When does race stop being an excuse? when does it stop?

Pretty much the way it has always been in the hood.

Too bad you chose not to put my quote in red, but they you are a misogynist. Want me to say it again? Here: Fuck you and the horse you fuck. Poor lame brained, daft, little po It, couldn't think of anything that clever if Zimmerman had a gun on him.

Now you're wishing for my death. Funny how that jives with moderation, but return fire from me doesn't.
I'm not 100 % misogynist....I just have no respect for bitches, whores, or trogs.
What some of them presume is that they are ladies and to be respected.
I mean look at the avatar you chose for yourself: wanton, suggestive, and sexual.
And you think that you are entitled to be respected? You cuss like a sailor. Worse.
I'm sorry but respect is earned...and you're in the negative zone.

You fucking liar. You post ANY quote I have EVER posted wishing for someone's death even yours you feral ape. You will not find it, nor will you find any threats of physical harm or death to any other poster as you have made to me.

"Poor lame brained, daft, little po It, couldn't think of anything that clever if Zimmerman had a gun on him."

Too bad you're not man or woman enough to admit to your lies, or your hypocrisy, and have to rely on the protection of your posse'.

Why would Zimmerman have a gun on me? I don't live in Florida. I don't walk home. I don't eat Skittles. And no one would have any reason to follow me. Oh, yeah, and I don't wear hoodies. I wish you would hurry.
Racism won't stop, without it we'd all be equal and there would be no reason for things like affirmative action. Get used to it, it's not going away.

that has become so sad to me
this great nation will lose its edge over all of this
The overwhelming accusations of racism are excuses for failure.

Anyway, aren't we all happy in post-racial America in the age of Obama?

it is worse now than when he took office
Holder is a angry black man
thats all he is
He is BHO "get even with whity" secret weapon
Racism won't stop, without it we'd all be equal and there would be no reason for things like affirmative action. Get used to it, it's not going away.

that has become so sad to me
this great nation will lose its edge over all of this

You mean over AA? Which group is suffering the white girls who are #1 beneficiaries of AA or the Asians who are #2?
Oh, he is a hissy silly, Sunshine, and an example of why certain Liberals are worthless.
Racism won't stop, without it we'd all be equal and there would be no reason for things like affirmative action. Get used to it, it's not going away.

that has become so sad to me
this great nation will lose its edge over all of this

You mean over AA? Which group is suffering the white girls who are #1 beneficiaries of AA or the Asians who are #2?

Not sure what your talking about
this nation has become weak and we are being bullied into think that there is some sort of un paid debr when it comes to race
We have lost the one thing that made this country great
As a woman, and one who has seen the seedier side of life where women are horribly abused, I often ask myself that. Now this misogynist media, moaning about an 'all female' jury brings the question back. At first, it was 'they're all emotional women, they will convict an innocent man because a child is dead and they are mothers.' Now, it 'they are all women and they just don't think right.' You can stuff it. You are just as prejudiced as anyone, and you are just another black who has outed himself on here.

This is interesting.

I have outed myself as a black? You might just be the most perceptive person I have ever encountered. Absolutely uncanny!

Are you desirous of changing the subject to misogyny? Are you claiming that I ever said word one about the make-up of the Zimmerman jury?

Try to focus.

The comment you made about the poor poor white America (male I added) will we ever see justice?
you have no idea what it is like to really be treated as a REAL minority
If you did you would not make that claim
We should all be treated the same
in the eye of the federal govt we are not
It amazes me that events that took place 160 years, I am paying for today

Hello, dummy.

Am I black? Is your friend there perceptive, or retarded?

By the way......I have been treated as a real minority. I lived for 10 years in Japan. I was denied equal treatment at the companies I worked for, denied entry into a few businesses...and often followed around (profiled) when shopping. Not to mention the fact that doorways were often too low and I hit my fucking head a million times. One day, you will get something right. How about today?
As a woman, and one who has seen the seedier side of life where women are horribly abused, I often ask myself that. Now this misogynist media, moaning about an 'all female' jury brings the question back. At first, it was 'they're all emotional women, they will convict an innocent man because a child is dead and they are mothers.' Now, it 'they are all women and they just don't think right.' You can stuff it. You are just as prejudiced as anyone, and you are just another black who has outed himself on here.

This is interesting.

I have outed myself as a black? You might just be the most perceptive person I have ever encountered. Absolutely uncanny!

Are you desirous of changing the subject to misogyny? Are you claiming that I ever said word one about the make-up of the Zimmerman jury?

Try to focus.

You claimed that whites whine about being oppressed. I just gave you an example of white WOMEN being discounted as fools. Do try to remember what you have posted. Liars have to do that, you know.

Find my lie.

Am I a black man?

What do I have to do with your example of women being discounted as fools?

Of course. I think YOU are a fool. Is that what you want to say?
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Little hissy fits are silly, but you do amuse us when you puff up.

Careful, he will strike you dead, like he did me.

Best thing to do with Jake is put him on ignore
he care nothing but to put down and slander people who knows nothing about

You continue to read me, and respond at times, if you do have me on ignore.

I have never slandered you, only made you face the truth of your miserable self in the mirror of language. You have never been truthful about yourself, so how can you be truthful with others.
that has become so sad to me
this great nation will lose its edge over all of this

You mean over AA? Which group is suffering the white girls who are #1 beneficiaries of AA or the Asians who are #2?

Not sure what your talking about
this nation has become weak and we are being bullied into think that there is some sort of un paid debr when it comes to race
We have lost the one thing that made this country great

For White Women who are the main beneficiaries of AA or Asians who are the second? Or do you mean only blacks who use AA?
This is interesting.

I have outed myself as a black? You might just be the most perceptive person I have ever encountered. Absolutely uncanny!

Are you desirous of changing the subject to misogyny? Are you claiming that I ever said word one about the make-up of the Zimmerman jury?

Try to focus.

The comment you made about the poor poor white America (male I added) will we ever see justice?
you have no idea what it is like to really be treated as a REAL minority
If you did you would not make that claim
We should all be treated the same
in the eye of the federal govt we are not
It amazes me that events that took place 160 years, I am paying for today

Hello, dummy.

Am I black? Is your friend there perceptive, or retarded?

By the way......I have been treated as a real minority. I lived for 10 years in Japan. I was denied equal treatment at the companies I worked for, denied entry into a few businesses...and often followed around (profiled) when shopping. Not to mention the fact that doorways were often too low and I hit my fucking head a million times. One day, you will get something right. How about today?

you should be here reading that post from my chair
it makes no sense
I had cancer in my lymph knodes
radiation made all of my teeth fall-out
I have a heavy southern accent
And you think I now nothing about real minority?
Little hissy fits are silly, but you do amuse us when you puff up.

Careful, he will strike you dead, like he did me.

Best thing to do with Jake is put him on ignore
he care nothing but to put down and slander people who knows nothing about

Thank you, thank you, thank you. A disgruntled drag queen that can't get a man and can't pass as a woman. He actually lumped me and Ernie S. (another drag queen) in the same boat, when he is closer to that girl and Sunshine than I could possibly be.
poet and Ernie S., both drag queens, are running around here making us all laugh. :lol:

Is JRK a drag queen, too?
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