When Did This Become Trump's Economy?

Obama did scare companies with his rhetoric, Obamacare, and other policies that weren't friendly to businesses, nor the cost structure of doing business in the U.S.
ll the lies about Ocare have proven themselves false.

Thanks. Go away now
ll the lies about Ocare have proven themselves false.

Thanks. Go away now

Don't like opposing views, huh? That's not "inclusive", nor "diverse". Typical lib. Obamacare scared the hell out of employers and forced them to turn a lot of full time jobs into part time. That is lessening since Trump neutered it.
January 21, 2017. not sure what you're after.
So what made the economy BOOM! just one day after Trump took Office Spruce?

Trump's election in November of 2016. The mere thought of an America first President who understands the business world opened up the market to record gains. As the article points out the up tick started int 2010 which is when the Republicans won back the House. (From the article - Analysts expect pressure on stocks if Democrats gain control of the House of Representatives and a sharper downward reaction if they sweep the House and Senate.) Clearly there's a direct correlation between the Republicans controlling the House and/or Presidency.

Democrats and the MSM said the market would crash under Trump. Yet it hit record highs. Now Liberals like MarcATL start threads like this trying to convince us it's still Obama's economy 2 years into Trump's presidency. If MarcATL truly believes that then vote Trump/Pence in 2020 and you'll get 4 more years of "Obama's economy".

The S&P 500 has risen 28 percent since Trump’s election in November 2016 to the eve of congressional midterm elections on Tuesday. This surpasses the market’s performance over the same time frame under any other president in the past 64 years.

Two years in, Trump holds stock market bragging rights | Reuters
”under any other president in the past 64 years.”

Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

You’re actually comparing S&P500 performance between Trump and other presidents “under” their respective presidencies but crediting trump with performance while he wasn’t president.


Now then, if you look at S&P performance actually under the sitting president at the time, and not cherry-pick dates, we find...

1/20/2017: 2270 (open)
1/24/2019: 2642 (close)

1/20/2009: 850 (open)
1/24/2011: 1291 (close)

Trump: +24%
Obama: +34%
You need to read some financial history. Tax cuts don't even pay for themselves let alone reduce the budget

Allegedly. We will find out once they have been around for 2-3 yrs.
Why wait? We already know the tax cuts hurt the budget in FY2018. Prior to the tax cuts, the federal deficit was on target to add less than a trillion dollars in new debt. By the end of the fiscal year, we ended up with a $1.3 trillion deficit. So they greatly increased the debt.

Not to mention, a $1.3 trillion deficit during a strong economy is unconscionable.

You recall DJT didn't want to sign it but did because of the Military expenditures. He thought it was too fat with other expenses.
Military expenses are factored into the FY2018 budget we’re reflective during the months October through December. The deficit during those months were on pace to add less than a trillion dollars in debt. That pace dramatically increased only after the tax cuts went into effect, ultimately hitting $1.3 trillion.

Of course because mathematically you're taking $$ out of revenue. The plan is short term pain for long term gain. We will see if it works out. You did notice a lot of bonuses given to people by companies due to the cuts. You cannot judge the plan based on one year. Its like a team trading a star player for future prospects. Yes, at first you are worse but then hopefully down the road you're better.
Like another poster pointed out, righties always say, wait and see, only tax cuts never pay for themselves.
Allegedly. We will find out once they have been around for 2-3 yrs.
Why wait? We already know the tax cuts hurt the budget in FY2018. Prior to the tax cuts, the federal deficit was on target to add less than a trillion dollars in new debt. By the end of the fiscal year, we ended up with a $1.3 trillion deficit. So they greatly increased the debt.

Not to mention, a $1.3 trillion deficit during a strong economy is unconscionable.

You recall DJT didn't want to sign it but did because of the Military expenditures. He thought it was too fat with other expenses.
Military expenses are factored into the FY2018 budget we’re reflective during the months October through December. The deficit during those months were on pace to add less than a trillion dollars in debt. That pace dramatically increased only after the tax cuts went into effect, ultimately hitting $1.3 trillion.

