What's Wrong with Public Education: Society

The stupid fuck is justifying the cold blooded murder of Jews in another thread.

What is really wrong with public education? Worthless pieces of excrement like JoeB somehow make it through the system whether they deserve to or not. Meanwhile, all the bright kids aren't being challenged because teachers are too busy dealing with all the JoeB types.

First, I'm the fine product of Catholic Education. It did such a fine job I would like to see religion eradicated. Wiping out the Zionists would be a great start.

But you are right. I was a handful for the teachers. Like the time I asked the nun why her supposedly "Good" God would drown every baby in the world.

Zionism has nothing to do with religion, you ignorant moron. It is the name for the movement that established a nation state for a persecuted ethnic minority.

Your desiring their genocide is duly noted. It shines the true light on all your bogus claims of other people's supposed racism.
The law of supply and demand is not racism.

You are a lying moronic asshole.

Guy, as I've said, I've worked in manufacturing. There weren't white males busting down the doors to take those jobs even when unemployment was 10%

You lie all the time. NOthing you say has any value.

You talk bat shit crazy all the time. Even if you are not lying, your perception could still be the bat shit crazy talking.

IF your claim is true, and a rare flash of sanity, it is still anecdotal evidence that is weak compared to the Law of Supply and Demand, and the history of outsourcing and cheating trading partners.
Ah, the straw man argument. I didn't say you said they shouldn't be charged with a crime. Pretty clumsy there.

You appear to be saying that you would not bring race into my scenario, as you are not bringing race into this one.

Right Joe?

We don't know why they picked out this guy to beat up. For instance, there is evidence they attended the same school he did and knew who he was....

but let's concede for the moment they picked on him because he was white, and not because he was a retarded Trump Supporter. (Of course, not that there aren't any NON-retarded Trump supporters, but I digress).

Here's the thing. The guy didn't die. Yet the professional white aggreivement posters who probably would normally avoid making eye contact with this guy because, hey, that's what most people do with the mentally disabled, are treating this like the crime of the century.

Because it happened on YouTube.
Zionism has nothing to do with religion, you ignorant moron. It is the name for the movement that established a nation state for a persecuted ethnic minority.

Your desiring their genocide is duly noted. It shines the true light on all your bogus claims of other people's supposed racism.

Right, they were just looking for a place to stay... and just happened to find the place that their Magic Sky Fairy Promised them in the Big Book of Bronze Age Fairy Tales...

And then they act all surprised when the people they stole the land from want to kill them for stealing their land (as well as bombing their women and children.)

Nope, no religious stupidity to see here.
IF your claim is true, and a rare flash of sanity, it is still anecdotal evidence that is weak compared to the Law of Supply and Demand, and the history of outsourcing and cheating trading partners.

I think you are a little confused on the law of supply and demand. The fact is, we produce more goods in this country than ever, with far less people working in manufacturing, thanks to increased productivity and automation. The reason why those trading partners beat us is because they got to those efficiencies first.

You probably need to read up on a fellow named W. Edward Deming, and how he taught the Japanese how to beat American industry. But man, those foreigner cheated by working smarter and more efficiently, those bastards!!!

W. Edwards Deming - Wikipedia

You see, this is what makes Trump's RACISM so abhorent. An honest person would admit, we didn't invest in the infrastructure, innovation, education and policy to compete effectively. And we have a generation of slackers who simply aren't willing to get dirt under their fingernails like their grandparents did when THEY came to this country.

But that doesn't appeal to dumb-ass rednecks like you. Nope, Trump blames some brown and yellow people, and dumb ass redneck cracker racists like you eat it up.
Ah, the straw man argument. I didn't say you said they shouldn't be charged with a crime. Pretty clumsy there.

You appear to be saying that you would not bring race into my scenario, as you are not bringing race into this one.

Right Joe?

We don't know why they picked out this guy to beat up. For instance, there is evidence they attended the same school he did and knew who he was....

but let's concede for the moment they picked on him because he was white, and not because he was a retarded Trump Supporter. (Of course, not that there aren't any NON-retarded Trump supporters, but I digress).

Here's the thing. The guy didn't die. Yet the professional white aggreivement posters who probably would normally avoid making eye contact with this guy because, hey, that's what most people do with the mentally disabled, are treating this like the crime of the century.

