When does race stop being an excuse? when does it stop?

He observed Martin. There was nothing even remotely illegal about that. A young punk got all puffed up and arrogant because a "creepy azz cracka" was watching him and decided to teach Mr. Zimmerman a lesson.

Lesson learned. Zimmerman scores an A+ in marksmanship.

Ernie, this is why I have you on ignore. Because, frankly, this kind of racist, gun happy shit has destroyed the Republican Party.

Observing is one thing. Following, chasing, cornering and failing to identify yourself as "not a rapist" is provoking a fight.

If you have him on 'ignore' how do you know what he posts?

Once in a while, I check on the crazy. Mostly I put him on ignore so he'd stop sending me unwanted PMs.
I don't have him on ignore most of the time, because Ernie S. and his irrelevance is fun to laugh at. I guarantee you that he is counting down his 48 hour and one minute requirement to neg me. Such irrelevance! :lol:
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He observed Martin. There was nothing even remotely illegal about that. A young punk got all puffed up and arrogant because a "creepy azz cracka" was watching him and decided to teach Mr. Zimmerman a lesson.

Lesson learned. Zimmerman scores an A+ in marksmanship.

Ernie, this is why I have you on ignore. Because, frankly, this kind of racist, gun happy shit has destroyed the Republican Party.

Observing is one thing. Following, chasing, cornering and failing to identify yourself as "not a rapist" is provoking a fight.

You have me on ignore???? Then why the hell did you respond to my post. Would you like me to provide you with a definition of "ignore"?
Ernie, this is why I have you on ignore. Because, frankly, this kind of racist, gun happy shit has destroyed the Republican Party.

Observing is one thing. Following, chasing, cornering and failing to identify yourself as "not a rapist" is provoking a fight.

If you have him on 'ignore' how do you know what he posts?

Once in a while, I check on the crazy. Mostly I put him on ignore so he'd stop sending me unwanted PMs.

Those are called rep comments. If you don't want to hear from me, you could choose not to reply.
When does race stop being an excuse? when does it stop?

When racists stop giving money to defend child killers. Whether it's Sandy Hook or Zimmerman.
rdean, a jury has made the decision.

That part is over for ever; GZ is Not Guilty.
His case may change the history of SYG and DTR laws to a bit, but GZ will be forgotten in 25 years.
Really? And you're the perfect example of why you're headed toward minority status. You're "old world". This is a multi-cultural world, and no longer dominated by Caucasians. No longer do we have to tolerate "white privilege", or white arrogance. You're days of being in control, and exploiting everything, are over. Get used to it. However you deal with it, do.

You think those pimps and hos, and welfare queen hoochie mammas from the baby mills in the projects are going to step up and run a country. Well, here's a flash. They're not going to.

No more than the bilble thumping trailer trash waiting for their social security check.

The only question is, which set of elites will be running the country when they win the mob.

Ahh......the tolerant left.


Since you are black, and since you are so proud to be black, why did you choose a white person's name for your moniker and why do you always have a white as your avatar?. Oh, right. So you could pass for white and make it look like you are part of the white chess pieces have some kind of power. Which you don't, and never will have because you are stupid. Hypocrite.
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Since you are black, and since you are so proud to be black, why did you choose a white person's name for your moniker and why do you always have a white as your avatar?. Oh, right. So you could pass for white and make it look like you are part of the white chess pieces have some kind of power. Which you don't, and never will have because you are stupid. Hypocrite.

Just to clear a few things up for you, since you seem really confused. (Seriously, is this what happens when you get old?)

1) I'm not black. I'm actually German on my dad's side, and English/dutch/Irish/Cherokee on my mom's side.

2) Joseph is my first name, my last name begins with B. 131 is my old regiment. I did know a lot of black guys named Joseph or Joe. So I'm not sure why that would be a "white" or "black" name.

3) My avatars for 2013 are the actors who have portrayed Doctor Who. In celebration of the show's 50th anniversary, I am showcasing one actor a month. The current one is Sylvester McCoy, who was the seventh Doctor, playing him from 1987-1989. (Seventh Doctor, Seventh Month. Get it?)

4) Until about six years ago, I used to be a very right Wing Republican. Then my manager at my last job screwed me over and announced, "Well, good thing I don't have to deal with unions." Pretty much done with the Republicans after that.

5) I'm actually pretty cynical about Democracy in general. Given our druthers, we'd all vote ourselves benefits and we'd all vote to not pay for them. Neither party is willing to have that adult conversation of "This is what we want to do, and this is what it will cost."

6) You don't have to be black to realize this is a pretty racist country, you just have to be paying attention. Now, in our defense, we are the only country that has had this much diversity in one place.

Since you are black, and since you are so proud to be black, why did you choose a white person's name for your moniker and why do you always have a white as your avatar?. Oh, right. So you could pass for white and make it look like you are part of the white chess pieces have some kind of power. Which you don't, and never will have because you are stupid. Hypocrite.

Just to clear a few things up for you, since you seem really confused. (Seriously, is this what happens when you get old?)

1) I'm not black. I'm actually German on my dad's side, and English/dutch/Irish/Cherokee on my mom's side.

2) Joseph is my first name, my last name begins with B. 131 is my old regiment. I did know a lot of black guys named Joseph or Joe. So I'm not sure why that would be a "white" or "black" name.

