When Did This Become Trump's Economy?

There's a huge difference between the budget and the economy dummy.
Moron... the budget impacts the economy. Meaning Obama had an impact on the economy until September 30, 2017.

Moron, you've been wrong on everything and you remain an idiot. No one cares what you think. The Federal Budget has some effect but not nearly as much as the many other factors, as has been explained in this thread a dozen times. Now, go away and take your stupidity with you.
Denial is not a river, dumbass. :eusa_doh:

Roughly 20% of GDP comes from federal government spending. You don’t possess enough denial to wash away that impact on the FY2017 economy.

Keep putting your stupidity up for all to see idiot. NOW you are talking about GDP, which is also only a part of the economy.

Keep posting, I want all to see the depths of your stupid.

Dumbfuck, GDP is a leading indicator of the economy. Why do you blame me for your ignorance?

Meanwhile, Obama’s budget ran through September, 2017, which still affected the economy. I don’t care how stupid you are.

Thanks again for posting your stupid for all to see. It is an indicator stupid, it is not a cause. And the budget, as I have stated and you have totally filed to prove otherwise, has little to do with the economy. Keep posting, lets see how stupid you really are.
Moron... the budget impacts the economy. Meaning Obama had an impact on the economy until September 30, 2017.

Moron, you've been wrong on everything and you remain an idiot. No one cares what you think. The Federal Budget has some effect but not nearly as much as the many other factors, as has been explained in this thread a dozen times. Now, go away and take your stupidity with you.
Denial is not a river, dumbass. :eusa_doh:

Roughly 20% of GDP comes from federal government spending. You don’t possess enough denial to wash away that impact on the FY2017 economy.

Keep putting your stupidity up for all to see idiot. NOW you are talking about GDP, which is also only a part of the economy.

Keep posting, I want all to see the depths of your stupid.

Dumbfuck, GDP is a leading indicator of the economy. Why do you blame me for your ignorance?

Meanwhile, Obama’s budget ran through September, 2017, which still affected the economy. I don’t care how stupid you are.

Thanks again for posting your stupid for all to see. It is an indicator stupid, it is not a cause. And the budget, as I have stated and you have totally filed to prove otherwise, has little to do with the economy. Keep posting, lets see how stupid you really are.

You must be a fucking retard. :cuckoo:

20% of GDP comes from government spending. When GDP rose in FY2017, that showed the economy was growing. And as much as 20% of that GDP growth is attributable to Obama’s budget.
So weird that a Black President would be the first in history to spend more on welfare than on military.

You can of course back that claim up...right?

Ya know...with a link to actual stats?

Obama Was First President to Spend More on Welfare Than Defense
So weird that a Black President would be the first in history to spend more on welfare than on military.

You can of course back that claim up...right?

Ya know...with a link to actual stats?

Obama Was First President to Spend More on Welfare Than Defense
That's only accurate if you count Social Security as welfare.

So you're saying that all those Republican retirees are welfare recipients?

Yes, they are. Everyone collecting money from the government, that is collected from other tax payers, is a welfare recipient. It is, what it is. I don't blame people for taking advantage of the system. I would. If you are stupid enough to give me your money, I'll take every dollar, you are dumb enough to give me. If you are going to subsidize my health insurance, because you are such a total moron, that you'll pay for me to use your tax money, I'll do it.

Voting against stupidity, doesn't mean you don't take whatever you are dumb enough to give me. My own parents are millionaires. Do they collect Social Security? Of course. If you are stupid enough to give them your money, they'll take it. Keep working hard so my millionaire parents have more money to pass on.

The two claims are not mutually exclusive. Taking what you are stupid enough to give out, doesn't change that Social Security is welfare, and a ticking time bomb that needs to be dealt with before it destroys the country.