Of course because mathematically you're taking $$ out of revenue. The plan is short term pain for long term gain. We will see if it works out. You did notice a lot of bonuses given to people by companies due to the cuts. You cannot judge the plan based on one year. Its like a team trading a star player for future prospects. Yes, at first you are worse but then hopefully down the road you're better.
Like another poster pointed out, righties always say, wait and see, only tax cuts never pay for themselves.

I agreed that in the past it has not worked. Also in the past a 6th round QB has not won five super bowls. Sometimes there is a first. Instead of countering my logic you're parroting history. But history doesn't always repeat itself. What did you find wrong in my explanation specifically?
Not the "lie" about keeping your doctor. Sorry that has been proven to be a lie.

And the lie about keeping your healthcare plan.

And the lie that your healthcare costs would go down.

My insurance premium doubled and my deductibles tripled. My out of pocket healthcare costs went through the roof, as did many others that I know. There are many examples of this occurring, so its not just anecdotal.
According to the left, it’s Trump’s economy every time there’s bad news and it’s 0bama’s economy every time there’s good news.
Well, it's kind of true.

Pulling us out of every trade agreement is destroying our agriculture and beef industries.

But then again, maybe that's what Republicans want? I don't know.


Can't stop lying can you.
And why? (As in what did he do?)

This question is directed mostly to self-professed Conservatives, Republicans and other assorted rightwingers.
January 21, 2017. not sure what you're after.

Actually it was October 1, 2017. The first year of the new President is still operating on the fiscal budget from the previous President.
I’m not simply a self-confessed conservative but I’ll answer your question seriously.

There are many reasons that this economy is Trump’s. Some, but not all of them are:

1. 0bama was a self-confessed enemy of free enterprise. He stated as much in his books. Just the fact that he left improved the economy.

2. Another enemy of the free market, Hillary Clinton, was defeated.

3. Trump, a champion of capitalism and the free market was elected.

4. Reduced taxes and reduced federal regulations, improved the economy the most.

5. The friendliness of the country and especially the government (IOW the business climate) toward business has a huge effect on the market and the health of the economy. The Trump led, GOP ruled government provided a friendly environment for business.
Put a timeline on this.

Also, explain exactly how just leaving improves the ENTIRE economy.

It doesn't make sense, it's just a talking point. Please expound.

It’s not a talking point. It is a product of business outlook. Get Clinton, expected increase taxes and regulation = investment dollars flow overseas. Get Trump, expected decrease in tax and regulation = investment dollars flow domestically.

For you to stomp your feet like you just don’t understand is funny at this point. The Democrats are bad for business because they want to steal from business and the working class to take care of those who don’t want to take care of themselves.

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The Democrats are bad for business because they want to steal from business and the working class to take care of those who don’t want to take care of themselves.
And why? (As in what did he do?)

This question is directed mostly to self-professed Conservatives, Republicans and other assorted rightwingers.
January 21, 2017. not sure what you're after.

If you weren't a Russian troll, you'd know what he meant.

Obama's final budget ended September 30th, 2017, so in reality Trump didn't have control of the budget until October 1st.
I’m not simply a self-confessed conservative but I’ll answer your question seriously.

There are many reasons that this economy is Trump’s. Some, but not all of them are:

1. 0bama was a self-confessed enemy of free enterprise. He stated as much in his books. Just the fact that he left improved the economy.

2. Another enemy of the free market, Hillary Clinton, was defeated.

3. Trump, a champion of capitalism and the free market was elected.

4. Reduced taxes and reduced federal regulations, improved the economy the most.

5. The friendliness of the country and especially the government (IOW the business climate) toward business has a huge effect on the market and the health of the economy. The Trump led, GOP ruled government provided a friendly environment for business.
Put a timeline on this.

