What's Wrong with Public Education: Society

What that is your "point". It is not an avoidance it is a perspective that you are pushing. A reminder for you "Forums > US Discussion > Politics >
What's Wrong with Public Education: Society" since you obviously are not willing to discuss from the OP without interjecting your personal slanted or twisted precepts.

Public Education isn't the problem here. Racism is.

These kids are the product of a racist society. One that told them they were second class citizens from the day they were born. Last week, they lashed out at someone lower on the rung than they were.
I think that is your problem, it is YOU and it is not everyone else. See racist such as you build on hate and discontent. I recently spent several weeks in a very large city. I actually spent a good portion of my off time in the poorer areas of that metropolitan area. I saw people of all ethnic backgrounds working and living together without a second thought of who is brown, tan or white because it did not and does not matter to them. The interesting portion of my trip was when I wandered over to a college town (I take scenic routes to areas I have not been before when I am out like that). I decided I was hungry so I stopped and went through a drive through for a burger. I have a very large dog that travels with me where ever I go and so I generally eat in the car and share with my pal whatever the meal may be. That parking area in that college town in that metro area was the only place I experienced even a hint of racism and that came from a young black couple that looked pretty much college age. The hate in them exuded from them and the dog felt it and reacted very loud to their presence when they parked next to my car and gave us the evil eye. I simply moved the car in order to protect myself and the dog from those young racist. So with that all fresh in mind you can go fuck yourself JoeB and keep your hate to yourself.
The only responsible parties are the 4 pieces of shit who thought it was OK to brutalize a helpless victim
There is no other blame to be given

These animals need to be caged.

Yes, they do. did you miss the point where I said they were responsible.

You see, I'm concerned with the four year old growing up in that same hood who might commit another crime like this in 10 years. Which is what happens when you let a Nazi steal your election.

OK this is Trump's fault too not the failure of decades of liberal policies in big cities

You really have a bad case of PTSD

Post Trump Selection Disorder
Nope, not even close and you know it.

You are just too much of an asshole to admit it.

THe dictionary meaning of the word, in no way describes me, or any polices I support.

Naw, man, you just want to round up millions of brown people for doing jobs you'd never want to do. You're not racist at al
You just blame the brown people because you can't get a good job, because a rich person replaced you with a machine, and NaziTrump spews that racist shit, and you gobble it down with a big shit eating smile.

The law of supply and demand is not racism.

You are a lying moronic asshole.
I think that is your problem, it is YOU and it is not everyone else. See racist such as you build on hate and discontent. I recently spent several weeks in a very large city. I actually spent a good portion of my off time in the poorer areas of that metropolitan area. I saw people of all ethnic backgrounds working and living together without a second thought of who is brown, tan or white because it did not and does not matter to them.

YOu think Racism only exist when there's a cross-burning? Then I think you miss the point. Racism is the white noise of this society. Just because people of color for the most part go about their business doesn't mean it's not there, all the time.

And the stuff about your racist dog is just...weird.
I think that is your problem, it is YOU and it is not everyone else. See racist such as you build on hate and discontent. I recently spent several weeks in a very large city. I actually spent a good portion of my off time in the poorer areas of that metropolitan area. I saw people of all ethnic backgrounds working and living together without a second thought of who is brown, tan or white because it did not and does not matter to them.

YOu think Racism only exist when there's a cross-burning? Then I think you miss the point. Racism is the white noise of this society. Just because people of color for the most part go about their business doesn't mean it's not there, all the time.

And the stuff about your racist dog is just...weird.
Again go fuck yourself. Those two college kids were the only racist pricks I came across during my trip. The dog racist comment shows how ridiculous you are.
Predictable deflection noted.

Not at all. You asked what would happen if a white person did something really horrible to black people.

And I showed you. Poor dear was taken to Burger King. He looked a little peckish.