By the way, I'll likely end up a millionaire at retirement too, and I will most definitely take every dollar I can get from the government.
Moron, you've been wrong on everything and you remain an idiot. No one cares what you think. The Federal Budget has some effect but not nearly as much as the many other factors, as has been explained in this thread a dozen times. Now, go away and take your stupidity with you.
Denial is not a river, dumbass. :eusa_doh:

Roughly 20% of GDP comes from federal government spending. You don’t possess enough denial to wash away that impact on the FY2017 economy.

Keep putting your stupidity up for all to see idiot. NOW you are talking about GDP, which is also only a part of the economy.

Keep posting, I want all to see the depths of your stupid.

Dumbfuck, GDP is a leading indicator of the economy. Why do you blame me for your ignorance?

Meanwhile, Obama’s budget ran through September, 2017, which still affected the economy. I don’t care how stupid you are.

Thanks again for posting your stupid for all to see. It is an indicator stupid, it is not a cause. And the budget, as I have stated and you have totally filed to prove otherwise, has little to do with the economy. Keep posting, lets see how stupid you really are.

You must be a fucking retard. :cuckoo:

20% of GDP comes from government spending. When GDP rose in FY2017, that showed the economy was growing. And as much as 20% of that GDP growth is attributable to Obama’s budget.

That is true, but it only shows that GDP is a flawed metric. It might be the best metric, but it isn't a perfect metric.

Government spending, being treated the same as production from a car plant, is a joke. Just think about it....

An automobile factory produces thousands of jobs. Not just the jobs in the plant itself, but jobs for suppliers, and their suppliers, jobs in transportation, and more. Not only this, but it produces billions in wealth for the country. Every product created, is a tangible example of wealth created.

And we know that this is wealth created, because people are willing to pay money for those products and services.

For example, research grants, such as this one from the ignobel awards

REPRODUCTIVE MEDICINE PRIZE [USA, JAPAN, SAUDI ARABIA, EGYPT, INDIA, BANGLADESH] — John Barry, Bruce Blank, and Michel Boileau, for using postage stamps to test whether the male sexual organ is functioning properly—as described in their study "Nocturnal Penile Tumescence Monitoring With Stamps."

REFERENCE: "Nocturnal Penile Tumescence Monitoring With Stamps," John M. Barry, Bruce Blank, Michael Boileau, Urology, vol. 15, 1980, pp. 171-172.
Do tell... how many jobs, and how much wealth benefiting the country, was produced from the research grants spend on this?

Or a more obvious example, the money given to Sylondra?

A less obvious example, paying a billion dollars every 5 years, to advertise dairy products overseas. Pretty sure if a company needs to advertise, they can pay for it. Last I looked on TV, a lack of advertising, wasn't a problem. So what benefit do we get from that spending?


So what real "Gross.... Domestic.... Product....." do we get from these examples of government spending? None. And these are the tip of the budget. There are billions on billions of dollars spent, that produce no GDP at all. They produce no jobs, no wealth, and benefit no one.

So yes, GDP does include government spending.... and it's a flawed inclusion.
When Did This Become Trump's Economy?

when he slapped $4 Trillion bucks on the deficit ..
Denial is not a river, dumbass. :eusa_doh:

Roughly 20% of GDP comes from federal government spending. You don’t possess enough denial to wash away that impact on the FY2017 economy.

Keep putting your stupidity up for all to see idiot. NOW you are talking about GDP, which is also only a part of the economy.

Keep posting, I want all to see the depths of your stupid.

Dumbfuck, GDP is a leading indicator of the economy. Why do you blame me for your ignorance?

Meanwhile, Obama’s budget ran through September, 2017, which still affected the economy. I don’t care how stupid you are.

Thanks again for posting your stupid for all to see. It is an indicator stupid, it is not a cause. And the budget, as I have stated and you have totally filed to prove otherwise, has little to do with the economy. Keep posting, lets see how stupid you really are.

You must be a fucking retard. :cuckoo:

20% of GDP comes from government spending. When GDP rose in FY2017, that showed the economy was growing. And as much as 20% of that GDP growth is attributable to Obama’s budget.

