What's your perfect government - check all that apply

which points you do NOT agree with? select all that apply

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What's my perfect government? Me as Emperor for life with everyone catering to my every whim. Duh......
B, 1 & 2 are the only ones that make sense to me.
oh... it's been tried...in Medieval times... Feudal systems, the Warlords in Afghanistan, etc...

But, I'm glad you finally admit what you're after... Anarchy.

EDIT: to answer the OP? There is no "perfect" government.

Anarchy is hardly self government.

Really? Who enforces the rules then? What's to stop you from changing the rules? After all, if you are governing yourself... then you are basically a king unto yourself and answerable to no one.

Self government is when you are disciplined and act for a way that benefits yourself and others without the need of any outside force. It can exist in any "type" of government. It's about empowering oneself and living life instead of insisting others do everything for you.
Dum de dum dum dum!

Public media means the government tells you what to think. that is very dangerous.
This is the dumbest statement ever made on this board. Congratulations.
Actually, the fact that you think it is dumb, makes your statement beyond dumb.

Come on Si, There is no way that a government controlled media will tell you only propaganda that the government wants you to hear. It's that free media that you have to worry about. Telling people things the government doesnt want you to hear. very dangerous.
Let's say there is a new option to vote for in 2012, do you have a problem with any of the following points? select all that apply in the poll

Candidates with this movement will make the following oath, on video:

A - I will only serve a 1 year term and then never serve in government again.
B - I will not accept any gifts or donations from anyone.
C - I will not participate in any discussions with anyone from the mass media such as CNN, Fox News or MSNBC
D - I will unconditionally vote for the following laws immediately once elected:

1. Creation of national public media, for the sole purpose of political debates........... management of public media will be elected by the people, they will be considered government officials, and will be upheld to the same bribery law listed below.

2. Law that makes it a crime, for any special interest lobbyists or anyone else to make any contributions to public officials. and, for public officials to accept any money or gifts, because public officials, are supposed to represent everyone equally. they can not be turned into prostitutes, they have nothing to sell but humans. children. elderly.

3. A law that requires any business oriented media outlet that want to have the right to broadcast any public debate, to air 10 second ads on their radio or television, or, 2"x2" ads on their web sites or news papers, stating the following: "WARNING: being mislead by propaganda on the special interest controlled mass media, can be dangerous to your society, you can alternatively watch this political coverage on a non biased national public media"

4. Set up an internet voting system in all parts of the nation, so that any vote can be easily registered and checked. any registered voter should be able to login to a computer, type in their password and vote.

5. Implement negative voting, in all elections, in order to offset any propaganda attempts for any candidate. each voter gets one for vote, as well as one against vote. so that we can also vote against a candidate, if we feel he was unfairly publicized by special interests.

6. Default on the government created debt, and create new money without interest to the banks. Abolish unconstitutional federal reserve

7. Eliminate all property tax for the retired people. it is inhumane to steal homes from elderly who have worked all their lives for it.

Did you lose your binky?
7. Eliminate all property tax for the retired people. it is inhumane to steal homes from elderly who have worked all their lives for it.
Unless I live in that community, I shouldn't be voting on shit in that community. It's their business; not mine, not yours.
If you live in America you have no business enslaving people to taxes - America is a free nation. if they want to enslave people, their place is middle east or Kamchatka
7. Eliminate all property tax for the retired people. it is inhumane to steal homes from elderly who have worked all their lives for it.
Unless I live in that community, I shouldn't be voting on shit in that community. It's their business; not mine, not yours.
If you live in America you have no business enslaving people to taxes - America is a free nation. if they want to enslave people, their place is middle east or Kamchatka
Moron. Property taxes are municipal, not federal.

This is the dumbest statement ever made on this board. Congratulations.
Actually, the fact that you think it is dumb, makes your statement beyond dumb.

Come on Si, There is no way that a government controlled media will tell you only propaganda that the government wants you to hear. It's that free media that you have to worry about. Telling people things the government doesnt want you to hear. very dangerous.
:lol: Yeah, I should blindly trust my government all the time.

And, I should never have read anything by Orwell. ;)

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