When does race stop being an excuse? when does it stop?

Ah, poet, you just posted your own karma, kiddo.

Most of us truly here believe in it, and you, foolish boy, should as well.
That's you and your emotional twin, Ernie S., looking in the mirror, poetless.

Girl, if you think folks aren't laughing at you, and your histrionics, you're crazier than I imagined you were. You don't run nothing. Sitting in front of your screen, looking at porn, and jacking that 2 inch semblance of a dick, "off". Or is it a clitoris?

You are projecting your own little hissy fits, honey.

Honey? I have a honey...the same one for the past 10 years. I don't do racist white drag queens. You're SOL.
Ah, poet, you just posted your own karma, kiddo.

Most of us truly here believe in it, and you, foolish boy, should as well.

No one is above it...not even me. But you don't believe you're subject. White privilege prevents you. It's a house of cards, built on sand.
Well, I'm afixin' to go upstairs and enjoy me some of that there white privilege - watching the TV I worked to buy, sitting on the Vera Wang mattress I also worked to buy, and do a little stitching on my new Christmas tablecloth. Did I work to buy that? Yup. Sure did. White privilege! That's it. Ahhhhhh, nothng like it~! Course, I'll keep the gun my late hubby worked to buy handy just in case someone decides they are more entitled to my white privilege and the things I worked to buy than I am.

For those of you who don't know the po It, his words are below.






Yep tha's not all he said either. But tha's what's left. Can't imagine why anyone wouldn't like him, can ya? Bwahhhhhh haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa!
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Well, I'm afixin' to go upstairs and enjoy me some of that there white privilege - watching the TV I worked to buy, sitting on the Vera Wang mattress I also worked to buy, and do a little stitching on my new Christmas tablecloth. Did I work to buy that, yup. Sure did. White privilege! That's it. Course, I'll keep the gun my late hubby worked to buy handy just in case someone decides they are more entitled to my white privilege and the things I worked to buy more than I am.

And I'm going to appropriate some of that white privilege and go into my recording studio, that I worked to buy, and work on music, about delusional people with psychoses.
And after that, I'm going to watch a Netflix movie, "the Impossible" about white people "flailing in the midst of a tsunami", and seeing how they do. No doubt a laugh a minute. And then I'm going to have a cocktail of 1800 Reposado Tequila, that a black friend with money bought for me, for helping with his website, and I'll think of you...hopefully, "in pain".
If I did not know better, I would think that the USMB nutters are just a wee bit sensitive about how they are perceived when it comes to their outlook regarding race.
And I'm going to appropriate some of that white privilege and go into my recording studio, that I worked to buy, and work on music, about delusional people with psychoses.
Yep, a self expose of himself, notapoet and nota musician
And after that, I'm going to watch a Netflix movie, "the Impossible" about white people "flailing in the midst of a tsunami", and seeing how they do. .
Undoubtedly a take off on Katrina and Sendai. .
And then I'm going to have a cocktail of 1800 Reposado Tequila, that a black friend with money bought for me
and this is the true soul of our little lost buddy

drink away
The only person in this country who is not have additional protection from the federal govt is the white male
The only person who has the power of the federal govt to serve "justice" in this country with a Hispanic on black event is Trevon
Poor kid should have just told the man what he was up to
There are no winners in those events yet 3 black on black murders have occured in Chicago sense Sat night

but how many black on white events go without notice?
Black on Black?
Hell vilonce and death is color blind people

When does race not matter?
What will it take to stop this insanity?
and why would any-one listen to Jackson or Sharpton?

First, let me thank you for creating this thread. As a white male, I am tired of feeling like I should apologize for being white. Frankly, I am developing an attitude of screw them all (please see my signature).

Realistically there are a couple groups the United States has made promises to that we have not fulfilled.

We refused entrance to the United States before WWII to Jews trying to escape from Hitler. This goes totally against our philosophy of government. Jews are smart, they learned from the experience and are one of the most powerful voting blocks in our nation. What they lack in numbers they make up for in political dollars. Jews are well represented in both parties, so I doubt this would ever happen again.

