When Has A U.S. President Saluted An Enemy General?

Trump Saluted a North Korean General, Setting Off a Debate

Mr. Trump quickly raised his own hand and saluted back.

Maj. Gen. Paul Eaton, a retired United States Army general, criticized the gesture in a statement.

“It is wholly inappropriate for the commander in chief of our armed forces to salute the military of our adversary, especially one which is responsible for a regime of terror, murder and unspeakable horror against its own people,” General Eaton said.

Others pointed out that with North and South Korea still technically at war (a formal peace treaty was never signed), it was inappropriate for Mr. Trump to salute the general of an adversary.

Yet,, I have pointed out repeatedly that military personnel salute the officers in other country' militaries the same as they do ours, even when we are at war with them.

No you haven't, you brought up how POWs are to salute equal or higher ranking officers of their captors as per a WWII field manual that relates to POWs only. That in noway fits how a president should salute to rogue state like North Korea.

Actually, all you proved was a single picture with little context.

The General is being a political hack and thus, an idiot for saying something so stupid.

The general, a provable member of the military is called a qualified source. You, an anonymous poster are not.

Wait..is that verification somewhere else on this site? That seems to be the joke of the day.
That's because you are stupid.

I have wasted enough time on you. You are a hopeless sack of shit with the ability to type on a keyboard, and that is the extent of your talents.

We have tried to educate you on numerous topics but you cling to your stupidity like a child holds his "blankie" for security.

I will not reply to your asinine comments anymore on this thread.

Now, go wallow in your stupid. Mommie probably has the tub filled up with it for you to soak your head.
That's why she's primarily ignored on this site.

But you can't stop talking about him. Nor is Rocky able to prove a point.

He doesn't need to prove a point, he just needs to expose you and your failure to *prove points*.

Rocky is the one who stated he knew about military protocol about saluting, when pushed to show that he does he fell well, well short.

I'm sorry you don't understand how this whole prove your point thing works, go troll someone else, you're obviously not here to debate.
there are protocols and courtesies that are part of the president.

White House: Trump Salute of North Korean General Is 'Common Courtesy'

"Former Air Force Lt. Col. Rick Francona told CNN that it was probably a "little awkward" for Trump in that the 1950-53 Korean War ended with an armistice, leaving the U.S. and South Korea still technically at war with North Korea.

However, "not to return a salute would be insulting," Francona said. "I think the president was erring on the side of not causing a cultural incident.""

For starters your link is neutral on the issue and you didn't bother to quote the parts you disagree with. Especially the part about this incident being used in a North Korean propaganda movie.

So to my fellow conservatives, the leftist on here wanted trump to insult the NK Military officer and the Dude he wanted to do a deal with. He simply was gracious and courteous and returned a salute. He did not initiate the salute and it is different. and it is different from bowing to a head of state like obammy did. not even in the same book.

No, not insult, just shake the guys hand like a normal president and not salute our enemies. Doesn't mean you have to be rude, that general didn't look like he expected a salute in return anyway.
this is the perfect damned if you do and damned if you don't. and the left eat this shit up like they are starved.
Trump Saluted a North Korean General, Setting Off a Debate

Mr. Trump quickly raised his own hand and saluted back.

Maj. Gen. Paul Eaton, a retired United States Army general, criticized the gesture in a statement.

“It is wholly inappropriate for the commander in chief of our armed forces to salute the military of our adversary, especially one which is responsible for a regime of terror, murder and unspeakable horror against its own people,” General Eaton said.

Others pointed out that with North and South Korea still technically at war (a formal peace treaty was never signed), it was inappropriate for Mr. Trump to salute the general of an adversary.

Yet,, I have pointed out repeatedly that military personnel salute the officers in other country' militaries the same as they do ours, even when we are at war with them.

No you haven't, you brought up how POWs are to salute equal or higher ranking officers of their captors as per a WWII field manual that relates to POWs only. That in noway fits how a president should salute to rogue state like North Korea.

Actually, all you proved was a single picture with little context.

The General is being a political hack and thus, an idiot for saying something so stupid.

The general, a provable member of the military is called a qualified source. You, an anonymous poster are not.
Who gives a shit? There is something seriously wrong with you morons

Because like the rest of this trip it demonstrates how Trump is just not up to the job. He was advised not to salute, he gave North Korea this summit in the first place which was already a win for NK, they've been wanting something just like this for decades. He told them we would end our 'provocative' war games which is verbiage straight out of the North Korea play book. It's also not just NK that's wants us to stop it's also China and Russia, they don't like us in that part of the world and a huge reason they are even interested in sanctions against North Korea, they want us to leave. Let's also not forget that the Chinese learned of this before the South Koreans did.

What did get? Some vague notion that North Korea will denuclearize, nothing specific, no action, other than the claim that a collapsed test site would be destroyed.