Also, explain exactly how just leaving improves the ENTIRE economy.

It doesn't make sense, it's just a talking point. Please expound.

It’s not a talking point. It is a product of business outlook. Get Clinton, expected increase taxes and regulation = investment dollars flow overseas. Get Trump, expected decrease in tax and regulation = investment dollars flow domestically.

For you to stomp your feet like you just don’t understand is funny at this point. The Democrats are bad for business because they want to steal from business and the working class to take care of those who don’t want to take care of themselves.

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The Democrats are bad for business because they want to steal from business and the working class to take care of those who don’t want to take care of themselves.

Well except that what he posted is a total lie.

Democrats want to raise the minimum wage so that the lowest paid workers don't qualify for earned income credits, and employers pay their employees a living wage. This will reduce government, since all those payments won't have to be calculated and collected from taxpayers, and calculated and paid out to the working poor, not to mention that the working and middle class will have more money in THEIR pockets. Each time Democrats suggesting raising the minimum wage to eliminate paid income credits, Republicans refuse.

The Party which is using your tax dollars to fund tax refunds to the poor, is the Republican Party. The same Party which vilifies these working poor for being "drains" on the middle class. It is said that every taxpayer in America contributes $2,500 to the dividends paid by Walmart even if they never set foot in the store, by funding earned income credits, Medicaid, CHiP, food stamps, and other welfare programs to Walmart employees. If Walmart paid its employees $100 a week more, those subsidies would be eliminated, and Walmart would still be very profitable, just not one of the MOST profitable.

Blaming Democrats for this abuse of the public purse is a non-starter. It's Republicans that have used it since Ronald Reagan was President to subsidize low income workers wages to the benefit of their corporate masters.
I’m not simply a self-confessed conservative but I’ll answer your question seriously.

There are many reasons that this economy is Trump’s. Some, but not all of them are:

1. 0bama was a self-confessed enemy of free enterprise. He stated as much in his books. Just the fact that he left improved the economy.

2. Another enemy of the free market, Hillary Clinton, was defeated.

3. Trump, a champion of capitalism and the free market was elected.

4. Reduced taxes and reduced federal regulations, improved the economy the most.

5. The friendliness of the country and especially the government (IOW the business climate) toward business has a huge effect on the market and the health of the economy. The Trump led, GOP ruled government provided a friendly environment for business.
Put a timeline on this.

Also, explain exactly how just leaving improves the ENTIRE economy.

It doesn't make sense, it's just a talking point. Please expound.

It’s not a talking point. It is a product of business outlook. Get Clinton, expected increase taxes and regulation = investment dollars flow overseas. Get Trump, expected decrease in tax and regulation = investment dollars flow domestically.

For you to stomp your feet like you just don’t understand is funny at this point. The Democrats are bad for business because they want to steal from business and the working class to take care of those who don’t want to take care of themselves.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The Democrats are bad for business because they want to steal from business and the working class to take care of those who don’t want to take care of themselves.

Well except that what he posted is a total lie.

Democrats want to raise the minimum wage so that the lowest paid workers don't qualify for earned income credits, and employers pay their employees a living wage. This will reduce government, since all those payments won't have to be calculated and collected from taxpayers, and calculated and paid out to the working poor, not to mention that the working and middle class will have more money in THEIR pockets. Each time Democrats suggesting raising the minimum wage to eliminate paid income credits, Republicans refuse.

The Party which is using your tax dollars to fund tax refunds to the poor, is the Republican Party. The same Party which vilifies these working poor for being "drains" on the middle class. It is said that every taxpayer in America contributes $2,500 to the dividends paid by Walmart even if they never set foot in the store, by funding earned income credits, Medicaid, CHiP, food stamps, and other welfare programs to Walmart employees. If Walmart paid its employees $100 a week more, those subsidies would be eliminated, and Walmart would still be very profitable, just not one of the MOST profitable.

