When Biden Folds, Who Then ?


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
I'm going ahead with the guess that Biden will not make it to election day. I don't think he's capable of maintaining the stature and stability that the American people will expect from a presidential candidate.

Biden is a gaffe machine, who, in debates with President Trump is likely to make mistakes, say idiotic things, get flustered, confused, and derailed entirely.

If/when Biden drops out, as I think he will, either voluntarily, or forced out by the Democrat party, will Bernie re-emerge ? Or will the Democrats nominate one of the primary losers ?
I'm going ahead with the guess that Biden will not make it to election day. I don't think he's capable of maintaining the stature and stability that the American people will expect from a presidential candidate.

Biden is a gaffe machine, who, in debates with President Trump is likely to make mistakes, say idiotic things, get flustered, confused, and derailed entirely.

If/when Biden drops out, as I think he will, either voluntarily, or forced out by the Democrat party, will Bernie re-emerge ? Or will the Democrats nominate one of the primary losers ?

You really need some new bumper sticker quotes. It's Biden Vs Trump, and I don't think this presidential election will have as much complacency as the last one.
Mac1958, you have to realize most democrats are low IQ idiots. There is no way they will envision a complicated game plan. That they even let the demented idiot Biden get this far, IMO, proves they realize President Trump would woop anyone they put against him. Thus they hope to say "President Trump won a landslide against a seriously demented and corrupt idiot who should be in a nursing home" and then they hope to impeach some more on fake issues like last time.
You mention Crooked Hillary, but in all honesty, everyone knows she is one of the most corrupt politicians ever and is also a mental case. President Trump would destroy her again even worse than last time. Judicial Watch recently won a case forcing her to testify but she insists she is above the law. :p
Go Hillary!!!
The spooky old man has a little something for Hillary but not just her o_O

I think he’s leaning toward Kamala Harris. He knows she’s easy and a lot better looking.
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Mac1958, you have to realize most democrats are low IQ idiots. There is no way they will envision a complicated game plan. That they even let the demented idiot Biden get this far, IMO, proves they realize President Trump would woop anyone they put against him. Thus they hope to say "President Trump won a landslide against a seriously demented and corrupt idiot who should be in a nursing home" and then they hope to impeach some more on fake issues like last time.
Not only are you a racist punk, but an ignorant one as well.
I don't think it's much of a stretch to suggest that Biden's veep pick will be critical, because that's who folks are essentially voting for in the long term.

The problem with that is Biden has already committed to picking a female for VP and of all the females who ran in the primaries not one placed 3rd in any of the elections that took place.
I think the Dems should nominate Donald Trump.

Hear me out here.

IMO, it's their only chance for defeating Donald Trump and honestly, I don't think their fragile psyches can withstand another defeat.

Then, in a stratigic show of support, when Donald Trump wins...we'll allow it to be Democrat Donald Trump. The Democrats will be satiated and the press will then love everything he does, ask nothing but flowery softball questions and write congratulatory puff pieces about how smart, brave and strong he is for the next four years.

It's win-win!
If Biden somehow ends up debating Trump it will be like putting a starving pitbull with a raging toothache AKA President Trump in a steel mesh cage with one of John Kerry's 'teacup' poodles.
The DNC KNOWS they have no one on the bench who could scratch President Trump. The DNC are throwing 'the fatted lamb' into the cage and they are going to cover their eyes and ears and hoping the carnage doesn't last too long.
By Nov. the DOW will be above 30K and the DEM election debacle will be the subject of a thousand books.

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