What's the next thing we are going to give up for even a small amount of action on behalf of North Korea?
Trump Saluted a North Korean General, Setting Off a Debate

Mr. Trump quickly raised his own hand and saluted back.

Maj. Gen. Paul Eaton, a retired United States Army general, criticized the gesture in a statement.

“It is wholly inappropriate for the commander in chief of our armed forces to salute the military of our adversary, especially one which is responsible for a regime of terror, murder and unspeakable horror against its own people,” General Eaton said.

Others pointed out that with North and South Korea still technically at war (a formal peace treaty was never signed), it was inappropriate for Mr. Trump to salute the general of an adversary.

Yet,, I have pointed out repeatedly that military personnel salute the officers in other country' militaries the same as they do ours, even when we are at war with them.

No you haven't, you brought up how POWs are to salute equal or higher ranking officers of their captors as per a WWII field manual that relates to POWs only. That in noway fits how a president should salute to rogue state like North Korea.

Actually, all you proved was a single picture with little context.

The General is being a political hack and thus, an idiot for saying something so stupid.

The general, a provable member of the military is called a qualified source. You, an anonymous poster are not.

Wait..is that verification somewhere else on this site? That seems to be the joke of the day.

No idiot, I'm talking about not using yourself as a source.
Trump Saluted a North Korean General, Setting Off a Debate

Mr. Trump quickly raised his own hand and saluted back.

Maj. Gen. Paul Eaton, a retired United States Army general, criticized the gesture in a statement.

“It is wholly inappropriate for the commander in chief of our armed forces to salute the military of our adversary, especially one which is responsible for a regime of terror, murder and unspeakable horror against its own people,” General Eaton said.

Others pointed out that with North and South Korea still technically at war (a formal peace treaty was never signed), it was inappropriate for Mr. Trump to salute the general of an adversary.

Yet,, I have pointed out repeatedly that military personnel salute the officers in other country' militaries the same as they do ours, even when we are at war with them.

No you haven't, you brought up how POWs are to salute equal or higher ranking officers of their captors as per a WWII field manual that relates to POWs only. That in noway fits how a president should salute to rogue state like North Korea.

Actually, all you proved was a single picture with little context.

The General is being a political hack and thus, an idiot for saying something so stupid.

The general, a provable member of the military is called a qualified source. You, an anonymous poster are not.
Who gives a shit? There is something seriously wrong with you morons

Because like the rest of this trip it demonstrates how Trump is just not up to the job. He was advised not to salute, he gave North Korea this summit in the first place which was already a win for NK, they've been wanting something just like this for decades. He told them we would end our 'provocative' war games which is verbiage straight out of the North Korea play book. It's also not just NK that's wants us to stop it's also China and Russia, they don't like us in that part of the world and a huge reason they are even interested in sanctions against North Korea, they want us to leave. Let's also not forget that the Chinese learned of this before the South Koreans did.

What did get? Some vague notion that North Korea will denuclearize, nothing specific, no action, other than the claim that a collapsed test site would be destroyed.

What's the next thing we are going to give up for even a small amount of action on behalf of North Korea?

You're a complete moron. This is just out of control hate and hostility.

Trump derangement syndrome is debilitating you
That's why she's primarily ignored on this site.

But you can't stop talking about him. Nor is Rocky able to prove a point.

He doesn't need to prove a point, he just needs to expose you and your failure to *prove points*.

Rocky is the one who stated he knew about military protocol about saluting, when pushed to show that he does he fell well, well short.

I'm sorry you don't understand how this whole prove your point thing works, go troll someone else, you're obviously not here to debate.
there are protocols and courtesies that are part of the president.

White House: Trump Salute of North Korean General Is 'Common Courtesy'

"Former Air Force Lt. Col. Rick Francona told CNN that it was probably a "little awkward" for Trump in that the 1950-53 Korean War ended with an armistice, leaving the U.S. and South Korea still technically at war with North Korea.

However, "not to return a salute would be insulting," Francona said. "I think the president was erring on the side of not causing a cultural incident.""

For starters your link is neutral on the issue and you didn't bother to quote the parts you disagree with. Especially the part about this incident being used in a North Korean propaganda movie.

So to my fellow conservatives, the leftist on here wanted trump to insult the NK Military officer and the Dude he wanted to do a deal with. He simply was gracious and courteous and returned a salute. He did not initiate the salute and it is different. and it is different from bowing to a head of state like obammy did. not even in the same book.

No, not insult, just shake the guys hand like a normal president and not salute our enemies. Doesn't mean you have to be rude, that general didn't look like he expected a salute in return anyway.
no, the dude saluted first. that would have been an insult. period. I quoted a military officer that agrees. bTW, that isn't any small deal. you'd never know cause you have no respect for military or the president. it's ok, you can stay a schmuck your whole life. no skin off my back. everyone will just see you as a punk.
Trump Saluted a North Korean General, Setting Off a Debate

Mr. Trump quickly raised his own hand and saluted back.