Native Americans received all kinds of treaties, and we broke about all of them. But, it was not always the Americans. The Lakotas pulled a few dirty deals of their own, and there were others. The United States has implemented health care, education and welfare programs to provide security to Native Americans. Call it luck or planning, their casinos have provided a multi-billion dollar source of income, and they have been able to assimilate to American life, while maintaining their cultural ways. My Native American insurance agent told me the other day, we should take away the welfare because, "Native American children are getting as lazy as the white kids." He wants more stamina in their young.

Now African Americans are a unique situation. No one likes to talk about the real problem for them. We all remember the historic promise after the Civil War to slaves of "Forty acres and a mule" ~ Never happened. Slavery broke up families, and did not teach their men how to be heads of household. Now, at this late date we are doing something about it. It is not enough, but charter schools like Chicago prep are preparing black men for college from the ghettos. 250 talented black men work from 8am to 7pm six days a week to assure their entrance into college. Programs like this are expanding across the nation. Urban Prep Academies

Frankly, that is where I cut it off. These are the people we Americans owe opportunity, (not a living). Every other minority group who comes to the United States wants some special treatment. We did not promise them anything, and with the exception of the Chinese, they did not build this country. We keep the promises we have made over our history first. I have little concern about freeloaders.

Now as to whites. In middle and high school, I woke up every Saturday, washed both my parents cars, mowed their lawn, and then went out an mowed the neighbors for spending money. Young people are running around like college is their ticket for the good life. Wrong, half of them never get careers. And many waste their time with courses like, basket weaving, 19th century poetry, art history, or design.........

I had a high school student tell me the other day that he wanted to get a degree in web site design! This is something anyone can learn in a week! Now there is your next counter man at Arbys.

If you are not learning the tough stuff like Accounting, Management, or Finance your income is not going up, and like it or not, the purpose of going to college is to make money, and the more the better! If you miss that, you deserve to be working at Arbys. Someday you can be a manager, and a high income expectation somedayof $45,000 a year! Arby's Salaries | Glassdoor

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beachboy, I still read 19th century and early 20th century poetry, particularly Housman and Hardy, and I read Carlyle, Mill, Newman, Dickens, and all of the other great British writers. As well as Chaucer, Keats, Shakespeare, etc.

Why? Because their themes apply to the 21st century in new, brilliant ways. Literate people, who think, and then apply their thinking and learning to common sense in making a living do quite well.

If you are saying such is wasted and lacking for those who don't bind their higher education to common sense, why, yes, you are correct.
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race will never stop being an excuse for black people I'm afraid...I'm sad to say that.

not when you have people like, Sharpton, Jessie Jackson, the Obama's, the NAACP, etc etc

dont forget MLK, Malcolm X, Marcus Garvey etc
beachboy, I still read 19th century and early 20th century poetry, particularly Housman and Hardy, and I read Carlyle, Mill, Newman, Dickens, and all of the other great British writers. As well as Chaucer, Keats, Shakespeare, etc.

Why? Because their themes apply to the 21st century in new, brilliant ways. Literate people, who think, and then apply their thinking and learning to common sense in making a living do quite well.

If you are saying such is wasted and lacking for those who don't bind their higher education to common sense, why, yes, you are correct.

BS lies. You're still stuck with Fun with Dick and Jane.
beachboy, I still read 19th century and early 20th century poetry, particularly Housman and Hardy, and I read Carlyle, Mill, Newman, Dickens, and all of the other great British writers. As well as Chaucer, Keats, Shakespeare, etc.

Why? Because their themes apply to the 21st century in new, brilliant ways. Literate people, who think, and then apply their thinking and learning to common sense in making a living do quite well.

If you are saying such is wasted and lacking for those who don't bind their higher education to common sense, why, yes, you are correct.

And no doubt you use the following hand gestures, when in the middle of dissertations:
Can't believe I found something that was so "you". LOLOL
Chris Mathews just apologized to Blacks on behalf of all white people....

It's time somebody did.

You blacks kill whites at twice the rate of the other way around in yet we're the ones apologizing? LOL You're the fucking idiots that need to stop your sons from blowing each other at a mind blowing level...>49% of all murders, black on black is 93% of that. This is ok with you. :eusa_hand:

You people won't be happy until killers and rapist can walk our streets freely.

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