When does race stop being an excuse? when does it stop?

Lol. Thanks for proving my point. Secondly junior, I don't take orders from you. If looking in the mirror is that painful,put your blinders back on or use your filter.
No order, rather a simple suggestion. Go on being a petulant prick - I really couldn't give a rat''s ass.

Frankly you are one of the most pompous, snot nosed, asses here, so don't address me, because I have no interest in engaging you and your infantile attitude problem.
If I am a ""pompous, snot nosed, ass", it is invariably because your obvious limitations cause me to feel superior to you.

It is your fault as well as mine.
He observed Martin. There was nothing even remotely illegal about that. A young punk got all puffed up and arrogant because a "creepy azz cracka" was watching him and decided to teach Mr. Zimmerman a lesson.

Lesson learned. Zimmerman scores an A+ in marksmanship.

Ernie, this is why I have you on ignore. Because, frankly, this kind of racist, gun happy shit has destroyed the Republican Party.

Observing is one thing. Following, chasing, cornering and failing to identify yourself as "not a rapist" is provoking a fight.

Bravo. Excellent assessment. Leaving no room for a counterpunch. Kudos. Tied neatly with a bow.
As the proverbial " "fly on the wall" here, it appears to me that you have figured out that the real internal "war" in America is a class war, and not a "black versus white" war, in which certain "chess pieces use other "pawns" to their advantage and coerce them into fighting among themselves by using the media to create diversionary "bogeymen" that they believe are more of a danger than the real criminals in this country, prompting them to vote against their own self interests.

This is why I often laugh to myself when I read the rants posted by some of the irrationally angry non- black dimwits here who pour vast amounts of energy into what "the blacks" think, who they vote for, what music they listen to, etc, etc, etc.

Truth be told, it is much less "the blacks" than it is a segment of paranoid white America who keep so called "race pimps" like them in business, because everytime there is a racially charged issue that hits the media, it seems that there is a collective assumption that those two will be showing up. I can't really even recall the last time that those two have even been mentioned at any social gathering or event that i have attended.
Wipe that huge chip off your shoulder and stop your delusional ranting FFS. That's the problem with race pimps.

That's telling JRK what you think of this thread ! :clap2:
White males find a way to take care of themselves, they manipulate stock markets or laws. Rich white males, anyway. Those days are ending. Where that is going, is a little scary. I get that from the current environment , Obama or Holden don't emphasize that black males are a larger threat to each other as much as to others, racism or profiling or stand you ground laws are a pale second in comparison.

I agree with the first part of your comments. Black males are no more a threat than white males. The perception that they are is greater. Racism, based on the reaction to President's "Trayvon Martin" speech, is off the chain. Todd Starnes, a Fox News journalist, and supreme Obama hater, posts on his facebook page are proof that the right is rabidly racist, and out of control.
That is your minuscule misguided believe that the verdict was racist. The second TM went inside then came out again to confront GZ, he gave GZ the right to shoot him if TM jumped GZ.

Your racism is pitiful.

And your ignorance is on full display. The word you were going for is "belief"...a noun, not a verb.
TM was a teen....a kid, being stalked by a psychopathic adult, armed with a gun, when he was only supposed to be a neighborhood "watchman".
Let another teen get shot...and watch the backlash. You'll wish you hadn't. Racist POS.

Psychopathic??? Where was that brought into the trial? I would think if they showed him this way, he would have been convicted somehow! And he was stalking him? How many times had Zimmerman followed this kid? Oh....ONE TIME...that's not stalking!

Sorry, but follow, in my mind, is the same as stalking. You don't get to call the shots concerning my perception. I don't do "white privilege"....
And did I stutter? I said "psychopathic". And I meant that.
No order, rather a simple suggestion. Go on being a petulant prick - I really couldn't give a rat''s ass.

Frankly you are one of the most pompous, snot nosed, asses here, so don't address me, because I have no interest in engaging you and your infantile attitude problem.
If I am a ""pompous, snot nosed, ass", it is invariably because your obvious limitations cause me to feel superior to you.

It is your fault as well as mine.

Finally you are right. My "limitations" do in fact prevent me from being an immature, self righteous jerk. If you have a need to seek superiority on a public message board you are just Insecure and neurotic. With that, kick rocks. I have nothing else to say to you.
White males find a way to take care of themselves, they manipulate stock markets or laws. Rich white males, anyway. Those days are ending. Where that is going, is a little scary. I get that from the current environment , Obama or Holden don't emphasize that black males are a larger threat to each other as much as to others, racism or profiling or stand you ground laws are a pale second in comparison.

I agree with the first part of your comments. Black males are no more a threat than white males. The perception that they are is greater. Racism, based on the reaction to President's "Trayvon Martin" speech, is off the chain. Todd Starnes, a Fox News journalist, and supreme Obama hater, posts on his facebook page are proof that the right is rabidly racist, and out of control.

how does his FB page come to represent what the entire right thinks ?
Frankly you are one of the most pompous, snot nosed, asses here, so don't address me, because I have no interest in engaging you and your infantile attitude problem.
If I am a ""pompous, snot nosed, ass", it is invariably because your obvious limitations cause me to feel superior to you.

It is your fault as well as mine.

Finally you are right. My "limitations" do in fact prevent me from being an immature, self righteous jerk. If you have a need to seek superiority on a public message board you are just Insecure and neurotic. With that, kick rocks. I have nothing else to say to you.
I don't need superiority, sometimes it thrust upon me;)
When does it stop?