Maj. Gen. Paul Eaton, a retired United States Army general, criticized the gesture in a statement.

“It is wholly inappropriate for the commander in chief of our armed forces to salute the military of our adversary, especially one which is responsible for a regime of terror, murder and unspeakable horror against its own people,” General Eaton said.

Others pointed out that with North and South Korea still technically at war (a formal peace treaty was never signed), it was inappropriate for Mr. Trump to salute the general of an adversary.

Yet,, I have pointed out repeatedly that military personnel salute the officers in other country' militaries the same as they do ours, even when we are at war with them.

No you haven't, you brought up how POWs are to salute equal or higher ranking officers of their captors as per a WWII field manual that relates to POWs only. That in noway fits how a president should salute to rogue state like North Korea.

Actually, all you proved was a single picture with little context.

The General is being a political hack and thus, an idiot for saying something so stupid.

The general, a provable member of the military is called a qualified source. You, an anonymous poster are not.
Who gives a shit? There is something seriously wrong with you morons

Because like the rest of this trip it demonstrates how Trump is just not up to the job. He was advised not to salute, he gave North Korea this summit in the first place which was already a win for NK, they've been wanting something just like this for decades. He told them we would end our 'provocative' war games which is verbiage straight out of the North Korea play book. It's also not just NK that's wants us to stop it's also China and Russia, they don't like us in that part of the world and a huge reason they are even interested in sanctions against North Korea, they want us to leave. Let's also not forget that the Chinese learned of this before the South Koreans did.

What did get? Some vague notion that North Korea will denuclearize, nothing specific, no action, other than the claim that a collapsed test site would be destroyed.

What's the next thing we are going to give up for even a small amount of action on behalf of North Korea?

You're a complete moron. This is just out of control hate and hostility.

Trump derangement syndrome is debilitating you

What have we gotten from North Korea? I mean other than signing a vague piece of paper for a promise they had already broken in the past?
So Trump slaps tariffs on our closest allies, snubs them, bails early on them, and then attacks them via Twitter once he's safely on Air Force One, jets off to see his new BFF Kim Jong Un, a murderous dictator, says we are canceling our military exercises with South Korea (ones that I've taken part in, as well as visiting the DMZ) and if all of that is not bad enough, this moron salutes an enemy General.

This guy is a special kind of stupid.

(What do you think Kim is thinking in this picture? "Holy Shit, the Dotard is even dumber than I thought!")


Next time run an electable candidate cupcake

View attachment 198671

We did. She got 3 million more votes than Trump - in spite of conspiracy theories, fake news, lies, Comey, and Russians.
/——-/ Having the most popular votes in the presidential race is a meaningless statistic. But I understand it’s all you clowns have. Sad and funny.

Like having the most hits and losing the world series.

Like the 1960 Yankees

Yet,, I have pointed out repeatedly that military personnel salute the officers in other country' militaries the same as they do ours, even when we are at war with them.

No you haven't, you brought up how POWs are to salute equal or higher ranking officers of their captors as per a WWII field manual that relates to POWs only. That in noway fits how a president should salute to rogue state like North Korea.

Actually, all you proved was a single picture with little context.

The General is being a political hack and thus, an idiot for saying something so stupid.

The general, a provable member of the military is called a qualified source. You, an anonymous poster are not.
Who gives a shit? There is something seriously wrong with you morons

Because like the rest of this trip it demonstrates how Trump is just not up to the job. He was advised not to salute, he gave North Korea this summit in the first place which was already a win for NK, they've been wanting something just like this for decades. He told them we would end our 'provocative' war games which is verbiage straight out of the North Korea play book. It's also not just NK that's wants us to stop it's also China and Russia, they don't like us in that part of the world and a huge reason they are even interested in sanctions against North Korea, they want us to leave. Let's also not forget that the Chinese learned of this before the South Koreans did.

What did get? Some vague notion that North Korea will denuclearize, nothing specific, no action, other than the claim that a collapsed test site would be destroyed.

What's the next thing we are going to give up for even a small amount of action on behalf of North Korea?

You're a complete moron. This is just out of control hate and hostility.

Trump derangement syndrome is debilitating you

What have we gotten from North Korea? I mean other than signing a vague piece of paper for a promise they had already broken in the past?
Name other treaties that were done in one meeting
So Trump slaps tariffs on our closest allies, snubs them, bails early on them, and then attacks them via Twitter once he's safely on Air Force One, jets off to see his new BFF Kim Jong Un, a murderous dictator, says we are canceling our military exercises with South Korea (ones that I've taken part in, as well as visiting the DMZ) and if all of that is not bad enough, this moron salutes an enemy General.

This guy is a special kind of stupid.