That is true, but it only shows that GDP is a flawed metric. It might be the best metric, but it isn't a perfect metric.

Government spending, being treated the same as production from a car plant, is a joke. Just think about it....

An automobile factory produces thousands of jobs. Not just the jobs in the plant itself, but jobs for suppliers, and their suppliers, jobs in transportation, and more. Not only this, but it produces billions in wealth for the country. Every product created, is a tangible example of wealth created.

And we know that this is wealth created, because people are willing to pay money for those products and services.

For example, research grants, such as this one from the ignobel awards

REPRODUCTIVE MEDICINE PRIZE [USA, JAPAN, SAUDI ARABIA, EGYPT, INDIA, BANGLADESH] — John Barry, Bruce Blank, and Michel Boileau, for using postage stamps to test whether the male sexual organ is functioning properly—as described in their study "Nocturnal Penile Tumescence Monitoring With Stamps."

REFERENCE: "Nocturnal Penile Tumescence Monitoring With Stamps," John M. Barry, Bruce Blank, Michael Boileau, Urology, vol. 15, 1980, pp. 171-172.
Do tell... how many jobs, and how much wealth benefiting the country, was produced from the research grants spend on this?

Or a more obvious example, the money given to Sylondra?

A less obvious example, paying a billion dollars every 5 years, to advertise dairy products overseas. Pretty sure if a company needs to advertise, they can pay for it. Last I looked on TV, a lack of advertising, wasn't a problem. So what benefit do we get from that spending?


So what real "Gross.... Domestic.... Product....." do we get from these examples of government spending? None. And these are the tip of the budget. There are billions on billions of dollars spent, that produce no GDP at all. They produce no jobs, no wealth, and benefit no one.

So yes, GDP does include government spending.... and it's a flawed inclusion.
Nonsense. Much of government sending goes directly to domestic production. Much of it goes to individuals who spend it into the economy. No matter how you try and spin it, government spending is s big factor in the economy and Obama’s budget contributed to the economy until September 30th, 2017.


Governments at the federal, state, and local levels contribute to the nation's economy when they provide services to the public and when they invest in capital. They also provide social benefits, such as Social Security and Medicare, to households.

Data about governments' receipts, spending, and assets are used to assess the fiscal health of different levels of government, see trends over time, and analyze the effects of government activities on the economy.

Government consumption expenditures include spending by governments to produce and provide services to the public, such as national defense and education. Government gross investment consists of spending on fixed assets that directly benefit the public, such as highway construction, or that assist government agencies in doing their jobs, such as military hardware. Consumption expenditures and gross investment are the measures of government spending included in calculations of gross domestic product, or GDP.

Government current expenditures include consumption expenditures, plus spending on social benefits and other transfers, interest payments, and subsidies to businesses.

Government current receipts include revenues from taxes, employer and employee contributions to government social insurance; transfers, such as fines; and various types of income, such as rent or royalties.

Additional government data are found in BEA's fixed asset statistics. Governments' fixed assets include buildings, roads, vehicles, computers and software, and other assets that they use for at least a year. In addition to investment, the data include governments' net stock of fixed assets, depreciation, and average age.
Keep putting your stupidity up for all to see idiot. NOW you are talking about GDP, which is also only a part of the economy.

Keep posting, I want all to see the depths of your stupid.

Dumbfuck, GDP is a leading indicator of the economy. Why do you blame me for your ignorance?

Meanwhile, Obama’s budget ran through September, 2017, which still affected the economy. I don’t care how stupid you are.

Thanks again for posting your stupid for all to see. It is an indicator stupid, it is not a cause. And the budget, as I have stated and you have totally filed to prove otherwise, has little to do with the economy. Keep posting, lets see how stupid you really are.

You must be a fucking retard. :cuckoo:

20% of GDP comes from government spending. When GDP rose in FY2017, that showed the economy was growing. And as much as 20% of that GDP growth is attributable to Obama’s budget.