When institutional racism in this country stops.

When the myth of race itself stops.

People listen to Jackson and Sharpton, because they are right about what they are saying.

Sharpton and Jackson incite violence! They absolutely hate the white's......if you think this isn't the reason they do what they do, then why aren't they fighting to protect blacks against their own? That would cut way down on the number of blacks killed every day!!

Lies and sissy chatter. They no more incite violence than does Fox News (Hannity, O'Reilly, Limbaugh, et al.). And they do not hate whites, having done community service and assistance directly impacting whites.
And please. Like you care about how many blacks are killed. Go peddle your care and concern elsewhere, because no one believes you.
You are a fucking idiot. You are the perfect example of EVERYTHING that is wrong with this country today.


Really? And you're the perfect example of why you're headed toward minority status. You're "old world". This is a multi-cultural world, and no longer dominated by Caucasians. No longer do we have to tolerate "white privilege", or white arrogance. You're days of being in control, and exploiting everything, are over. Get used to it. However you deal with it, do.

You think those pimps and hos, and welfare queen hoochie mammas from the baby mills in the projects are going to step up and run a country. Well, here's a flash. They're not going to.

"Pimps and hos"????? Welfare queen hoochie Mammas???? Really?
Why are you talking about yourself in this context? What do you know about such if you aren't one, or haven't lived that life?
Put down your racism. Put down your stereotyping. Put down your hate, and reflect on your last days, and how they can be constructive instead of destructive.
This message is hidden because poet is on your ignore list.
This message is hidden because poet is on your ignore list.
This message is hidden because poet is on your ignore list.
This message is hidden because poet is on your ignore list.
This message is hidden because poet is on your ignore list.

This is fun! and less maddening.
He observed Martin. There was nothing even remotely illegal about that. A young punk got all puffed up and arrogant because a "creepy azz cracka" was watching him and decided to teach Mr. Zimmerman a lesson.

Lesson learned. Zimmerman scores an A+ in marksmanship.

Ernie, this is why I have you on ignore. Because, frankly, this kind of racist, gun happy shit has destroyed the Republican Party.

Observing is one thing. Following, chasing, cornering and failing to identify yourself as "not a rapist" is provoking a fight.

Only one thing to say here....stfu you brain dead moron.
The total ignorance of people defending tm has reached ridiculous levels.
No longer will I try to be reasonable,because you dumbfucks have made it impossible.

Really? Like you've been reasonable in the past. LOLOLOL You are the one you're describing.
Ernie, this is why I have you on ignore. Because, frankly, this kind of racist, gun happy shit has destroyed the Republican Party.

Observing is one thing. Following, chasing, cornering and failing to identify yourself as "not a rapist" is provoking a fight.

Only one thing to say here....stfu you brain dead moron.
The total ignorance of people defending tm has reached ridiculous levels.
No longer will I try to be reasonable,because you dumbfucks have made it impossible.

Listen, numb nuts, everybody has a right to their say here.

You don't like it? No one cares.

Really? Except me, right? What a hypocrite.
Sharpton and Jackson incite violence! They absolutely hate the white's......if you think this isn't the reason they do what they do, then why aren't they fighting to protect blacks against their own? That would cut way down on the number of blacks killed every day!!

Show us that Sharpton and Jackson hate whites and are not fighting black on black crime, please.

No...you show us where Jackasson and not so Sharpton have done a damn thing about black on black crime.
You cant,because they haven't.
Come on asswipe...where are the marches and protest?
You people can kiss my ass. I've never felt the need to fight back against bullshit like this,but now? Yeah I'm ready to go out of my way now.
So FUCK OFF and bring your BS rally my way and see what the fuck happens!

BS and more BS. Racist Kool aid drinker.
Only one thing to say here....stfu you brain dead moron.
The total ignorance of people defending tm has reached ridiculous levels.
No longer will I try to be reasonable,because you dumbfucks have made it impossible.

Listen, numb nuts, everybody has a right to their say here.

You don't like it? No one cares.

You're one of those who can kiss my ass. Bring your bullshit to my neighborhood and see what happens.
Because I wont back down an inch.

Another internet tough guy.
White males find a way to take care of themselves, they manipulate stock markets or laws. Rich white males, anyway. Those days are ending. Where that is going, is a little scary. I get that from the current environment , Obama or Holden don't emphasize that black males are a larger threat to each other as much as to others, racism or profiling or stand you ground laws are a pale second in comparison.

I agree with the first part of your comments. Black males are no more a threat than white males. The perception that they are is greater. Racism, based on the reaction to President's "Trayvon Martin" speech, is off the chain. Todd Starnes, a Fox News journalist, and supreme Obama hater, posts on his facebook page are proof that the right is rabidly racist, and out of control.

how does his FB page come to represent what the entire right thinks ?

Because of the hundreds, literally, of posts agreeing with his racism and bigotry and hatred for President Obama. Really?
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Here...here is a white man, standing up for black people and his half white son:

"I fear for my country if we white men cannot overcome our silly fear of the future, one where a stacked deck doesn’t give us an unfair advantage. We are Americans goddammit, we don’t fear the future. I will not fear the future. I will embrace it."

Seriously?! Some random and probably demented guy is proof of anything?!

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