When Did This Become Trump's Economy?

And why? (As in what did he do?)

This question is directed mostly to self-professed Conservatives, Republicans and other assorted rightwingers.
January 21, 2017. not sure what you're after.

If you weren't a Russian troll, you'd know what he meant.

Obama's final budget ended September 30th, 2017, so in reality Trump didn't have control of the budget until October 1st.

There's a huge difference between the budget and the economy dummy.
And why? (As in what did he do?)

This question is directed mostly to self-professed Conservatives, Republicans and other assorted rightwingers.
January 21, 2017. not sure what you're after.

If you weren't a Russian troll, you'd know what he meant.

Obama's final budget ended September 30th, 2017, so in reality Trump didn't have control of the budget until October 1st.
Only a stupid leftist
I’m not simply a self-confessed conservative but I’ll answer your question seriously.

There are many reasons that this economy is Trump’s. Some, but not all of them are:

1. 0bama was a self-confessed enemy of free enterprise. He stated as much in his books. Just the fact that he left improved the economy.

2. Another enemy of the free market, Hillary Clinton, was defeated.

3. Trump, a champion of capitalism and the free market was elected.

4. Reduced taxes and reduced federal regulations, improved the economy the most.

5. The friendliness of the country and especially the government (IOW the business climate) toward business has a huge effect on the market and the health of the economy. The Trump led, GOP ruled government provided a friendly environment for business.
Put a timeline on this.

Also, explain exactly how just leaving improves the ENTIRE economy.

It doesn't make sense, it's just a talking point. Please expound.

It’s not a talking point. It is a product of business outlook. Get Clinton, expected increase taxes and regulation = investment dollars flow overseas. Get Trump, expected decrease in tax and regulation = investment dollars flow domestically.

For you to stomp your feet like you just don’t understand is funny at this point. The Democrats are bad for business because they want to steal from business and the working class to take care of those who don’t want to take care of themselves.

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The Democrats are bad for business because they want to steal from business and the working class to take care of those who don’t want to take care of themselves.

Well except that what he posted is a total lie.

Democrats want to raise the minimum wage so that the lowest paid workers don't qualify for earned income credits, and employers pay their employees a living wage. This will reduce government, since all those payments won't have to be calculated and collected from taxpayers, and calculated and paid out to the working poor, not to mention that the working and middle class will have more money in THEIR pockets. Each time Democrats suggesting raising the minimum wage to eliminate paid income credits, Republicans refuse.

The Party which is using your tax dollars to fund tax refunds to the poor, is the Republican Party. The same Party which vilifies these working poor for being "drains" on the middle class. It is said that every taxpayer in America contributes $2,500 to the dividends paid by Walmart even if they never set foot in the store, by funding earned income credits, Medicaid, CHiP, food stamps, and other welfare programs to Walmart employees. If Walmart paid its employees $100 a week more, those subsidies would be eliminated, and Walmart would still be very profitable, just not one of the MOST profitable.

Blaming Democrats for this abuse of the public purse is a non-starter. It's Republicans that have used it since Ronald Reagan was President to subsidize low income workers wages to the benefit of their corporate masters.

This will reduce government, since all those payments won't have to be calculated and collected from taxpayers...what fucking fantasy land do you live in?

I live in a country where workers are paid a fair wage and corporations aren't subsidizing their profits off my back, and the backs of middle class tax payers like me.
Put a timeline on this.

Also, explain exactly how just leaving improves the ENTIRE economy.

It doesn't make sense, it's just a talking point. Please expound.

It’s not a talking point. It is a product of business outlook. Get Clinton, expected increase taxes and regulation = investment dollars flow overseas. Get Trump, expected decrease in tax and regulation = investment dollars flow domestically.

For you to stomp your feet like you just don’t understand is funny at this point. The Democrats are bad for business because they want to steal from business and the working class to take care of those who don’t want to take care of themselves.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The Democrats are bad for business because they want to steal from business and the working class to take care of those who don’t want to take care of themselves.

Well except that what he posted is a total lie.

Democrats want to raise the minimum wage so that the lowest paid workers don't qualify for earned income credits, and employers pay their employees a living wage. This will reduce government, since all those payments won't have to be calculated and collected from taxpayers, and calculated and paid out to the working poor, not to mention that the working and middle class will have more money in THEIR pockets. Each time Democrats suggesting raising the minimum wage to eliminate paid income credits, Republicans refuse.

The Party which is using your tax dollars to fund tax refunds to the poor, is the Republican Party. The same Party which vilifies these working poor for being "drains" on the middle class. It is said that every taxpayer in America contributes $2,500 to the dividends paid by Walmart even if they never set foot in the store, by funding earned income credits, Medicaid, CHiP, food stamps, and other welfare programs to Walmart employees. If Walmart paid its employees $100 a week more, those subsidies would be eliminated, and Walmart would still be very profitable, just not one of the MOST profitable.