Because it happened on YouTube.
I'm looking forward to you parsing the story with this much effort when the roles are reversed.

And we both know you won't, Joe.
Zionism has nothing to do with religion, you ignorant moron. It is the name for the movement that established a nation state for a persecuted ethnic minority.

Your desiring their genocide is duly noted. It shines the true light on all your bogus claims of other people's supposed racism.

Right, they were just looking for a place to stay... and just happened to find the place that their Magic Sky Fairy Promised them in the Big Book of Bronze Age Fairy Tales...

And then they act all surprised when the people they stole the land from want to kill them for stealing their land (as well as bombing their women and children.)

Nope, no religious stupidity to see here.

Your ability to reduce world events down to a young child's level of misunderstanding is truly remarkable.

Have you ever considered the many merits of adulthood instead of this puerile mixture of terrorist propaganda, antisemitism, and utter inability to understand much of anything at all?
IF your claim is true, and a rare flash of sanity, it is still anecdotal evidence that is weak compared to the Law of Supply and Demand, and the history of outsourcing and cheating trading partners.

I think you are a little confused on the law of supply and demand. The fact is, we produce more goods in this country than ever, with far less people working in manufacturing, thanks to increased productivity and automation. The reason why those trading partners beat us is because they got to those efficiencies first.

I was referring to the Law of Supply and Demand with regard to labor, ie jobs and wages.

Increased labor, decreases price, ie wages.
I would take it out further than rap culture. That's only one subset. It isn't just rap culture that has been screaming (if it is, I don't know) that Trump is a racist, that he is Hitler, that he is a Nazi, that he hates all minorities, on and on and on.

This division has permeated our entire society. It's not just rap. It's social justice warriors. It's teachers and professors. It's the celebrities that these kids look up to. It's TV shows. It's POLITICIANS. It's media figures and pundits. It's everywhere. It's entirely possible that it's all these kids have heard about Trump.

Yes, clearly these four adults would be total model citizens if MSNBC hadn't pointed out the racist things Trump has said. No, really.

Im sure when more of this story comes out, we are going to find out these four had lots of criminal incidents before this happened.

(Also, what kind of idiot live-streams this shit on facebook?)
An idiot like, well, you Joey. You know, someone who just makes stuff up to support his, your, agenda that others know is completely untrue. Not much difference between your behavior and that of these a-holes is how many of us look at it. Birds of a feather in the idiocy department.
I'm looking forward to you parsing the story with this much effort when the roles are reversed.

And we both know you won't, Joe.

When that happens, get back to me.

You see, the thing is, my position has been pretty consistant.

It was wrong when Zimmerman shot Martin
It was wrong when Roof shot those churchgoers
It was wrong when these four kids beat up this guy. (Except no one died, but never mind. We've already established that lives don't mean a lot to you.)
I was referring to the Law of Supply and Demand with regard to labor, ie jobs and wages.

Increased labor, decreases price, ie wages.

Which, again, is meaningless. When we had "increased" demand for labor, the wages went up, but those white boys still weren't showing up. You see, when I left the Medical Manufacturer in 2000 for a better paying job, I never saw a white dude out on the assembly line. It was all Hispanic Girls and Indian Girls...

And in 2009, when I worked at the electronics Mfg. company, when unemployment was 10%, we STILL didn't see the White People show up for those assembly jobs. It was still the Hispanic and Indian gals...

Now, you did have white guys working in the office... that's the jobs they want. And mostly, those immigrants aren't competing for them. I was never worried an illegal would take my job. (I was more worried they'd move the job over to Malaysia, which is what they did after I left.)

Now, there is a high demand for STEM jobs right now. But you aren't going to get those people from the Red States where they think Talking Snakes were a real thing.
Your ability to reduce world events down to a young child's level of misunderstanding is truly remarkable.

Have you ever considered the many merits of adulthood instead of this puerile mixture of terrorist propaganda, antisemitism, and utter inability to understand much of anything at all?

Have you considered actually addressing the points I made instead of whining about them?

Zionism is based on a lie. "A land without a people for a people without a land". There were people living there, they didn't want a bunch of people from Europe showing up and taking their land.

