When does race stop being an excuse? when does it stop?

The comment you made about the poor poor white America (male I added) will we ever see justice?
you have no idea what it is like to really be treated as a REAL minority
If you did you would not make that claim
We should all be treated the same
in the eye of the federal govt we are not
It amazes me that events that took place 160 years, I am paying for today

Hello, dummy.

Am I black? Is your friend there perceptive, or retarded?

By the way......I have been treated as a real minority. I lived for 10 years in Japan. I was denied equal treatment at the companies I worked for, denied entry into a few businesses...and often followed around (profiled) when shopping. Not to mention the fact that doorways were often too low and I hit my fucking head a million times. One day, you will get something right. How about today?

you should be here reading that post from my chair
it makes no sense
I had cancer in my lymph knodes
radiation made all of my teeth fall-out
I have a heavy southern accent
And you think I now nothing about real minority?

My post made no sense?

You had cancer? The word had makes me think you beat it. Good for you. It took both of my parents and all of my uncles.

You are hardly treated as a minority. Please.

And cancer.....it inflicts dummies too.
I don't believe in karma. I believe in doing good to other people and letting justice deal with those who don't know better. When someone testifies something in court after swearing to tell the truth, then blathering to a talk show host just the opposite occurred is not only a foolish thing to do, it is indicative of perjury. People who defend a perjurer are on the slippery slope of arrogance.

There really isn't anything contradictory in her interview and her testimony, except that she was engaging in a lot more speculation about what was going through Trayvon's mind in the interview. (Something she was NOT allowed to do on the stand, lest the lawyers object.)

She testified that Trayvon thought Martin was a "Creepy ass Cracker" stalking him. You guys were all too focused on the word "Cracker" to realize that, hey, maybe this kid had a reasonable fear when being chased down by a larger man.

She turned in a handwritten statement claiming she wrote it, then stated she could not read it.

She said that she dictated it to someone who wrote it down for them, but she couldn't read that person's handwriting. Not the same thing, really, but please, don't let details bother you all that much when you are feeling superior to "those people".
Why was Trayvon worried about "being raped"? Just because he was being followed?

Does not wanting to be mugged/murdered while walking through the hood make me racist? Really??

A guy was following him by car and then on foot. He ran and the guy ran after him. he tried to evade and the guy cornered him. He fought back and got shot.

A bully terrorized and murdered a child, and the Right Wing thinks its wonderful he got off on a technicality.

Why is it only liberals ignore all evidence and make up scenarios that dont fit any of the evidence?

Why is it that conservatards want to blame the victim for his own murder in a travesty of justice.

Zimmerman's only innocent if you believe Zimmerman's word. The only reason we only have Zimmerman's word is because Travyon is dead.

The comment you made about the poor poor white America (male I added) will we ever see justice?
you have no idea what it is like to really be treated as a REAL minority
If you did you would not make that claim
We should all be treated the same
in the eye of the federal govt we are not
It amazes me that events that took place 160 years, I am paying for today

How are you being made to pay, exactly, guy?

The fact is, we are all not treated the same, even today. If Trayvon were white, they'd have arrested Zimmerman on the spot, they have drug tested him to see what he was high on, and they'd have done a thorough investigation.

But he was black,and they let him sit in a morgue overnight? Ask around to see if anyone is missing a child? Naw. Someone will claim it, maybe.
Poor, poor, oppressed white Americans. Will our plight ever be properly portrayed in the media? Will we ever have equal rights and justice?

As a woman, and one who has seen the seedier side of life where women are horribly abused, I often ask myself that. Now this misogynist media, moaning about an 'all female' jury brings the question back. At first, it was 'they're all emotional women, they will convict an innocent man because a child is dead and they are mothers.' Now, it 'they are all women and they just don't think right.' You can stuff it. You are just as prejudiced as anyone, and you are just another black who has outed himself on here.

No one thought that they would convict an "innocent" Zimmerman because they are mothers.

And frankly, given the statements by Juror B37, there was at least one really stupid woman on the jury. One who can't tell the difference between a demonstration and a riot, apparently.

Except that maybe they both have scary negroes in them.

She also used the word "They" a lot to describe black people.
There really isn't anything contradictory in her interview and her testimony, except that she was engaging in a lot more speculation about what was going through Trayvon's mind in the interview. (Something she was NOT allowed to do on the stand, lest the lawyers object.)

She testified that Trayvon thought Martin was a "Creepy ass Cracker" stalking him. You guys were all too focused on the word "Cracker" to realize that, hey, maybe this kid had a reasonable fear when being chased down by a larger man.

She turned in a handwritten statement claiming she wrote it, then stated she could not read it.