Blaming Democrats for this abuse of the public purse is a non-starter. It's Republicans that have used it since Ronald Reagan was President to subsidize low income workers wages to the benefit of their corporate masters.

This will reduce government, since all those payments won't have to be calculated and collected from taxpayers...what fucking fantasy land do you live in?

I live in a country where workers are paid a fair wage and corporations aren't subsidizing their profits off my back, and the backs of middle class tax payers like me.
Define fair wage?
Put a timeline on this.

Also, explain exactly how just leaving improves the ENTIRE economy.

It doesn't make sense, it's just a talking point. Please expound.

It’s not a talking point. It is a product of business outlook. Get Clinton, expected increase taxes and regulation = investment dollars flow overseas. Get Trump, expected decrease in tax and regulation = investment dollars flow domestically.

For you to stomp your feet like you just don’t understand is funny at this point. The Democrats are bad for business because they want to steal from business and the working class to take care of those who don’t want to take care of themselves.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The Democrats are bad for business because they want to steal from business and the working class to take care of those who don’t want to take care of themselves.

Well except that what he posted is a total lie.

Democrats want to raise the minimum wage so that the lowest paid workers don't qualify for earned income credits, and employers pay their employees a living wage. This will reduce government, since all those payments won't have to be calculated and collected from taxpayers, and calculated and paid out to the working poor, not to mention that the working and middle class will have more money in THEIR pockets. Each time Democrats suggesting raising the minimum wage to eliminate paid income credits, Republicans refuse.

The Party which is using your tax dollars to fund tax refunds to the poor, is the Republican Party. The same Party which vilifies these working poor for being "drains" on the middle class. It is said that every taxpayer in America contributes $2,500 to the dividends paid by Walmart even if they never set foot in the store, by funding earned income credits, Medicaid, CHiP, food stamps, and other welfare programs to Walmart employees. If Walmart paid its employees $100 a week more, those subsidies would be eliminated, and Walmart would still be very profitable, just not one of the MOST profitable.

Blaming Democrats for this abuse of the public purse is a non-starter. It's Republicans that have used it since Ronald Reagan was President to subsidize low income workers wages to the benefit of their corporate masters.

This will reduce government, since all those payments won't have to be calculated and collected from taxpayers...what fucking fantasy land do you live in?

I live in a country where workers are paid a fair wage and corporations aren't subsidizing their profits off my back, and the backs of middle class tax payers like me.

Good for you, then you should STFU about this country....dumbass.
I’m not simply a self-confessed conservative but I’ll answer your question seriously.

There are many reasons that this economy is Trump’s. Some, but not all of them are:

1. 0bama was a self-confessed enemy of free enterprise. He stated as much in his books. Just the fact that he left improved the economy.

2. Another enemy of the free market, Hillary Clinton, was defeated.

3. Trump, a champion of capitalism and the free market was elected.

4. Reduced taxes and reduced federal regulations, improved the economy the most.

5. The friendliness of the country and especially the government (IOW the business climate) toward business has a huge effect on the market and the health of the economy. The Trump led, GOP ruled government provided a friendly environment for business.
Put a timeline on this.

Also, explain exactly how just leaving improves the ENTIRE economy.

It doesn't make sense, it's just a talking point. Please expound.

It’s not a talking point. It is a product of business outlook. Get Clinton, expected increase taxes and regulation = investment dollars flow overseas. Get Trump, expected decrease in tax and regulation = investment dollars flow domestically.

For you to stomp your feet like you just don’t understand is funny at this point. The Democrats are bad for business because they want to steal from business and the working class to take care of those who don’t want to take care of themselves.

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”The Democrats are bad for business because they want to steal from business and the working class to take care of those who don’t want to take care of themselves.”


I've been around for a long time. And it just seems that the economy does better under the Democrats than the Republicans. Now, it shouldn't be that way. But if you go back, I mean it just seems that the economy does better under the Democrats.” ~ Donald Trump
And why? (As in what did he do?)

This question is directed mostly to self-professed Conservatives, Republicans and other assorted rightwingers.
January 21, 2017. not sure what you're after.

If you weren't a Russian troll, you'd know what he meant.

Obama's final budget ended September 30th, 2017, so in reality Trump didn't have control of the budget until October 1st.

There's a huge difference between the budget and the economy dummy.
Moron... the budget impacts the economy. Meaning Obama had an impact on the economy until September 30, 2017.
According to the left, it’s Trump’s economy every time there’s bad news and it’s 0bama’s economy every time there’s good news.
Nah, that's utterly, bipartisanly american. Just take the spinfest of the Lincoln Memorial Reality America Show episode.

