When does this become an actual true fight?

Leftists FORCE Facebook and Twitter to remove ANYONE who does not adhere to the Leftist Fascist Political Correctness.

Oh quit with the dramatic bull shit. Pretty much my whole family are die hard Trumpers, hell my mother thinks that Obama was the anti-Christ and they are all on FB and have never had a single post removed.

Conservatives are being removed from Facebook and Twitter after organised Leftist Bedwetters flag comments, this is been happening for some time of course you being a Leftist would insist NONE of this is happening.

Oh bull fucking shit. It is not happening and you are far to the left of me so you are wrong on both counts.

Fucking drama queens

"and you are far to the left of me so"

I am one of the most Right-Wing members of this forum, also myself and EVERYONE else on the Right of this forum have NEVER seen you post ANYTHING that is EVEN 10% Conservative nevermind Right-Wing, so go and occupy yourself with your Play Doh and fuck off already Leftist Troll Boi.

you are a Trump ass licker, that alone means you are not a Conservative

Go away and welcome to Ignore Leftist Unhinged Troll Boi, I don't waste my time responding to delusional maniacs.
The war is already lost. They have invaded our education system and hijacked our children. From the first day the children walk through school doors to the day they walk out of our universities, they are being brain washed. When enough of them are old enough to vote, they will run to turn us over to the UN.
The end is happening exactly the way the Bible said it would...

What part of the bible does it say all this?
The war is already lost. They have invaded our education system and hijacked our children. From the first day the children walk through school doors to the day they walk out of our universities, they are being brain washed. When enough of them are old enough to vote, they will run to turn us over to the UN.
The end is happening exactly the way the Bible said it would...

What part of the bible does it say all this? I'd ask mike pence but he's not returning my calls.

She's referring to End Times
That is what this is gonna take. We get that, right? I am just wondering when this will happen. We should fully understand these miserable parasites are not going to all of sudden change. They are more determined than ever.

The day we understand that every single democrat is an absolute domestic enemy, determined to bring down this country and acquire absolute power, will be the day you understand what I am saying.

The entire party is guilty of high treason. Along with the press, soros, on and on. Fully deserving of the firing squad.

How many of you get this?
When ICE has removed every last illegal from our soil and these pos Liberals have to start mowing lawns and doing dishes.

ALL Leftists should be FORCED to clean toilets and ALSO be FORCED to drink the toilet water :smoke:

I'm not a Leftist, but I'm definitely thinking of voting Democrat, just to stop the menace Neocons like Bolton on a short-leash.

Why? It's simple Republicans do nothing as the solution to all problems, but except when it comes to Zionism, then they go into feral Chimp out mode for Israel, even to the point of inititating a potential WW3 scenario.

Truth be told, there's still sh(t loads of Mexican Illegals, Muslim refugees, Jewish media / Hollywood Liberals, and Black thugs all across the U.S.A.

Don't get me started on how Republicans totally have caved in by appeasing the Abortionists for the past 60, or so years on Roe vs Wade.
You are a fucking liar and a flaming liberal. You know what they call people like you?

How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job
#10) Sociopaths are delusional and literally believe that what they say becomes truth merely because they say it!

Republicans are Liberals, heck so much so that Republican Reagan was the first President to champion, and promote illegal immigrants from Mexico,
how W. Bush the Republican had the highest number of Illegal Immigrants enter the nation under his term.

Even with Trump in general it's a bunch of hot air, and mouthing off.

Anyone who doesn't live in a isolated White filled trailer park of Appalachia, or the Mid-West, or Rockies, KNOWS there's still sh(t loads of illegal Mexicans here, and Muslim refugees here too.

Trump's done next to nothing, EXCEPT attack our allies, and cozy up with dictators like Kim, or Putin.

Therefor I don't put my trust in Trump.
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That is what this is gonna take. We get that, right? I am just wondering when this will happen. We should fully understand these miserable parasites are not going to all of sudden change. They are more determined than ever.