That is true, but it only shows that GDP is a flawed metric. It might be the best metric, but it isn't a perfect metric.

Government spending, being treated the same as production from a car plant, is a joke. Just think about it....

An automobile factory produces thousands of jobs. Not just the jobs in the plant itself, but jobs for suppliers, and their suppliers, jobs in transportation, and more. Not only this, but it produces billions in wealth for the country. Every product created, is a tangible example of wealth created.

And we know that this is wealth created, because people are willing to pay money for those products and services.

For example, research grants, such as this one from the ignobel awards

REPRODUCTIVE MEDICINE PRIZE [USA, JAPAN, SAUDI ARABIA, EGYPT, INDIA, BANGLADESH] — John Barry, Bruce Blank, and Michel Boileau, for using postage stamps to test whether the male sexual organ is functioning properly—as described in their study "Nocturnal Penile Tumescence Monitoring With Stamps."

REFERENCE: "Nocturnal Penile Tumescence Monitoring With Stamps," John M. Barry, Bruce Blank, Michael Boileau, Urology, vol. 15, 1980, pp. 171-172.
Do tell... how many jobs, and how much wealth benefiting the country, was produced from the research grants spend on this?

Or a more obvious example, the money given to Sylondra?

A less obvious example, paying a billion dollars every 5 years, to advertise dairy products overseas. Pretty sure if a company needs to advertise, they can pay for it. Last I looked on TV, a lack of advertising, wasn't a problem. So what benefit do we get from that spending?


So what real "Gross.... Domestic.... Product....." do we get from these examples of government spending? None. And these are the tip of the budget. There are billions on billions of dollars spent, that produce no GDP at all. They produce no jobs, no wealth, and benefit no one.

So yes, GDP does include government spending.... and it's a flawed inclusion.
Nonsense. Much of government sending goes directly to domestic production. Much of it goes to individuals who spend it into the economy. No matter how you try and spin it, government spending is s big factor in the economy and Obama’s budget contributed to the economy until September 30th, 2017.


Governments at the federal, state, and local levels contribute to the nation's economy when they provide services to the public and when they invest in capital. They also provide social benefits, such as Social Security and Medicare, to households.

Data about governments' receipts, spending, and assets are used to assess the fiscal health of different levels of government, see trends over time, and analyze the effects of government activities on the economy.

Government consumption expenditures include spending by governments to produce and provide services to the public, such as national defense and education. Government gross investment consists of spending on fixed assets that directly benefit the public, such as highway construction, or that assist government agencies in doing their jobs, such as military hardware. Consumption expenditures and gross investment are the measures of government spending included in calculations of gross domestic product, or GDP.

Government current expenditures include consumption expenditures, plus spending on social benefits and other transfers, interest payments, and subsidies to businesses.

Government current receipts include revenues from taxes, employer and employee contributions to government social insurance; transfers, such as fines; and various types of income, such as rent or royalties.

Additional government data are found in BEA's fixed asset statistics. Governments' fixed assets include buildings, roads, vehicles, computers and software, and other assets that they use for at least a year. In addition to investment, the data include governments' net stock of fixed assets, depreciation, and average age.

You are crazy. If a bureaucrat in an office, counting how many gnatcatcher there are, buys a computer, how does that benefit the public?

$283,500 on Department of Defense bird-watching

In the sage scrub of the California coast lives a small grey bird known as the California gnatcatcher. Its biggest enemy? Cowbirds, which like to hijack the gnatcatcher’s nest and lay eggs. The poor gnatcatchers never quite realize they’re raising someone else’s kin.

The federal government designated the gnatcatcher a threatened species more than two decades ago, and the Department of Defense has not-so-bravely rallied to its rescue. This year, DOD approved a $283,500 grant to monitor the day-to-day life of baby gnatchatchers.​

Fixed assets are not a benefit to the country, unless they are used in wealth making, or the benefit of the public. This is a waste of resources, and makes us poorer, not more wealthy.