She said that she dictated it to someone who wrote it down for them, but she couldn't read that person's handwriting. Not the same thing, really, but please, don't let details bother you all that much when you are feeling superior to "those people".
She said she couldn't read cursive, but then she was only 19 ad the product of an American public school system. I guess you don't learn that stuff until your freshman year at university, but I really don't get her inability to articulate orally.

Prosecution's star witness, whew!
She turned in a handwritten statement claiming she wrote it, then stated she could not read it.

She said that she dictated it to someone who wrote it down for them, but she couldn't read that person's handwriting. Not the same thing, really, but please, don't let details bother you all that much when you are feeling superior to "those people".
She said she couldn't read cursive, but then she was only 19 ad the product of an American public school system. I guess you don't learn that stuff until your freshman year at university, but I really don't get her inability to articulate orally.

Prosecution's star witness, whew!

I think it's a comprehension issue on your part.

She said she couldn't read someone else's cursive. Not quite the same thing. Not even sure why we insist on teaching kids this 19th century skill they will never use. I haven't written in Cursive since the 1980's. No reason for it. We should be teaching these kids typing. That's what they are going to actually use.

But frankly, a college educated lawyer badgered a 19 year old girl, and you guys think this is wonderful.

But as long as white failures like you can feel superior to them, that's all that counts. It's how you keep the Rubes in line.
She said that she dictated it to someone who wrote it down for them, but she couldn't read that person's handwriting. Not the same thing, really, but please, don't let details bother you all that much when you are feeling superior to "those people".
She said she couldn't read cursive, but then she was only 19 ad the product of an American public school system. I guess you don't learn that stuff until your freshman year at university, but I really don't get her inability to articulate orally.

Prosecution's star witness, whew!

I think it's a comprehension issue on your part.

She said she couldn't read someone else's cursive. Not quite the same thing. Not even sure why we insist on teaching kids this 19th century skill they will never use. I haven't written in Cursive since the 1980's. No reason for it. We should be teaching these kids typing. That's what they are going to actually use.

But frankly, a college educated lawyer badgered a 19 year old girl, and you guys think this is wonderful.

But as long as white failures like you can feel superior to them, that's all that counts. It's how you keep the Rubes in line.
Gawd, you are smitten. She's not for everyone, for sure, but given your situation you doubtlessly think she's a keeper. It's also evident your intellects would jibe well.

Anyway, if my ass were on the line from some lying illiterate piece of fat human excrement, you're damn right I would think a college-educated lawyer (as if there were any other kind) examining her would be wonderful.
[Gawd, you are smitten. She's not for everyone, for sure, but given your situation you doubtlessly think she's a keeper. It's also evident your intellects would jibe well.

Anyway, if my ass were on the line from some lying illiterate piece of fat human excrement, you're damn right I would think a college-educated lawyer (as if there were any other kind) examining her would be wonderful.

If your ass was on the line for murdering a child, it would be unethical for you to use slimy lawyer tricks to get off.

But this is a concept you don't seem to get.

Incidently, I feel the same way about Zimmerman I feel about O.J. Simpson. He obviously did it, he was obviously guilty, and slimy lawyers and dumb jurors gave him a pass because cops were incompetent.
[Gawd, you are smitten. She's not for everyone, for sure, but given your situation you doubtlessly think she's a keeper. It's also evident your intellects would jibe well.

Anyway, if my ass were on the line from some lying illiterate piece of fat human excrement, you're damn right I would think a college-educated lawyer (as if there were any other kind) examining her would be wonderful.

If your ass was on the line for murdering a child, it would be unethical for you to use slimy lawyer tricks to get off.

But this is a concept you don't seem to get.

Incidently, I feel the same way about Zimmerman I feel about O.J. Simpson. He obviously did it, he was obviously guilty, and slimy lawyers and dumb jurors gave him a pass because cops were incompetent.

There was never a question if her did it or not. He immediately admitted it. The question was "Why". Did he do it because he was a bigot. The jury and the FBI say no.
She said she couldn't read cursive, but then she was only 19 ad the product of an American public school system. I guess you don't learn that stuff until your freshman year at university, but I really don't get her inability to articulate orally.

Prosecution's star witness, whew!

I think it's a comprehension issue on your part.

She said she couldn't read someone else's cursive. Not quite the same thing. Not even sure why we insist on teaching kids this 19th century skill they will never use. I haven't written in Cursive since the 1980's. No reason for it. We should be teaching these kids typing. That's what they are going to actually use.

But frankly, a college educated lawyer badgered a 19 year old girl, and you guys think this is wonderful.

But as long as white failures like you can feel superior to them, that's all that counts. It's how you keep the Rubes in line.
Gawd, you are smitten. She's not for everyone, for sure, but given your situation you doubtlessly think she's a keeper. It's also evident your intellects would jibe well.

