Whelp, That Lie Ended Real Quick

Your the one babbling here.

You got flat out nailed for all of your drivel on Hunter Biden by trying to claim it doesn’t matter if this guy’s father is a Republican.

It only matters to you to make these links when you’re attacking Democrats.
Ho, I don't think I ever mention hunter Biden. So just shut your meat hole.
No it isn’t. Not in other countries.

Americans politicize everything. Every mass shooting the right tries to claim the guy was a leftist.

In the case of the Highland Park shooter though, not only was the guy not a leftist or a tranny, his father is an elected Republican.
What Robert Crimo's father is doesn't have anything to do what Robert Crimo is and did. He is a face tattoo wearing pink haired freak ANTIFA supporter. He's as far left as you can go.
He's also a total nutcase with over indulgent parents that belong in jail along with him.
You might have a point if any of these things were actual policies being instituted by Democrats, instead of bullshit and lies promoted by right wing media to make you hate the Democrats.

There are no open borders, and the shortages that you’re complaining about were created by the pandemic and Donald Trump’s trade wars. Not that you will believe any of that.

The entire world is playing higher prices for gasoline and food but stupid right wing Americans are blaming Biden for all of it.
You took an overdose of your medications.

No open borders? Then why are millions of illegals coming across the border unmolested?

The food shortages are due to the energy crisis brought on by your chief bullshitter Biden and his ending of the energy producers of this country.

The entire world is paying more based on what Biden has done to the US. Much as you refuse to see it, Biden is the major cause for it all since he cannot do other than his masters, the far left, tell him and he must take responsibility if he ever wants credit should anything go right.
No it isn’t. Not in other countries.

Americans politicize everything. Every mass shooting the right tries to claim the guy was a leftist.

In the case of the Highland Park shooter though, not only was the guy not a leftist or a tranny, his father is an elected Republican.
See? Perfect example :lol:
The hatred is entirely one sided. The side that can’t win without cheating, is completely losing its shit.

It’s not the left that is engaging in mass shootings and violence. It’s not the left that wants every Republican dead.

Republicans have been promoting lies and hate since Reagan talked about “Welfare Queens”. I used to wonder why no one in the press ever called them on their lies.

Now the right wing media is parroting these lies endlessly. And the right refuses to hear anything else.
Example # 2

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