Additionally, if they are taking tax money, and applying it directly to corporate production income, that's what we call "Corporate Welfare" that you claim to be against. You can't tell me that they are subsidizing the top 1%, and say that is bad, and turn right around and say you support government spending because it produces GDP.

It is either us subsidizing the wealthy and bad, or it isn't, and counting government spending is a flaw in the GDP calculations.

Lastly, roads and bridges are not automatically a plus. The famed 'bridge to nowhere' is a perfect example of a pork project that will cost half a trillion dollars, to replace a ferry ride that costs $6.

Yeah, it produced something of little real value.

Even if we assumed that all roads and bridges were of value, you are still talking about a tiny fraction of government spending.

The Federal government spent $3.8 Trillion, and $26 Billion was the transportation budget.
Equally the Ohio budget is mostly crap. Only 2.6% of the Ohio budget is roads and bridges.

Now at the local level, would be correct. Most of your local budget, is for stuff we actually need.

Dumbfuck, GDP is a leading indicator of the economy. Why do you blame me for your ignorance?

Meanwhile, Obama’s budget ran through September, 2017, which still affected the economy. I don’t care how stupid you are.

Thanks again for posting your stupid for all to see. It is an indicator stupid, it is not a cause. And the budget, as I have stated and you have totally filed to prove otherwise, has little to do with the economy. Keep posting, lets see how stupid you really are.

You must be a fucking retard. :cuckoo:

20% of GDP comes from government spending. When GDP rose in FY2017, that showed the economy was growing. And as much as 20% of that GDP growth is attributable to Obama’s budget.

That is true, but it only shows that GDP is a flawed metric. It might be the best metric, but it isn't a perfect metric.

Government spending, being treated the same as production from a car plant, is a joke. Just think about it....

An automobile factory produces thousands of jobs. Not just the jobs in the plant itself, but jobs for suppliers, and their suppliers, jobs in transportation, and more. Not only this, but it produces billions in wealth for the country. Every product created, is a tangible example of wealth created.

And we know that this is wealth created, because people are willing to pay money for those products and services.

For example, research grants, such as this one from the ignobel awards

REPRODUCTIVE MEDICINE PRIZE [USA, JAPAN, SAUDI ARABIA, EGYPT, INDIA, BANGLADESH] — John Barry, Bruce Blank, and Michel Boileau, for using postage stamps to test whether the male sexual organ is functioning properly—as described in their study "Nocturnal Penile Tumescence Monitoring With Stamps."

REFERENCE: "Nocturnal Penile Tumescence Monitoring With Stamps," John M. Barry, Bruce Blank, Michael Boileau, Urology, vol. 15, 1980, pp. 171-172.
Do tell... how many jobs, and how much wealth benefiting the country, was produced from the research grants spend on this?

Or a more obvious example, the money given to Sylondra?

A less obvious example, paying a billion dollars every 5 years, to advertise dairy products overseas. Pretty sure if a company needs to advertise, they can pay for it. Last I looked on TV, a lack of advertising, wasn't a problem. So what benefit do we get from that spending?


So what real "Gross.... Domestic.... Product....." do we get from these examples of government spending? None. And these are the tip of the budget. There are billions on billions of dollars spent, that produce no GDP at all. They produce no jobs, no wealth, and benefit no one.

So yes, GDP does include government spending.... and it's a flawed inclusion.
Nonsense. Much of government sending goes directly to domestic production. Much of it goes to individuals who spend it into the economy. No matter how you try and spin it, government spending is s big factor in the economy and Obama’s budget contributed to the economy until September 30th, 2017.


Governments at the federal, state, and local levels contribute to the nation's economy when they provide services to the public and when they invest in capital. They also provide social benefits, such as Social Security and Medicare, to households.

Data about governments' receipts, spending, and assets are used to assess the fiscal health of different levels of government, see trends over time, and analyze the effects of government activities on the economy.