Anyway, if my ass were on the line from some lying illiterate piece of fat human excrement, you're damn right I would think a college-educated lawyer (as if there were any other kind) examining her would be wonderful.

Meathead has found the girl for him: two losers together!
[Gawd, you are smitten. She's not for everyone, for sure, but given your situation you doubtlessly think she's a keeper. It's also evident your intellects would jibe well.

Anyway, if my ass were on the line from some lying illiterate piece of fat human excrement, you're damn right I would think a college-educated lawyer (as if there were any other kind) examining her would be wonderful.

If your ass was on the line for murdering a child, it would be unethical for you to use slimy lawyer tricks to get off.

But this is a concept you don't seem to get.

Incidently, I feel the same way about Zimmerman I feel about O.J. Simpson. He obviously did it, he was obviously guilty, and slimy lawyers and dumb jurors gave him a pass because cops were incompetent.

There was never a question if her did it or not. He immediately admitted it. The question was "Why". Did he do it because he was a bigot. The jury and the FBI say no.

That wasn't what was at issue here.

What was at issue was whether he provoked the situation that lead to the fight.

Which he did by following this kid.

Now, I'll concede, Murder-2 was a stretch. Probalby not guilty of anything more than manslaughter.

But he was at fault.
Not if TM reached home, went inside, and came out to confront GZ.

If there is a possibility that happened, then GZ was entitled to shoot because TM then becomes the aggressor.

They were both punks, and I am afraid that poetic justice will come to GZ sooner than later.

He just should have gone home.
If your ass was on the line for murdering a child, it would be unethical for you to use slimy lawyer tricks to get off.

But this is a concept you don't seem to get.

Incidently, I feel the same way about Zimmerman I feel about O.J. Simpson. He obviously did it, he was obviously guilty, and slimy lawyers and dumb jurors gave him a pass because cops were incompetent.

There was never a question if her did it or not. He immediately admitted it. The question was "Why". Did he do it because he was a bigot. The jury and the FBI say no.

That wasn't what was at issue here.

What was at issue was whether he provoked the situation that lead to the fight.

Which he did by following this kid.

Now, I'll concede, Murder-2 was a stretch. Probalby not guilty of anything more than manslaughter.

But he was at fault.

He observed Martin. There was nothing even remotely illegal about that. A young punk got all puffed up and arrogant because a "creepy azz cracka" was watching him and decided to teach Mr. Zimmerman a lesson.

Lesson learned. Zimmerman scores an A+ in marksmanship.
He did more than observe Martin; GZ provoked.

However, if TM went inside then came out, he gave up a right to defend himself against GZ.

I accept all pos rep from anyone. But, yes, GZ will face poetic justice, I am afraid, though I don't approve of it.
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Zimmerman was not at fault. He was not some neighbor sticking his nose into where it did not belong. He lived in a gated community and was the appointed neighborhood watch man, had a right to carry a gun, and had a permit to do so.

There had been a couple of recent robberies in the neighborhood, and he had every right to question the man whom he had never seen before in that community.

Who is at fault is the woman Martin was staying with for not notifying security officials of her new residents, which is protocol for a gated community.

Zimmerman probably didn't want Martin fleeing before the police got there, and when he attempted to ask him where he was going or staying (which a witness did testify to this), Martin didn't like it and began assaulting Zimmerman (medical evidence supports this).

All Martin had to do was tell Zimmerman that he lived there, and that would have been the end of it. For some reason Martin felt it was none of Zimmerman's business, which it really was, given his position in the community.
For some reason Martin felt it was none of Zimmerman's business, which it really was, given his position in the community.

Horse shit. GZ had no right to question anyone about anything. He was not Deputy Dawg.

However, since TM had gone inside and then back outside to confront GZ, the situation became each man for himself. If TM had killed GZ, TM would have been telling the story and the same finding would have occurred from a trial.
For some reason Martin felt it was none of Zimmerman's business, which it really was, given his position in the community.

Horse shit. GZ had no right to question anyone about anything. He was not Deputy Dawg.

However, since TM had gone inside and then back outside to confront GZ, the situation became each man for himself. If TM had killed GZ, TM would have been telling the story and the same finding would have occurred from a trial.
Zimmerman had a right to know if there was a trespasser on the property so it could be reported. If Z had known Martin lived there, he would not have even called the police and would have probably went about his business.

That is a very presumptuous theory you have there. The jury relied heavily on the medical evidence submitted at trial. Zimmerman was physically assaulted, Martin was not. The icing on the cake for the not guilty verdict was the conflicting testimony. It was never determined who was calling for help on the 911 call.

Should Z have waited until Martin bashed all of his brains out before shooting him? I would not have.

Some of you anti-zimmerman persons should really read up on neighborhood watch security personnel rights and duties in gated communities.

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