This isn't complicated at all. And in the rest of the world, where the Zionists don't control the media, they see it for exactly what it is... hence, why the UN votes against the Zionists every time it comes up.
Your ability to reduce world events down to a young child's level of misunderstanding is truly remarkable.

Have you ever considered the many merits of adulthood instead of this puerile mixture of terrorist propaganda, antisemitism, and utter inability to understand much of anything at all?

Have you considered actually addressing the points I made instead of whining about them?

Zionism is based on a lie. "A land without a people for a people without a land". There were people living there, they didn't want a bunch of people from Europe showing up and taking their land.

This isn't complicated at all. And in the rest of the world, where the Zionists don't control the media, they see it for exactly what it is... hence, why the UN votes against the Zionists every time it comes up.

Well, you have certainly proven one thing here, Joe, and that the real problem when it comes to education is the lack of innate intelligence. When you add in complete dishonesty due to ethnic hatred, you end up with complete morons such as yourself flooding internet discussion boards with complete drivel.
I was referring to the Law of Supply and Demand with regard to labor, ie jobs and wages.

Increased labor, decreases price, ie wages.

Which, again, is meaningless. When we had "increased" demand for labor, the wages went up, but those white boys still weren't showing up. You see, when I left the Medical Manufacturer in 2000 for a better paying job, I never saw a white dude out on the assembly line. It was all Hispanic Girls and Indian Girls...

And as I said, your history of lying and bat shit crazy talk renders your claims completely meaningless,

AND if somehow we could be reassured that THIS time you were telling the truth and not bat shit crazy,

it is still just anecdotal evidence vastly outweighed by history and the Law of Supply and Demand.
Well, you have certainly proven one thing here, Joe, and that the real problem when it comes to education is the lack of innate intelligence. When you add in complete dishonesty due to ethnic hatred, you end up with complete morons such as yourself flooding internet discussion boards with complete drivel.

I've proven you aren't man enough to admit you can't hold up your end of an argument...
And as I said, your history of lying and bat shit crazy talk renders your claims completely meaningless,

AND if somehow we could be reassured that THIS time you were telling the truth and not bat shit crazy,

it is still just anecdotal evidence vastly outweighed by history and the Law of Supply and Demand.

Dude, no one want to hire an entitled redneck when they can hire an immigrant who is happy to have the job. The real problem with people like you is you've all forgotten why your ancestors came here to start with...
And as I said, your history of lying and bat shit crazy talk renders your claims completely meaningless,

AND if somehow we could be reassured that THIS time you were telling the truth and not bat shit crazy,

it is still just anecdotal evidence vastly outweighed by history and the Law of Supply and Demand.

Dude, no one want to hire an entitled redneck when they can hire an immigrant who is happy to have the job. The real problem with people like you is you've all forgotten why your ancestors came here to start with...

Your racism is noted. You are a racist asshole.

Beyond that, I'm sure that you would love a Third Worlder who is grateful to work for you for low wages and to be treated like shit.

NOw, explain why to me, that your happiness is a reason for a national policy that screws Middle America?
Well, you have certainly proven one thing here, Joe, and that the real problem when it comes to education is the lack of innate intelligence. When you add in complete dishonesty due to ethnic hatred, you end up with complete morons such as yourself flooding internet discussion boards with complete drivel.

I've proven you aren't man enough to admit you can't hold up your end of an argument...

So, those Nuns taught you that Jews originated in Europe, "stole" the land they actually purchased and control the media with all their manipulative Jewish ways, did they?

This wasn't a Catholic School in Germany in the 1930s by any chance, was it?
Your racism is noted. You are a racist asshole.

Beyond that, I'm sure that you would love a Third Worlder who is grateful to work for you for low wages and to be treated like shit.

NOw, explain why to me, that your happiness is a reason for a national policy that screws Middle America?

Absolutely. You see, that's how capitalism works. I'm glad you are figuring that out. The hilarious thing is you think a guy who was part of the problem is going to be part of the solution.
So, those Nuns taught you that Jews originated in Europe, "stole" the land they actually purchased and control the media with all their manipulative Jewish ways, did they?

This wasn't a Catholic School in Germany in the 1930s by any chance, was it?

Oh, sorry, are you still whining on this thread?

Hey,I grew up in a Chicago neighborhood where we used "Jew" as a verb.

"Wow, you really got Jewed on that deal".

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