Government consumption expenditures include spending by governments to produce and provide services to the public, such as national defense and education. Government gross investment consists of spending on fixed assets that directly benefit the public, such as highway construction, or that assist government agencies in doing their jobs, such as military hardware. Consumption expenditures and gross investment are the measures of government spending included in calculations of gross domestic product, or GDP.

Government current expenditures include consumption expenditures, plus spending on social benefits and other transfers, interest payments, and subsidies to businesses.

Government current receipts include revenues from taxes, employer and employee contributions to government social insurance; transfers, such as fines; and various types of income, such as rent or royalties.

Additional government data are found in BEA's fixed asset statistics. Governments' fixed assets include buildings, roads, vehicles, computers and software, and other assets that they use for at least a year. In addition to investment, the data include governments' net stock of fixed assets, depreciation, and average age.

You are crazy. If a bureaucrat in an office, counting how many gnatcatcher there are, buys a computer, how does that benefit the public?

$283,500 on Department of Defense bird-watching

In the sage scrub of the California coast lives a small grey bird known as the California gnatcatcher. Its biggest enemy? Cowbirds, which like to hijack the gnatcatcher’s nest and lay eggs. The poor gnatcatchers never quite realize they’re raising someone else’s kin.

The federal government designated the gnatcatcher a threatened species more than two decades ago, and the Department of Defense has not-so-bravely rallied to its rescue. This year, DOD approved a $283,500 grant to monitor the day-to-day life of baby gnatchatchers.​

Fixed assets are not a benefit to the country, unless they are used in wealth making, or the benefit of the public. This is a waste of resources, and makes us poorer, not more wealthy.

Additionally, if they are taking tax money, and applying it directly to corporate production income, that's what we call "Corporate Welfare" that you claim to be against. You can't tell me that they are subsidizing the top 1%, and say that is bad, and turn right around and say you support government spending because it produces GDP.

It is either us subsidizing the wealthy and bad, or it isn't, and counting government spending is a flaw in the GDP calculations.

Lastly, roads and bridges are not automatically a plus. The famed 'bridge to nowhere' is a perfect example of a pork project that will cost half a trillion dollars, to replace a ferry ride that costs $6.

Yeah, it produced something of little real value.

Even if we assumed that all roads and bridges were of value, you are still talking about a tiny fraction of government spending.

The Federal government spent $3.8 Trillion, and $26 Billion was the transportation budget.
Equally the Ohio budget is mostly crap. Only 2.6% of the Ohio budget is roads and bridges.

Now at the local level, would be correct. Most of your local budget, is for stuff we actually need.
Dumbfuck, we’re not talking about the societal value of such projects, we’re talking about how much monetarily if fuels the economy. Such research grants pay for salaries and supplies, which do go into the economy. The government spends about $30 billion on such grants annually. The U.S. government spends about $4 trillion.

That means a miniscule ¾ of one percent is spent on such grants. Even if not a single penny from those grants found its way into the economy, as ludicrous as that is, the vast majority of $4 trillion does.

As far as projects like the bridge to nowhere, you say it cost around ½ a trillion dollars. I believe that’s high, but regardless of what it cost, the vast majority of that money made its way into the economy. From supplies to build it, to salaries to those who built it, that’s federal dollars being pumped into the economy.

Try as hard as you might, the fact of the matter is Obama gets much of the credit for the economy through the end of September, 2017, as money from his final budget was pumped into the economy.
Moron, you've been wrong on everything and you remain an idiot. No one cares what you think. The Federal Budget has some effect but not nearly as much as the many other factors, as has been explained in this thread a dozen times. Now, go away and take your stupidity with you.
Denial is not a river, dumbass. :eusa_doh:

Roughly 20% of GDP comes from federal government spending. You don’t possess enough denial to wash away that impact on the FY2017 economy.

Keep putting your stupidity up for all to see idiot. NOW you are talking about GDP, which is also only a part of the economy.

Keep posting, I want all to see the depths of your stupid.