An all boys Catholic School, one like the one that socialized Bart O’Kavanagh, loads up busloads of teenage boys - it’s a tradition - for the purpose of protesting women’s reproductive rights in Washington DC. They have non-physical verbal altercations 1) with four “Black Israelites”, 2) with two female women’s reproductive rights supporters, 3) and with a handful of members of the Indigenous Peoples March fronted by a much older man and vet, whom they surrounded in number, pretty much nose to nose. All 3 of those were captured on video. There may be other videos, if there are more than these three, then what follows may not stand. But of those 3 videos, no adult chaperone/supervision presence is evident either visibly or verbally. Furthermore reports of any parent suggesting any child of theirs involved might have been in error of judgment is nonexistent media wise, and wouldn’t they love to, to stir the pot. We all know what that was. We all know what that look was. And america used to crank out better parents and church leaders. Additionally, really now, this is a “faith” that called for the extermination of the indigenous peoples of the Americas in Papal Bulls of the 1500s. This is a “faith” of chronic church leader pedophilia unpunished to completion; allowed. This is a “faith” that honors a male dominator God; women’s bodies are not their own, a male dominator God owns the body of the female upon behalf of the male. It is a “faith” long connected to Eurocentric male dominator god predatory capitalist domination across mother earth, our life support system.

Blame the kids? For being socialized in a private american madrasa? Whudja think they’d do? They looked pretty at ease with it all really. So yeah, well behaved in that kinda way.
And why? (As in what did he do?)

This question is directed mostly to self-professed Conservatives, Republicans and other assorted rightwingers.
It’s ‘Trump’s economy’ when the economic news is good – ‘Obama’s economy’ when it’s bad.
Wasn't that the W. Bush analogy to Obama? Bush did warn about the housing issue and we could have taken a much less loan hit some years earlier. But Dodd/Frank. They at least left. But ol Nancy. She stayed after screwing at least a hundred million working Americans out of their hard working money for Obamacare. To me Trump has nothing to lose anymore.
And why? (As in what did he do?)

This question is directed mostly to self-professed Conservatives, Republicans and other assorted rightwingers.
It’s ‘Trump’s economy’ when the economic news is good – ‘Obama’s economy’ when it’s bad.
Wasn't that the W. Bush analogy to Obama? Bush did warn about the housing issue and we could have taken a much less loan hit some years earlier. But Dodd/Frank. They at least left. But ol Nancy. She stayed after screwing at least a hundred million working Americans out of their hard working money for Obamacare. To me Trump has nothing to lose anymore.

More American workers like, agree with and have voted for Obamacare than have voted for Donald J. Trump.

Trump was elected to give the American people "better, cheaper healthcare for all", but that's another promise he has failed utterly to deliver on. Trump was going to do all of this stuff for the American worker but so far he's done none of it: no $4000 a year raise, no better, cheaper, healthcare for all, no draining of the swamp, no special prosecutor investigating Hillary Clinton, no wall.

You got a tax break for the wealthy, prison reform, and the longest shutdown in US history.

Tell us again how any of this is making America great again.
And why? (As in what did he do?)

This question is directed mostly to self-professed Conservatives, Republicans and other assorted rightwingers.
It’s ‘Trump’s economy’ when the economic news is good – ‘Obama’s economy’ when it’s bad.
Wasn't that the W. Bush analogy to Obama? Bush did warn about the housing issue and we could have taken a much less loan hit some years earlier. But Dodd/Frank. They at least left. But ol Nancy. She stayed after screwing at least a hundred million working Americans out of their hard working money for Obamacare. To me Trump has nothing to lose anymore.
Yes, Bush warned about the GSE’s and the Republican-led Congress failed to get a GSE reform bill on his desk. That didn’t happen until Democrats took control of the Congress.
And why? (As in what did he do?)

This question is directed mostly to self-professed Conservatives, Republicans and other assorted rightwingers.

It seems to be Obama’s economy until there is any down turn, then it becomes Trumps, like the stock market, and then when it straightens out it is Obama’s again. So I really have no idea whose economy it is today.
And why? (As in what did he do?)

This question is directed mostly to self-professed Conservatives, Republicans and other assorted rightwingers.
January 21, 2017. not sure what you're after.

If you weren't a Russian troll, you'd know what he meant.

Obama's final budget ended September 30th, 2017, so in reality Trump didn't have control of the budget until October 1st.

There's a huge difference between the budget and the economy dummy.
Moron... the budget impacts the economy. Meaning Obama had an impact on the economy until September 30, 2017.

Moron, you've been wrong on everything and you remain an idiot. No one cares what you think. The Federal Budget has some effect but not nearly as much as the many other factors, as has been explained in this thread a dozen times. Now, go away and take your stupidity with you.
And why? (As in what did he do?)

