Whelp, That Lie Ended Real Quick

All you have to do is name me what policies are trying to bring physical harm to you??

Social Security?
Child tax credits?
Overtime Pay?

What policy?

I am not talking about your feelings or whatever imaginary bullshit you have in your head -- I mean actual policies that are predicated on the belief that someone is being harmed to satisfy others??

When folks talk about wanting to criminalize gay marriage -- that was done for the purpose of harming a certain group to satisfy Christian conservatives

When folks talk about cutting funding to programs like WIC and prenatal care -- while claiming to care about "the life of a child" -- they are doing it for the purpose of bringing harm to one group to satisfy another
How about CRT, open borders, rising gas taxes by policy of the fed, food shortages by policies of the feds. Just to name a few. If you are to entrenched as a democrat, I feel sorry for you.

As for your other alleged points, they are mainly proposed by your democrats but you blame who you are told to blame. It is called tunnel vision or brainwashing by any who can see the truth, which obviously excludes you.
No, the person in Buffalo killed black people in a grocery store because he felt they were replacing him because HE SAID SO.....he then went on to rant and rave about how jews were behind it all....

Just like these "good people" did

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I saw Republicans denouncing them...I saw Democrats denouncing them...I saw independents denouncing them...the only ones who were triggered and trying to deflect were people who share the ideology they did....hit dogs holla every time...
You admit that you are wrong in painting all your opposition with a broad brush, then admit that you lied.
No, I am saying he shot those people because of his belief in white replacement theory....period...

If you are a rightwinger and feel some reflexive need to deflect or try to defend it -- that is a personal choice...
So all the riots by BLM, the threats and such, are okay because they are not white? Your rabid racism is showing, just like a true democrat.
Not really.....

One can be partisan based on policies......

Me advocating for policies like Social Security or Medicare isn't done out of hatred...seeing as tho, I even want the people who hate me to benefit from those policies...

Hatred is being motivated by the idea that certain policies or ideology will bring harm (sometimes physical harm) to the out-groups you hate...I will always be a partisan against that
You are an extremely hateful person. Every thread you make is about spewing anger.
I work in the oil and gas business.......local production is just fine

So again, when did you start wanting government to control the means of production??

Are you claiming the US government controls oil production?
Killing Keystone XL had a DIRECT impact on fuel prices.

That was crude out of the ground ready to be delivered and refined to Port Arthur, which has the capacity to refine Alberta sand crude.

Joe's Fucking Fault
No, I am saying he shot those people because of his belief in white replacement theory....period...

If you are a rightwinger and feel some reflexive need to deflect or try to defend it -- that is a personal choice...
You should STFU with your bullshit. The shooter was a left winger. Proven and undeniable. Your stupidity doesn’t change that fact.
No, the person in Buffalo killed black people in a grocery store because he felt they were replacing him because HE SAID SO.....he then went on to rant and rave about how jews were behind it all....

Just like these "good people" did

View attachment 649404

I saw Republicans denouncing them...I saw Democrats denouncing them...I saw independents denouncing them...the only ones who were triggered and trying to deflect were people who share the ideology they did....hit dogs holla every time...
Magaturds. These people are magaturds.
Wow! How long did it take for the transfreakazoid left to challenge a simple statement by a republican while claiming that the NRA was responsible for the tragedy?
Partisanship is hatred.

No it isn’t. Not in other countries.

Americans politicize everything. Every mass shooting the right tries to claim the guy was a leftist.

In the case of the Highland Park shooter though, not only was the guy not a leftist or a tranny, his father is an elected Republican.
The 2 sides fucking hate each other. Every issue that isnt agreed upon, and the other side fucking hates you. There is no simple "disagreements" anymore. You are hated, or you are hating.
Im trying to deal in reality. You arent and thats fine.
Have a good day!

The hatred is entirely one sided. The side that can’t win without cheating, is completely losing its shit.

It’s not the left that is engaging in mass shootings and violence. It’s not the left that wants every Republican dead.

Republicans have been promoting lies and hate since Reagan talked about “Welfare Queens”. I used to wonder why no one in the press ever called them on their lies.

Now the right wing media is parroting these lies endlessly. And the right refuses to hear anything else.
No it isn’t. Not in other countries.

Americans politicize everything. Every mass shooting the right tries to claim the guy was a leftist.

In the case of the Highland Park shooter though, not only was the guy not a leftist or a tranny, his father is an elected Republican.
His father wasnt the shooter, commie liar.
His father wasnt the shooter, commie liar.

And Hunter Biden isn’t President but you think he’s important to the Biden Presidency and keep investigating him. Imagine that.

No the Republican just raised his son to be a shooter. The father was posting after Uvalde how important the Second Amendment was.

He signed his sons gun purchase forms - even though the young man had serious mental issues and family had called police to take his weapons in the past.

I hope the father is charged for his role in this.
And Hunter Biden isn’t President but you think he’s important to the Biden Presidency and keep investigating him. Imagine that.

No the Republican just raised his son to be a shooter. The father was posting after Uvalde how important the Second Amendment was.

He signed his sons gun purchase forms - even though the young man had serious mental issues and family had called police to take his weapons in the past.

I hope the father is charged for his role in this.
Lol, call these loons out and off they go babbling about some unrelated nonsense! Babble blurble hunter, blubber flubber blabble blow!
How about CRT, open borders, rising gas taxes by policy of the fed, food shortages by policies of the feds. Just to name a few. If you are to entrenched as a democrat, I feel sorry for you.

As for your other alleged points, they are mainly proposed by your democrats but you blame who you are told to blame. It is called tunnel vision or brainwashing by any who can see the truth, which obviously excludes you.
Define CRT for us.
Lol, call these loons out and off they go babbling about some unrelated nonsense! Babble blurble hunter, blubber flubber blabble blow!

Your the one babbling here.

You got flat out nailed for all of your drivel on Hunter Biden by trying to claim it doesn’t matter if this guy’s father is a Republican.

It only matters to you to make these links when you’re attacking Democrats.
Yeah, like skyrocketing gasoline prices that just 2 days ago increased another 10 cents. Baby food shortages, caused because the admin got caught with their pants down, empty shelves of products that only happen in 3rd world nations. You partisan policies sure have fucked the poor and middle class. Why do you hate those people so much. Dumbass

The government doesn't operate any oil companies or baby food manufacturing.
How about CRT, open borders, rising gas taxes by policy of the fed, food shortages by policies of the feds. Just to name a few. If you are to entrenched as a democrat, I feel sorry for you.

As for your other alleged points, they are mainly proposed by your democrats but you blame who you are told to blame. It is called tunnel vision or brainwashing by any who can see the truth, which obviously excludes you.

You might have a point if any of these things were actual policies being instituted by Democrats, instead of bullshit and lies promoted by right wing media to make you hate the Democrats.

There are no open borders, and the shortages that you’re complaining about were created by the pandemic and Donald Trump’s trade wars. Not that you will believe any of that.

The entire world is playing higher prices for gasoline and food but stupid right wing Americans are blaming Biden for all of it.

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