3) My avatars for 2013 are the actors who have portrayed Doctor Who. In celebration of the show's 50th anniversary, I am showcasing one actor a month. The current one is Sylvester McCoy, who was the seventh Doctor, playing him from 1987-1989. (Seventh Doctor, Seventh Month. Get it?)

4) Until about six years ago, I used to be a very right Wing Republican. Then my manager at my last job screwed me over and announced, "Well, good thing I don't have to deal with unions." Pretty much done with the Republicans after that.

5) I'm actually pretty cynical about Democracy in general. Given our druthers, we'd all vote ourselves benefits and we'd all vote to not pay for them. Neither party is willing to have that adult conversation of "This is what we want to do, and this is what it will cost."

6) You don't have to be black to realize this is a pretty racist country, you just have to be paying attention. Now, in our defense, we are the only country that has had this much diversity in one place.

As the proverbial " "fly on the wall" here, it appears to me that you have figured out that the real internal "war" in America is a class war, and not a "black versus white" war, in which certain "chess pieces use other "pawns" to their advantage and coerce them into fighting among themselves by using the media to create diversionary "bogeymen" that they believe are more of a danger than the real criminals in this country, prompting them to vote against their own self interests.

This is why I often laugh to myself when I read the rants posted by some of the irrationally angry non- black dimwits here who pour vast amounts of energy into what "the blacks" think, who they vote for, what music they listen to, etc, etc, etc.

Truth be told, it is much less "the blacks" than it is a segment of paranoid white America who keep so called "race pimps" like them in business, because everytime there is a racially charged issue that hits the media, it seems that there is a collective assumption that those two will be showing up. I can't really even recall the last time that those two have even been mentioned at any social gathering or event that i have attended.
As the proverbial " "fly on the wall" here, it appears to me that you have figured out that the real internal "war" in America is a class war, and not a "black versus white" war, in which certain "chess pieces use other "pawns" to their advantage and coerce them into fighting among themselves by using the media to create diversionary "bogeymen" that they believe are more of a danger than the real criminals in this country, prompting them to vote against their own self interests.

This is why I often laugh to myself when I read the rants posted by some of the irrationally angry non- black dimwits here who pour vast amounts of energy into what "the blacks" think, who they vote for, what music they listen to, etc, etc, etc.

Truth be told, it is much less "the blacks" than it is a segment of paranoid white America who keep so called "race pimps" like them in business, because everytime there is a racially charged issue that hits the media, it seems that there is a collective assumption that those two will be showing up. I can't really even recall the last time that those two have even been mentioned at any social gathering or event that i have attended.
Wipe that huge chip off your shoulder and stop your delusional ranting FFS. That's the problem with race pimps.
As the proverbial " "fly on the wall" here, it appears to me that you have figured out that the real internal "war" in America is a class war, and not a "black versus white" war, in which certain "chess pieces use other "pawns" to their advantage and coerce them into fighting among themselves by using the media to create diversionary "bogeymen" that they believe are more of a danger than the real criminals in this country, prompting them to vote against their own self interests.

This is why I often laugh to myself when I read the rants posted by some of the irrationally angry non- black dimwits here who pour vast amounts of energy into what "the blacks" think, who they vote for, what music they listen to, etc, etc, etc.

Truth be told, it is much less "the blacks" than it is a segment of paranoid white America who keep so called "race pimps" like them in business, because everytime there is a racially charged issue that hits the media, it seems that there is a collective assumption that those two will be showing up. I can't really even recall the last time that those two have even been mentioned at any social gathering or event that i have attended.
Wipe that huge chip off your shoulder and stop your delusional ranting FFS. That's the problem with race pimps.

Lol. Thanks for proving my point. Secondly junior, I don't take orders from you. If looking in the mirror is that painful,put your blinders back on or use your filter.
As the proverbial " "fly on the wall" here, it appears to me that you have figured out that the real internal "war" in America is a class war, and not a "black versus white" war, in which certain "chess pieces use other "pawns" to their advantage and coerce them into fighting among themselves by using the media to create diversionary "bogeymen" that they believe are more of a danger than the real criminals in this country, prompting them to vote against their own self interests.

This is why I often laugh to myself when I read the rants posted by some of the irrationally angry non- black dimwits here who pour vast amounts of energy into what "the blacks" think, who they vote for, what music they listen to, etc, etc, etc.

Truth be told, it is much less "the blacks" than it is a segment of paranoid white America who keep so called "race pimps" like them in business, because everytime there is a racially charged issue that hits the media, it seems that there is a collective assumption that those two will be showing up. I can't really even recall the last time that those two have even been mentioned at any social gathering or event that i have attended.
Wipe that huge chip off your shoulder and stop your delusional ranting FFS. That's the problem with race pimps.

Lol. Thanks for proving my point. Secondly junior, I don't take orders from you. If looking in the mirror is that painful,put your blinders back on or use your filter.
No order, rather a simple suggestion. Go on being a petulant prick - I really couldn't give a rat''s ass.
Wipe that huge chip off your shoulder and stop your delusional ranting FFS. That's the problem with race pimps.

Lol. Thanks for proving my point. Secondly junior, I don't take orders from you. If looking in the mirror is that painful,put your blinders back on or use your filter.
No order, rather a simple suggestion. Go on being a petulant prick - I really couldn't give a rat''s ass.

Frankly you are one of the most pompous, snot nosed, asses here, so don't address me, because I have no interest in engaging you and your infantile attitude problem.

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