This question is directed mostly to self-professed Conservatives, Republicans and other assorted rightwingers.
January 21, 2017. not sure what you're after.

If you weren't a Russian troll, you'd know what he meant.

Obama's final budget ended September 30th, 2017, so in reality Trump didn't have control of the budget until October 1st.

There's a huge difference between the budget and the economy dummy.
Moron... the budget impacts the economy. Meaning Obama had an impact on the economy until September 30, 2017.

Moron, you've been wrong on everything and you remain an idiot. No one cares what you think. The Federal Budget has some effect but not nearly as much as the many other factors, as has been explained in this thread a dozen times. Now, go away and take your stupidity with you.
Denial is not a river, dumbass. :eusa_doh:

Roughly 20% of GDP comes from federal government spending. You don’t possess enough denial to wash away that impact on the FY2017 economy.
January 21, 2017. not sure what you're after.

If you weren't a Russian troll, you'd know what he meant.

Obama's final budget ended September 30th, 2017, so in reality Trump didn't have control of the budget until October 1st.

There's a huge difference between the budget and the economy dummy.
Moron... the budget impacts the economy. Meaning Obama had an impact on the economy until September 30, 2017.

Moron, you've been wrong on everything and you remain an idiot. No one cares what you think. The Federal Budget has some effect but not nearly as much as the many other factors, as has been explained in this thread a dozen times. Now, go away and take your stupidity with you.
Denial is not a river, dumbass. :eusa_doh:

Roughly 20% of GDP comes from federal government spending. You don’t possess enough denial to wash away that impact on the FY2017 economy.

Keep putting your stupidity up for all to see idiot. NOW you are talking about GDP, which is also only a part of the economy.

Keep posting, I want all to see the depths of your stupid.
If you weren't a Russian troll, you'd know what he meant.

Obama's final budget ended September 30th, 2017, so in reality Trump didn't have control of the budget until October 1st.

There's a huge difference between the budget and the economy dummy.
Moron... the budget impacts the economy. Meaning Obama had an impact on the economy until September 30, 2017.

Moron, you've been wrong on everything and you remain an idiot. No one cares what you think. The Federal Budget has some effect but not nearly as much as the many other factors, as has been explained in this thread a dozen times. Now, go away and take your stupidity with you.
Denial is not a river, dumbass. :eusa_doh:

Roughly 20% of GDP comes from federal government spending. You don’t possess enough denial to wash away that impact on the FY2017 economy.

Keep putting your stupidity up for all to see idiot. NOW you are talking about GDP, which is also only a part of the economy.

Keep posting, I want all to see the depths of your stupid.
GDP shows economic growth. what else do you need to see? unemployment is as low as 1960s. And you I supposed think that's bad. I don't understand what you think a good economy is. why don't you tell us what needs to happen to make it a good economy. educate us fool.
If you weren't a Russian troll, you'd know what he meant.

Obama's final budget ended September 30th, 2017, so in reality Trump didn't have control of the budget until October 1st.

There's a huge difference between the budget and the economy dummy.
Moron... the budget impacts the economy. Meaning Obama had an impact on the economy until September 30, 2017.

Moron, you've been wrong on everything and you remain an idiot. No one cares what you think. The Federal Budget has some effect but not nearly as much as the many other factors, as has been explained in this thread a dozen times. Now, go away and take your stupidity with you.
Denial is not a river, dumbass. :eusa_doh:

Roughly 20% of GDP comes from federal government spending. You don’t possess enough denial to wash away that impact on the FY2017 economy.

Keep putting your stupidity up for all to see idiot. NOW you are talking about GDP, which is also only a part of the economy.

Keep posting, I want all to see the depths of your stupid.

Dumbfuck, GDP is a leading indicator of the economy. Why do you blame me for your ignorance?

Meanwhile, Obama’s budget ran through September, 2017, which still affected the economy. I don’t care how stupid you are.
There's a huge difference between the budget and the economy dummy.
Moron... the budget impacts the economy. Meaning Obama had an impact on the economy until September 30, 2017.

Moron, you've been wrong on everything and you remain an idiot. No one cares what you think. The Federal Budget has some effect but not nearly as much as the many other factors, as has been explained in this thread a dozen times. Now, go away and take your stupidity with you.
Denial is not a river, dumbass. :eusa_doh:

Roughly 20% of GDP comes from federal government spending. You don’t possess enough denial to wash away that impact on the FY2017 economy.

Keep putting your stupidity up for all to see idiot. NOW you are talking about GDP, which is also only a part of the economy.

Keep posting, I want all to see the depths of your stupid.
GDP shows economic growth. what else do you need to see? unemployment is as low as 1960s. And you I supposed think that's bad. I don't understand what you think a good economy is. why don't you tell us what needs to happen to make it a good economy. educate us fool.

I'm pretty sure you weren't talking to me right?

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