Dumbfuck, GDP is a leading indicator of the economy. Why do you blame me for your ignorance?

Meanwhile, Obama’s budget ran through September, 2017, which still affected the economy. I don’t care how stupid you are.

Thanks again for posting your stupid for all to see. It is an indicator stupid, it is not a cause. And the budget, as I have stated and you have totally filed to prove otherwise, has little to do with the economy. Keep posting, lets see how stupid you really are.

You must be a fucking retard. :cuckoo:

20% of GDP comes from government spending. When GDP rose in FY2017, that showed the economy was growing. And as much as 20% of that GDP growth is attributable to Obama’s budget.

Lol, now I see part of your problem, you are functionally illiterate. Read my post again moron. GDP is an indicator and not a driver of the economy.

The only reason I don’t ignore you is that others get to see exactly how ignorant left wing utters actually are.
According to the left, it’s Trump’s economy every time there’s bad news and it’s 0bama’s economy every time there’s good news.

Same thing happened when Obama became President. When something bad happened, claims of "he hasn't been in office long enough to be blamed" were made. However, when something good happened, he apparently had been in office long enough to get credit although the time frame was the same.
It became Trumps the minute he started fucking with it (tariffs...tax cuts)
In other words, you're one of those types that would say when the market drops, it's Trump's fault but when it goes up it's the continued trajectory of the black boy.
Denial is not a river, dumbass. :eusa_doh:

Roughly 20% of GDP comes from federal government spending. You don’t possess enough denial to wash away that impact on the FY2017 economy.

Keep putting your stupidity up for all to see idiot. NOW you are talking about GDP, which is also only a part of the economy.

Keep posting, I want all to see the depths of your stupid.

Dumbfuck, GDP is a leading indicator of the economy. Why do you blame me for your ignorance?

Meanwhile, Obama’s budget ran through September, 2017, which still affected the economy. I don’t care how stupid you are.

Thanks again for posting your stupid for all to see. It is an indicator stupid, it is not a cause. And the budget, as I have stated and you have totally filed to prove otherwise, has little to do with the economy. Keep posting, lets see how stupid you really are.

You must be a fucking retard. :cuckoo:

20% of GDP comes from government spending. When GDP rose in FY2017, that showed the economy was growing. And as much as 20% of that GDP growth is attributable to Obama’s budget.

Lol, now I see part of your problem, you are functionally illiterate. Read my post again moron. GDP is an indicator and not a driver of the economy.

The only reason I don’t ignore you is that others get to see exactly how ignorant left wing utters actually are.

You’re beyond help. The federal government pumps trillions of dollars into the economy each year. GDP reflects that.

Sadly, there’s no cure for your diseased brain which is incapable of comprehending that simple reality.
Keep putting your stupidity up for all to see idiot. NOW you are talking about GDP, which is also only a part of the economy.

Keep posting, I want all to see the depths of your stupid.

Dumbfuck, GDP is a leading indicator of the economy. Why do you blame me for your ignorance?

Meanwhile, Obama’s budget ran through September, 2017, which still affected the economy. I don’t care how stupid you are.

Thanks again for posting your stupid for all to see. It is an indicator stupid, it is not a cause. And the budget, as I have stated and you have totally filed to prove otherwise, has little to do with the economy. Keep posting, lets see how stupid you really are.

You must be a fucking retard. :cuckoo:

20% of GDP comes from government spending. When GDP rose in FY2017, that showed the economy was growing. And as much as 20% of that GDP growth is attributable to Obama’s budget.

Lol, now I see part of your problem, you are functionally illiterate. Read my post again moron. GDP is an indicator and not a driver of the economy.

The only reason I don’t ignore you is that others get to see exactly how ignorant left wing utters actually are.

You’re beyond help. The federal government pumps trillions of dollars into the economy each year. GDP reflects that.

Sadly, there’s no cure for your diseased brain which is incapable of comprehending that simple reality.

