What's Wrong with Public Education: Society

It's a hate crime against DISABLED PEOPLE. You know, like the guy Trump mocked and made fun of.

You mean the LIE about the man Trump mocked?

What lie? It's right there on video. You people would deny say black is white if Trump said it was so.

Google is your friend. It was a lie, AKA "fake news".

Bullshit. I watched the rally live on TV. That wasn't faked at all.

Trump had no idea that the man had any kind of disability that he was was showing with the flailing arms. The man cannot MOVE his arms!

That's like mocking someone with a speech impediment as though they can't walk.
Trump has used the same gestures many times to describe people he thinks are dumb.
Thugs wouldn't be a problem if schools were allowed to kick them out as in the old days.

Kids can be removed from schools.
They seldom are.

More often than you might think, but it's a process.
Yeah, a process that takes years and costs many thousands of dollars in legal fees. ...

No, not that hard.
If it's not that hard, then why are they still in school?
Kids can be removed from schools.
They seldom are.

More often than you might think, but it's a process.
Yeah, a process that takes years and costs many thousands of dollars in legal fees. ...

No, not that hard.
If it's not that hard, then why are they still in school?

Schools are not in the business of giving up on kids. Really extreme cases are not so common.
and you haven't given me a good reason why these pieces of shit aren't a product of their public schools

and what you forget is that I don't need to give you a reason for anything I do.

I never said that our underfunded public schools weren't a factor in failing these kids.

So is growing up in a racist society that has kept them down for 400 years.

None of that excuses what they did, though.

these kids were 400 years old?

Cut the shit

The only responsible parties are the 4 pieces of shit who thought it was OK to brutalize a helpless victim
There is no other blame to be given

These animals need to be caged.
These savages were students at one time or they are students now. How would you like to be a teacher and attempt to teach them in the classroom? Schools are full of these types. They are products of the rap culture that permeates our society.
Chicago torture video: 4 charged with hate crimes, kidnapping - CNN.com

Don't blame public education or society for the behavior of those miscreants, put the blame where it belongs on the PARENTS, it's about time people start taking personal responsibility for their children's behavior, either that or don't have kids.

"Parents are the ultimate role models for children. Every word, movement and action has an effect. No other person or outside force has a greater influence on a child than the parent." -- Bob Keeshan
Parents are part of...society. Thank you.
These savages were students at one time or they are students now. How would you like to be a teacher and attempt to teach them in the classroom? Schools are full of these types. They are products of the rap culture that permeates our society.
Chicago torture video: 4 charged with hate crimes, kidnapping - CNN.com
I would take it out further than rap culture. That's only one subset. It isn't just rap culture that has been screaming (if it is, I don't know) that Trump is a racist, that he is Hitler, that he is a Nazi, that he hates all minorities, on and on and on.

This division has permeated our entire society. It's not just rap. It's social justice warriors. It's teachers and professors. It's the celebrities that these kids look up to. It's TV shows. It's POLITICIANS. It's media figures and pundits. It's everywhere. It's entirely possible that it's all these kids have heard about Trump.

It's not just disagreement with Trump, it's the most vicious possible attacks, the worst possible things people can come up with to say.

And we're supposed to be surprised and shocked when something like this happens? Really?
Who pushes the divide? Thank you. Liberal media, college campuses, and public education.
And you know it's true. You and yours would be all over this with screams of racism.

Be honest, just once.

If it happened, I would insist the people who did it be arrested and charged with crimes and convicted.

Oh wait. These four people were arrested and charged with crimes. They will probably be convicted, based on the evidence.

The problem a lot of us have is that people like George Zimmerman or Darren Wilson or Timothy Loehmen not merely brutalize black people, but they are allowed to get away with it...

Or Jason Van Dyke, who they have ON TAPE shooting a black kid 16 times, 15 of them when he was on the ground, and the City of Chicago hid the tape for a year and did everything they could to bury it.