(What do you think Kim is thinking in this picture? "Holy Shit, the Dotard is even dumber than I thought!")


Next time run an electable candidate cupcake

View attachment 198671
There it is. Gotta deflect to Hillary. It’s all you assholes know how to do when desperately trying to defend Trump.

There was an easy way to not have to deal with Trump.
Beat him.

The Hag didn't even with shafting Bernie.

Now man up and deal with it.
So Trump slaps tariffs on our closest allies, snubs them, bails early on them, and then attacks them via Twitter once he's safely on Air Force One, jets off to see his new BFF Kim Jong Un, a murderous dictator, says we are canceling our military exercises with South Korea (ones that I've taken part in, as well as visiting the DMZ) and if all of that is not bad enough, this moron salutes an enemy General.

This guy is a special kind of stupid.

(What do you think Kim is thinking in this picture? "Holy Shit, the Dotard is even dumber than I thought!")


Next time run an electable candidate cupcake

View attachment 198671

We did. She got 3 million more votes than Trump - in spite of conspiracy theories, fake news, lies, Comey, and Russians.

But Trump makes him and his husband cry.
Yet,, I have pointed out repeatedly that military personnel salute the officers in other country' militaries the same as they do ours, even when we are at war with them.

No you haven't, you brought up how POWs are to salute equal or higher ranking officers of their captors as per a WWII field manual that relates to POWs only. That in noway fits how a president should salute to rogue state like North Korea.

Actually, all you proved was a single picture with little context.

The General is being a political hack and thus, an idiot for saying something so stupid.

The general, a provable member of the military is called a qualified source. You, an anonymous poster are not.
Who gives a shit? There is something seriously wrong with you morons

Because like the rest of this trip it demonstrates how Trump is just not up to the job. He was advised not to salute, he gave North Korea this summit in the first place which was already a win for NK, they've been wanting something just like this for decades. He told them we would end our 'provocative' war games which is verbiage straight out of the North Korea play book. It's also not just NK that's wants us to stop it's also China and Russia, they don't like us in that part of the world and a huge reason they are even interested in sanctions against North Korea, they want us to leave. Let's also not forget that the Chinese learned of this before the South Koreans did.

What did get? Some vague notion that North Korea will denuclearize, nothing specific, no action, other than the claim that a collapsed test site would be destroyed.

What's the next thing we are going to give up for even a small amount of action on behalf of North Korea?

You're a complete moron. This is just out of control hate and hostility.

Trump derangement syndrome is debilitating you

What have we gotten from North Korea? I mean other than signing a vague piece of paper for a promise they had already broken in the past?
we will see right? again, you act like we were collecting at the border and they were just gonna hand over the keys. Too funny how fking stupid you fks are.
But you can't stop talking about him. Nor is Rocky able to prove a point.

He doesn't need to prove a point, he just needs to expose you and your failure to *prove points*.

Rocky is the one who stated he knew about military protocol about saluting, when pushed to show that he does he fell well, well short.

I'm sorry you don't understand how this whole prove your point thing works, go troll someone else, you're obviously not here to debate.
there are protocols and courtesies that are part of the president.

White House: Trump Salute of North Korean General Is 'Common Courtesy'

"Former Air Force Lt. Col. Rick Francona told CNN that it was probably a "little awkward" for Trump in that the 1950-53 Korean War ended with an armistice, leaving the U.S. and South Korea still technically at war with North Korea.

However, "not to return a salute would be insulting," Francona said. "I think the president was erring on the side of not causing a cultural incident.""

For starters your link is neutral on the issue and you didn't bother to quote the parts you disagree with. Especially the part about this incident being used in a North Korean propaganda movie.

So to my fellow conservatives, the leftist on here wanted trump to insult the NK Military officer and the Dude he wanted to do a deal with. He simply was gracious and courteous and returned a salute. He did not initiate the salute and it is different. and it is different from bowing to a head of state like obammy did. not even in the same book.

No, not insult, just shake the guys hand like a normal president and not salute our enemies. Doesn't mean you have to be rude, that general didn't look like he expected a salute in return anyway.
no, the dude saluted first. that would have been an insult. period. I quoted a military officer that agrees. bTW, that isn't any small deal. you'd never know cause you have no respect for military or the president. it's ok, you can stay a schmuck your whole life. no skin off my back. everyone will just see you as a punk.

The general saluted, by the time Trump was saluting the general was already holding his hand out for a handshake. You're right, it's not a small deal, when you treat your allies worse than your enemies it sends messages to both.

At this point it's getting close to where we can't depend on our allies and they can't depend on us for much of anything. Whether that be holding sanctions against enemy countries, going to war if need be or even providing additional support such as sharing intelligence. If we keep going down this road and shitting on our democratically elected allies then we're not going to have a choice but to lean closer to the regimes of China, Russia and North Korea.

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