When does human life begin?

DNA, fingerprints, retinal scans, etc. are artifacts of being human. It's humans that deserve protection, not the artifacts.
So if DNA is an artifact of being human and, as you say, artifacts don't deserve protection, is the abortion of a fertilized egg murder of a human being?
You don't answer questions well. Or at all actually. You're not even very good at ad hominins.
No one asked me a question. Pay attention.
You, on the other hand, asked if fingerprints and retina needed protection in response to someone claiming unique DNA determines individual life.
That’s why you don’t think well.
So if DNA is an artifact of being human and, as you say, artifacts don't deserve protection, is the abortion of a fertilized egg murder of a human being?
Again... at conception a new genetically distinct HUMAN BEING is created. So abortion... by definition does end the life of a human being.

It will most likely be up to each state to decide how they will treat it.
No one asked me a question. Pay attention.
You, on the other hand, asked if fingerprints and retina needed protection in response to someone claiming unique DNA determines individual life.
That’s why you don’t think well.
You're certainly entitled to your opinion but if you jump in it might be nice to have something more to add. Like a reason for instance. Why to you say I don't think well?
You're certainly entitled to your opinion but if you jump in it might be nice to have something more to add. Like a reason for instance. Why to you say I don't think well?
It's not that you don't think well as much as it's that you have a preference for an outcome and are biased against anything that threatens that.
It's all part of the human life cycle which begins at conception and ends at death. Every stage along that continuum is fully human with the appropriate attributes for that particular stage of the continuum.

"An individual human life begins at conception when a sperm cell from the father fuses with an egg cell from the mother, to form a new cell, the zygote, the first embryonic stage. The zygote grows and divides into two daughter cells, each of which grows and divides into two grand-daughter cells, and this cell growth/division process continues on, over and over again. The zygote is the start of a biological continuum that automatically grows and develops, passing gradually and sequentially through the stages we call foetus, baby, child, adult, old person and ending eventually in death. The full genetic instructions to guide the development of the continuum, in interaction with its environment, are present in the zygote. Every stage along the continuum is biologically human and each point along the continuum has the full human properties appropriate to that point."
Dr. William Reville, University College Cork, Ireland

Nope, not a life...

So if DNA is an artifact of being human and, as you say, artifacts don't deserve protection, is the abortion of a fertilized egg murder of a human being?
Abortion is the killing of a developing human being.
Nope, not a life...

"After fertilization has taken place a new human being has come into being...[this] is no longer a matter of taste or opinion, it is not a metaphysical contention, it is plain experimental evidence...." - Dr Jerome LeJeune, Professor of Genetics at the University of Descartes, Paris, discoverer of the chromosome pattern of Down's Syndrome, and Nobel Prize Winner
Again... at conception a new genetically distinct HUMAN BEING is created. So abortion... by definition does end the life of a human being.

It will most likely be up to each state to decide how they will treat it.
Yes it is a life that would most likely develop into a human being if not killed.
Yes it is a life that would most likely develop into a human being if not killed.
It's fully human at every point along the continuum. That's in every embryology textbook ever written.
It's fully human at every point along the continuum. That's in every embryology textbook ever written.
reminds me of something my son told me
when my sister-in-law criticized me AND him.
I said "she was bitter since our pregnancies which
took place at the same time". Son said---what did
she say ? My morula is better than your morula?
reminds me of something my son told me
when my sister-in-law criticized me AND him.
I said "she was bitter since our pregnancies which
took place at the same time". Son said---what did
she say ? My morula is better than your morula?
From what I have heard Jews have a religious exemption argument for abortions. In other words, laws which make abortion illegal would violate the religious practice of the Jews.

Do you know anything about this? Did I state it correctly?
Again... at conception a new genetically distinct HUMAN BEING is created. So abortion... by definition does end the life of a human being.
Did you miss speak when you wrote "DNA, fingerprints, retinal scans, etc. are artifacts of being human. It's humans that deserve protection, not the artifacts."? If you didn't I'm confused as to what constitutes a "new genetically distinct HUMAN BEING".
From what I have heard Jews have a religious exemption argument for abortions. In other words, laws which make abortion illegal would violate the religious practice of the Jews.

Do you know anything about this? Did I state it correctly?
no----you got it all wrong. The religious issue is
that the life and welfare of the mother take prece-
dence over the pregnancy. The dictum can to
broadly interpreted to include psychological
welfare. Jewish ethos, however sees miscarriage
as a TRAGEDY do be avoided

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