Now if an all-black jury in Chicago acquits these four thugs, you might have a case that there should be some outrage here.
So race had nothing to with it? You are a complete idiot.
I operate from the dictionary meaning of the word.

Yes, I am sure you are a dictionary racist... just like you hero Trumpenfuhrer.


Nope, not even close and you know it.

You are just too much of an asshole to admit it.

THe dictionary meaning of the word, in no way describes me, or any polices I support.

It certainly describes the way you view and constantly talk about rural or southern whites, AND the way you support policies that discriminate against whites.

BTW, fuck you and your Godwin, you race baiting asshole.
No reason for me to attempt normal conversation with crazed, hateful, bigoted zealots!

You big racist you!

Naw, you've been spanked enough times on every thread you go on... so I can k ind of get why you get upset.

Maybe if you could back up your claims with something other than unfunny has-been comedians...
Joe spanked me!


He pretends he did.

I think on some level, he knows that he is not fooling anyone that isn't willfully suspending their disbelief.
They seldom are.

More often than you might think, but it's a process.
Yeah, a process that takes years and costs many thousands of dollars in legal fees. ...

No, not that hard.
If it's not that hard, then why are they still in school?

Schools are not in the business of giving up on kids. Really extreme cases are not so common.

In other words, all the kids who want to be there and learn have to suffer because of a few social delinquents.

Fuck that. Let them go to a special school where they get locked up a night and the staff are armed and know how to handle these monsters.
More often than you might think, but it's a process.
Yeah, a process that takes years and costs many thousands of dollars in legal fees. ...

No, not that hard.
If it's not that hard, then why are they still in school?

Schools are not in the business of giving up on kids. Really extreme cases are not so common.

In other words, all the kids who want to be there and learn have to suffer because of a few social delinquents.

Fuck that. Let them go to a special school where they get locked up a night and the staff are armed and know how to handle these monsters.

Or just let them drop out and stop wasting everyone's time.
What that is your "point". It is not an avoidance it is a perspective that you are pushing. A reminder for you "Forums > US Discussion > Politics >
What's Wrong with Public Education: Society" since you obviously are not willing to discuss from the OP without interjecting your personal slanted or twisted precepts.

Public Education isn't the problem here. Racism is.

These kids are the product of a racist society. One that told them they were second class citizens from the day they were born. Last week, they lashed out at someone lower on the rung than they were.
The only responsible parties are the 4 pieces of shit who thought it was OK to brutalize a helpless victim
There is no other blame to be given

These animals need to be caged.

Yes, they do. did you miss the point where I said they were responsible.

You see, I'm concerned with the four year old growing up in that same hood who might commit another crime like this in 10 years. Which is what happens when you let a Nazi steal your election.
Nope, not even close and you know it.

You are just too much of an asshole to admit it.

THe dictionary meaning of the word, in no way describes me, or any polices I support.

Naw, man, you just want to round up millions of brown people for doing jobs you'd never want to do. You're not racist at all.

You just blame the brown people because you can't get a good job, because a rich person replaced you with a machine, and NaziTrump spews that racist shit, and you gobble it down with a big shit eating smile.
What that is your "point". It is not an avoidance it is a perspective that you are pushing. A reminder for you "Forums > US Discussion > Politics >
What's Wrong with Public Education: Society" since you obviously are not willing to discuss from the OP without interjecting your personal slanted or twisted precepts.

Public Education isn't the problem here. Racism is.

These kids are the product of a racist society. One that told them they were second class citizens from the day they were born. Last week, they lashed out at someone lower on the rung than they were.
Too bad you don't know what real racism is, if you get out of your best mothers basement more often you might understand.
Probably not...
Your political correctness makes you ignorant. snowflake

yeah, probably...

And when someone whines about "political correctness" it means, they live in constant fear that they will slip up and everyone will see how racist they are.
To be politically correct one has to live without morals and ethics… fact

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