The day we understand that every single democrat is an absolute domestic enemy, determined to bring down this country and acquire absolute power, will be the day you understand what I am saying.

The entire party is guilty of high treason. Along with the press, soros, on and on. Fully deserving of the firing squad.

How many of you get this?
When ICE has removed every last illegal from our soil and these pos Liberals have to start mowing lawns and doing dishes.

ALL Leftists should be FORCED to clean toilets and ALSO be FORCED to drink the toilet water :smoke:

I'm not a Leftist, but I'm definitely thinking of voting Democrat, just to stop the menace Neocons like Bolton on a short-leash.

Why? It's simple Republicans do nothing as the solution to all problems, but except when it comes to Zionism, then they go into feral Chimp out mode for Israel, even to the point of inititating a potential WW3 scenario.

Truth be told, there's still sh(t loads of Mexican Illegals, Muslim refugees, Jewish media / Hollywood Liberals, and Black thugs all across the U.S.A.

Don't get me started on how Republicans totally have caved in by appeasing the Abortionists for the past 60, or so years on Roe vs Wade.
You are a fucking liar and a flaming liberal. You know what they call people like you?

How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job
#10) Sociopaths are delusional and literally believe that what they say becomes truth merely because they say it!

LMFAO, No I'm not a Liberal at all, I'm a Fascist, and no I'm not a Sociopath, nor a Liar, either.

Even though I'm a Fascist, I still support qualified, and sensible leaders, something Trump is not, and will not be.

Would you like me to outline why I don't like Trump?

A.) He's pushing Poland to pay Jews compensations.

B.) He didn't pay Polish illegals who built his Trump tower, even minimum wages.

As a Polish American, those two are appalling to me.

C.) Trump University is a scam.

D.) Trump scammed a charity.

E.) Trump lawyered up to bully people.

F.) Trump said he could shoot people in Times Square, and not lose votes.

G.) Trump praised Chinese Communist government's use of force in Tiananmen square massacre a terrible massacre by Commies.

H.) Trump's admin stinks, a bunch of Neocon war-hawks, including maniac Bolton isolating our allies.

I.) Trump has isolated countries who were long allies of the U.S.A.

J.) Trump's really crude, and rude, certainly no role model.

K.) Trump's increased the deficit.

L.) Trump's a unhinged liar.

M.) Trump's actually deported less Illegal Immigrants than even Obama had.

N.) Trump's manipulative for saying junk like Mexico will pay for the wall.
That is what this is gonna take. We get that, right? I am just wondering when this will happen. We should fully understand these miserable parasites are not going to all of sudden change. They are more determined than ever.

The day we understand that every single democrat is an absolute domestic enemy, determined to bring down this country and acquire absolute power, will be the day you understand what I am saying.

The entire party is guilty of high treason. Along with the press, soros, on and on. Fully deserving of the firing squad.

How many of you get this?
When ICE has removed every last illegal from our soil and these pos Liberals have to start mowing lawns and doing dishes.

ALL Leftists should be FORCED to clean toilets and ALSO be FORCED to drink the toilet water :smoke:

I'm not a Leftist, but I'm definitely thinking of voting Democrat, just to stop the menace Neocons like Bolton on a short-leash.

Why? It's simple Republicans do nothing as the solution to all problems, but except when it comes to Zionism, then they go into feral Chimp out mode for Israel, even to the point of inititating a potential WW3 scenario.

Truth be told, there's still sh(t loads of Mexican Illegals, Muslim refugees, Jewish media / Hollywood Liberals, and Black thugs all across the U.S.A.

Don't get me started on how Republicans totally have caved in by appeasing the Abortionists for the past 60, or so years on Roe vs Wade.
You are a fucking liar and a flaming liberal. You know what they call people like you?

How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job
#10) Sociopaths are delusional and literally believe that what they say becomes truth merely because they say it!

LMFAO, No I'm not a Liberal at all, I'm a Fascist, and no I'm not a Sociopath, nor a Liar, either.

