When does race stop being an excuse? when does it stop?

All that is understood. The problem with the stand your ground law is that Zimmerman KNEW and studied that law a lot. He knew that if he felt in danger he can shoot someone in self defense.

Here's the problem conservatives like to ignore: This isn't about "you cant defend yourself" which is why that is a popular talking point. Bumper sticker sized. Short.

The problem is someone like GZ can walk around with a gun. Pick a fight with someone and when on the losing end of that fight shoots them. That's the problem. Zimmerman was big and bad with the gun on his hip because if anyone he confronts gets the best of him he'll just start killing.

That is the flaw in that law.

So anyone who knows the law has no right to its protection? And FYI SYG was not part of the Zimmerman trial. The defense's sole defense was self defense.

Do you have a point or just trolling?
Her "point" was to effectively blow your "point" out of the water.

Besides. George Zimmerman didn't "pick a fight" Trayvon Martin illegally assaulted him. Zimmerman did, however, very effectively legally END the fight.
Why can't some (most?) black
Americans admit that a
significant portion of their
own race is composed of
dysfunctional individuals?
First one has to admit
the existence of a problem, before
the problem can be fixed, right?
Instead, the impression I have
always gotten is that most blacks
feel that other members of the
black race can do no wrong, while
members of the white race can
do no right.
In 503 Days Between Trayvon Shooting and Zimmerman Verdict, 10,865 Blacks Murdered by OTHER BLACKS

July 17, 2013
UPDATE: In 503 Days Between Trayvon Shooting and Zimmerman Verdict, 10,865 Blacks Murdered by OTHER BLACKS | Independent Journal Review

To be exact, the shameful truth is that 93% of African-American murders are committed by other African-Americans. That is breathtakingly awful when you consider how incensed the African-American community is about the Trayvon tragedy, no matter what you believe about Zimmerman’s guilt.

Let’s do the gruesome math, not out of morbidity, but because it manifests the incredible self-centered insanity of people like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton.

8,000-9,000 African-Americans are murdered each year.

93% of them by other African-Americans.

That’s 7,905 (from average)

That’s 21.65 murdered each day by other African-Americans.

And these racebaiting culture-hustling microphone-pimps only get riled up when a “White Hispanic” kills an African-American? It’s absolutely shameful.

To update, in the 513 days between Trayvon dying, and the Zimmerman verdict, 11,106 African Americans have been murdered by other African-Americans.
Chris Mathews just apologized to Blacks on behalf of all white people....

It's time somebody did.

You blacks kill whites at twice the rate of the other way around in yet we're the ones apologizing? LOL You're the fucking idiots that need to stop your sons from blowing each other at a mind blowing level...>49% of all murders, black on black is 93% of that. This is ok with you. :eusa_hand:

You people won't be happy until killers and rapist can walk our streets freely.


I don't think any blacks who post here have personally murdered anyone, and you are sure not personally apologizing for anything.

Stereotype much?
It's time somebody did.

You blacks kill whites at twice the rate of the other way around in yet we're the ones apologizing? LOL You're the fucking idiots that need to stop your sons from blowing each other at a mind blowing level...>49% of all murders, black on black is 93% of that. This is ok with you. :eusa_hand:

You people won't be happy until killers and rapist can walk our streets freely.


I don't think any blacks who post here have personally murdered anyone, and you are sure not personally apologizing for anything.

Stereotype much?

I'll be angry until the media and people like Sharpton stop blaming me for the problems of the black community. As long as you're blaming whites for being disadvantaged I'll keep doing what I am doing.
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You blacks kill whites at twice the rate of the other way around in yet we're the ones apologizing? LOL You're the fucking idiots that need to stop your sons from blowing each other at a mind blowing level...>49% of all murders, black on black is 93% of that. This is ok with you. :eusa_hand:

You people won't be happy until killers and rapist can walk our streets freely.


I don't think any blacks who post here have personally murdered anyone, and you are sure not personally apologizing for anything.

Stereotype much?

I'll be angry until the media and people like Sharpton stop blaming me for the problems of the black community. As long as you're blaming whites for being disadvantaged I'll keep doing what I am doing.

So let's make sure we are clear. YOU are being blamed personally for what?
Are you personally in a position of power or authority that influences the lives of others?

Probably not

Or are you based on an accident of birth claiming an alliance with those who are, that happen to be of the same race as you?

Sounds like it.

As for me, I am far from disadvantaged personally, so I blame no one...especially anyone because they happen to be white for anything.

Of course this is a public forum and you are free to "keep doing what you are doing" as you say.

Just out of curiousity, what is it that you "think" you are doing?
Not wanting to be raped makes you a homophobe? Really?

This is where you want to go with this?

Why was Trayvon worried about "being raped"? Just because he was being followed?

Does not wanting to be mugged/murdered while walking through the hood make me racist? Really??

A guy was following him by car and then on foot. He ran and the guy ran after him. he tried to evade and the guy cornered him. He fought back and got shot.

A bully terrorized and murdered a child, and the Right Wing thinks its wonderful he got off on a technicality.
No one escapes karma...not sunshine, not Ernestine, not Jackoff Starkey. Not even poets. Bank on that.
I don't believe in karma. I believe in doing good to other people and letting justice deal with those who don't know better. When someone testifies something in court after swearing to tell the truth, then blathering to a talk show host just the opposite occurred is not only a foolish thing to do, it is indicative of perjury. People who defend a perjurer are on the slippery slope of arrogance.
No one escapes karma...not sunshine, not Ernestine, not Jackoff Starkey. Not even poets. Bank on that.
I don't believe in karma. I believe in doing good to other people and letting justice deal with those who don't know better. When someone testifies something in court after swearing to tell the truth, then blathering to a talk show host just the opposite occurred is not only a foolish thing to do, it is indicative of perjury. People who defend a perjurer are on the slippery slope of arrogance.

