When did the right, ever meet the left, in the middle?


Litre of the Band
Aug 14, 2005
I didn't want to be left out, this looks like fun.

We used to meet in the middle. What happened?

Today, Eisenhower would be considered a "libtard"; Kennedy a neocon.

WTF happened?
you got abortion through

gun laws

speech laws


The right just learned that giving the left anything now means the will have to give them more later.

example; abortion

leftist wanted to be able to abort zygotes, babies that don't look like people and couldn't survive outside the womb.

Now you have demanded the right and got, Partial birth abortion, which is clearly murder to anyone not evil.

So why meet evil half way?
To simplify the answer to the extreme?

After about 40 years of near continuous control over Congress the self proclaiming Liberals fowled the nest and alienated White Males with laws like Affirmative action. Then in 1980 the REACTIONARIES took over and are now in the process of killing off the national spirit that the LIBERALS mortally wounded.

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