Dylann Roof: NC Judge Defends Cops’ ‘Burger King’ Treat, Explains Why It May Have Been A Good Idea

I promise you, no one took these four kids to BUrger King when they caught them.
What is your opinion of the act committed by the Chicago Four, Joe?

Race related?
Again go fuck yourself. Those two college kids were the only racist pricks I came across during my trip. The dog racist comment shows how ridiculous you are.

You have a dog that growls at black people... naw, that isn't racist at all.
I have a dog that growls at anyone regardless of their color if he senses a threat. You on the other hand take everything as some sort of racist bullshit when you show time and again that you are the racist.
Again go fuck yourself. Those two college kids were the only racist pricks I came across during my trip. The dog racist comment shows how ridiculous you are.

You have a dog that growls at black people... naw, that isn't racist at all.
I have a dog that growls at anyone regardless of their color if he senses a threat. You on the other hand take everything as some sort of racist bullshit when you show time and again that you are the racist.

The stupid fuck is justifying the cold blooded murder of Jews in another thread.

What is really wrong with public education? Worthless pieces of excrement like JoeB somehow make it through the system whether they deserve to or not. Meanwhile, all the bright kids aren't being challenged because teachers are too busy dealing with all the JoeB types.
What is your opinion of the act committed by the Chicago Four, Joe?

Race related?

I wouldn't know. We haven't had the dozens of articles written on their home life and upbringing yet. You know, like we got with Roof and what turned him into a racist monster and how it wasn't his families fault, no really...

Nor will we get the wailing about mental illness that we got with Roof.

Just remember, when people of color do something horrible, it's because they're evil. When white people do something horrible, it's because of "Mental illness".
The stupid fuck is justifying the cold blooded murder of Jews in another thread.

What is really wrong with public education? Worthless pieces of excrement like JoeB somehow make it through the system whether they deserve to or not. Meanwhile, all the bright kids aren't being challenged because teachers are too busy dealing with all the JoeB types.

First, I'm the fine product of Catholic Education. It did such a fine job I would like to see religion eradicated. Wiping out the Zionists would be a great start.

But you are right. I was a handful for the teachers. Like the time I asked the nun why her supposedly "Good" God would drown every baby in the world.
What is your opinion of the act committed by the Chicago Four, Joe?

Race related?

I wouldn't know. We haven't had the dozens of articles written on their home life and upbringing yet. You know, like we got with Roof and what turned him into a racist monster and how it wasn't his families fault, no really...

Nor will we get the wailing about mental illness that we got with Roof.

Just remember, when people of color do something horrible, it's because they're evil. When white people do something horrible, it's because of "Mental illness".
I see. That's very tolerant of you.

And I have no doubt that, had this been four white kids torturing a special needs black kid, you'd say precisely the same thing.

Right, Joe?

Go ahead, I'd like to see you type the words "Right, Mac." I'll want to save it for future use.
I see. That's very tolerant of you.

And I have no doubt that, had this been four white kids torturing a special needs black kid, you'd say precisely the same thing.

Right, Joe?

Go ahead, I'd like to see you type the words "Right, Mac." I'll want to save it for future use.

My position is exactly the same. They should be charged with a crime. Please point out where I said that these four shouldn't be charged with a crime? Thanks.

What I'm not willing to do is use this as an example of how black people are all evil
I see. That's very tolerant of you.

And I have no doubt that, had this been four white kids torturing a special needs black kid, you'd say precisely the same thing.

Right, Joe?

Go ahead, I'd like to see you type the words "Right, Mac." I'll want to save it for future use.

My position is exactly the same. They should be charged with a crime. Please point out where I said that these four shouldn't be charged with a crime? Thanks.

What I'm not willing to do is use this as an example of how black people are all evil
Ah, the straw man argument. I didn't say you said they shouldn't be charged with a crime. Pretty clumsy there.

You appear to be saying that you would not bring race into my scenario, as you are not bringing race into this one.

Right Joe?

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