leftist crap is to be disregarded.

As far as to why the 2 parent home has been unraveling, care to expound on that? I'm sure you can find some "patriarchy, institutional racism, gender inequality" or some other buzzfeed reasons.

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