Even though I'm a Fascist, I still support qualified, and sensible leaders, something Trump is not, and will not be.

Would you like me to outline why I don't like Trump?

A.) He's pushing Poland to pay Jews compensations.

B.) He didn't pay Polish illegals who built his Trump tower, even minimum wages.

As a Polish American, those two are appalling to me.

C.) Trump University is a scam.

D.) Trump scammed a charity.

E.) Trump lawyered up to bully people.

F.) Trump said he could shoot people in Times Square, and not lose votes.

G.) Trump praised Chinese Communist government's use of force in Tiananmen square massacre a terrible massacre by Commies.

H.) Trump's admin stinks, a bunch of Neocon war-hawks, including maniac Bolton isolating our allies.

I.) Trump has isolated countries who were long allies of the U.S.A.

J.) Trump's really crude, and rude, certainly no role model.

K.) Trump's increased the deficit.

L.) Trump's a unhinged liar.

M.) Trump's actually deported less Illegal Immigrants than even Obama had.

N.) Trump's manipulative for saying junk like Mexico will pay for the wall.
LMFAO, No I'm not a Liberal at all, I'm a Fascist, and no I'm not a Sociopath, nor a Liar, either.
Last time some people claimed to be fascist, a lot of people died. Do you also want to end up like the popular fascists? Sociopaths are proud to be fascists...

When ICE has removed every last illegal from our soil and these pos Liberals have to start mowing lawns and doing dishes.

ALL Leftists should be FORCED to clean toilets and ALSO be FORCED to drink the toilet water :smoke:

I'm not a Leftist, but I'm definitely thinking of voting Democrat, just to stop the menace Neocons like Bolton on a short-leash.

Why? It's simple Republicans do nothing as the solution to all problems, but except when it comes to Zionism, then they go into feral Chimp out mode for Israel, even to the point of inititating a potential WW3 scenario.

Truth be told, there's still sh(t loads of Mexican Illegals, Muslim refugees, Jewish media / Hollywood Liberals, and Black thugs all across the U.S.A.

Don't get me started on how Republicans totally have caved in by appeasing the Abortionists for the past 60, or so years on Roe vs Wade.
You are a fucking liar and a flaming liberal. You know what they call people like you?

How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job
#10) Sociopaths are delusional and literally believe that what they say becomes truth merely because they say it!

LMFAO, No I'm not a Liberal at all, I'm a Fascist, and no I'm not a Sociopath, nor a Liar, either.

Even though I'm a Fascist, I still support qualified, and sensible leaders, something Trump is not, and will not be.

Would you like me to outline why I don't like Trump?

A.) He's pushing Poland to pay Jews compensations.

B.) He didn't pay Polish illegals who built his Trump tower, even minimum wages.

As a Polish American, those two are appalling to me.

C.) Trump University is a scam.

D.) Trump scammed a charity.

E.) Trump lawyered up to bully people.

F.) Trump said he could shoot people in Times Square, and not lose votes.

G.) Trump praised Chinese Communist government's use of force in Tiananmen square massacre a terrible massacre by Commies.

H.) Trump's admin stinks, a bunch of Neocon war-hawks, including maniac Bolton isolating our allies.

I.) Trump has isolated countries who were long allies of the U.S.A.

J.) Trump's really crude, and rude, certainly no role model.

K.) Trump's increased the deficit.

L.) Trump's a unhinged liar.

M.) Trump's actually deported less Illegal Immigrants than even Obama had.

N.) Trump's manipulative for saying junk like Mexico will pay for the wall.
LMFAO, No I'm not a Liberal at all, I'm a Fascist, and no I'm not a Sociopath, nor a Liar, either.
Last time some people claimed to be fascist, a lot of people died. Do you also want to end up like the popular fascists? Sociopaths are proud to be fascists...


Fascists actually killed a lot less people than Capitalists, or Communists.

Just a made up boogie-man by the Jews, and Liberals in Western society.

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