Blaming Democrats for this abuse of the public purse is a non-starter. It's Republicans that have used it since Ronald Reagan was President to subsidize low income workers wages to the benefit of their corporate masters.

This will reduce government, since all those payments won't have to be calculated and collected from taxpayers...what fucking fantasy land do you live in?
I’m not simply a self-confessed conservative but I’ll answer your question seriously.

There are many reasons that this economy is Trump’s. Some, but not all of them are:

1. 0bama was a self-confessed enemy of free enterprise. He stated as much in his books. Just the fact that he left improved the economy.

2. Another enemy of the free market, Hillary Clinton, was defeated.

3. Trump, a champion of capitalism and the free market was elected.

4. Reduced taxes and reduced federal regulations, improved the economy the most.

5. The friendliness of the country and especially the government (IOW the business climate) toward business has a huge effect on the market and the health of the economy. The Trump led, GOP ruled government provided a friendly environment for business.
Put a timeline on this.

Also, explain exactly how just leaving improves the ENTIRE economy.

It doesn't make sense, it's just a talking point. Please expound.

It’s not a talking point. It is a product of business outlook. Get Clinton, expected increase taxes and regulation = investment dollars flow overseas. Get Trump, expected decrease in tax and regulation = investment dollars flow domestically.

For you to stomp your feet like you just don’t understand is funny at this point. The Democrats are bad for business because they want to steal from business and the working class to take care of those who don’t want to take care of themselves.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The Democrats are bad for business because they want to steal from business and the working class to take care of those who don’t want to take care of themselves.

Well except that what he posted is a total lie.

Democrats want to raise the minimum wage so that the lowest paid workers don't qualify for earned income credits, and employers pay their employees a living wage. This will reduce government, since all those payments won't have to be calculated and collected from taxpayers, and calculated and paid out to the working poor, not to mention that the working and middle class will have more money in THEIR pockets. Each time Democrats suggesting raising the minimum wage to eliminate paid income credits, Republicans refuse.

The Party which is using your tax dollars to fund tax refunds to the poor, is the Republican Party. The same Party which vilifies these working poor for being "drains" on the middle class. It is said that every taxpayer in America contributes $2,500 to the dividends paid by Walmart even if they never set foot in the store, by funding earned income credits, Medicaid, CHiP, food stamps, and other welfare programs to Walmart employees. If Walmart paid its employees $100 a week more, those subsidies would be eliminated, and Walmart would still be very profitable, just not one of the MOST profitable.

Blaming Democrats for this abuse of the public purse is a non-starter. It's Republicans that have used it since Ronald Reagan was President to subsidize low income workers wages to the benefit of their corporate masters.

Except a) no where in the Constitution (or the UN Charter) does it state that the MW must be a 'living'wage'.

and b) if you work full time, you ARE making a living wage.

$7.25 X 2,000 hours = $14,500

The poverty line in the lower 48 for a single person is $12,490

Poverty Guidelines

If you work full time in America (except Alaska) for the federal MW, you ARE getting a 'living wage' - according to the government.
And why? (As in what did he do?)

This question is directed mostly to self-professed Conservatives, Republicans and other assorted rightwingers.

The economy sucks. We're 22 trillion dollars in debt, that;s not even counting the black budget, and our dollar is worth 4 cents.

Aside from those who have contested such socialist monetary policy throughout history, and there have only been a few, none were President, this shit economy belongs to every politician who has walked the halls of Washington since 1971.
And why? (As in what did he do?)

This question is directed mostly to self-professed Conservatives, Republicans and other assorted rightwingers.

The economy sucks. We're 22 trillion dollars in debt, that;s not even counting the black budget, and our dollar is worth 4 cents.

Aside from those who have contested such socialist monetary policy throughout history, and there have only been a few, none were President, this shit economy belongs to every politician who has walked the halls of Washington since 1971.

I mostly agree...but even Ron Paul?

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