There really isn't anything contradictory in her interview and her testimony, except that she was engaging in a lot more speculation about what was going through Trayvon's mind in the interview. (Something she was NOT allowed to do on the stand, lest the lawyers object.)

She testified that Trayvon thought Martin was a "Creepy ass Cracker" stalking him. You guys were all too focused on the word "Cracker" to realize that, hey, maybe this kid had a reasonable fear when being chased down by a larger man.
beachboy, I still read 19th century and early 20th century poetry, particularly Housman and Hardy, and I read Carlyle, Mill, Newman, Dickens, and all of the other great British writers. As well as Chaucer, Keats, Shakespeare, etc.

Why? Because their themes apply to the 21st century in new, brilliant ways. Literate people, who think, and then apply their thinking and learning to common sense in making a living do quite well.

If you are saying such is wasted and lacking for those who don't bind their higher education to common sense, why, yes, you are correct.

BS lies. You're still stuck with Fun with Dick and Jane.

Your puerile commentary on the Board illustrates my final sentence above. So does your twin, Ernie S.
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beachboy, I still read 19th century and early 20th century poetry, particularly Housman and Hardy, and I read Carlyle, Mill, Newman, Dickens, and all of the other great British writers. As well as Chaucer, Keats, Shakespeare, etc.

Why? Because their themes apply to the 21st century in new, brilliant ways. Literate people, who think, and then apply their thinking and learning to common sense in making a living do quite well.

If you are saying such is wasted and lacking for those who don't bind their higher education to common sense, why, yes, you are correct.

And no doubt you use the following hand gestures, when in the middle of dissertations:

The only hand gesture I have ever used for academic work is V for victory when the grades were posted. :lol:
poet and Ernie S., both claiming to be educated, the former a litterateur and musician and the latter a mechanical engineer, demonstrate that being educated by itself still does not give them an understanding of the composition and design of human culture.

Both are wasteful, both irrelevant.
The only person in this country who is not have additional protection from the federal govt is the white male
The only person who has the power of the federal govt to serve "justice" in this country with a Hispanic on black event is Trevon
Poor kid should have just told the man what he was up to
There are no winners in those events yet 3 black on black murders have occured in Chicago sense Sat night

but how many black on white events go without notice?
Black on Black?
Hell vilonce and death is color blind people

When does race not matter?
What will it take to stop this insanity?
and why would any-one listen to Jackson or Sharpton?

It stops when white liberals stop feeling guilty.
Poor, poor, oppressed white Americans. Will our plight ever be properly portrayed in the media? Will we ever have equal rights and justice?

As a woman, and one who has seen the seedier side of life where women are horribly abused, I often ask myself that. Now this misogynist media, moaning about an 'all female' jury brings the question back. At first, it was 'they're all emotional women, they will convict an innocent man because a child is dead and they are mothers.' Now, it 'they are all women and they just don't think right.' You can stuff it. You are just as prejudiced as anyone, and you are just another black who has outed himself on here.
No one escapes karma...not sunshine, not Ernestine, not Jackoff Starkey. Not even poets. Bank on that.
I don't believe in karma. I believe in doing good to other people and letting justice deal with those who don't know better. When someone testifies something in court after swearing to tell the truth, then blathering to a talk show host just the opposite occurred is not only a foolish thing to do, it is indicative of perjury. People who defend a perjurer are on the slippery slope of arrogance.

There really isn't anything contradictory in her interview and her testimony, except that she was engaging in a lot more speculation about what was going through Trayvon's mind in the interview. (Something she was NOT allowed to do on the stand, lest the lawyers object.)

She testified that Trayvon thought Martin was a "Creepy ass Cracker" stalking him. You guys were all too focused on the word "Cracker" to realize that, hey, maybe this kid had a reasonable fear when being chased down by a larger man.

She turned in a handwritten statement claiming she wrote it, then stated she could not read it.
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Poor, poor, oppressed white Americans. Will our plight ever be properly portrayed in the media? Will we ever have equal rights and justice?

As a woman, and one who has seen the seedier side of life where women are horribly abused, I often ask myself that. Now this misogynist media, moaning about an 'all female' jury brings the question back. At first, it was 'they're all emotional women, they will convict an innocent man because a child is dead and they are mothers.' Now, it 'they are all women and they just don't think right.' You can stuff it. You are just as prejudiced as anyone, and you are just another black who has outed himself on here.

This is interesting.

I have outed myself as a black? You might just be the most perceptive person I have ever encountered. Absolutely uncanny!

Are you desirous of changing the subject to misogyny? Are you claiming that I ever said word one about the make-up of the Zimmerman jury?

Try to focus.
Poor, poor, oppressed white Americans. Will our plight ever be properly portrayed in the media? Will we ever have equal rights and justice?

As a woman, and one who has seen the seedier side of life where women are horribly abused, I often ask myself that. Now this misogynist media, moaning about an 'all female' jury brings the question back. At first, it was 'they're all emotional women, they will convict an innocent man because a child is dead and they are mothers.' Now, it 'they are all women and they just don't think right.' You can stuff it. You are just as prejudiced as anyone, and you are just another black who has outed himself on here.

You hit the nail on the head there
the media (free press) is destoring this nation with there lies
Look at the president
what a failure and they just keep on ignoring it

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