When Americans were proud to be Nazis .... did you know this history?

Robert W

Platinum Member
Gold Supporting Member
Sep 9, 2022
There were not just a small number who were Nazis, there were enormous crowds. This took root prior to Hitler invading other nations. It is not at all an endorsement of their creed. It is history is all.

If an assclown like Trump can rekindle fascism in such a way that almost half the country will vote for him, just think of someone who is not batshit crazy that takes up the mantle when Trumpism has run its course.
The Democrats operate right now as did the Nazis in 1933 to 1939. Trump did not put into prison innocents as does the Democrats who follow Biden like he is their fuhrer.
Trump tried to bring it back...The tide has subsided thank goodness.
As the Germans did, you watch Biden and his Nazi party and feel happy he is your fuhrer. I realize many Americans do not notice it and neither had the Germans until it was far too late. Biden and Garland are imprisoning Americans with our media supporting them. Wake up, We have Democrats acting like the Nazis.
There are remnants even today in the Democratic party of those thinking like the Nazis did. Do you recall when this nation was under siege as it is today? Reading about Democrats jailing our citizens tells me they love the way Nazis operated.
Only if you deny the entire essence and purpose of the Nazi party.
As the Germans did, you watch Biden and his Nazi party and feel happy he is your fuhrer. I realize many Americans do not notice it and neither had the Germans until it was far too late. Biden and Garland are imprisoning Americans with our media supporting them. Wake up, We have Democrats acting like the Nazis.
Can you name any who are imprisoned without due process?
There are remnants even today in the Democratic party of those thinking like the Nazis did. Do you recall when this nation was under siege as it is today? Reading about

Pure bullshit.

Nazi’s are clearly echoed most closely by the White Nationalists in the Republican Party.

Democrats jailing our citizens tells me they love the way Nazis operated.

What the hell?

Who did “democrats jail” without due constitutional justice process?… maybe you are really confused and think jailing criminals is a Nazi concept.
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There were not just a small number who were Nazis, there were enormous crowds. This took root prior to Hitler invading other nations. It is not at all an endorsement of their creed. It is history is all.

Not surprising.

Adolph Hitler brought about a startling recovery despite the Treaty of Versailles. Of course, what the world didn't know was that the turnaround was due largely to his massive military buildup. Secret installations churned out aircraft and every other form of war machine. He had Penemunde begin work on rockets in the thirties. His army quickly grew far beyond the 100,000 the treaty allowed Germany.

Sure, many knew bits and parts but chose to let it ride. The horrors and destruction of WWI were still fresh, and no one wanted another war. Besides, Hitler promised and was happy to sign treaties promising peace. Nevel Chamberlin was proud to wave a piece of paper he said contained Hitler's signature.

I guess it wasn't until Operation Barbarossa that the world sat up and said oh, s***!
Can you name any who are imprisoned without due process?
They'll say due process is now rigged. America's institutions and foundations are all rigged, against them.

Everyone's corrupt but the Trumpsters. Right in line with this thread.

Unfortunately, we now have a much clearer understanding of how this happened back then.

"History doesn't repeat, but it does rhyme".
Ummm no. All had trials or plead guilty.

Try again loser.
After how many years? For trespassing, or praying And you're so proud!

71-Year-Old Grandma Convicted on All Charges by DC Jury After Praying in Capitol on Jan. 6

By Randy DeSoto April 5, 2024 at 2:02pm

A Washington, D.C., jury convicted Rebecca Lavrenz of Falcon, Colorado, known on social media as the “J6 Praying Grandma,” of four federal misdemeanor charges Thursday related to her participation in the Jan. 6, 2021, incursion of the U.S. Capitol.

The 71-year-old faces up to a year in prison and more than $200,000 in fines, the Colorado Springs Gazette reported.

According to federal court documents, Lavrenz’s crimes were entering and remaining in a restricted building or grounds, disorderly conduct in a restricted area, disorderly conduct in the Capitol Building, and parading, demonstrating or picketing in the Capitol.

After how many years? For trespassing, or praying And you're so proud!

71-Year-Old Grandma Convicted on All Charges by DC Jury After Praying in Capitol on Jan. 6

By Randy DeSoto April 5, 2024 at 2:02pm

A Washington, D.C., jury convicted Rebecca Lavrenz of Falcon, Colorado, known on social media as the “J6 Praying Grandma,” of four federal misdemeanor charges Thursday related to her participation in the Jan. 6, 2021, incursion of the U.S. Capitol.

The 71-year-old faces up to a year in prison and more than $200,000 in fines, the Colorado Springs Gazette reported.

According to federal court documents, Lavrenz’s crimes were entering and remaining in a restricted building or grounds, disorderly conduct in a restricted area, disorderly conduct in the Capitol Building, and parading, demonstrating or picketing in the Capitol.

Yeah...convicted. Thats called due process.

I hope she gets either probation or time served and no fine.
The Democrats operate right now as did the Nazis in 1933 to 1939. Trump did not put into prison innocents as does the Democrats who follow Biden like he is their fuhrer.

Governments across the West it's a weird modern version of Mussolini's and hitlers brand of top down corporatism

Governments across the West it's a weird modern version of Mussolini's and hitlers brand of top down corporatism

The 10 pillars of fascism are: ..number one, a mythic past, a great mythic past which the leader harkens back…Number two, propaganda.

There’s a certain kind of fascist propaganda where everything is inverted. The news is the fake news. Anti-corruption is corruption….So, three, anti-intellectualism.

As Steve Bannon said, it’s emotion—rage gets people to the polls. We got elected on “Lock her up!” and “Build the wall!” Hitler, in Mein Kampf, says you want your propaganda to appeal to the most—to the least educated people…Number four, unreality. You have to smash truth.

So, reason gets replaced by conspiracy theories...Hierarchy. In fascist politics, the dominant group is better than everyone else...Victimhood. In fascism, the dominant group are the greatest victims. The men are the greatest victims of encroaching feminism. Whites are the greatest victims of blacks. Germans are the greatest victims of Jews….Law and order. What are they victims of? They’re victims of the out group, who are criminals
Victimhood. In fascism, the dominant group are the greatest victims. The men are the greatest victims of encroaching feminism. Whites are the greatest victims of blacks. Germans are the greatest victims of Jews….Law and order. What are they victims of? They’re victims of the out group, who are criminals. What kind of criminals are they? They’re rapists.

Sexual anxiety….Pillar nine is Sodom and Gomorrah. The real values come from the heartland. The people in the city are decadent…pillar 10 is ”Arbeit macht frei“—work shall make you free.

The out group is lazy. They’re not just criminals; they’re lazy… It’s all about winning.”

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