Hey you illiterate retard, that doesn’t have anything to do with this discussion. It’s Trumps economy, you don’t have a clue what you are talking about, as always, you are wrong.

I’ve had just about all of your stupid nonsense I can stand. You’ve pretty much proven you know nothing at all. You are no longer useful, dismissed.

Dumbfuck, GDP is a leading indicator of the economy. Why do you blame me for your ignorance?

Meanwhile, Obama’s budget ran through September, 2017, which still affected the economy. I don’t care how stupid you are.

Thanks again for posting your stupid for all to see. It is an indicator stupid, it is not a cause. And the budget, as I have stated and you have totally filed to prove otherwise, has little to do with the economy. Keep posting, lets see how stupid you really are.

You must be a fucking retard. :cuckoo:

20% of GDP comes from government spending. When GDP rose in FY2017, that showed the economy was growing. And as much as 20% of that GDP growth is attributable to Obama’s budget.

Lol, now I see part of your problem, you are functionally illiterate. Read my post again moron. GDP is an indicator and not a driver of the economy.

The only reason I don’t ignore you is that others get to see exactly how ignorant left wing utters actually are.

You’re beyond help. The federal government pumps trillions of dollars into the economy each year. GDP reflects that.

Sadly, there’s no cure for your diseased brain which is incapable of comprehending that simple reality.

Hey you illiterate retard, that doesn’t have anything to do with this discussion. It’s Trumps economy, you don’t have a clue what you are talking about, as always, you are wrong.

I’ve had just about all of your stupid nonsense I can stand. You’ve pretty much proven you know nothing at all. You are no longer useful, dismissed.

You’re not man enough to dismiss me.

Despite your mindless, infantile outburst, the federal budget moves trillions of dollars into the economy. That’s what we’re talking about. Obama’s budget for FY2017 did that through to the end of September, 2017; even if you are too ignorant to comprehend that.

It became Trumps the minute he started fucking with it (tariffs...tax cuts)
In other words, you're one of those types that would say when the market drops, it's Trump's fault but when it goes up it's the continued trajectory of the black boy.

Feb of 2018 is when Trump got his tax bill passed. That was the first legislation that he had signed which would have an impact on the economy. It was further cemented as Trump's economy last summer when he started to impose his tariffs on China.
It became Trumps the minute he started fucking with it (tariffs...tax cuts)
In other words, you're one of those types that would say when the market drops, it's Trump's fault but when it goes up it's the continued trajectory of the black boy.

Feb of 2018 is when Trump got his tax bill passed. That was the first legislation that he had signed which would have an impact on the economy. It was further cemented as Trump's economy last summer when he started to impose his tariffs on China.

Was it Obama's economy when the stimulus bill was passed just weeks after his inauguration in 2009? Those that make statements like your about Trump were quick to say unemployment going over 10% nationally, much higher in some States, was Bush's fault. By the standard you set (i.e. - legislation passed), Obama should be blamed for all that.

What I've noticed is that those applying a standard to Trump didn't apply it to Obama.
I’m not simply a self-confessed conservative but I’ll answer your question seriously.

There are many reasons that this economy is Trump’s. Some, but not all of them are:

1. 0bama was a self-confessed enemy of free enterprise. He stated as much in his books. Just the fact that he left improved the economy.

2. Another enemy of the free market, Hillary Clinton, was defeated.

3. Trump, a champion of capitalism and the free market was elected.

4. Reduced taxes and reduced federal regulations, improved the economy the most.

5. The friendliness of the country and especially the government (IOW the business climate) toward business has a huge effect on the market and the health of the economy. The Trump led, GOP ruled government provided a friendly environment for business.
Put a timeline on this.

Also, explain exactly how just leaving improves the ENTIRE economy.

It doesn't make sense, it's just a talking point. Please expound.
Let's try it this way.

When someone has been abused for so long, just telling them that their abuser won't ever be able to hurt them again will light their face up as if they just seen their first born baby's face.

That is what the economy did.

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